The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-10, Page 1614 1Y a • • iq fi • PAIN $IXTEEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. 'ONTARIO. ■ a a. ■ ■ •■ 1 1111, ■ ■ ea 11/ PILLBOX --- SAILORS .- . CLOCHES JOCKEY • .: • utEE0u 411010o■®e■■■■aaeraa■■e■BE■■E■■■e■B■e■■111.! ■ ; ■ • • ■. •m ■ • ■. In shades to match your latest I. Spring Fashion ROLLED BRIM Handbags 'o compliment your Spring ` an Easter Wardrobe .. • The- Sentinel THATthe:-%ucknow•--Women's Institute . dessert bridge . • held last Thursday Mrs, L. C. Thomp- son won the ;high prize • and Mrs. Cameron• MacDonald the consolation .. prize ' and Mrs. W. B. Anderson, the travelling prize. THAT . Tom :'Pardon, a resident of Willoughby St. in Lucknow, has ■ -taken over as caretaker of the. Lucknow Post Office. Mrs. Char. les . Cooke., resigned from ' the position several . weeks' ago, .. THAT wehave been informed that . Allan . Barger • 'of Ashfield tapped about ' 50 .maple .trees about 10 days • agoand a . good. run ; of sap was received. This is surely/ a sign of spring. "• THAT Jimmy, . Simpson,' '12, year old son of Mr and Mrs. Donald Simpson of . Ashfield returned, ■ to his home, after being , hospi- talized in Wmgham for seven weeks. • ■ a L' YOU WILL: FIND ALL SHAPES IN PATENT, CALF, TAP ■ • ESTRY, HIGH STYLES, LONG SHAPES, LARGE AND -■ . ' • SMALL. • aa. . ■ .. a. and '.Men's PHONE 528-2126: tOW. AGENT; FOR `KINCARDINE CLEANERS Pick -Cha and: Deliverlr: Monday.and ':Thursday %■!■li/t!AU■/n ■iafReriBialaBe■Baiu■uat■nBii■raaaiuRi: THAT birthdays observed ' p`n . belle MacDonald, . daughter` of Tuesday,March 2nd, were�Ar- Mr.: and ,Mrs. Jack MacDonald, ,. leve Corrin, daughter 'ofi Drwho was four years old. They and Mrs X. . H. Corrin; who each had a • party • for their lit - Was five ; years :old and Etta- tle .friends. THAT :a card from Jessie end' George Joynt ' who are holiday- ing at . Palin . Springs, California, says they are enjoyingtheir vis- it, especially. the sunny .warm days, $0 degrees today. THAT ' Lucknow ' District Co-op ,: are planning • a, meeting in , `the Legion, 'Hall next Tuesday of-. ternoon . to explain their new liquid fertilizer • installation •..be= ing -made available to farrners' in the ': area .this . spring. THAT Bert. Alton of Ashfield has: made arrangements: with the Bank ^.of ' Montreal to dismantle the former "Wraight" building on. the 'main :.street. The. 'Bank recently .purchased this .:build , ` ing: as ' the . site . of . their' • new :branch which will be constructed at. a:: futuredate..Bert. will use the lumber from .the . old build ing.. .. •At . Your Spring. Decorating Headquarters In. Lucknow Read Pasted Wal i a ger now •on .Sale � • Is'•. o ou y 65c and. 69c a, single, roil: THESE PAPERS RE.GULARLY PRICED UP TO $1:SS. A SINGLE ROLL•. ' 44 -Latex PaiOt.' In Shelf Colours Now Only,. $1.95 a quart REGULAR UP TO. 420. A QUART Now. Only • p. gq 01f , •REGULAR UP. TO $9'.95 A' GAkLON PHONE CTI. PAINTS 5283434. sUNWORTHY 'WALLPAPERS' LtTCKNtW. A ASA* r• WEDNESDA.V. le ARCH: 10th, 1965 YOUR OWEST PRIGFS" 'FOODLAND FOOD -SAVER'. .100 FT. Wax 'Paper Sale SOLO BRAND . Margarine .Sale' SILVER RIBBON. 20:oz.' Choice Peas Sale JELLO BRAND JeIIy' Powders Sale IT'S •;NEW! "FORT.. GARY". 6 :oz. � :Instant: Coffee Sale DISCOUNT 100 COUNT Tea', Ba. s 'Super SAVE, TO 13c o 2 rolls 5.7c . '• SAVE TO 11c. pounds .55c 'SAVE TO' 15c .' 4, :tins:69c SAVE 'TO 11c pkgs..59c. SAVE • TO 30c far 89c SAVE. TO 16c 69c OLDE MILL.. CHOC. OR JAM SAVE 9e: Swissi�llyRoils `4 k' 2.pkgs. 57c WITH $5,00 •CASH PURCHASE SAVE:: 24c e (rear. Haif Gation Only 69c We Sell For Less . Phone.. Lucknow 528-3420' Values .Effective MARCH • 11, 12, ' 13. THAT . 