The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-24, Page 8• 'ASE:. EIGHT THE •LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24th, 1965. • .1140.•••••••••••••••••••••••••#•••!••••••••••• FarmerS:.1fl.LucknoV.l.,,Aj.rea ET.,YOUR SUPPLY OF PURINA CHOWS AND: SANITATION' PRODUCTS' FROM OrdOi.I A. Johnstone THE: JOHNSTONE MSEED CLEANING-, PLANT. • IN "LUCKNOW. PHONE :528 3719 ' •ewteo••i4•e•• •••s••to•e4;•ee•*i*e •e•4•••••• the Institute, January 1947; Mrs.: Kairshea W. Q d Hughes then read • the first miry: •utes' of the school. 'board for'the To 'r' school,: which is now the `Kairshea .Tu,eedsuiui11' Hall., These were quite interest- ing, the salary for the teacher was $350 for the whole year and he also had to clean the school, light the -fires, etc. and he didn't get paid till :the • ••close. of ,the school year. They didn't say ,low he lived iri the mean time; Mrs. Hughes then .showed . the Tweed smuir History and :.Scrap Book and spoke of the- work involved.. Mrs... Dickie .read a story of the late. Dr. " Garnier '. who settled in Lucknow• in the early: 1850's. Shar- on Mowbray favoured with A pi- ano solo "Easter Parade;'.'' Mrs. ' Colwell showed . the . dis- play of antique, crystal: which the members ad,: brought.' sand some' members ad prepared ' Family Trees. ;. Mrs. , Dickie thanked ; Mrs: • Fin- layson ' and , all :those taking; part and. Mrs. Finlayson replied that she ' was,happy to have so` many outon. a rather nasty day;' •A de- licious lunch and social time 'fol lowed.: Mrs. George Lockhart will be hostess :.for the April meeting; at : the Kairshea Hall. Batik. Of • Histor�.� Mrs.: Roy' Phayson':,was hos- tem for the "Historical Research" meeting•of `'&the I airshea Wom- en's: Institute. The president, Mrs. Frank MacKenzie and Secretary Mrs::: Evan Keith, were in charge of the .meeting: Mrs. Harvey ,Hou-. Ston read .the. scripture.; • • In ',answer: ,to the.roll 'call each lady . read .. a shorthistory of her immediate family. These were quite interesting : and will. he en- tered' in the Tweedsmuir History. The District Directors meeting. will be held at:• Behnore : April 1st. Standing' committee, • . conven- ers . will meet at 8 o'clock at Mrs. Frank MacKenzie's to prepare their reports far/,the _annual ,meet- ing in April..Reports wereheard from committees for' the Calico Ball and the 4-H,, also ,Standing committee conveners gave .their. 'reports: A committee was appoin- • • ted to prepare 'a resolution re changes we, would like to make in t he 4-H Homemaking . pro .gramine ..The: Bruce. ' Co.histor- ical ; doll . contest was discussed and ,will be discussed . again :with the ladies to try to think of 'a suitable person to . use : for : the subject. .: Mrs. Houston then took over the chair, for a very interesting .programme. Mre. •Ira . Dickie red •ported on the . months A.C. W.W4 country Uganda. ' • Mrs. Currie ' Colwell 'read the minutes of `'the •first ' meeting . Of REPORT F QUEEN'S PARK BY''MURRAY GAUNT 'M.P.P. HURON -BRUCE' Last week saw the estimates of the Department of _ Lands and. Forests' before the House," The. Minister pointed out:' that- hunter' safety , has been given increasing :attention. in recent years; and. the hunter, safety program.. carried on in co-operation; ' W: i t h the Ontario ' 'Federation • , of _ Anglers arid Hunters, has done' much stimulate • safety. consciousness . a-. mong those who hunt. The cur rent . hunting season accident rec- ord at the s moment is favourable !in relation ' to last year's,. This year ' we will' be taking care of ' about '1600 Junior. Rang- ers of -age 17 in camps across the Northland: ' .