The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-24, Page 12IPAGO T voLv •at THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUC. A . KNoW, ONTARIO WED NESDAY, MARCH 24th; 196$ SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley Cr; IT'S: TEACHER'S CHOICE' Rather an interestingtime to bo a. teacher, the: spring. Even before the ,Snow has completely • . gone, 'school boards and :princi- pals are flipping over ''.:logs and. stones;* in t'he .forlorn ,hope of ' finding a. • teacher under .one of ,, •ithhem.: • There are three. •.:reeasons f o r the frantic spring scramble. The -first two are deaths ' and retire units. The third, and major cs use, for the panic is the popu • •i tion explosion. Classrooms are /multiplying with, the: rapidity. of ,rabbits. Everyone of these classrooms is full 'of kids. "And the kids, like baby robins, expect to have something : stuffed into . them. • Therefore, according' • 'to tradi- .tion, there must be a, body, how- ever, little . it resembles: a Mom- ma Robin, . standing • up' there.. in front of ;.the class, stiffing.' some- thing . - pebbles, or pearls,.. or even worms ' into the gaping maws It is jtle time of year' that has principals, `grinning wildly at . old • teachers, pouring . on" the : charm with • potential new ones, 'snap- ping at .their; own _wives and' biff- ing their own .children _ about the ears,- ''because . they've heard ' by, the snake -vine — that's the :vine that runs from 'the staffroom to, the bridge -club to the Saturday night . darty to the after -church. coffee : - that they're losing half their staff. It is ;the. time of `year that has school .board members deciding to :take a holiday in Jamaiba, or if. 'they. can't .'.afford it,' . going to Sed • with the 'flu.. ' On the ' one band are the . taxpayers, shout- ing thatschool' taxes. are .away out- of hand. And onthe other` hand are other .tax payers; .. de- claring that the board :must hire' the best possible teachers And in between are the teach- ers, -with . 10,000jobs open 'to:' them, every ' one, at first'glance, Successfully Wf"I�t From years and. years of . expert • ience with , seeds,. and .nothing but seeds - '•. Jonea, MacNaughton,. Western,- Ontario's ' leading' seed, specialists, have discovered which strains are ;znost suitable' to the soils and , climate 'of • this area. And :this :experience .IS your ' guar- antee that all Jones, " MacNaugh ton seeds. will give complete sat- isfaction --true to . variety 'and high. h ermnatio g in germination. You benefit in another important way, too, when' you buy Jones, MacNaughton .seeds * you get. • • far better value for your money. Because of Jones, MacNaughton's specialized knowledge ' of 'where and when' to buy, they are able • to offer you substantial • savings onour. y farm seed requirements, � GET THE COMPLETE' LISTk FROM YOUR LOCAL DEALER' OR MacNaughton' _Se.eds.'6 'EXETER -PHONE 235.11363. CREDITON•-- PHONE 234.6363' • better than their present, one, Last • weekend T wase in the city, and out of sheer curiosity • it says here, dropped an at the ho tel which is ' the 'ce;ntre• of teach- er-hiring for the coming year. It, was interesting. My first impression was 'that • the whole thing • was, beings run by one of,the • metropolitan news-. papers.. This enterprising sheet, iri, an effort to crack .the mono- poly on the fat, luscious acreage of. 'teacher -advertising • held • .by another:' newspaper,0 had hired half the : ground. floor, ..• and was passing • out free papers, :free• coffee, free interview -arranging '(whatever 'that is). The .only: thing .missing was, free, teachers. Picture an, old-fashioned., slave market. New Orleans, 1855:. O.K.? ; Now, ' picture' a slave market nn Which. 'every, slave 'haS. the latest' market report on slave=prices: tucked under ' his• ..left arm, in, which ' every..: slave has ten pot- ential buyers, ' in. which, every slave is free to • choose:.•• his , new boss .had go, back to Ole Massa: I •had . 'an overwhelYring:.. im- pulse to jump •up on one' of the upholstered. chairs and : cry:. ;out, "One ' . English specialist, spirit broken; ' but sound of .. wind, .. limb and ,grammar. 'How... much` 'am' 'I offered?"' • Fortunately . for . my 'profession- al status; at, that moment, simult- aneously, the -bar `;next': door open- ed, .and. my . wife grabbed me by the arm..She'd seen that look in my eye:, I would like to state that I : was,, Admitted to; the bar -and began a long and successful career as :.a lawyer.. But. my curiosity.