'Mrs. 'Margaret Carruthers of Ripley' has rented her house in Lucknow 'to 'Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Passmore. THAT neighbours, • of ''Mr.' 'and WS. .Joe Balzer held a "Sur-' prise -Party" at . their home on • Friday, February 19th prior • to •:their. . departure 'to • Kitchener, Mrs Balzer was presented with/'a cup : and saucer and ,Mr. Balzer with • a ; cigarette lighter:. THAT' Ellen O'Donnell, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Jim O'Donnell, .enjoyed a free trip to view the Ice Capades' on. Saturday , with several : other. London Free Press Carriers: The trip was received for acquiring four new. . customers;.. THAT thanks. to•. Ken Murdie's' ad in - last weeks ' 'paper in regard to finding a pair of bifocal iglasses, Nat.. Thomson of Rapid -;City now .can. ' see to •do his plumbing work. • o Can't .figure out how: Nat read „ the, ,,ad. in the paper though! • ; TIIAT arrangements' have been' made for' a combined . PeeWee hockey team from North 'Tor- onto and • Maple to play 'an ex- hibition •game with . the Luck- now Peewees . here on. . Satur- ,day,; March 20th at 7:00 .p m 'Tam ' Edmanson is one of; the Maple players He 'is the son' of Mei, and Mrs. ,Eric Edman- soa, his' mother being, the for-. mer Louise Greer of this com- e anunity; • THAT some. vandalism • and grow dyistn , at the High. School at. a record dance last Friday night was cause for the 'calling In . of the provincial police; Some . cars wee tampered with • and some damage done. The arrival of the provincial police, some time after' they were. call- ed, indicates the local need for replacement of the town . police - mat as :soon , as possible, The incident also • indicates that a certain element are readyand willing to take advantagof a `"policeless" village. Some of ,the troubleinakers ' Were from out 'of town, , THAT . the Sentinel : is indebted to Gordon Wall' for `"cover. ing the Kinloss BoScout banquet last Y ban 9 weekend . and.; :Norman "Taylor handled :: the reporting on the -• Lucknow Boy Scout banquet two weeks ago: ThiS • assistance is 'appreciated by 'The Sentinel and ra by the hundreds of readers who are interested• in these events' PEE. WEE, SQUIRT.. HOUSE LEAGUE Hamilton's "Fuels trounced Hall's Red & White 8-1 Goals for Ham-. ilton's`: Went to John ,'MacKenzie, with three, Bobby: Greer and Da- vid MacKinnon with two each and • Steven Hackett one. Dale Hunter ,scored . the lone goal for Hall's. Schmid's and Ashton's tied with •Chisholni's ,Imperials. 3-3. ; Doug Stevenson'' scored two 'and) Paul 'Frayiie One , for 'the..: Imperials.: .Brian Jardine scored all three goals for ' Schmid's and Ashton's. Standing: Hamilton's Fuels, 23; '• Chisholm's Imperials. ,18; Schmid's and: 'Ashton's 13 Hall's Red &. White 6. • HISTORY, CONFERENC.E HELD. FOR • SECONDARY' •. TEACHERS' • 'Tom, Ramautarsnigh of •t h e Lucknow ' District High' 'School staff was organizer of a one -day Conference held 'for history tea- chers of district ten in. ListOwel last 'Saturday, • Different, aspects of. the Grade 12 course were diacussed. Bruce Giles of Tordnto outlined 'the sub- jective marking ` technique o f :' Grade 13 examinations as well as the objective .- type answers.' ' There was a good book display supervised by Waterloo Oxford and ` Listowel ' 'District High Schools A ' conference for the study of ' grades 9, 10. and 11 shall be held later... • Schools represented at' this con. ference were iiipley'Listowel, Lucknow, Kincardine, , Sf. • Mary's, Waterloo Oxford, Preston, , Grand • Valley, ' Clinton, Exeter, Goderiell. and Elmira: '