The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-03, Page 7'WEDNESDAY, ';MAR. 3rd, 1965, REPORTFROM tkE Q S PARK. ..BY .MURRAY: GAUNT M.P.P, HURON -BRUCE The long awaited Hagey Com mission. Report on medicare for Ontario was. 'tabled . by : the Gov - eminent this. week.: • Health. Min- • ister ~Matthew Dymond• .made' the comment that the.' report was not the last word on a ; government plan. He said it• would, he unfair to: bring •a Hall Commission type plan into effect. when we are not sure we have the doctors, nurses and .other staff to support ' it. The Commission estimates the cost of 'government , subsidies to. needy; . persons ' at .53. million a year. • • In estimatiing the subsidy cost, ' the .report set • premium at . $70 • a year for the single person, .$140. for a; family of two and $175 for,,. a ,family sof 3 or more. The. ,� report proposes, 4 kinds' of subsidies: (1) All persons on welfare to get 100% subsidy.; (2); Persons. not on welfare but who did not earn . enough to; pay income . tax would get:. 70%'. , of their...' premiums .paid. by • the. government; ' • (3) "Those. paying income tax- on an income of $500 'or '• less:: after'. deductions : would. 'get 50% sub-- sidy. (4) Those With taxable income between $500 and ' $1000 a year, would.'. get. a' 25% subsidy. • Briefly the main' points.; are: (1) ,The 'private insurance corn panies will be the carriers •(2) The plan will not cover • every resident of 'Ontario; ' (3) A. means 'test is. ,involved to deteribine the basis. - for' . subsid-. ..les. / Universityestimates dominat- ed the' past .:week's session -as:. op position parties queried ,the gov. THE LUCKNOW SENTIN.EL., ' LUCKNOW,., ONTARIO • • • HACKETT'S U.c.W., •' The' February meeting' was held at, the home , of Mrs. Donald , :Hac- kett and,: Mrs. 'Cliff Menary pre sided. Scripture a n d devotion' were read by Mrs, Barry Hackett and Mrs. Ralph Cameron. A very interesting letter wasread by Mrs. Kaiser'from Miss Jean .•Brad;. leman our'. missionary for prayer,'. Also a reading of, a young : girl `Rachel' of an. Indian "family. of ,five „near, Vellore who wanted •� tb' be a ] . • but could not 'afford such. set out to be a nurse. Later s e, was to. obtain .a ' B.Sc. degree and now is attending:' Un iversity of California 0 to : obtain" a Masters.. degree and will become head of the 'teaching department at' Vellore Mission Hospital.; Mar- ianne Alton: sang: `Trust and 0- bey.' Mrs.: Bert ; • Alton gave . a summary. of the .chapter 'We Hu- man, u-man, Beings,' and several : mem- bers answered prepared questions making an interesting Bible study. Mrs: Alex ' Hackett discussed' , the jinancial , plans for. • the coining year, :followed by a ' reading by Mrs.Mapin Scott.. ,Mrs.. •Cliff Menary closed the' meeting ' with the., benediction,' 0 following, with lunch served by the hostess ;and' Mrs.. Blake ; Alton. - An apron : con- test will.: be ; held at . the March meeting. ernlnent's :sending proposals.' Ed- ucation. Minister W. G. Davis claimed the university presidents were not opposed to the Ontario Government'sproposalto create' community, colleges ' ::and'' : that they were satisfied with the $63 `million allocated: for'. operating. expenses this .year: • The'' budget debate and the es ,timates willcontinue next week. . . No Election For Hog . Committeemen' The Farm Products Market ing Board hasaccepted the res ignation for withdrawal of. R. Semple' of Bayfield. as' a candi date • in the previously announced election for 19 members to.. the Huron;' . County Hog . Committee .which . comprises Zone 10 of " the Ontario Hog Producers. Market- ing Board.. • . ' At the nomination meeting held 'on February 2 in Clinton,, 20 can- didates were duly nominated to .contest the election of the 19 'com- mittee men,'. and •a vote' . was scheduled for •March 2. at 'five localities ' hi. the, county; • , . . The .resignation' of • Mr. ---Semple as .a'candidate, . now leaves ' the re quired number and• all have been declared electedby acclamation. Both the mover and .the ' seconder .of Mr.. Semple's • nomination a- greed to -greed.:to .thewithdrawal. , 'men men elected to rep- resent ep-resent.Huron, County forthe next three years 'are: Martin Baan;, R.R. 3 ,Walton; Albert G. Bacon, Belgrave;' Kenneth , W. .