The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-03-03, Page 3v f#PNgI DA;Y, ted4kft!,.4170 THE 4ucKN #W,. SENTINEL, L,i, KNOW, .ONTARIO �EE■.■■. . .. EE■EE:!EB EE■� - - -- . tE■E!IMAIBE■■EEE®■wEEiR■■■E■■■■R■RR•E*■■■■■■■■■, M. . ■ Ai!WWIF#'.T"GRFAT.,T : ■ ,mt. ■ ■ Cream • ■Style . Cor , 5 89c:■ ■, Star us R. LIBB:YS. SAVE- 14c . T ' . t E R., oz,• ■ ■ : Tableware 11",'Lipolit'Soups. 2-49c : Stciinless• THIS.'. WEEK : SALAD: FORK. ONLY 11..c. WITH: $5.Q0: • PURCHASE !; `CHICKEN:. NOODLE, . SAVE 9c _ Tuna Fish ■ CLOVER LEAF,' SOLID 'WHITE i; SAVE 6c, 7 ;oz..` TINS ■ 111 Johnson's 'K rfear , � 99c:: ■ ; ilc OFF PACK, SAVE 30c,•32 oz. TIN Luncheon a Meat i' "PREM, ' SAVE,. 10c, 12'�oz,. .„. Gem Murgarine -' COL.; ;SAVE ' 11c, TWIN 'BAR, Ib.; 41c MEAT, �c Jeri -o' Puddings .6-79c • INSTANT, USE YOUR FREE COUPON; ■ SAVE 20c, REG'.' PKGS. ' ■ ■ ;■ Ginger -ale KIST, QUARTS, SAVE 25c:. .Fabric Softener FLEECY; SAVE .6c'.32 oz:: Beef & Irish :Stews: ✓ '. SWIFT•' PREM., :SAVE .10c, .24;' oz: ■ Spaghetti & Meatballs .". • SWIFT SAVE 10 • Piflk::,SuIrnOfl. ▪ 'PARAMOUNT FCY, SAVE 11c Tomato Juice : ROSEDALE CH:, SAVE 11c, 48 oz.. Pi Filling O E. D SMITH ASST'D., SAVE 11c,' 20 oz.' I..Aflucifl..TubIts' "' REGULAR 89c, 60's i� Resdan ,REGULAR $1.50,, BAKERY. ' FEATURE Cinnamon Buns WESTON, REG. 39c, 12 TO. PKG. FROZEN FOODS Orange Juice •;OLD .SOUTH, 66 ox...TINS Meat Pies J MORTON'S BEEF 'CHICKEN SAVE ' 12c, 8 oz. . ■ ■ On. December, 15,.' .1908, ' he mar- ,ried Annie Elizabeth 'Sherwood. at, Adam Johnstone ,. Passes At Goderich .:: .. Adam Johnstone .. of `Gdderich' passed, . away just two months af- ter ,his wife in Alexandra Hospi- tal,' Goderich - on. February 23rd,, at the age of 77: le hadbeen, ill for a . year.. Mr. Johnstone was. born .March. 24th; . 1887, in Ashfield T6wnship, the sow; of James 'Johnstone and "Mary Ann Marshall.'He wasrais- ed in Ashfield. Township,, • was ' a farmer and electrician:,' • • ■. ■ * ■ ■ • • a.■ ■ ■•. ■ ■ 5-_1 111 TURKEY,. ■ ■ ■ ■. ■. ■ ■ ■: ■ ■ ■ ■ E ■ ■ ■111. ■ ■ i ■. ■ ■ . ■ i' ■ ■ ■ : •• 55c ■: ■ ■ ■ FRESH PRODU. Oranges SWEET JUICY :CALIFORNIA`., Tab'Pe • Potatoes -ONTARIO NO. 1 25 'Ib BAG HaddOc.kF�Ie$ FRESH FISH Whitefish Whole. BONELESS MEAT>FEATUR Butt Pork ClompsLEAN, MEATY' ti • 11.11•1111101111101111•111\ • • • • , ■ '' a' sons and two'daughters, Ken. of. i d p ■Lucknow; Donald. o£ Guelph, Mrs. and : , _ ,' e. ;� O � . 0 , e, •■, 'Gordon .(Fay,) Tolton of 'George- . ■; town, Mrs. Paul (Irene) .Tare' of Smithfield Penn;' 9 grandchildren Belfast. They resided . in Lucknow until •.1917, living firstly in the house now owned by Miss Liella Finlayson .on Wheeler : St. and then on the same street ' in the house' recently • purchased. .by: Wm Hogan: Most of their years in Lucknow, however, • they lived in Harry Anderson's shouse on Standpipe Hill. While in . Luck 'now •::Mr Johnstone. worked at Stewart's, ::Ptaning Mill and El- ectric Plant.. In ' 1917: they be- gan .'farming at Curries Corners in Ashfield''; Township , on the' .farm their son Gordon now owns:'. Mr. Johnstone' was. a . trustee ' and secretary -treasurer of,, SS.." No; 10, •Ashfield for 'several.. years. He attended. Lanes Presbyterian: Church ' and later Hackett's' Un- ited Church. Mr.