The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-17, Page 4,p. • 8;; PAGE FOUR 1111$ LUCKNOW SEN'T161I6 I.UCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17th, 1965: 'COB, CORN : FOR SALE -• con- tact. John Plaster, R,1t. ,7 Luck - now, phone Dungannon .529-7178. FOR SALE - 1957 Dodge station ' wagon, . new tires and battery, good running; condition, $300.00. Stan Kay, . phone 528-6493. ' CALVES FOR SALE Holstein X Hereford: Peter ' van Dam, R.R. 6 Lucknow, phone Ripley 117-r-24. PIGS FOR SALE ; — 25 pigs,. weaned two -weeks. • Duncan Far- rish, R.R. 3 Lucknow, phone Rip- ley HAY FOR SALE — 600 bales, mixed hay, : 35c °a bale: Bill . Rin- toul, R.R. 2 Lucknow, phone Wingham 357-220.8., CAR FOR. S:ALE 1956 Ford, '4 -door, :'`'new tires, in good ' .run- nin -x• condition.' Gerritt -- Logteiy berg, . R.R, 1 Dungannon, phone 529-7409. FOR . SALE ' - 4 bedroom house on Victoria St., dream kitchen, „basement recreation :: room, ': oil heated. Alvin ..Hamilton,: phone 528.3932 Lucknow. PLAYING CARDS '- • double :and single decks,. large assortment:..' to g g choose from, drop ie and look. . ' them ' over, -The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-3134. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED'.•' Vacuum cleaning ' and pumping ' or: septic tanks, Ronald. Forster, `Lucknow, phone ".528-3002, ' Manu- facturer of ` cement 'septic, tanks and well tile. . AUCTION. SAI.,E, Allan Maclntyre' Licensed .Auctioneer Lucknow Phone 528-3519 VACUUM CLEANER SALES and -SERVICE For all makes. - 'Filter Queen Sales; Varna, phone ; ; 262-5350. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED, Septic tanks,.'cess `'pools, etc., pumped and cleaned . with modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Louis Blake,;. R. 2 Brussels, phone '422-w-6., CUSTOM. BUTCHERING. FOR ,SALE . —, "4` springing'. 'hol stein: `heifers; ' 6 smaller heifers due 2 months; 25 heifers well marked, , due October; 2 unit. Surge • . milker complete; 'Letz tractor grain grinder; - Truck stock rake, 14 ft., in good con edition; 6 •used 825-20 truck tires and . tubes. ,Glenn / McLelland, phone Bervie. 2391. FOR '. •SALE • Viking cream separator, ' model WB -76, . large capacity; °'International 15 - run grain andfertilizer drill. • with powerlift, single disc, grass 'seed box, A-1 shape, about 20 tons of loose mixed hay; Gordon Dren- nan,- R.R..3 Goderich, 21 miles north of Kin -till on Highway. 21 FOR SALE - : six room :insul brick home in the village ' of . -Bel- grave, situated on paved street; has 2 piece bath, good basement, heavy ` wiring' (new), `good : gar- den. Apply to . W. A. Young, phone; 357-3682 or Mrs. J. C. McBurney,; 357-3078. CONSTRUCTION PAPER The ; Sentinel Office has con- struction paper , in two sizes,° 9x12 and 18x24, a variety of : colours, black, red, green, .' yellow, orange, brown, pink, blue, magenta. Buy it by the sheet or by the package. The ' Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528 3134: • . FOR SALE ," 100 acres '—' 60‘. workable, bal- ance rough,-. :.pasture and' bush; barn 36 x 50 with steel. roof; good four bedroom brick house; hydro and water;: in ';buildings. $6500 terms. , . 100s 'acree' .