The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-10, Page 6• 'THE LUCKNQW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO... EEH0011i1 "ENIIIRIII4i E0,101411111EMEEEEI1M.EtEEME! EEEIIIIR�. ' •• U INTRODUCE A. PM:V LINE Il2h •I LASTI!C WAI 1 „ 4. r. WE HAVE A SAMPLE. ASSORTMENT SE4LING, AT A• a • REPLACEMENTS; WILL BE. 'HIGHER, •IN PRICE; SEE . r. OUR WINDOW. , ■ let • i 4 also , �. • ri • :Special Value In •' Dust Mops .•••• • ..• ,.• ,.• TO..extent• of. Stock al • a 1 LUCKNOW PHONE 526.2906 isuni ussiassiAssrAuris11r umrlrsussmoirlwusirrrrEEEriisolst' ST. AUGUSTINE CARD `PARTY .: There were 14 tables at the. euchre party in St, Augustine' on Friday .night. Following were the prize winners: ladies high, Mrs. H. Jefferson; ladies' .'low, . Patsy J. Reed;:' men's high, John Finleoon; men's .. low, Bili Kinahan ; door p s . Kay Seers. . i'' prize, _ee The ' convenors for lunch were'. Mrs. Leonard Chisholm ` and ;Mrs: Gordon reran. There will• be. 'an-. other party ,on March. 19th. ite4urdi':H'eidt World Day Service (WHIITECHUR:CH NEWS);. The World Day of. Prayer .Ser- vice Was held " " 'in the United Church. Mrs. Millan 'Moore, UCW• president, • gave ; the ' call to wor-. ' :ship; Invocation, Responsive Sen; tences and the Meaning -of this Day. .Mrs.. Victor Emerson was leader "for, Jhe :Word of God ` for" , today. ; A hymn ° was `sung ` `and Mrs.: Emerson gave 4 short Pray- er .:Readings.; The part •Responsive. Prayers of Confession : and : :, Sup- plication and. Prayers .' of Petition, was,led by Mrs. ,Bill • Rintoul;' MrsEmma. Coffin, U.C.W. 1st. vice president, presided for Pray- ers of. ''Intercession `for our nation,- land, ation;.land, •. cities, Mrs. Elwood Gros- korth; for peace and:justice, Mrs. iEarl ' Caslick; for ' the church, Mrs. Russel " Ross; .: for, those •who • do. not know 'Christ,; Mrs. fl Clar- ence Ritchie. "Mrs Ritchie also was. leader for words` of ..assur .ance.. Taking part in, this were Mrs.."Russel Ross, . Mrs... Earl Cas- lick, Mrs. Hugh 'Simpson, Mrs., James. Richardson, Mrs. Carl. We- ber,:. Mrs. Dave Gibb. Mrs. ' Em.-• ma Coffin : -sang. "He's Got the Whole World • in His' 'Hands." The, guest. speaker,` Mrs: 'D. S. MacITaughton of . Wrngham, ' .was introduced by Mrs. Emerson. Mrs'. MacNaughton:.Introduced her ad- dress. d-dress• by stating on this Day wo- men all over the ' world .kneel in "humble, prayer in p all kinds of places, hire, cathedral, people's homes and • all with one purpose. In' this sacred'•. hour creed, •race, areall forgotten. By our prayers and our gift of 'money we streng - then those. of, large. countries such •as China and Japan. What doth God, require of us? to do'justly, mercy ercy and •:walk in the way of God. If we; would be just, teach,; love mercy and have .faith, ' 4t was the love. of 'mercy- sent• great missionaries of the past to all • con innts: So long as . there t ,is vice in our' midst we must feel responsibility and . not pass by on the other side but reniem- :' ber what the Lord requires' of each''and .every .one .of :us. Today' the Cross of Christ shines . across the world, Let us rededicate'" our- selves/ and be ready to answer the gtiestion, What. Doth the 'Lord . require of ' us? ' Mrs. Ezra` Scholtz gave a violin solo, Sweet • Hour. of Prayer, •'ac 'companied'•by organist Mrs. Gar- net Farrier.. The offering was re- ceived by Mrs. George Thompson and Mrs. II. D. MacDonald. The Prayer of Dedication . wag.con- ducted on- c edby:'s . e who also ctu t .Moor Mr led" its prayer for the sick in the community and gave the Bene- dietion. Mrs, Emerson . gave • the ' report fair the ,1964 Key `Mr"s. James McInnes,' In 1964, 38 lad- ies had . attended the "meeting and 'offering $10.65., M r a, .George Thompson was. appointed Key woman for 1965, WfHTECNLJRCJ'I W.I. Held Euchre Party Whitechurch Wonien's Institute held:a Progressive Euchre party in Whitechurch' Community Me- mallet e mr' 'alHall