The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-24, Page 14R4�rX: FOURTEEN• THE LUCKNOW .SENTINEL, LUCXNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24th,, 1965 HITECHURCH and. DISTRICT Mrs. Eunice Gillespie xs ::visit Jong' in Sarnia with , Mx, and. Mrs;. . • Jack Gillespie and family.'• Archie, Pardon went to Victoria. Hospital, London,: on • Wednesday and Mrs. *Pardon, and daughter ':,returned home with him. Ladles Attend Final Classes: Oi Thursday • evening the lad ies from our community attended. the ,final classes ;for their course 'in the Wingham and District High School Mrs. George .Fisher's ' class., ...was.:Wing Mrs, Garnet Farrier:, bookkeeping, and: Mrs. H D: ••Mac- Donald and Mrs. Dan Tiffin dress - :making; ress-;making;. '.After 'their class work, all • went to the • auditorium where entertainment . was enjoyed, fol- lowed' by, lunch and viewing of display of rugs, typing, bookeep- r .big, art and sewing., All felt the classes were • a real source. of educationand was:. time .well. spent,` in : the. project chosen;. Mrs. Sarah, Musgrove Was tali-- en by ambulanefrom the home' .'-of her daughter, Mrs: Doris' Wif lis; ' on Tuesday to;, Wingham and District Hospital and Mrs. Ro- bert Ross was admitted there on Wednesday. The relatives, . friends and %community wish' them ' a speedy recovery. . Move ': To -Community Mr.' , and ` Mrs. Albert Lennits,; Joanne .7, Jean 6 . and Henry • 3 "of Cheltenham, started on' Wed nesday to move •their household • articles .. ,w i t h:. Gordon Brooks' truck to the farm recently , own- ed by Omar Brooks, but ' better: known.' ,in the locality as • the form - 'Wesley .:Tiffin" farm. It was so. Stormy is that area that Mr.. and- 1Mrs. Lennits ; and . family were forced' to -spend'• the dayand night in the Hillsburgh .area, ' and • Gor- don Brooks' truck. had , to stopin: _ the : vicinity of Harriston with 'the' result all arrived atthe farm on Thursday: Dawson, Craig .; spent,' Tuesda . , ., Y and „;;;Wednesday, in :, ,London • arid. • visited ,Mrs. Craig, a patient Victoria . Hospital. there Mr. and Mrs..Allan'Coffin, • and: Kirk Cliff Wells and Alex Coin. .•of Kitchener, spent . Saturday with Mrs. Emma .Coffin and John.' Misses Patricia and . Burnatlette King` of : Teeswater • and .. Brian: King of Kitchener, spent f li e week -end with. Mr. and. •Mrs. : Wal- ter. ,Arscott and ` their 'sisters Val- erie . and, Andrea, Ken Patterson • accompanied � b'� : , A d Y .his 'son Scott, arrived " home from Detroit on Saturday : . and :remain ed in Wingham till Monday 'be -fore -coining tohis home. Mr, •and Mrs. Eldon, Emerson of Penetangulshene 4, arrived on Wednesday to visit' . for a• _week with Miss Lila Emerson, Celebrates 82nd Birthday Rev. and Mrs. George Mitchell of ' Bluevale• were Sunday even ing guests: with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Chapman, when they .cel- ebrated Mrs,. Mary Chapman's; • 82nd' birthday. Murray Coultes. of Western. 