- & .Mrs; , Johnstone . retired to Goderich in • 1952.. where: they belonged to Victoria Street: Unit- ed .. Church.. The Senior, Citizens` Club of •Goderich of which • he' was a member held . a . memorial; ser- vice on Wednesday afternoon Mr. ' Johnstone's wife . predec. ceased him on December 17; 1964.. He is' survived by one daughter Myrtle: May. Johnstone;, a 'librar- ian librarian in' Goderich : who resided with her father; one son Gordon A of Lucknow; three. grandchildren;., two : sisters, Mrs Annie 'Bere,' Dungannon and Mrs. William (Selena) Hunter, Lucknow.,. •He.' was. predeceased by:- three sistersandfive brothers Mrs. Tom Henry, (Isabella) and • Mrs. John Irwin (Mary) ' of ..2nd of ` Kin- loss; • Charlotte Johnstone,. ` Ash.. field; ' William and James of Lucknow; Jake of Semans,. Sask; John and, Edward of Ashfield'. On Thursday, 'February ' 25, the funeral ;was, ;conducted ' '<from Stiles•', - Funeral ' Home, God erich,: by the Rev. C.. A. Dukelew....Due to the storm the committal ser- vice was ,•' held ; at . the funerl. home:. On Saturday;' ` temporary entombment'' was in :'South, Kin- loss Mausoleum; .with final burial. to be in Greenhill Cemetery; . Luc-' know, . Pallbearers, ' were Dan Mc- Innes, Holyrood; ' Mel Henry; Pine ;River;; Rod; McKenzie, Port'. Albert; Eldon Culbert, Dungan- non•; Lloyd" Irwin,: Kinloss; • Jim Hunter, Zion. Mother Of Local Resident Passes MRS. EDWARD CHESTER Mrs;.. Edward "Chester passed away inGeorgetown Hospital .on Monday, February .15th • in her' 69th year:. Mrs. Chester, the for-, mer' Edith Collins ofr Guelph, was ;predeceased' by her'husband in 1944. He 'was employed with the railroad in' the, Guelph area. She has been residing in. Georgetown. Mrs'. 'Chester is survived by two ■ :. • ..PHONE 528.3001. __ FREE DELIVERY . ■ ■ ■ and two brothers. . ' .Th^ funeral service was held ■■■E10E,R■E�iEpo�Miaa�■fir:yea■alae■■aEeM■�■■EaEsiEE■■EE■■■nE■■■E■■E■■■s■■■■■■rE■■0 on. Thursday, February 18th, • Gur3lph= i. LOCA:. and GENERAL NEWS . , Mr, .. and ';Mrs. Alvin Hamilton "• Mti s. '.Cliff : Grawford returned to of town •visit- L Saturday 'after a. and Larry .Salkeld u id ay on i Y .. the Chin family , in Toronto holiday. in - 'California t�Vith.: her 'cd sister. . . lat. weekend: Mr; and Mrs.. 'Spence ,Irwin vis- ited recently with ,' their .soh. George and ',Mrs. Irwin . and SIX. children at Maple. Anson, Ruttan, Corrie,.. ;'isited over the Week -end with his daugh- ter Mr., and. Mrs. Robert '!`inlay, Sandra and ;Paul. • File World Day of Prayerwill be • held this Friday 'in the Luck-, now United; Church. Mr$: `d`aclt McDonagh; ,of town has been a patient in Wingharn and •Dist let Hospital -since Thurs-. dad :. .Mr. and Mrs.. Stuart Jamieson of Lucknow, Mr. and . Mrs. 81- mer MacKenzie of. Mount For- est, attendedthe' funeral of their, cousin 'Mrs. Elizabeth .'T. Fuller,. the former Bessie Tennant,; in Buffalo on Monday; March, 1st. . Mr•.:. and Mrs. Geifrge Book of Lorebttrn, Saskatchewan,' are iris-. icing in Lucknow with her., par- ents Mr, and Mrs.' James Bea- ton.. They made the trip 'here by train.. .' USE SENTINEL WANT -ADS Mr', and Mrs. Ed Baker of . Shel burne; formerly of Lt cknoW;' Mid Mrs. Olive Boss ' of the White church district` were among: those' g .. e bus, trip to Florida with .the Burley .Bus Lines with. which, Allan. Reed is a driver. "We enjoy your fine paper" says Rev. Grant Meiklejohn ,of Copetown, pastor of the Cope-. town-Rockton` pastoral' charge' and a former minister at Lick - now United Chureh: ' PAGE THREE,' School Plan For . Operetta,: Concert • ('L.D.H.S. News); (By John 'Bradley),. P The ,Band. and Glee Club of L.D..H S., 'under the ":direction of Elwin Hall are planning AO' pre- sent ' a concert On Saturday,. March 20th. The concert .will con- tain various ' numbers by the L D-H.