• • After , a :three; hour debate . in the 'House, a new flag wasap- proved for the province. The. Lib- eral leader &. NDP leader, Donald MacDonald voted in favour .of the flag but 'both said they -saw no need for it in view of the adoption of the new . Canadian :flag. During the. debate ' 'the, comment was ('made' ' that .the purpose of , any flag, sorely, is to. unite : a people and to move to the future, rather than to divide a people :and look to the past. .The . debate was: in'. sharp contrast to the long and bitter debate which . took place Wore the' ' adoption of the new Canadian : Flag. The proposed amendment : to the : Canadian / Constitution was • REQ CROSS tS ALWAY& THERE: WlTN YU OR:NELP :k ••'''j tai+k+<x i �'?,'�{��'S�rly�'n+� Seed and _fertilizer Supplied Your .. Choice : — •, Parkland (six rovi'ed) Betze (two rowed) An 'Excellent Crop for.. Early Cash Excellent. Quality Ontario Registered. • Sanilac. — Seaway —• Saginaw Ichelite 62 Michigan., Certified' — anilac, Seaway ALL SEED *GROWN. FROM FOUNDATION STOCK Bean Contructs Avuikibie: SEED AND FERTILIZER SUPPLIED.` EXCELLENT MARKETS CREATE GOOD, BEAN . PRICES Drop, in Now For Your . Spring Seeding and Fert` izer Needs or y Phone 262-2714 Collett E. L. Mickle & Son Limited HENSALL ' ONTARIO CONTACT OUR AREA REPRESENTATIVE, Warren Zinn, R.R. l Dungannon FAMILY LIVED HERE Floyd. StanleyRivers, chief di- rector ' of education. in Ontario and former deputy minister;; died Friday, in hospital in Toronto on February 26th, following .a ',brief illness: He was 63 Mr.. Rivers' was born in.', Tees- Water, and attended • high school in the city " of Owen Sound, grad- uating . in 1924 from the . Univer- sity of Toronto with:. first class honours` in arts' and, aPrince .of Wales • Medal for general: profic- iency. ,His parents, ` Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert 'Rivers. resided _here' at one time in 'the- apartment occupied'. now' by Miss . 'Gladys MaoDonald. •Mr. Rivers was a blacksmith. Other members of the family Ed- na, Margaret and Cliff are re- membered by many residents. here. CULROSS CORNERS The weather last':' week 'was. very changeable, -couldn't couldn't . make up its mind what• ,to dish up, but finally gave us the March Lion. _ Mr. and •. Mrs.. Tom Stewart spent a few days last.week with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. Goesel and family, Kincardine. • Mrs.' Frank :.Brown and Reg were Friday evening visitors with• similarly :: approved though with reservations from , both Opposi- tion : parties: that the 'provincial goverment should have . given :wider publicity to the 'federal -1 provincial meetingsat which.. it was :..approved. 1 t£E L0TTA LINESS• �. LVE SA WEAL THOE:' tiWAYS l owl . f : 1 2 •ie e BfFOREWEGIVE THE 'Meoir worm GLADYS' BEAUTY SALON 528-308 L UGI(W OVV OwT_ Mr. •and Mrs: Harvey .Nicholson and family and Mrs. Hugh_ •Nit- holson, : Bervie. Beverley Wall, Exeter•. and Dor- is Wall, London, spent' the week- end under. the 'parental roof. Laverne Harris is assisting with the . chores at' the farm ,of ,'Art Hodgins. : Art Donnie Wall and Arthur Stan- ley, / Kitchener, . spent the week- end -at their`. homes : here:... .Several.. from . the community took in Farmers'.. Night in . Tees- water, sponsored . by Donaldson's Sales and" Service: On 'Sunday,'. Mrs.; Frank Brown and ' Reg motored to Waterford, Michigan, where Mrs.• 'Brown, will spend .some time with.:Mrs Adolf Brunke.: : W8' have to ratio :er on was asCade':.4 electric .water heater can change. all that , . . . . Cascade 40� has.two��-elements a 1000 -watt Iovver element for normal use,,and a 8000 watt top element that surges into action timesat heavy use. sThat's ;why,.the Cascade�40'can sup- ply more hot water P Y' is ever likely- to use. Cascade 40 is' than theaverageflameless,familysafe and dean. It requires no flue so it can be intalIed anywhere. The ten year guarantee on the tank is your assurance of Cascade 40's reliability." With a Cascade 40, the cost of ,abundant hot water is low. For more information., , .. . askyour hydro