The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-10, Page 7WEDNESDAY,FEB., loth, Ins THE LUCKNOW. S,CNTINEL . LUC,KNOW, ONTARIO CULROSS CORNERS F.O. and Mrs, Russel Stewart and family 'have .. returned to Trenton: after : spending' last . week with his parents, Mr; and: Mrs; Tozn Stewart and boas Misses Donna ..• Trizesky . and Beverley ,Lazevnick Detroit, spent. • * some time with,, 'Mrs: Jiro. • Held • enby. h Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson and, Christine , :were tc London on Friday. , • Mrs ',Tom—'Stewart attended • a shower in Kinca; d•ne on Satur- day •evening, .• :when her grand- daughter, : Miss Walterene. Wil- kie was the guest offbonour. '' Owing •ato the' storm .fast week, some of the buses were unable to. 'PAGE SEV,E11 make ' tSeir rounds, thus , several of'- tbo rea children had ro school. • ;:,mac. • �•}; ��annn^^-� The. developement; 'of the heart lung r'macbine makes possible life ; saving surgery, inside the heart to: correet inborn defects reports the Canadian Heart. Fund,• currentlyconducting its 1965 cam- paign. • DO'S SHUR•,GAIN FERTILIZER SPREAD :BETTER -7 At 'BET •E - At. a . uiick glance . SHUR-GAIN Selected -Granulated. Fertilizer ma look• verymuch 4 g. Y. .like most other kinds of 'granular: fertilizers—but there is an important difference. ,. Most ordinary ,fertilizersand practically 'all custom blended ones consist of a dry; mixture of fertilizer,materials eitherin powder' or granular form. As a result' the different, :ir ingredients :var •:in size and weight. You can. compare` gY 8 it to a handful of ping-pong balls, mixed •with marbles If you throw out a handful of these, :the.`heavier.marbles will travel farther than the 'ping-pong-balls-•=and: that,. is exactly what happens with ordinary. fertilizers ',Every, gofrSHuR-GAIN `Selected -Granulated `Fertilizer contains the g taranteed E i<. granule , plant food elements :in- the right proportion. When you spread your fertilizer, with •a drill or even more important,. with any broadcast -type spreader you can be sure that every particle (from the smallest to the lar est) of free -running SHUR-GAIN Selected -Granulated Fertilizer is' nutritionally ,' `balanced: no matter where it lies—assuring. you of complete and even intake of all the plant food by your crops. There are, no excesses .yin one area and starvation in another with sHU1,i=GAIN. • Another good reason'. why, you can be confident of top returns from SHUR•GAIN?• - the finest fertilizer for your good earth! fertilizer Nr{ +^;..+.y ht •k„•••• �..„0:•Z, }:, '4 }r :.'r::•:•}.v•:.>:$•{;::r,.. .. 7 Be sure to discuss your. spring Fertilizer program with your local SHUE GAIN: Fertilizer dealer •.."�. iii;;, :. •}...r;• RECIPE OF THE MONTH By the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute "Buy Canada Choice Canned Fruit” • Ium RoI,y• Poly' SERVES g FOR .. A • $MACK:, AOR DESSERT 3 .cups biscuit mix r `2 teaspoons cinnamon 2 tablespoons melted butter � • teaspoon nutmeg ?l4 cup sugar 1 cup canned strained -plums (or junior plums) 49 Prepare your own biscuit dough . or use a • prepared mix. Roll out iri 15 x 10 -inch rectangle. Spread with melted butter. .Combine sugar and spices. Sprinkle ' 1 on !biscuit ` mix. Spread with strained plums `: leaving as 1 -inch margin. Sprinkle with remaining sugar and :spices. Roll up, and cut in 1 -inch, slices. Place slices, cut side up, in a greased pan or muffin • tin. Bake in hot oven (450 degrees, F.) 15-18 minutes. KINLOUGH and Mrs. Hugh Janson and t family visited on . Sunday with Mr. and' 'Mrs: Morley. Bushell and family. : •: ..Mr and ' Mrs. Everette Lane, Barbara and Terry 'of Chatham ,spent, the weekend, with• Mr.