•Baker,: R.R. 1 Seaforth; Malcolm. David- son, R.R.. 1 ,' Brucefield; Gordon ,Elliott, • R.R. 5 : Seaforth; • Carl S. Govier, R.R. ` 1. Auburn; Melvin Greo, R. R...2 Dashwood; Elmer: . Harding, , 'RPR 1.: Gorrie Elmer - Ireland, R.R.., 5 Wingham; John: S Kernighan, 121 Newgate St.; Gederich;:. Robert McAllister, 'R R. 'R..2 . Auburn; ' James. McGregor, R.R.2 Kippers; George Monrrief,: R.R. 3 Goderich; ;rtaymond Neill, R.R. , ' :1' ' Wroxeter; Hugh Rundle; R.R..:'1 Centralia; . Lloyd Stewart,' R.R. ' 1' Clinton;. Alfred H .Wari— er,; R.R. 1 Bayfield; Lional•Wild er, R.R.. 1 . Bayfield. " Strokes are no longer • hopeless accorcling to : your . Heart Fund. Tit validisin :; resulting ••• from' strokes can . clow' be reduced., or prevent- ed , through; prompt ,treatment. :Finlay Decorators in .Lucknow :' have. re -decorated their .store: time for their lust A�nugl Spring Sunworthy" W�1lpaper aid Ra�rr� Sale Ready Pasted `Wallpaper '. Is now on Sale for only 65c :and 69c a single roil and this . includes the all new,. `We Spring decorat- ingSpecial: Wallpapers for every roomin your home, living rooms; .. , bedrooms, children'sroom and bathrooms in patterns halls � kitchens,, or semi plain papers.• Some priced as low as 55c per roll • AND.. AT THE, SAME, TIME, Finlay Decorators in Lucknow are offering all` C.Q.L.; Rubberized. latex paint in sheCf colours' On dale far only $1 .95 a quart o 5.95 a gallon bGN T ' . ' MISS THE ANNUAL:.SPRING ',DECORATING S LE""" A, 'PAINTS 15II04E 5284434 iSUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS LUCKNOW • 1 PAGE' 'SEVEN w. j clear to a icicle's heart... Bouquet:.' NI.nv�tation ;Line Good taste needn't be expensive.. Our beautiful Bouquet Invitation line proves. this :with' the most exquisite papers, type faces and ' workmanship you could wish 'for!' It features Thermo -Engraving --rich raised lettering -elegant as the finest . craftsmanship — yet costing so little! Come see our unusual selectipn.: 0•- •se o two w.ee 's c e[ very • • k' LUEKNOW SENTINEL BILL .KINAKAN- REPORTS . TO LIFE: •UNDERWRITERS" GROUP. Life 'Underwriters' ' Association of . Saugeen met; Friday,' the.. 20th' of February, for : regular mbnthly meeting in the, beautiful lounge of; /the ,Hanover • Curling Club with newly., elected president • 'Wilford Caslick of Wtingham as chairman.: The double -feature: program .in - eluded a ,talk 'by, James Dewar,. C.L.U., manager . of.' the . •Northern Life branch: at Barrie ' and Ret. gional Director of Life Underwri- ters 'Association • of Canada. •"Ac cording to a survey of 4,000 Can= adian' families," ;he said, "the concept of programmed 'Protec- tion 'and 'savings .is uppermost in people's minds." Mr. Dewar ..re ported: that _the • membership 'of the Canadian national association now numbers' the highest in his- tory — 12,000 Life ' Underwriter'' writing. between seven , and eight billion : of insurance `annually' alto,. that new,; more .'detailed lic- ensing examinations 'have been inaugurated by. ° the governments of Quebec,- Nova Scotia and Bri- tish 'Columbia Past President, William. •Kind han of Lucknow, reported` on his' attendance at. the Annual Meeting, of . the national association held in. the ;Royal .York, Toronto, re=.. cently. "Of special ' note;" he • ,said; . "was the high calibre. .of leadership ;in ' this ` body • — 50 members, ' 'en : the .Board . 