'Un- iversity, London, , spent the •week- end ' with ' his parents Mr. and. Mrs. Ronald Coultes; Mrs Iugh �1VIacNlillan,� Gregory and -Paid` of Sarnia visited on Sunday 'with Mrand Mrs. Wes ley Tiffin and. Mrs. Myrtle Daw- son. Mr.. and Mrs., James. McInnes returned to their .'home on Mon- day after .a week's stay with Mr; and . Mrs, Orville Hastings and family of Wingham. ` ' Mrs.. Ezra yScholtz visited on Y Monda wh Mr. and. Mrs. Clay- ton Scholtz and' family, Goderich, & with her granddaughter Leasa a patient in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs; Alex 'Butler of Goderich were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs: Orville Tiffin. Word was received here'. by rel- atives enatives . that •'Mrs,: Billie McInnes is a patient in. Walkerton Hospital. with. the flu. I Born InToronto ;W mens. College Hospita.• nSaturday, March March 20th, 1965,10 Mr. and Mrs.' P. a u`1 Groskorth,. ..a daughter, Shaunaf Elaine: Mr. and 'Mrs: Ewood Groskorth spent. the week -end withPaul Groskorth: and with Mrs. Gros- korth in Hospital, also•with her mother ..Mrs..:; . Emma Bagg of 1Vlarklian and, Mr. and • Mrs. Bert Pouter and family.' of 'Weston:. ' . Mrm and : Mrs: Cecil Harrison', .of Mitchell `.visited ; 'last week with Mr. '' and Mrs. Gordon : McBurney and Mr.. : and Mrs. Alex -Robert- son and Robert-son:'and .families and'' other, rela- tives: Dawson •..and. Alex g Crai.:"visited in London, on Sunday at Victoria Hospital . with Mrs. Craig and. re- port eport her condition much improv - Mr. '' and Mrs. Cameron': Sim; mons and. Nancy:. of London spent the week=end ...with her father Charles Martin and ' Mr. and Mrs: Ezra Scholtz` Miss- Judy` • Neable; of Listowel spent ,the; week -end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs: Bill Neable. Visitors on ;Sunday with Mr. and : •Mrs. Roy; Irwin were . Mr and Mrs. : Orland : Irwin, Faye . and Stephen of .: 'Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. . Clare Hopper, Jean, ..Char , IN 10 -INCH AND 12 -INCH .WIDTHS, Ideal For 'Shelvin.- O Wall Shed'thing • GENUINE ARB.ORITE • CANADA'S. FINEST," LONGEST -LASTING SURFACE MATERIAL ' FOR. Kitchen and BathroOn'WdIIs. . Table and Counter Tops and Splashbacls Fresh. :teifliflt In Sfock John W, Henderson Lumber. Ltd PHONE 528-3118 LUCKNOW aliammiimmissimmirnmoia side in Blyth, , , Bantams Deo Wel i , In . Tournament. • . The Lucknow 'Bantams .played in one of the biggest hockey tour- naments Of. The year, the Grey - Bruce -Huron rey-Bruce-Huron. sport • bantam Pol- ice tournament held- in Kincar- dine last Saturday. They first de- feated' • Milverton 8-5 and then went on to win over.- Southamp- ton 11-3,, •�' Lucknow goal scorers' for Luc-, know against Milverton, were Bob Muilin-3 :dim MacKinnon- 2=, Doig= nie ' MacKinnon, 2, -.Bob Humphrey. 1; and against Southampton were Bob Mullin .5, 'Jim MacKinnon 2, Donnie . MacKinnon ;2: Bob Hum- phrey 1, John MacKenzie '•1.. Astime ran out on Saturday the' tourna + t 'continued Men - day .evenini/ w en Lucknow 'went to. ;:Durha Durham defeated Lucknow 5-1 with Bob Humphrey scoring the only goal for Luck - now, This gave Durham the C championship. INDUSTRIAL PLAYOFFS Tuesday, March 16th, saw . ,the first game., ame. of .'We finals ` for the ;., Industrial League Championship. Before this date Lucknow Dist- rict High ';School defeated Silver woods and!.Kintail . had, defeated Holyrood, both •. 