The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-17, Page 3NESDAY, MARCH lithe 'DEQ_.......... ' � 'THE• .i.UCKNOWSENTINEL, • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • PAGE THREE • •7p•01110EER01■EREARI!EI•EEB■EEE■,E.•EEERR■RNERE•pRNAEssism,RERA/AE■■rE*EEE■■EERi_ • N • ■ • r, ■ r ■ r ■ • , 0000 _,.. _ ._,,. • ••• ‘/.7t, .fOODS ATIOIVES r • is ' __ ■. i .. N. ■,.• 1. Libbys : Cocktail. .' FANCY, ,SAVE 1.34,. 1.5 oz. �lambq��er an Both' for 59c Cooked Spagheiti . ,• -•HEINZ, SAVE 5c, 15 oz ShIrffs Marmalade i GOOD MORNING,' SAVE 18c, 24 .oz.' limburger Robs Save 19c on deal !Vegetable ' I O VIVA PURE, SAVE .10c, 24 oz. A ; La�dDressing Sa ▪ MIRACLE WHIP; `:SAVE 8c. '16x0 oz. 1,1;, • . ■ Corn ifYORK ream Style FANCY:, SAV E:. 9c, .20 oz a P ik . . . ern Sf� IVI. !'. INSTANTMIL-KO , 20c, •3 _. ... SAVE 1Maple Leaf Ld u:�i �i:•- p .■ , 8c OFF, SAVE' • 18c, . 24 of [Shortening CRISCO, .5c OFF; SAVE' lOc, r. ,■ ■, C.;. 1.� .Q9 Ib. •PKG. • Ib. OZEN FOODS ▪ 'Strawnerries: ' • SLICED, 15 oz. PKG. :Raspberries 1 FANCY, 15, oz. PKG. .r • ■. .1 ■ 1:... ■. • ■ ■ .' ■.. 1 :■ • ••: ■ ■ . ■ ■ • ■ ■ •i' ■ ■ ' n . •■ ■ FREE E ';• • ,. PHONE; 528,3001 DELIVRY • • ■ •••4,'E•'•1EBt■■E/■M•■■/f•l■r•r■■•�A•■•fa•■■■Ar■Awl utiumtEE■■RE■uif■UB;•■ii•••1' 0000 .._.•� • TIROWNIENEWS LOCAL and GENEAL.NEWS'. Kist Ginger Ale SAVE "25C ' BAKERY FEATURE Hot Cross Bons`: SUPREME, REG. •'39c, . 6 TO 'PKG. • Twin Rolls i WESTON, BROWN 'N', SERVE, REG.35c, 12's 1.44,10,••*•*4,1.40.••I••o ••••8#•G!••EI•••e••10•i101 • • •t �t OPENING l It1 ' LUCKN SII ' •• • 0000 0000 ., . " • • - .. Friday March '19. ,e • • .i•• ■ . :„ . • ■ • In the Johnstone. !Block . on Main' 'Street, formerly occupied by • ■. • mi •„' .•Bruce Count Health 'Unit. ° •`' . . ° Dells Beauty Cn�r.N• - . • II0' • (DEANA FARRISH, PROPRIETOR) 'i • 4. iii , • DROP IN:.AND 'GET •ACQUAINTED • • lir ■ • •WE''WILL:•BE PLEASED•. -TO SERVE YOU: i s , .. •••••••.:...•••••• ••• *.••••••••••.••e• ••... � ■ • .■ • raperruit ■ SME. YOUR :COUPONS •■ ■ ■ • • A ' 25.c' COUPON VII:ILL BE • G;IVEN ',WITH' ■ EACH ` ORDER :;OF .$10,00 'OR OVER TO'' AP- ■ PLY ON THE' PURCHASE .OF A • 4. ;BL•OOIM . ■ EASTER LILY: _ SAVE'•,•YOUR.: COUPONS AND ,i, RETURN:THEM TO THE' STORE BY. -APRIL '•� 1' O Oth i., GU'A•RANTEt DELIVERY FOR..,- EAS- m. .TER. ,4 LIMIT.. OF ONE CO'UP.ON PER TOMER 'A WEEK FOR FIVE- WEEKS, ■• ■, a▪ : • fardusf tainl$ssToil)te*fOte-.: ' THI'S. WEEK , Stardust , Inner Fod ■ N . w c with $5.00 .Pffithase e n Mr, and M.S. • Wayne Brooks And Craig, of Oshawa visited last Week -end with. their parents • LucknoW. • :Mr, and'Mrs, Bob Thom on, John a n d : Robert of Windsor • spent the week -end' with'Mrs. R. "B,, Thompson: ' Dan Roe of Emp Was a *visitor here last weekend With his „Mother. . Mrs, Steve -Stothe . rs and,' other .friends, Dan, an a riculturai rep-` resentative in the :Rainy'. River area of ” Nerthen • Ontario, came • south for the Ontario Bull Sale at .Toronto; lie took the train to the' ' Lakehead and. fleW from there, Mr. and Mrs, .Elwin Hall and Mr. and Mrs, •Stuart Collyer at-. tended Ladies' Night. of the How - ick Lions Club ' in. Forwich on Monday. The men were judges in a 'public speaking. contest, Mrs,. Lou ' Parker' returned t inoy her home •Lucknow on •Wed- nesday of last' week . after • 21 Weeks.