-`20 acres bush, ush, bal- ance producing excellent crops; barn 50x 60, aluminum roof, wa- ter bowls, pig pen attached 20 by 40, concrete silo; 3 bedroom in- stil . brick house, ` 3 : piece bath. $11,000 ' -- .terms: We . -havebuyers for good 200 acre •farms. If you wish .to .;sell, call or write ' STAN KAY Phone 528-6493 AGENT FOR Wilfred Mcintee & Company Ltd., Walkerton, 'Ontario • • Beef and pork sold in any quan ity. Custom butchering in Govern- ment licensed abbattoir. Pigs every Tuesday. Beef from M o.n d a y through Thursday, BUTTONS MEAT MARKET READER'S ..DIGEST , SPECIALS New subscribers may purchase 15 months of Reader's Digest for $2; : Renewal subscriptions ` ; ac- cepted at ' the . rate of $2.97 per year. Leave y your • •orders . with' The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-3134. ' • HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -'' woman or girl capable of• caring. 'for; fam- i1Y: Mrs. Duncan Simpson, Kin - tail phone' 'Dungannon 529-7548, HELP P WANTED young men ' wanted , for silo' building. Good. wages and benefits. Apply to Ar- nold Hugill,, 92 Cambria Rd. N., Goderich. Phone 524-9437. MAN WANTED. • Lucknow Co-op .requires man. and tractor to apply liquid nitro- ' gen fertilizer. Tractor must have 40 H,P. 'On draw bar, also 2 -way action hydraulic system.. Apply. irierson to p Lucknow Co-op. •. SALES HELP WANTED -- MALE • Do You Want To Get Ahead? A 1500 family Rawleigh busi- ness ,awaits you in Bruce County, if you have a car and will work hard for good profits. Write at once Rawleigh, Dept. C -271 -MB, 4005 Richelieu St., St, Henry, Montreal. NOTICE . ANNUALr ETING The annual'. i ' men of, the sub - scribers of . the, Huron and .Kin- loss '' Municipal •Telephone .Sys-. • tem will be held: in the Township Hall, 'Ripley on Friday, • March 26th at 2:00 ' o'clock for the pur- pose . "of receiving the • auditor's report .for the year 1964 and dis= cussin other business in connec- tion with the system including, the election of a commissioner. Dated at Ripley this 15th day ,Qf March 1965. Murray Campbell, chairman. • Clayton, Nicholson, manager., Stationery Values The Lucknow Sentinel has some real bargains on display in boxed, writing paper, writing pads, en-; velopes, hasty notes,, etc, ' • • WE WERE ABLE• TO •PUR- CHASE, A T CONSIDERABLE SAVINGS, 'A .CLEARANCE OF STATIONERY BY •A MANUFAC: TURER. WE .ARE OFFERING MANY BARGAINS. r, UpJoH,5O9'o.:Qff on .• many. items • " OTHER ' ITEMS AT ONE-THIRD OFF DROP IN, THEME' ON ON DISPLAY Lucknow. ' Sentinel OMING EVE NEW CASH . BINGO'. Legion :Hall, Lueimow ' every Thursday evening, 8:45 =p.m.' 15 ,regular games -- $10:00 each. ' 4 Share -The -Wealth games with jackpot included in each • game. Jackpot this week $80..00 on • 59 calls. G,ODERICH LIONS BINGO The Goderich Lions will hold. a bingo on Wednesday, March 24th, ''8:30 p.m.' at the Harbour - lite. Inn, seventeen regular games at/. $10,' one share -the -wealth, one $50 jackpot and. the new 'acceler- ating jackpot : up to $250. and ' 2 door prizes. Admission $1.00. EUCHRE' .and SHOOT .Euchre and Shoot parties will` be' held on, Wednesday, 'March 17 and Wednesday March '24;. at 8:15 p.m. .in the Assembly' Room of the Lucknow Towny Hall, ' under. auspices of the -Women's " Insti- tute. ; SHOOT PARTY ` AND ' AUCTION SALE Party A St. Patrick's .Shoot P t will ' heldin 'nth a en's. Hall' on be eSt. Helen's, Friday, ' March 19th .at 8:15 spon- sored by. the W.I.Ladies please bring sandwiches. Silver collet ; tion. At, the conclusion., enjoy the auction ' sale with our local auc- tioneer taking . the bids. ANNUAL •MEETING. Bruce County Beef , .Improve- ment . Association, . Paisley, Fri- day, March 19th, 11:00 FARMER'S. "'NIGHT A Farmer's Night is being held in the Teeswater Town Hall ,on Thursday, ''• March ` 18th at . •8:30 pan. ' sponsored by Donaldson's Sales ;• and Service in Teeswater.' Films by Cockshutt, : Nuffield and New Idea Farm. Machinery.Ev-' t,q� eryone.. welcome, : door" prizes, lunch served. EUCHRE PARTY In St. Augustine Parish Hall on Friday, 