'in two straight games. ,The' first gamebetween. the High :School '. and . Kintail re- sulted ; in a.15-3 win for the High School boys won • havebeen rid- ing `.high in, the league for all of. the ,seasop. Jack Henderson and Toby ., , Greer, referees, handed out 10 penalties: • PEEWEE PLAYOFFS ... Saturday,2 March 7th marks the' opening day, for the :;playoffs for the: Lucknow ?House , League. The . first place team, Hamilton's. Fuels, . goes up 'against; third 'place Schmid's and Ashton's; while.. 2nd place 'Chisholm's Esso takes on fourth' place,. Hall's :Red: & :White.; •. ' Played Exhibition Game' On . Monday night - of this week Lucknow PeeWees played host •.to the Teeswater. team in ,an• exhi= bition game. The. score resulted in a tie 8-8: ,Jack Henderson re- f ereed , this , game.. Scheduled ;Doubleheader Kincardine. Squirts and PeeWees will `be in Lucknow on Monday, March ..29th to play, the` Lucknow Squirts and PeeWees, The Squirt game is scheduled for 7:00 o'clock with the PeeWee game to :follow:, DEFEAT. MAPLE PEEWEES Lucknow PeeWees carie 'up with an impressive win in an. exhibi- tion hockey game here last, Sat- urday night. against a 'team from Maple iri' suburban' Toronto. , Lucknow • wonthe game 7-3. The boys and, some 'parents , Were billeted overnight. at the homes of ;PeeWee parents; and friends. lie,Ewe and Kenneth of Wing- ham; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fin-. lay, Brenda and. 'Beven, Mr. arid Mrs, Bert , Hastings and Murray of Morris township: Tom O'Malley' returned; , from Sarnia 'last Week .and is making.. preparations . to move their house-' hold • belongings. • Mr. and Mrs., Carman Whytock and Jackie visited on :'Sunday. 'With `Mr. and • Mrs. ,Everett Park- er and family of Holyrood. Born In. Northwestern Gen- eral Hospital on Saturday,,• March 13th, 1965, to Mr. and %Mil., Ken- neth Coultes of Willowdale, a ,daughter, Judith Madine.• , ' Duane Currie, son of Mr. and Mrs. John L.' 'Currie, is ' laid up with the measles. We wish hirci a speedy recovery. • Jim Ross of . Wallaceburg spent the week -end with, his • -parents Mr. and Mrs.Russel Ross. Misses Anne' and Donna Rintoul of Kitchener spent the week -end :with , their parents Mr. and Mrs. 13111 Rintoul. ; Mr. and Mrs, Bill Rintoul, Anne, Donna; Sharon • and Doris Rintoul spent Sunday with Mr.' and ,Mrs. Mack Cardiff, Brusy' sels, where •they celebrated lier father, George Caldwell's birth- day, Mr'. and Mrs. Caldwell re, • r 4 u, Naa uIIuuaalouIIn an suIi■!uIII a i IRIiuIiuIIasi. • It •!' ■ 0 •,0.' i! • i ■., ■ pit • ■' MARY:. LOWS :Y LOUNGEBEAUT1'• .r MRS. GERRY: • PRIESTAP,, „PROPRIETOR • :.;` E * •.E. In her: home, Havelock ' Street North, formerly occupied by . Rae,. Gannon. m. ,�. * * • U : nd Se MARCH 25th TO. APRIL 7th' .s THREE YEARS EXPE IENCE •�: i CALL 528.3514 FOR APPOINTMENT . • • •■ .i' WE WILL APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE. (hoose,Successor•. '., To J.MacCharles .`' -�. The first.m la eetxnrthe Huron of Township Agricultural Society for the current season was held in. the Ripley District' 'High' School: In attendance .:were Mrs: Gordon •Stanley, Mrs. Norval'.' Stewart; Mrs: Ewan MacLean of '.Lochalsh, , Mrs. Ernie 'Thompson', and Mrs. Morris Reid of Pine River, : Fred Brooks, Hugh: Mason, .Jilt" Brooks, Gordon.'`Patterson, ..