- in Win.gham and on on hospital's • following a skiing,. 00ideGwen has her leg ' �n a cadent, -d with the cast and :gets around aid of crutches: It will ' be a' couple; of monthsbefore a walk- ing heel. can be applied. She hopes' to. resume her teaching' at 1{inloss 'Central. School as soon as; possible. • (By Sandra Johnstone)• The lst Lucknow' Brownie' Pack met en Wednesday, March • 10th. Dianne Hawthorne w• a s Fairy' Queen, , The Sixers . collected our pennies. Barbara, ,Christine and: Sandra ,practised • tying k n o t s while the Tweenies .learned -how to braid. The meeting closed' with the squeeze and prayer, Call, 528-3134 and ,' let us know Of your • 'weakly visitars for the Local and General. column: Raised In Ashfield es In Edmonton WILLIAM • THOMAS • LANE Funeral services were held ' on March 8th :in Edmonton forW il- liam Thomas '(Tom) .Lane, 81, a former CNR station agent, Mr.r Lane :was ' .a son of the lgte Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lane_; Of Ashfield; • Before moving to Saskatchewan, many years • : ago; he lived on; the ..Bob MacIntosh farm 'on the boundary..' Mr Lane , joined .the Grand Trunk Railroad in .North) Battle ford,_ Saskatchewan. ;He moved, to Alberta and was station' agent hi.: Bruderheim ' for, six years, • Fort Saskatchewan for 15years :.:and; 'Wainwright for 15 years until his retirement ,in 1948. • He belonged • to. the Retired, a ran Railway y Veterans' ..Association.' and,. was ' also 'a' member of '' the :Mas- onic Lodge.. ' • Mr Lane'• is survived' by his widow Maye; two daughters :Mrs W. C ,• ( Olive) . Elliott and, Mrs:. E B. '(Marion) Graham, both of. Edmonton; one son Earl of Barr- head. He is the ;last: living. mem- be. of his; ,faly. Four• brothers Jack,. Robert,Cameron and Rus- sel predeceased'him . Mr..: ,Lane is a first cousin of, J. R. Lane. and Mac Lane of. Kinloss. KINLOU GH ., We. are :pleased to 'report that' Miss' Isabelle McDonald, who has.. been a patient in Kincardine Hos-. pital,'.:was able to return to;, the •'home of• Mr: and Mrs:: Tom Mac Donald. • Mr. `and• ;.'Mrs •'.. Gerald •Rhody and, family were' •'recent visitors with his parents Mr.: and' ;Mrs. •Rhody '(Sr.) at:' Hanover. The. W.A. met. on Thursday af- ternoon- • at the • home.' of %Mrs. Russell.. Hewitt. The •vice presi.- dent,.. Mrs. '.Jim ;'Smith, .presided and Mrs. Tom • Hodgins • acted secretary.