The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-10, Page 4PAGE: FOUR • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL/ LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • • , WEDNESDAY, _MARCH, Wk. 1965 7 • , cur- .!•4 r)71211 • atpil:13W -• , • .t. , „ . ta:11141.111..: . WAWA., ' :2.'1;1. "1 L.I.V1111PLICILI .11! ClaticAMACCTO • osksilitivxmgehy.; Sum 1.111.110••,1b 1..••••• •••••••••••••• • 6400.4.4* 41. • FOR SALE FOR SALE • FOR SALE —:mixed grain: Mel- HAY FOR SALE. approximat- , vin Colling, R.R. 1 Ripley, phone ely 200 bales. Sam Chislett, R.R. 113-r-16. . 5 Lucknow, phone 528-3101. FOR SALE: Blackhawk Corni FOR SALE •-- a.quantitY of .baled planter, 2 row, in' good condition. Chester Hackett RR.7 Lucknow, phone Dungannon 529-7316. hay. Allan MilleRR. 1'• Luck; FOR. SALE = 1957 Dodge station wagon, new .tires and „battery, • good • running condition,* $303.O0., San Kay, phone 528-6493.' POR SALE — child's play. pen, baby -buggy, mattress size 26" x- . 51r, reasonable. Mr. Allan' John- ston, Lucknow, pluine• 528-2442. FOR SALE —,/Boy's grey strit,, stze 14; play Pen, 'infant lounge .and baby walker. Mrs. 'Dan Mc- Innes, Holyrood, phone Ripley' • . FOR SALE • Choice building lot on Stauffer St. :Good grass farm 'near Lucknow. Cheap for quick sale. 100 acres on County .road — 85 acres workable, 30' acres plowed, • , large modernized brick houte, barn has ties for •23 cows. Im- mediate possession. •$12,500• — terms.• • , • STAN'KAY Phone $28-6493 • AGENT FOR 111111fred MeIntee & Company Ltd., Walkerton, Ontario • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED • Vacuum cleaning and pumping' of septic tanks, Ronald Forster, Luclmour, phone 528-3002, manu-, facturer of cement 'septic tanks and.well tile-. • • • • . • • AUCTION SALE • Allan Maelntyre • Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow. — Phone 528-3519. • VACUUM CLEANER SALES and SERVICE For all makes — Filter Queen Sales, Varna, phone 262-5350. • SEPTIC TANKS, CLEANED• - $eptic tanks, cess pools, etc., pulped and cleaned with modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Louis Blake, R. 2 Brussels, phone 422-w-6. CUSTOM. BUTCHERING Beef and pork sold in any quan- ity. 'Custorn butchering in Govern- • ment licensed abbattoir. Pigs every Tuesday. Beef from Monday through Thursday. • BUTTONS MEAT MARKET READER'S DIGEAT:.SPECIALS . • New subscribers may Purchase 15 months of 'Reader's Digest for $2; Renewal Subscriptions I, aC- cepted at the rate • of $2.97 per Year. Leave your . orders with The. Lucknow Sentinel, ' phone 528-3134• ° • • • 11.1111111•111•1=01**, TENDERS WANTED • ,• TENDERS WANTED • ' Tenderswill. be accepted for etaker of the Lucknow Pres erian Church, duties " to. Om,: Mence April 1st, '1961 •Applicat- ions to be in the hands.. of Mrs.. Clark Finlayson, Lucknow, secre-• tary-treaSurer by • March 12th, • 1965: Particulars may be obtain- ed from the secretary -treasurer. • i••••••••••••••••••••••••: DON'S TV • SERVICE • • Expnced .... • All Work Guaranteed Oda ' Prompt. Service • to Reasonable Rates PHONE 184, RIPLEY 11011111111410011041411411.11111111•0460 'now phone .528-6540 TRICK FOR SALE' -- 1959 Bed- ford. Van, 'A-1 shape; reasonable for cash. Ted. Collyer, R.R. • 5 Lucknow, phone 528-5182. • FOR. SALE —, Holstein Spring- ers, also Stocker cattle, no down payment, 3 years •to pay at 71/4% straightinterest. Apply Stan Hors - burgh; phone 357-2744 Wingham. FOR SALE •dressed pullets • weighing about 5 lb.; baled straw; one, girl's reddish -pink summer coat and hat, •size 3, like new; a reddish -pink velvet- dress, size 3. Contact Mrs. Gerald. Rholy by. phoning.8-r-9 Ripley.' AXING CARDS --- ,double and •single deeks, large assortment to choose from, drop in and look their( over, The Lucknow Sentinel, phone.528-3184. _ LIVESTOCK FOR SALE • Registered • Polled.' Hereford: bulls', top breeding; quiet, halter broken. T. Edward Povirell,. 1 Wingliani; phone Wroxeter .547- • W-2. • • . • - • • •• • . . • . . GRASS, SEED FOR SALE Horne grown No.. 1 per lb. Alfalfa 456; Red Clover 33c;.• Tim- othy 30c;' Pastime type trefoil • $1; Other . clovers and grasses priced low. Discount for seed purchased before .March 25th. Prices subject to • change ;without • notice. R.- Cramm & Son, Pinkerton, phone. Cargill 368-2394. ' . • NOTICE • NOTICE • RE AQUA FERTILIZER The. Lucknow District Co-op will hold • a .meeting Tuesday, March 16, in the Lucknow Legion Hall at 2 p.m. Slides, literature and any information pertaining to the new Lucknow Co-op liquid fertilizer installation and applica- tion being made available to the farmers of this area„this spring. . , USE SENTINEL WANT -ADS' . . . . -44•4•••••••••••••••••••• t - :4, ; • • • • • ' • • : • 1 ofWE SELL. IRURALONTARIOfe • . • Looking. for a good grass farm?: Here is an extra . good prOper-f. ty* that : will justfit the bill. It; :consists of .100.. acres-a-landt •*with a good 'sizing fed ,strearn; :running the full length of the ± *property. to assure an excellent; !water 'supply., There is also a*, 11/1 storey home which is ' ecnii4 •‘pped with. hydro on. the .prem-± 4ises. The , full asking prite for; :this property is only 43,500. It* • :is priced so extra reasonable: because the owner • is anxious* • . • *tor a quick sale. •• ••, • . , • :$7,900 with a low dawaPaY'.• • •!merit and the Mortgage to ., be ;paid interest only for this ex-• t c,eptionally . good property' The*, 11/2 storey home has all mod-; ern conveniences. Large barn.* • ,•with cattle ties and loose hous :mg. There ts 43 acres of , good:, 4 productive land. • • •• t PAUL S. STARR I .& COMPANY LTD. REALTORS: .WINGHAM; PHONE •357-3840 : /Local Agent E. PEI NINGTON: + , . •••••••••••••••44•••••••4 • • I. •,•TI t COMING EVENTS ACTION SALE NEW CASH BINGO Legion , Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday evening, 8:45 p.m. 15 regular games. — $10.00 each. '4 Share -The -Wealth games wit h jackpot included in each game. Jackpot this • week $75.00 on 58 calls. . • GODERICH LIONS BINGO The Goderich Lions will hold • a • bingo on Wednesday,- March 17th, 8;30 p.m. at the Harbour - lite Inn, seventeen regular games at $10, one share -the -wealth, one $50 jackpot. and the new acceler- ating jackpot up to $250. and 2 door prizes. Admission $1,00: EUCHRE and 'SHOOT •• Euchre and .Shoot parties will 'be held on Wednesday,. March io, March,_17 and March' 24, at.10.5 in. the Assembly Room• of .the :Lucknol Town Hall., under auspices of the Women's Insti- tute, • . ° • L.P.S. OPEN HOUSE '• Open House will. be held it the Lucknow . Public School on Fri- day, March 12th from 8 tolO p.m. A cordial invitation is .ex- tendid ,•to the general public to. •visit the 'school .on this occasion. , , • I CHILD HEALTH CLINIC ' • The child 'health clinic of the Bruce. County ,. Health . put.. for. prK:ool children. and iS nfant...., wi be held in the Legion •Rooms„ Luc w,: on .Tuesday, March 16th. from 10 to .11:30 a.m..