The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-17, Page 15WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17th, 1965 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIFTEEN. Lucknow PeeWeE Suffer Defeat The Lucknow Peewees last. to Arthur 3-2 in-. a game played in Lucknow last Wednesd„tY• They were iVisuecessful again : in. Arthur in • a gam4 .on . Friday night by a score of 31 This el- iminated ,them from the W O A.A. playoffs, , • In : ,spite of their defeats the boys are playing ' good ' hockey and are deserving of your support. Both the Peewee andSquirt teams' play exhibition, games in Kincar- dine Tuesday..,,of this week.. TOn Saturday, March 20 .a combined team of Peeweesfrom Maple and North Toronto ,: will play anexhi bition game with our 'lads here in Lucknow, Come out and. " lend, support to minor hockey, • PURPLE GROVE Mrs. Frank ''Dore yisited :Thurs- day .with- :Mrs. .William White and Mrs. Nellie White. Mrs. William Hughes, Goder- iel , visited Mr. ; and . Mrs: Fran-. ds Boyle. • ; • Kerry and Bonnie: Boyle spent Tuesday evening with' • Mr. and MrS.. Donald' McCosh. • kADI ES AFTERNOON BOWLING Isabelle Eedy's Orioles 2; Dor- othy Erriggtcrt 's -:Wrens 2 i 1t7Iar-' ion MacKinnon's • Bluebirds; 4, Wil- ma Chisholm's Canaries .• 0 • Mar- ie', Button's 'Cardinals 3,'Shirley Hawthorn's: Robins, 1,• Fern-. Mac- Donald captured the high ,single:; and. • the 'high triple ; rolling a 345. single , and 821 .triple. Team,' Standing: Cardinals;' 8, Bluebirds 8, ,Orioles 7; . Wrens; 7, Canaries 4, Robins 2.' 200 games and ' over. Helen Hall .220, .Fern MacDonald 345, • 290, Be'tty... Mole • 241, Shirley Hawthorne 215, Haz- el .Webster. 229, 206, Marion Mac - ;Kinnon -234, ac;Kinnon'234, Jean Phillips 201, Is- abelle Eedy 215, Dorothy Erring- ton 203.;. • EVENING' BOWLING •Playoffs • Rhinestones. took , 2 .points and. Rubies took 2 points; ` Emeralds. took..3 points from Pearls;. Sap- phires took 4 ' points from. Dia monds.:• Team Standings: Rhine- stones .9, Sapphires' 8, Emeralds 7, Rubies : 6, Diamonds' .'4, Pearls .Over 200:: Olive . Chisholm 219, -Kay Crawford 212, Beatty Irwin. 238; 248, Barbara Friendorf ',223; '229,. 31.6, .Josie Hamilton 200,:;217, Marie , Button, 218, Pearl, Jan ie - 'son' 233,. 235, Anna Johnstone' 201. Miss Carol Forster, •Toronto, is Barbara. F'riendorf had the high spending a weeks holidays with. single of 316 -..and the' high triple • Mr; and Mrs. Walter ,,Forster. • of 768,' ' . 1964 PLYMOUTH 4 DR SEDAN, BLUE • Very low mileage 1963•- CHEVROLET' 4 CYLINDER, 4 DR SEDAN Spotless condition throughout:: Priced for quick sale 1963 -- DODGE 4 DR SEDAN,' BEIGE. Just. traded in, 'low mileage: 1963:.- RENAULT 4 DR SEDAN A beauty and real economy car 1962 CHRYSLER' 4 D"R 'SEDAN, . BLACK Fully equipped ui IS and low mileage 1962 RAMBLER 4 DR SEDAN, BLACK Very clean and ' in excellent condition 1962 PONTIAC LAUREN.TIAN 4 DR -SEDAN 15,300 actual miles, 1961 CHRYSLER 4 DR SEDAN, WHITE Fully: "equipped; outstanding 1961 _ OLDSMOBILE 4 DR SEDAN, BLACK A very popular, model 1961 —.CHEVROLET 4 DR 'SEDAN, BEIGE Just traded in, :a honey 1961.- PLYMOUTH '4 . DR SEDAN, BLUE Excellent throughout 1960 PLYMOUTH 4 DR SEDAN, MAROON. • 'A •real family car 1960 METEOR •2 DR SEDAN, GREEN A • real popular model 2.1959-- PLYMOUTHS, BOTH AN'' EXCELLENT dONDITEON.• For This Weed And, Next We Ari' Moving A dale 'Caps o Doan Payment •THIS INCLUDES ALL MO.DECS FROM 1954 UP TO 1960' - WHICH. TAKES IN ABOUT: 2$ 'AUTOMOBILES • i • COME EARLY AS PRICES ARE SLASD TO MAKE ROtlM FOR NEW CHRYSLER'HE TRADE INS• 'ODERICH. ONTARIO CULROSS CORNERS "-"Mrs` Tom, ^Stewart spent.. Mon- day with Mrs, Ron. Stanley,- Kin- loss. • - . A groundhog , has been sighted around ' the' Corners, and although they. are•• pests,, :it' is' an indica- tion of better weather, ahead. Mr., .and Mrs. .Ray Stanley and' Valerie,, Kinloss, wereuesday ,visitors: with Mr:, and Mrs. Ezra. Stanley. Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg spent Tuesday evening at thesame home Mrs.'. Jim Wilson. spent Friday with her mother, ' Mrs. Wes Thom.: psora, at the home of Mr. ' and:. Mrs ' " Jack . Hodgins, while • the' Hodgins 'went to London., ' Mrs:, Harry -Oberle, Preston, spent the week -end with . Mrs. Catherine 'O'Neil and : Miss. • Mary Collison.' Mr. • and Mrs.' William . Kydd, Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg wer e dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs: Orval Wilson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hanna and .boys. and 'Mr. 