~ .held me for another five '.minutes,.; to see what was being offered. It was fascinating. ' Salaries. were almost' standard, . across the board: But those fringe ben •efits ...:wow! Cityschools sang.. culture; ` ' mu- seum, art galleries, theatres,• op- era. Rural schools heralded hunt - Irv, . fishing, leisurely 'living. .. And' both signed : people up,: on. these, grounds, The birdsWho si ed for the city, schools •will , spend all. „ their weedends, ;: and. most - of their. money, : going to the .country for swiniming, fishing, skiing.. .And, the types who. head. for the • coup try,wilt spend .most of their week- ends, and 'money, tearing to, town for the`. shows,. the ballet, . 'the bright lights.,• As I ' said, ' it ' an interesting time to be a:; teacher. ' LETTER RECEIVED '.FROM'- *FORMER PARAMOUNT LADY We received ' the following ' let- ter from Mrs. • Allan Stuart ';of. E;gan'ille when she was renew-, ing herSentinel.,. Mrs. Stuart is:, the „former. Ethel Martin. of the. Paramotint' district. Eganville,` Ontario ' March .17, • 1965 Hello Lucknow: •' .: Enclosed is an • order for five dollars to add ' to in subscri tion. The :, • Sentinel comes : here usually on Friday sometimes; ' on Thursday, and it is good, to 'Set • the home -news anytime, , , I . like the way You keep us informed of where Lucknowites live. Allan .and I„ will be married :twenty-five years in October aid our family are all away from home. John is, teaching and Mary plans to teach ;iHig_h. School in Northern Ontario''next ' Septembers 'and Ethel is . going ..to Teacher's .College, and Margaret's husband teaches in Eganville H. • School so . she doesn't live far away, Last Win- ter 1 ' taught Oil- painting at the Night School in Eganville with an enrolment of 25 and an average' ,attendance of 18. We had 125 can- vasses at bur , Exhibition._. The class Was chiefly interested in landscapes. Several 'paintings were. sold atthe exhibition which makes it a profitable hobby.. Kindest regards to 'Allan and'Stuart,d Ethel (Martin) __ R.R.1 Eganville, Ontario BROWNIE. NE'd .S.. (by • Linda Goyette) The Brownies of 1st Lucknow ,Pack met on Wednesday, March 17th. We played a game called "Romeo and; Juliet", :.• We . held fairy ring and • Joanne Thompson was , toadstool fairy. `' For •work period, "The Golden Bar" girls 2nd Lucknow Brownie . Pack (by Elizabeth Ritchie) The 2nd 'Lucknow :Brownie Pack workedon knots, the Tweenies on' braiding, and the "Golden Hand . girls ` on knitting. 'or sema- phore, We • sang happy birthday to • Mary ; Jardine : and Joanne Thompson; We closed with the' chimes and squeeze. • met on Tuesday, March 16th, • Ja- nine Glenn was Fairy, Qtieen, We. • popped .our. pennies .in the chest. The Sixers 'marked their books. . The , Tweenies 'learned h o w to: braid, Golden Hand .,girls worked on • knitting: 'Golden . Bar ..g r 19 worked, on • tying knotsand darn ing. The meeting closed with the sgtteeze and • DOES SHURGAIN FERT LIZER SPREAD. BETER? . , uicklance SHUR-GAIN' Selected -Granulated Fertilizer maylook 'vemuch:. At' a q g very like most other kinds of granular .fertilizers—but :there is an important difference. Most, .ordinary fertilizers and - practically . all custom blended ones, 'consist '.of a dry Y mixture of fertilizer materials either, in powder or granular form, As : a result the different ingredients' vary in Size and weight. You can 'compar, e it to a handful of .ping-pong balls, mixed with marbles. If you throw out . handful of these, the heavier:marbles'will travel farther than the ping-pong balls—and that is exactly what happens with ordinary, fertilizers. When ;you' spread your fertilizer,' with a drill •or even More. important, with any • broadcast -type spreader you can be 'sure that every. particle (from the smallest to the largest) of free -running mum -GAIN Selected -Granulated Fertilizer is nutritionally balanced no matter where it lies—assuring you , of complete and even intake of all the plant food by your crops. There are no 'excesses in onearea and starvation' ilt another with SHUR-GAIN., Another good y you can be confident , the finest fertilizer for whydent reasonof, top :returns from sHUkt-GAIN or your good earthy fertilizer r r v:• - .. ...,, rrr +f rrr?; ..r..,,. r.?. ?l •:,,•.+ +.. r 1 J; rl 7 fr!'} ll/ 4, +r...�r r :+r ,....: . ;.. .... r. �{ r:. l..�!?i+i..+�r..�? •lfil ;Y, �✓, ,:rrr {{ , + r + Be : sure :t o discuss' your spring Fertilizer pro. gram w h your: l ocal, ' UE GAIN.. Fera liter dea l er rr !✓r✓�!!'v{! rr r Sri✓r✓ y � ✓ r r. !. 1... r r. ✓.r j ; rrr.,..... .. {r ✓✓ !ir r 1 r+ r ✓ J r r: r ✓..•.✓.: ✓. !: {.J?..+ ?. r ,rJr .,..!{:, r, +J�... +r ,, r }rirr l,!✓,fir r+ + 1✓ ! .... .. ,.... ,r,+, ✓, r r � ! ;?t :.; n, ::: �✓!r+•iir'r i r +r Y + xi { r ✓ r ! rJf ryrf ..., .. {..:. . ;?...:?: ;$: a't{;.,•r•:Y',•?:{✓r d;l�r ✓Y! 6! .. Y• r n r rr f•