` The 'meeting ' opened with a hymn.. Mrs. Howard Thom- pson read the scripture and coin-, tnented. en it. Mrs. George Hald- enby gave' the meditation ea Lent and concluded • With `the. po . em' `•`If ' •Jesuscame to your. house." Minutes: followed and, the, roll call was answered with the word. "Honour." ' Correspondence was read, • also ,thank., you "cards for gifts, ' cards, prayers and•. et- . pressions of sympathy from 'Mrs Roy Schneller, Rev; ,Canon. R. W. Stump; the I-iodgins 'family and the Hewitt family. The Diocesan W,A:• :annual meeting will be held: in London .on April 27th .and 28th. The Deanery' allocation was ac cepted for Cardston• and La Tu ,ques. A , letter from• ..the prayer .partners, Rev. .arid Mrs. Stanley Tomes'' and family, was read, It was decided td entertain at the Thankeffering , meeting • in April. It was, decided' to send a giftto. recent •fire . victims, Miss May Boyle gave ,the courtesy' remarks and welcomed the visitors, 'This being ,a work meeting, ' a ' quilt was gltilted "during 'the afternoon. The meeting closed with prayer and • a delicious lunch was serv- ed by the hostess. Mr. ' and Mrs. Don Thompson,Mrs and Mrs. Steve .Ivec of . Susan. and 'Nancy visited .Sunday Scarborough and Harvey ' 'Johrt4 with Marand Mrs, Al Irwit and stort of Toronto spent the week.• Warreni . n Sarnia, end with 'Frank ,Johnston and Mrs. Johnston; :who: is a -patient in the Wingham Hospiital 1VIiss. Jean Huffman •of' ,Rivers-. dale visited during 'the ' week with Mr. and Mrs George Graham Mr. and Mrs: Russell ',Hewitt. - spent :Saturday :_with. ' friends at :: Listowel. . ° Mr. -,and. Mrs Karl.;: Boyle and; Carol of .London spent the • week- end with , Edna' and May:' Boylre :. and .other` relatives • Mr. and Mrs George Haldenby °. visited .on. Sunday with Mr. and' Mrs. Bob: Smith at Goderich. .Mrs. Elgin Hogg and children of•Wingham visited atthe home of . her parents Mr and Mrs; Roy 'Schneller. Friends Of • .,Mrs .Jack ` Hewitt and , Mrs.. ,:Roy Schneller are : plea-' sed. .„to know that • they returned home: during . the week: after be- ing • hospitalized for. the '• past :two weeks. Sandra Percy 'of Toronto. spent the• week -end at • her home. here. Miss Betty Hunter ,and pupils .enjoyed a skating party in the Lucknow arena: on Friday. • The, `Anglican Service will..be held at ' 3 • o'clock, on: Sunday next.•. Alex Hewitt of Waterloo spent the week -end with his • parents Mr.: and Mrs Jack 'Hewitt. GRAND',: TUNE Anyone .:'.convicted` of O shooting 'Ontario's songbirds or small non - ,game birds can be 'fined .up to,, $1,090. Excepted are, crows,:2 cow- birds,. blackbirds, starling : and. 'House sparrows. LUckncw Arena Sch�dule '. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 41 Skating for Mothers and'/Pre- :.• chool Children — 1•:30-3:30 t • „.Squirt ':Practise '..7:00-8:00 • k Skating — 8:00=10:00 THURSDAY,' MARCH 18 Curling — • 1' to 5' 7 `. oto 11..: FRIDAY,' MARCH 19' •Dtingannon:'fi,ural School•2 to 3:30 Lions :Carnival ?:33 SATURDAY,: MARCH 20 . Peewee, Fleas and Squirts. 8 to 12 •,: Skating -- 2 • to 4. 8.:30 to 10:30 PeeWee; Hockey Game' 7' to . 8:30 ^_ SUNDAY, MARCH .21 Skating. 2:00 to 4:00 Curling 7:00 to • 11x•00 MONDAY, MARCH •22 • OPEN TUESDAY., 'MARCH.23 North. Ashfield • School —• 4:30-5:31. . Rural. Hockey 8 •to. 10:30 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24 Skating for ' Mothers and Pre - School' Children — 1:30=3:30. Squirt Practise 7 to 8. Skating = 8 , to 19 Open For Engagements" r,. •