The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-10, Page 12?AGE wm.v,u
Mrs. Harry Lavis was hostess
to South. Einloss W.M.S. on Wed-
nesday, :March
ednesday,::March 3 with Mrs. .Ted
Collyer, and Mrs. Evan ;Keith' as
directors of .the meeting. Cortes-
pondence was read by Mrs. Lloyd
.MacDougall; and business dealt
Scripture to:, be studied Pro-
verbs 17 was read. by Mrs Frank
MacKenzie and an introduction to
the study read by ; Mrs. . Leonard
Maclnnes.. The book of Proverbs'
'with its 31 chapters, onefor each
day of the" month contains, many
a direct word from 'the Lord con --
earning , our Christian conduct.
Boll call was a verse , with the
word. "wisdom". ' Prayer circle
was led by ' Mrs. W. F. MacDon
&ld, ' , Mrs. D Graham, and ' Miss
Dean MacLeod.
Mrs. Evan + Keith conducted the
chapter from the Study on "A
.hundred Years of W.M.S."' and
in, a ' panel discussion introduced
3 ladies in=o d time costume :im-
personating early'. founders of the.
Society.. They were: Mrs. Harry
Lavis, Mrs. Annie MacIntyre and
Mrs. Allister = Hughes. Others tak-
ing part in the 'panel were Mrs.
Frank MacKenzie, Mrs. ' • Sandy
MacLeod, ,Mrs. Ted ;Collyer: and:
•Mrs..:;Harold Campbell, Mrs. L.
MacDougall, read a poem. Mrs.
DouglasGraham read a letter
from our missionary Angus Mac-
Kay of India. Mrs. Keith .conduct-
.ed a 'Bible Quiz , ,and _ Mrs. Ross
MacMillan had the offertory.
'prayer. ,Mrs.. Sam. Chisiett Intro-
duced her neighbour ' Mrs. ' : Oster
who was warmly ..welcomed to
the Society. Hostess and direc-
} served lunch.:
UNIT 1 'U.C.W..
Unit 1 of U C.W met ,at the
home ' of Mrs., W. B. Anderson.
.on Tuesday, Marcl ` 2nd.' The `pre=
sident ; opened the meeting with
a hymn, followed by. prayer. The
roll , call ' was answered by 18,
members with an item from the
Observer. The Treasurer's report
, was, given'by.Mrs. :R.:H. Thomp-
son. Members were asked .to
vote if they preferred •a spring
supper; 15 Arere in favor. Mrs'.
' George. Stuart reported on Stew-
ardship. The offering : was re-
:. ceived. Mrs. , McKim, took the
chair for. the : program. Mrs. Jim
'Arnold ; read the scripture. from
(Romans). Mrs. W. B. Anderson
gave a reading on :Lent. Mrs.
Collins favored with two Irisiwitp-
,,' lections 'on the mouth organ.
,;,Mrs. 0. , Brooks . gave a ' chapter
from the . Study Book';on. Trim
dad':' Mrs. R. R. Robertson.: gave a
reading. on .The gron season;:.
Mrs. McKim �introducce e new
Study ; • Book .(God. and His. Pur.
pose) and a question and answer
Period followed .from the Book
of Exodus. The 'mizpah: ' benedic-
tion w a s repea ed in unison:.
Lunch was. sery
Unit 2 • held their March meet-
ing at the home of Mrs. ' C. ,Greer
• with , an attendance, of 22. Our
leader, Mrs. , K. Cameron open
ed the meeting by reading an arta
• icle fromthe church ..calendar
followed by prayer.. . The roll call
was answered by a • verse 'with`
the word "give",. The offering
was received. °
World ,Day, of Prayer. will be.
held' at 2:30 ;,p.m. on, March 5th'
with Mrs. R' Shiells, the speak-
er. The quilts are ready to be
quilted; .March .10th and 11th
were the days chosen to quilt' at.
the church. Mrs. E. Ackert offer-
ed to sew : the .three nighties' for
the supply. The Easter Thankof-
fering - will be hell March 31st.
Mrs. (Rev.) : Ball of- Ripley will
be theguest speaker. Nylons are
urgently needed to give work to
the ladies in 'Korea. 'Mrs. • K. Mur-'.
die, convenor of 'the Stewardship
coirimittee -reported. ;Mrs. C.
Greer gave the treasurer's report.
The money from.. the Make -Be-
• collected
and omme is given.a We voted
on a project for the general •U.C.'
W.Help was asked for the nuts-
ry, The Presbyterial will'be held
in Kincardine on ' IVlarch , 34th
Mrs.; H. Curran gave the Com-
munity . Friendship, report Mrs
A Andrew was the member • cbos-
en to/ represent etc 'unit on . the
nominating committee
Mrs, ' A. Andrew . introduced the
study book, "God and His Pur-
se" Mrs. H.. • Robinson; read
"This is Trinidad". The . meeting
closed with. prayer. A . social half-
hour was enjoyed.