'March" 19th at 9:00 p.m. Lunch; good prizes. CALICO BALL The Calico Bali under auspices of the Kairshea Women's Instil - lite, will .be held in the Legion Hall Lucknow, on Wednesday, April 21st. BBoyd's Orchestra. ' PEEWEE HOCKEY GAME A Peewee . Exhibition Hockey Game will be played, in thelocal arena on Saturday, March 20th'- at 7,00' p.m., 'Maple,- •North .Toronto (combined) ' vs ' Lucknow HORTICULTURE MEETING The Lucknow and District Hort iculture ' Society meeting will . be held on Friday, ' 'March 19th at 8 • p.m. in the Town 'Hall. Pro- gramme provided by Agrico Fert- ilizers Ltd., ,featuring landscap- ing and use • of fertilizer for lawns and gardens, illustrated .by slides. • Programme 'will also • in- clude musical numbers. Begonia bulbs may be obtained at meet- ing. Members and non members • UCTION' SALE AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION . SALE ' -' of livestock, farm . machinery,,. hay' and ' grain,, will.be held for Peter''' G. MacDonald, let 5, con- cession 11, Ashfield Township, 7 miles 'south-west of Lucknow, on. Thursday, March 18th at 1:00 p.m. See bills for list. Terms cash,the farm is sold. Peter G. MacDon- ald,. proprietor, acDon-ald.proprietor, Allan Maclntyr.'e, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE --� for William; A. Humphrey, lot 17,.concession 11, West Wawanosh Township, 1 mile . west' of St. Helens, • Thurs- day,, March ,'25th at:1:30' p.m. See' bills for.' list.:Terms: cash. William A. Humphrey, proprietor, AllanMacIntyre,. auctioneer. :AUCTION `SALE CLEARING ' : AUCTION'• SALE -- of of real , • estate, ; livestock, 'farm. machinery, hay and 'grain. will. be held for the estate :.of' the' late Edwin" R. . Gaunt at south • :' half lots 52=53,' ' concession 1 Kinloss'- Township, .:1 mile east of Luck- now; on Highway 86 on. . Tuesda , Y� March 23rd at•1:30 'p.m...See bills for, list. Real Estate The real estate being south half Iota 52 and;53, con. 1 ' Kinloss Township, located on.:highway 86,': /2 mile east of' the 'village of Lucknow,; consisting` of approxi- mately 95 acres of hand • on which is . situated a large:: bank . barn, new.' silo, good' water supply . and a 7 room ` frame house. This pro- perty has almost; 80 rods of. val- uable highway frontage, which is well ,:drained " and would be suit- able for residential' lots or ' com- mercial lots.. for :'.location of ' a motel and service station. ' Pro- perty is: ':being sold . to' close the estate and will be offered for sale at . 3:00 p.m., •, selling." sub- ject to;reserve ,bid, requiring 10% _cash day, of:sale, balance in 30 days. Terms cash; Andrew Gaunt, .administrator of the estate; . Allan MacIntyre, auctioneer:. • • AUCTION SALE CLEARING • • AUCTION. SALE of .. farm implements &' household effect's will : be held for Herb,,, En- sign, east half of lot 6, ' 4►shfield Township, 6 'miles west of Luck now . on Highway , 86, Saturday March 20th at'one o'clock;. See bills., for list,• Terms 'Cash. Herb Ensign proprietor, Emile Mac Lerman,, Auctioneer.. M GGir•�BG��&•G�N•lBPf . •• DON'S •Tei • 6 s • • I. SERVICE. , Experienced . Ali, Work Guaranteed, 11• p Service Prompt welcome. w • . • Reasonable Rates •• 1'I ONE 184, RIPLEY e WANTED. WANTED = "Two units suspen- 'sion 'type, milking machine, Reu- ben Wilson, RR. 3 Goderich, Tel- ephone 105-8 Ripley.. - • WANTED --• Y g, Bab sittin after noon or evening..: Phone Lucknow 528-2137. '• GOOD, HEAVY FOWL ,WANTED cash on the farm. Call, The Ronnenburg Insurance Office,, Brussels, Tuesday and Friday be- tween the hours of 10:00, . a.m.." 5;.00 p.tn. WANTED -- to buy; jlarge quan- tity of ' good mixed