• 4 • RIPLEY •ACHIEVEMENT NIGHT "Achievement Night" for. Ripley •and . District ., Community Night Classes, ' Will, be .• held.' on Thurs- day, March 25th, from eight to ten p.M. All classes Will have displays:. . • * Notioe'ToCreditors • NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In The Estate Of `. • ANGUS. McINTOSH • ALL PERSONS having claim a- gainst the estate of 'the above mentioned, late of the Township of Kinloss in the County of. Bruce, Retired Farmer, who died on the twelfth day of June, 1964, are re- quired to file proof of same with the 'undersigned on or before the 20th day of March, 1965.. After that date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. . Dated at Wingham, this 26th day of February, A.'D. 1965. J. H. Crawford, Q.C. Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Admin- istrator: ' •NOTICE TO CREDITORS:: In The, Estate Of RICHARD GEORGE MARTIN ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the• County of Bruce, Farmer, who died on the twelfth • Iowa 'AUCTION' SALE CLEARING AUCTION .SALE -- of livestock, farm machinery, hay and grain, will be held for Peter G. MacDonald, lot 5, *con- • cession 11, Ashfield Township, 7 miles south-west of Lucknow, on Thursday, March 18th at 1:00 p.m. See bills for' list. Terms cash, the farm is sold. Peter G. MacDon- ald, proprietor; • Allan' Maclntyre, Auctioneer. • • . . •AUCTION SALL, AUCTION SALE — for William A.• Humphrey, lot 17, concession 11, West Wawanosh. Township, 1/2 mile west% of t. Helens, Thurs- day, March 25th at 1:30 p.m.. See 'bills for list; Terms cash. William A. Humphrey, proprietor, Allan MacIntyre, auctioneer. • AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE:—. of real estate, liVestock, • farm. machinery, hay. and 'Irain will be. held- for the estate. of the late • Edwin 'tt: Gaunt at south 'half iota 52-53, concession 1' Kinloss •Township; lk mile 'east of . Luck - now' on Highway 86 on. Tuesday, fMorarclihs.t.• 23•rda•tEstate 1:•30.,Plns. ' The real estate being south half. r Real hills , lots 52 and 53, con. 1 ICinloss Township . located on highway 86, Y2 mile east of the village of •Lucknow, consisting of approxi- • mately 95 acres of land on which is situated a' large bank barn, new silo good water supply and a 7 room frame house. This, pro- perty has almost.- 80. rods of val- uable highway frontage, which is • well drained and would be suit- able • for residentiallots or com- mercial lots for location of a motel and -service station. Pro- perty is being sold 'to chise the estate and will be • offered for sale • at .3:00 p.m., selling Sub-* ject to reserve bid, requiring. 10% cash day of: sale, balance in 30 days: ' ' • Terms • cash, Andrew Gaunt, administrator' of the estate;. Allan MacIntyre, auctioneer. . • •• • 97 PiCton St, East Phone 524-9003 Sand Blasting • • . . . . . - • BUILI:11.INGS ;ALL 'STEELWORK EXTERIOR, SPRAY: PAINTING PAVING BREAKER AND •: COMPRESSOR TO. RENT WITH MAN.' • Lloyd MacDonald GODERICH, ONTARIO day. of May,, 1961, are required to file proof of same with the Un- dersigned on or before- the twen- tieth day of March, 1965. After that date the 'Eriecutors . will pro- ceed to distribute the Estate hay- ing regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. Dated 'at • Wingharn, ,this 