`,Tommy : Far- rell,: Francis Boyle,':: Wallace Pol- Mock, John. C. MacDonald' and;. Ab' Wylds;: • A period of • silence. ' in tribute to the ;late '.John MacCharles was observed and a re -appointment of the top' executive of the society was made due to • the passing. of its newly elected president. The new ,president is John C. Mac- :Donald with ' Jim Brooks : of. the 12th concession and Fred Brooks of the 8thconcession of ,Huron first and second vice-presidents. respectively. Another result of 'the meeting will be the, Agricultural Society. sponsoring its 'first dance for the. year on Friday evening,' May 21 in the ;Huron.:township' hall with Glen Boyd's orchestra, Also ;on. this same Friday' evening the: Huron • Township. Agricultural'' So- ciety and: the Ripley and District. Horticultural . Society are • jointly' sponsoring .the .Dominion Life Choir of ' Waterloo in 'the..RiP .le Y District High School auditorium. In, ,addition to the -present three 4-H ' Clubs (beef, :grain and dairy) Gordon Pattersonoffered to bez. a : leader: for a swine club .this,•. summer.' 'Stewart Aitken was ad- ded to the associate directorlist and will be a member • of the ,committee in c harge'' of horses: at. ' the fair next: September 25 once again the last Saturday in September. The .midway ::• has al-' 'ready : assured the directors that. it, will, not ,miss Ripley fair this year.. ' HE'S MIXED UP ALLAN many P :s orts minded peopla in :the: circulation area of the O Sentinel have been keeping us posted on the comments ,by sports writers on the play of Paul Henderson . in National Hockey 'League circles. Most- recent clipping came : from • Al= lap Miller ' of Toronto (form- , f orm- .: erly of Langside) who, sends. along a clipping from. the To ronto Globe .:where Allan is " a compositor. ,Sportswriter. Dick Beddoes quotes Detroit 'coach Sid : Abel -as referring to Paul as . a candidate :in .the ..next generation. of NHL . greats. One thing Allan!. Inform .. your. columnist Mr. Beddoes that Paul :' Henderson '• is not' from "Kincardine ,as •mention- ed, but is, a product of . the Sepoy., Town minor - hockey cir- cles. Kincardine can,, 'howev- er, take '.credit for having. the 'hospital facilities that aided, in. the birth .of . the 'promising NHL •playa';.. But that's where it ends so` ..far as : Kincardine is concerned: e :Rabies Clinic Residents. of the Township of Kinloss are urged to take their dogs . to Free Rabies Clinics sponsored by . the Canada Department ` of Agriculture in go- operation with' 1he Bruce County Council: • ARA CLINIC DATES: HOLYROOD TOWNSHIP `.HALL, MARCH' 31st, 10 a.m. TO, 12 ,;NOON 'TEESWATER. MUNICIPAL SHED, MARCH .31st, 2:30 TO 5 00 RIPLEY FIRE HALL, MARCH 30th, 1 p.m. TO 4: pan. KINCARDINE FIRE HALL, MARCH 29th, 3.p:m. TO 7 'p m. x '011y with your co-operation can theserious threat of. Rabies in Bruce be wiped out. NOT10E Re ...Brli,ce Count. • y jabies Clinic • . LUC•KNOW MUNICIPAL COUNCIL URGE ALL DOG OWNERS IN. THE VILLAGE TO: 'TAKE •THEIR ANIMALS TO'' THE •FREE RABIES CLINIC '1'O BE' HELD IN HOLY- ROOD TOWNSHIP HALL, ON, MARCH 31st FROM 10 a.m.• TO '12 NOON. • In view of ,'the fact that a Huron County cliriaic was re- : cently held 'in the village, no clinic will be ";held • here ':at this time. Any who missedthe village clinic. previously ,are Urged ' :to attend the Holyrood clinic.. -� T he serious threat of Rabies in• Bruce makes it immpor- taut that all dogs be vaccinated: LUCKNOW MUNICIPAL. COUNCIL 04