'Duncan . Thomp- son spent the'• Week -enol:. with •'Dr.. and Mrs. Don Willetts, Mount Albert, ' Mrs. . M. Bell, . Toronto, spent the •Week -end at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs.- Ernest Hanna. Mrs: Frank'. Brown and • Reg were Sunday evening: visitors with Mr.. and Mrs. Charles Schnurr, Mildmay. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart were: Mr:: ,.and. Mrs. ,Gerald 'Stewart, Mr. and. Mrs. Arnold Wilkie, Mr.'. and Mrs, Ralph Goesel and ' family, all . of Kincardine, Mr. 'and Mrs. Gordon Vance. and ' family, Tiverton, Ron Stanley, George and Shirley, .'Kin- loss and Mr. and 'Mrs; 'Ian:• Mc Pherson • and: ;'family,'' Oth Culross: KINGSBRI DGE Mr. and Mrs. Arnold -Marsrnan .arid • babe ' of London :•spent.' the week -end there. ' Mike,' Martin, Stoney Creek,' ;vis- ited with Mrs. O'Neil' and Mich- ael. over .the . week -end. • John O'Connor, Mrs. ,Aug. Kin ahan•'spent Sunday with -:.Mr. and. Mrs. Bill Kinahan . and • family. Mrs. ;Hank ' Boven and; • Miss Audrey Austin, ' Flint, spent the week -end here, : Mr. Boven return- ed` to Flintafter spending 'the'. 'past two weeks with' Mr. 'Athos. Wallace: ' ..Desmond . O'Donnell spent the week -end at his'..home Week -end ,-visitors ;with: Mr. and. Mrs. Waiter Clare were Mr. and Mrs.. Dan Ryan, Detroit, • and Mr. arid Mrs Alf Weiler, Formosa. PERMIT TO' BURN Permits to burn debris • in' for-. ested , areas. of 'Ontario, are re- , quired during the fire. season, free ;from' ' the : Department .. of. g •., 7. HE'RTA 'OR KEYSTONE OATS . .; —' GARRY, .RODNEY OR RUSSELL MIXTURES'...‘ RUSSELL, HERTA. & SELKIRK '.CARRY,, KEYSTONE 8• SELKIRK RODNEY, : HERTA •' i. SELKIRK,. GARRY AND 'KEYSTONE' GARRY ' AND SELKIRK We are buying Carry, Rodney or Russell Oats suitable for seed. Bring in a sample. ANDERSON,:.. PRODUCTS LIMITE LUCKNOW:. PHONE. 528-2026. :. ONTARIO :'(By William Whiting) • Another ' breakthrough in , color TV . came • a•- • few days : ago. .; CBS - TV, the only network with all b'a k-a-ndwhite---.series,=announ- ed that three of its weekly shows next season ' would' 'be in color:. "RA" *Skelton","Danny Kaye" and the new . "Thursday - night Movies" - This announcement was made, right afterNBC-TV-:'said that' :96 ' ; percent ,:'of its ' .weekly night-time series offerings in : the coming season 'wouldbe. in .col- or. ABC-TV has announced that at least three of° its ::new .'weekly nro grams ' next seaon: would 'also. be. m color: "The F.B.I. Story"., "The ' Big Valley,',; and "Gidget"... *•* CBS -TV • is reportedly between 60 and • 70% sold.. for the 'start • of the new 'season, next ' fall.. NBC- TV has about 60% 'of its• prime- time: for- 65-66 sold. out: new .:western, "Laredo" is in from April to :October.` They are 'Lands • and. Forests: the. NBC :schedule for'. next sea- son •It' could be' among .the tough- est ough est ,shows.' to top next , eason in popularity. ,:In , this thriller, even the., gunfighters hire. gunfighters. `. Also' in the: NBC 'schedule is "Mr: Roberts". ' Roger Smith of ' 77—Sunset Strip_' . ;fame is_ the I ,star. Another 'show *is. "Hank" billed as a hilarious 'comedy. . .` • "Burke's • Law"is . •' setfor a. third -season; ' but there. will .be sone , changes made. • The . brass:` is planning to convert, Detective•.. 'Amos Burke to,an international' - super. counter agent. In a future show, , Burke will get a top-level call from Washington ..to handle the. new . assignment::;Network 'of- ficials didn't. say ' anything :about. his Rolls-Royce. • We •hopethey' keep'; writings it into the series: Status of Jimmy Dean .• on ABC has ,beetl ,firmed. He gets the, Fri- day ,10 p.m. slot .� .. ' :Candid • Camera .and... What s My Line . were : still' unsold late Mast week '... 'Bob` Hope, in response . to: - some 50,000 letters of : fan, mail;' will do a •.secondspecial' on Viet • nani on March` 26th for NBC._ ' RECEIVE SCOUT .AWARDS Eight members of Holyrood scout troop were 'awarded• Queen Scout badges. Archie' Gowaniock (low- „left),, low- aleft),, district • . commissioner, presented the awards to (front , jh row) Allen Colwell, Eldon . Ecken-. swatter, Donald Bannerman,‘ AI- I`ah Cornish, (back' row) Bruce Colwell; .Donald Meyer, Douglas Eadie and Walter Dickie. Scout. master Lloyd Ackert (lower right}' looks on. ' The ' Sentinel is a bit disappointed in the above . picture. We had someone else take the picture.' for us and it' is apparent that something went badly wrong. •