lastMondayv nin or 'e.e g, with 10 ,tables. in lay. .High r. iz es were' won by Oscar •Schefter and 'Mary Hehn:. Consolation prizz- es' were received •.;by' Mrs: Bert Holmes and Russel Gaunt. ; Mrs.. Howard . Walker won'.. the lucky draw prize. Lunch was ' served.. by the "Women's; Institute. The Whitechurch Safety Sisters attended the address. and , showing' of, Safety films in the Town Hall, Lucknow, on Monday evening. Mr sand' . Mrs. Clayton .' Scholtz, Karen, Leese and Kevin . of God-. erich.' were Sunday visitors with his parents Mr. and Mrs.., Ezra. Scholtz: Mrs. Jas. McInnes was admit- ted :tb Wingham.:and District Hos pital. on Monday. ' All wish here a speedy return to, health... U c w. ; Meeting: "Vie U C.W meeting was held. at the ,home of Mrs. Russel .Chap- man on Wednesday, March 3rd:. Mrs., Ezra Scholtz; convener . of Christian Citizenship . ` and Social Action, had, charge of the Wor- ship service.. `A. hymn. was sung and scripture read by Mrs. Chap- man. ` Mrs Dan Tiffin led in prayer. Mrs. G. Mitchell had charge of the discussion :.ori ` Cit- izenship. Assisting her was Mrs. Chapman giving., the meaning of what 'a :citizen is. 'Mrs. T. Ma- Boffin' gave the meaning ' of Can- adian' citizenship. Mrs ` Elwood Greskorth : gave : the'. meaning . of social action All were remind- ed the ,first citizens were Indians Mrs. ,Ben McClenaghan • read` "a paragraph' • telling of a couple who, had •gone to church for 11 years and 'thought they were still out- siders , Discussion : followed: ' o n this. Mrs.. Coffin ' gave . an : • in- stance in church attendance of 'which she knew:' . This too was duscussed. Mrs,.: Gibb told , of "a. new, family given misleading :ad vice, but ..a, helping "handfrom:, the. right `source , •came in time to '.give, •them, the '.ceurage'. they, needed. The special number. was. a 'reading by 'Mrs. Carl Weber "The Fanner . God's Partner." The Benediction was '. pronounced. The roily call ' was answered by a Bible verse with the word na- tion. An .invitation to attend' a U,C.W. meeting at. Blueyale. was accepted for April 1st, Mrs.., Mil- ian Moore led' in: prayer for, the • sick. ' A hymn' .. was. "sung., The Birthday tea was then enjoyed by all. Where. were 20 adults and 2 children present; Safety. Sisters Meet The Whitechurch Safety Sisters held their rneeting Wednesday ev- ening at • the home of Mrs, V. Emerson with 7 ' present. Pamela King opened the• meeting by, all repeating the 4 -II Pledge. in un- ison, The minutes were read by Margo . De Bruyn irr the' absence of , Donna Hand. The roll call was :answered by the seven sis- ters. A discussion followed on the Club Girl Keeping Pit, and Nu-' tritio of for Gooda�l h He t Health Services obtainable a our Coun- ty. The home . assignment was to` check posture as each one works and plays and enter errors " in Record, Book; name 3 books read which gave pleasure. Boil call to be answered, • a defect in my posy' tures The meeting 'dosed with th repeating of the creed' in • unisdn, LOCHALSH:; The o. en's "'World Day . of Prayer,Wofor : Asbfield Presbyterian. Church was held on Friday after noon.,at the home of Mrs Ewan. MacLean Mr., ' and. lMrs ' . Lorne Luther spent :Wednesday ;in 'London and attended the 'seed , fair,. Recent -visitors with; Mrs'. Don- ald— — MacKenzie were. • Mr and. Mrs. ;Watson Reed andp family and Mr,,, and: Mrs. George Carter of Lonldesboro.'' Spending :the weekend with .Mr. and' Mrs. • •Qli"ver McCharles ' :and. John were. 'Mr, and,; Mrs,. Donald MtCharres'and Scott of Brantford.' Mr. " and; ' Mrs.: Allan MacKenzie Of -Kincardir were recent visit - 119 f E DN E S D AY,,, MARCH f Othi '1965 ors with;. Mr,. and Mrs.:. Henry MacIenzie' , Miss Jane Finlayson. 'of Toronto spent, the week -end with, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Finlayson. well: Mrsamany, Annie MacDonald 'isn't 'as• . s .her . friends.: would like . to see. ' her. M>rs. ,Annie MacMurchy has i