�S. -Band-- and . air I1Lbe_..clim-., axed by an operetta entitled "Call fof-Aphias." With ,a cast of• over sixty, in the . operetta, this prom- ises to • be'..one-' of the . biggest un- dertakings of the students of Luc- know High,` The plot of. 'this oper- etta tells of the "Local Boy" who makes good and' returns to marry the school teacher.' teacher.' With solos, choruses,, -dances cand costumes. to be practised`, and obtained, a great deal of work is being put. into this show, which should be • a 'great success, 'Further news regarding , this concert will . be published at a . later date, Once again school was cancell- -ed last Thursday and Friday as 'storm conditions we re; severe throughout the area.. It• seems just.' yesterday that this school, year—began -but when .you stop and think about' it, the second . term of, the school year is almost over! BIRTHS HENDERSON'= ;Paul' and. Elean- or Henderson •.of'.Detroit are plea- sed ' to, announce the,. birth of a daughter, `Jennifer Anne, On . Mon day, March 1st, . a sister' for Hea- ther. ' • AshfIeIdS�hooI Board Minutes Ashfield . Township,:'• School` Area Board met on Monday, February :. 22nd; 1:30 p.m. at North Ashfield Public School.. ' Motion Eedy and Helm that ' the board ' s e c.0 r ethe., secretary • - treasurers b o n d ' for. $20,000.00. from`; 'Frank .Thompson,. Dungan non. Irvin • and Eedy informed the board they had ;received the con sent; :of : Torn Culbert ' to act ns caretaker) .for. S.S. 16, Crewae, ,and Mrs.. Ruby . Draper; , :for S S. 1 Port Albert. Motion Mrs., Zinn. and Helm these 'offers be ' accept=' ed. • Board agreed . to :accept the of- fer' Of f-fer`of 'Educator•, Supplies'Limited to arrange a . school Supply d s- play for teachers•..'and•' .board: members on March .15th, at, S:5. 9 at 8 p.m: Motion Irvin and Mrs. Zinn ex- pense :account ;. be ,accepted . as' presented.. . . Lloyd • Wylds, • :Milk 'North: Ash- field, t $162.00; Elwin . Petrie, Hot' lunches S.S. 1, $41.15'; . Pannabec-, kers Gen. .Store, Hot lunches S+ S. 13, $38 00 Grant: Chisholm, 'Furnace , oil, $36.47; • W. A. Hamil ton., Furnace • oil, .4276.39; 'Luck- .now 'Co-op; 'Furnace.' oil, "$69.44 Art Gilmore,, Furnace : repair; p '$60.85; . Lucknow' Fruit Market, Sundry, , $1,01; Eedy's ' Bakery, Het lunches S.S. 8,1434,06; Luck- now Sentinel, 'Office supplies and Advt:,' $59.27; ' Signal -Star Pub. Ltd., Advertising, $9,46: Jack Hood School Supplies; $50.01,; Howard . -.Blake,. sundry, $9.08; Ross Eedy, Trucking, $4.60;' And- ,ew Dairy; Milk S.S. 6, $26.28;. West ' Wawanosh Fire Ins. Co., S.S, .13, ' $22.60; •' S. R. , Hart and, Co. Ltd., Minute: Book and:.refills,' $43.71; Receiver: General, 'Income Tax; February, 4398:55; 'Teachers, $4118.31.; Caretakers, $275.50.... R»s Operators $1620.00; Howard Blake, 'Secretary- Treasurer, $80 .00; Total expenses, $7,436.63. ''" TO RECEIVE :HONORARIUM, Motion Mrs. Zinn ' and. Irvin that the board receive 'an honor- arium. according, to the rates es: tablished t by. the :Dept. of • -Educa- tion: Ashfield, having frons ,300 to 600 sehool children the trustees would receive $20,00 per month overa ten month period,' Motiop, carried., Agreed same to be re= ' ceived semi-annually. : Motion to 'adjourn by Helm and"- Eedy, to meet . again at North Ashfield Public School, oil March 22nd; at 1:30 ' p,nn, Howard • Blake, (sec. -treat)" 1