25th day of February, A.D. 1965. • J. H. Crawford,. Q.C. Wingham Ontario, Solicitor for the Execut- ors. II For Fast Results 0i READ and US HE WANT AD EGULARLYI TED GOOD HEAVY FOWL. ,WANTED cash on the farm.' Call, The Ronnenburg • Insurance Office; . Brussels, Tuesday and Friday be- tween the hours of 10:00 a.m. 5:00 'p.m. • •TIMBER WANTED — Standing hardwood, Maple, Basswood, Ash, Cherry and Beach. Craig. Saw- mill, Auburn; phone 526-7220. WANTED — to buy large quan- tity of good mixed hay;, Want to rent good grass farm, or • put' •cattle out by the season: • Phone 529-7439 Dungannon. ' • WANTED — married man for general farm we r k,* separate .house. 1% Edward .Powell, R.R. -1 • Winoham, phone Wroxeter 547W2. , HELP WANTED — woman or girl 'capable of caring for fam- ily. Mrs. Duncan Simpson, Kin - tail, phone Dungannon .529-7542. 720, Walkerton, not later ;than • March 19th. SALES'HELP WANTED—MALE SPLENDID' RAWLEIGH business available in -.Bruce county. Pro- ducts well known. Opportunity unlimited. for , big Sales and big Profits.. Start . your business on ' credit without experience. Write: today. for full details.' Rawleigh, • Dept. C-271-224, 4005 . Richelieu St.,' St.. Henry,' Montreal'. • ' CLERK — TYPIST WANTED Clerk -Typist .for County Assess- , ment Commissioner's office at Walkerton, Applications to be for • - warded in writing, stating educa- • tion, experience and salary ex- pected, to E. J. Finnigan, County. ,1 Assessment Commissioner, Box CARD OF THANKS Audrey Jean Ritchie would like to say thanks to all who remembered her' with ' cards and . gifts while in hosPital. Mrs. George Hunter wishes to; 'express sincere thanks to all kind friends who remembered her with cards and letters during her ill- ness; • also thanks to DOctors Corrin and •McKim and nurses in Wingham Hospital. 1 , I would like to thank all who rernembered Me while I was in hospital, Special thanks .to Dr. MeGeaugh and nurses and ward aides of. the Alexandra, Marine and Genen1 Hospltal. Goderich; Drs.' Corrin and McKim' and the staff of Wingham : Hespital where I •spent the' first two weeks of 'I my sickness. • Ursula Courtney We wish to express our sin:. sere thanki and appreciation to our relatives, friends and neigh- bours •for, their many acts of kindness and gifts 'received at the time of our fire. .Special thanks to Ripley Fire Department • .. • .. Stationery Values for their prompt service. ' Mr. *and' Mrs.. Claude Dore 6 • , The LuCknow Sentinel has some real bargains on display in boxed writing paper, writing pads, en-. velopes, hasty notes, etc. WE WERE ABLE TO.' PUR; CIJA4E, A r CONSIDERABLE SAVINGS, A CLEARANCE OF STATIONERY BY. A MANUFAC, TURER. WE ARE' OFFERING MANY BARGAINS. • Up To 50% Off on many items •, OTHER ITEMS. AT ONE.THIRCi . OPP / DROP IN, THEY'RE ON DISPLAY iticktioriv, Sentinel, 911% lk ovii'lkYtliiiition.Vire • I would like to thankall who remembered me • with letters, cards and gifts, while 1 was a 'patient in Wingham District Hos- pital, • • • Jane* Connon Jimmy Simpson. would like tO thank all his friends who sent • cards, gifts and treats, during his • stay at hospital. Special thanks • to Doeters Orrin • and McKim,. Mary 1VIacIntyre . and the first. floor purses. ••••••••••••••••••••• • We wish to say "thank you" to otir neighbours .fet the lovely party and gifts on Febrttary. 19th,, We Shall missam' friend& in Jeanette and Joe Baler •