St. Augustine;
There was a small..` attendance.
at . the regular monthly meeting
of .the C.W.L. of . St.: ;. Aftnstine
in the parish rectory on" Tuesday
evening, March 2nd: It was de-
cided to have an outside light
installed at the church.
A request was read' from the
Children's. Aid to do ,sewing and
-knitting. ' and the' ladies volunteer-
ed ,to do asmuch asthey could.
The next ' meeting on April 6th
will be :the annual -meeting. The
nominations are to be handed in
:by Sunday, April' 4th; so : that the
election cantake place at the
meeting: Nominations are for pre-
sident, 1st vice-president and: sec-
retary, .with ' conveners to be ap-
pointed at May, ' meeting. The
meeting closed with prayer, after
which lunch'.: was ` served : by the
hostesses . Mrs. Gus Redmond and
Mrs,. Cyril- Boyle
Blake's U.C.W.
The January meeting .of Blake's
U.C.W;• was held last Wednesday
afternoon at the. home of Mrs.
R. .Irwin, . Mrs, Livingston 'Men-,
,ary had charge of the program.
Mrs . ,Bock. presided . at the
• piano. . The scripture was taken
by Mrs. W. Andrew.. Mrs.`.° Zr
Menary gave 4the meditation- and
-prayer. The next chapter of the
study book was ' taken by Mrs,
Jing Boak and. ' "God and His
Purpose" ..was: taken by. M. Zinn..
Mrs. Kaiser '.gave- a reading'', on
India, a letter ; sent to...her from
Miss Jean. Bridgeman.
The roll call' was answered by
11 members and .'2 children. The
treasurer's report was read by
Mrs. C.Kilpatrick, and . it was
decided to send $50 . to : allocation.
by the first of `April. The meet.
ing • closed with prayer: Lunch
was served by the 'hostess and.
Mrs. .: C. . Kilpatrick.
Mrs. Orland Richards, was host-
ess ' for Unit 3 :March meeting
with 16 -members present.' : Miss;
Ada : •"Webster "leader" opened
the meeting with hymn• and pray-
er. Mrs.; Eldon Henderson,Mrs.
Alex McNay and. Mrs.. Sam. Alton
took. the "meditation ,on .the Worlds
Day of Prayer which will be ' ob-
served in the . church, March the
Ross; Shiells
Speaks :At World °.
Day Of. Prayer
The World Day of Prayer for.
the Lucknow community, was held.
en Friday, March 5th in the Fel-
lowship room, of the Lucknow Un-
ited. Church.: Guests, were welcom-
ed, at the door 1)y Mrs. H. Strapp
One way to improve the movies
might be to 'shoot less film and'.
more actors, - •
5th with Mrs. Ross Shiells speak-
er, Easter Thankoffering meeting
was announced . for March 30th.
Mrs. Lewis,, convenor ' of supply,
askedfor volunteer ; sewers and
quilters for' doing quilts in the
church March 10 and .11th.
Mrs. Houston ; had charge. .of
program with Mrs. P. Mathers
taking the Study Book "God and
His Purpose,'; Mrs. Lloyd Hall
gave a reading and Miss • Ada
Webster took another section, of
the book on ' Trinidad. Mrs. Math-
ers reading was in; the form 'of.
a . questionere. Mrs. ' Houston
gave the courtesy remarks and
the. meeting +closed by repeating
the mizpah benediction.
and Mrs ' Wm. Wharry, , .
The Prayer Service for :.1965.
-was written , and prepared) by
Mrs. Jessie Jai McNeil;a gifted.
and:' distinguished American. Ne, :'
gro woman'' Her •theins . for the
service was, • "What.: Doth the . .
Lord Require of Thee?"
It 'is the 'custom on the World
Day ' of - Prayer for Christians
around the . world to ,unite in.
prayer for each other, and for
the needs of the World. To -day
the world, is in a ferment and
to make our work effective, the.
church is 'now called to, a ` radical
and 'deep.. ; involvement in the af-
fairs •of the; •world :in the, name
of -Christ.'
The . meeting . was. under, the
-joint 'leadership of Mrs. Wharry,
U,C W.1 Mrs. Morgan Henderson,
Presbyterian W.M.S.; Mrs. .Ted
Collyer, Kinloss . W:M.S.; Mrs.,
Roberts, Anglican W.A. and a
group. • of members from the
Christian Reformed Church. Mrs.
Gordon Montgomery •provided mu
sic . for the service.. Mrs. Jack
McKim ' and Mrs. L. E. 'Goyette•
sang the duet "He's Got .the
Whole. World in His 'Hands."
Guest speaker for the day was
Mrs. Ross Shiells, • who took as
her text,. Micah 6th (6-8), What
doth the Lord require of thee but •
to, do justly, and: to .love mercy
and to:; walk • humblywith thy .
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