hay; want to rent good grass farm, or put cattle out by the season, Phone 529-7439 Dungannon,. Dead: Stock Removal Service , We are licensed .,to remove your dead or crippled farm animals for sanitary disposal. GORDON' YOUNG, Elmira Phone Collect to: MRS, ' GORDON TAYLOR 528-5950' — Lucknow 24 hour` Service Licence Nos. 215C63. and. 22R6, otice To Creditors NOTICE TO` CREDITORS In The Estate Of ANGUS McINTOSH ALL 'PERSONS having claimsa- gainst the estate of the • above mentioned, late. of the Township of Kinloss, in the County of Bruce,. Retired Farmer, who died on the twelfth day of June, 1964, are re- quired to file proofofsame with the undersigned on or before the 20th day of . March, 1965,; ' .After that 'date the Administrator will proceed to ' distribute the Estate •having regard only to the claims. of which he shall then have • had notice. Dated at- Wingham, this 26th' day of February, ' A.D. 1965. J. H. Crawford, Q.C.. Win ham Ontario, Solicitor for the Admin- istrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS .,. In ' The Estate Of RICHARD, GEORGE` , MARTIN ALL PERSONS having claims against theestate of . the above mentioned, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the County . of Bruce, Farmer,whodied on the twelfth day of ;` May, 1961, :.are required to file proof of same withthe un- dersigned on or before the twen- tieth day of 'March,. 1965. After that date the ; Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the Estate ;hav- ing - regard only to the claims of which they shall : then have had notice. Dated at Wingham, this .25th, day. of February, A.D. 1965. J. H. Crawford, Q.C. Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for :. the Execut- ors. NOTICE' TO CREDITORS In The. Estate. Of 'LORNE', CAMPBELL 'THOMPSON All persons having claims against the ' estate ' 'of Lorne Campbell Thompson, .. late of the Village . of ,Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Publisher, 'deceased, : who died on',• or about the '4th day. of .Septem- ber, 1964, are. hereby ' notified to s d full ' particulars of their claims to the undersigned Solici for for •theExecutors' 'on• or be fore' the 2nd day of . April, 1965, as after the . said date '. the. estate will.' be distributed amongst those entitled thereto having regard on-` ly` :to the claims .of which the ; • Executors shall ;then' have 'notice. Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this • 13th day of March, 1965. R.. .W. ANDREW, . Listowel, On- tario, Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICES PAPER COLLECTION Luck - now Boy Scouts are r planning a paper .collection, for Easter time, Save your' waste paper .and, help the Scouts. CLERKS NOTICE. OF THE .FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST - VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW NOTICE is hereby given that I have posted up , in' my office at the . Town .''Hall and at the .Post Office in the Village of Lucknow on the ' 17th DAY OF MARCH,, 1965 thelist.of all persons entitled i to vote n „accordance with By-law No. • 5.196. "A Bylaw . to pro- vide for taking the Vote of the. Electors of the Municipality qual- ified to vote on money By -Laws on a' question with respect to the renovation and extension of the Community Arena," and that such list, remains there for inspection. . And I 'hereby call upon all , elec- tors to take immediate 'proceed- ings to ::have any omissions ' or • errors corrected according to laws, , the last. ' day for'• appeal . being, 31st 'DAY' OF MARCH, 1965. Dated this 17th day, of March, 1965,• E 11.Agnew,, Clerk, ,,Village of Lucknow. • Y.,