'which meets regularly." The three-day meeting, handled many items of routine business 'but devoted a large , block of time to a brand- new course of training; still under the ; name of Life Underwriters Association, Training 'Course. An: even .greater 'response; is expect- ' ed than , the . fine total ' who took , advantage of 'the. former course: As...beforeit will be the .forerun- ner to; the course; through'the • Ex- tension Department of the . Uni- •versity of Toronto leading to the' 'Chartered Life Underwriter des- ignation. . ,Committee Chairmen reported; as follows:' Clarence Thompson, for, Ethics •.and . Practice, ,''Harry BruegemanC.L.U. . , C.L.for Education I and' Publicity; William •Kinahan I for. Program.; is Bert •Disch f o r I Membership and Attendance; Wil- liam Conron f o r Bulletin . and Rodney 'Helwig for Finance', Mr. Dewar as regional. direction ` gave a number of helpful ;suggestions. Bruce' Kenny thanked the. speak - LULROSS ..CORNERS 200 .'games and over; Josie Lois,.. Linda . and ;:'Kenny Wall spent a ; few . , days with : their grandmother, Mrs.,. 'Joe ,Wall, of Teeswater. Last week it snowed And . the wind blew : :producing a'' blizzard which: snarled. traffic . for a 'cou- ple ' of days. Most schools were closed.. both.•Thursday, and Friday,, 'By Saturday traffic was- moving again.. ' Several ,were storm' stay. ed, along •the .line.' Congratulations to Miss.:Sharon Stanley :.on ; .passing her Grade VIII piano: . Ronnie Wilson ; knows 'what itis to . have a sore head.. While- wat aching a hockeygame in ;.Kincar-r. dine he. was :accidentally hit o. the ' forehead . above the eye. It. .. took ' four' stitches to close the gash... ' . Mr. and Mrs Dan Tollefson, Islington;; spent,; the week -end with.. Mr. and' Mrs. .Ezra Stanley. Arthur. Stanley, (Kitchener, nie• wall, Kitchener and Beverley Wall, Exeter, spent the week -end. at. their' homes ' here. , Here's �a ' suggestion ' from. the. Ontario- Safety 'League:.Dont try' to beat bad traffic conditions ; try :: to LIVE. with ' them 'BLUEBIRDS PLACE •.FIRST LADIES AFTERNOON, BOWLING (February 22nd): , (Intended or Last Week) • Cardinals. 3, ` Bluebirds, 1;, ; Or- ioles 3, Wrens 1.; Canaries'•.2,� Rob- ins 2. : Marina Parks rolled the . :. high single this week: with a 264 and . Marie Stewart' .captured the. high triple with a 614. ' .Team . Standing ' , .f. the' regular scheduleatthe findsend the Bluebirds in first place with 50 .. points, Orioles 2nd with 46, Wrens 3rd• with 45, Cardinals 4th. with 39, • Canaries. 5th' with 34, Robins.,6th with 26. Play-offs to start next week for 5, weeks. • 200 games and . over, Marie Stewart • 225, 221, , Maxine Maize 203, Petty Mole 205, Shirley Haw- thorne 223, Bertha Olsen 208, Ed- 204:na 0 Petrie 210, Marina• Parks' 264, Mildred ,Cameron 208, Helen Hall : ' PEARLS TOP STANDING LADIES ' EVENING 'BOWLING , (FAhrirary 22nd) (Intended For Last Week) • ' Pearls' won 3 points from Sap. phires; Emeralds: won 4 points • from Rubies;' Diamonds won 3 points from Rhinestones. Josie, Hamilton captured the high sin- gle and triple with 308 and 223 . We. ,extend . our Sympathy to Mrs. R, Green and .other rela- tives in the loss' of her brother, EdWarn in . Westminster. 'passed a-� :. y . ' i ' Hospital in London. . Mr. and Mrs, Morley • Wall spent: a f:ew •days in Ottawa last week and . attended a. MVIilk Pro- ducers' Meeting, Reg Brown and Jim ' Wilson ; ire to Toronto ,last Wednesday. Hamilton,. 308, 263; Tillie Wilsons 230; Barbara Friendorf. 210; Iso- bel Miller, 216; r MMarjorie Hackett,• 218; 13arb ..Sanderson, 229; RoSe Hall, .212, 243; Marie Johnstbne,, 267;, Donna Alton; 212, *Owen Cae- sar; 227, ' 243;. Colleen • Ledy, 204;. Donna Young, 201; Team Standing, High for the year are the Pearls- with '48 points, Rhinestones 47:, Diamonds 42, .Emeralds 41, Sapphires 33, :Rubies 30. ,