• and Mrs: Malcolm, Lane, Hugh and Stewart. Miss 'Mabel Dixon. of. Weston ;was a recent visitor with. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McInnes and' 'famiy, Mrs. Bob; Smith of ,Goderich`' spent ' a few days with. her . par- ents Mr. and -Mrs. Haf'oid.Hald- enby,; . Barry, and Geordie. Joan, Percy Heads 4-H The •,4H Club . girl'. stands on guard met at the home of .Mrs Lyman Sutton.. Officers • elected President Joan ,Percy, Vice'. Pres-•• idem Jeanette Eckenswiller, Sec- retary -Treasurer jean • Sutton, Press Reporter ; Janet .Bushell. • School q `classes have been can- celled owing • to. the stormy 'wea- ther . Congratulations. • to . Mr. .and Mrs. N. E. Evans (nee; Karen Nicolson) of Downsview . on the Mir• th••.of .a • son on February ,.2nd. Their ' daughter .Linda who is 3 years old was also born on Feb- ruary 2nd ' Mr. and . ,Mrs. Dan McInnes. and family visited' on Tuesday, with Mr.. and 'Mrs. J. Dixon at Durham.. ' ' • Mr. • William E;'' Haldenby is attending ` a convention at "•Tor ont o . this week Mrs. George .:Haldenby will be hostess .for the' ' W.A., meeting which will be',held:, on . Thursday afternoon. - ' Some 'from' 'here attended the . variety :concert "The Gay Nine-. tiesat Lucknow . and* . District High School on Saturday even- " ing.. (Mrs. 'Harold Haldenby among those taking 'part.. Mr.: and Mrs. George Holden- by were dinner guests with Mr and Mrs. Clare Sparling and fam- ily at Walkerton ' on Sunday even- ing. NOTE CHANGE Services in the Anglican Church have been cancelled •for the past. three Sundays. Qn Sunday : next the servic . wil be held at 1;30 Celebrates '84th. Birthday We extend best wishes to 'Mrs. James Hodgins Sr.. who celebrat- es elebrates her 84th birthday on : Thurs day On Monday February 15th : Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgins will be. 60 years married., We . wish to extend congratulations at this time. (`* Langside Church Annual Meetin g . Langside Presbyterian cougre •gatinn held their annual' meeting on Saturday,. February :6th. Rev. Gordon Fish, :Interim Mo- : derator„opened the• meeting •with scripture and•. prayer., Rev. .Fith w a s appointed chairman and • :Mrs: ;Gordon Wall: secretary.':•.Alt, reports were accepted as printed. , The •amount of 'the. budget was acce7ted for $20). Words of yap. preciation were tendered the La-: dies Aid' ..for, . their • interest. and' i. work ```in'having • 'the; floors ;. refin- ished and the pews. and ...wood- ' .v`arnished. • ` James `Richardson IWall; 'Wesley ' Young. were re-elec , l ' ted . to the. Board of Managers' - ' for °''a , three-year 'term. Graham ' Moffat was' .re -appointed, as.: area- `surer and James Moffat 'and •Rog bert Orr as auditors. David. Mot. • fat, George:Young,. James You William• Young and Robert Orr were re-elected: as 'ushers. , Rev -Fish . closed the . ; • meeting with prayer. Is Your Subscription Renewed Distinctively Personal for Invitations, Thank -You and Notes. ' Perfect for Gifts 50, INFORMALS AND. 50 • ENVELOPES s The name In raised black' printing' on fine qualify white Vellum paper with. matching plain enveloPes' Order Item 2260:- - 260. y , 'Choose hem these Four Type Style Af ts. • 4 attic ..tet TYPE SrYLt.,A10 frt. nhn finiltrsni`t 'TYPE s rYLk Ate vont • , MPS. bONALD PHILLIPS "rvPF sTYLt4 Al2 rs •,t11 ci td °bins on • • 't'YP E STYLE” Ale ORDER .FROM ..r.w.:... TE LIJ(KNOW. SF'NTINEI HONE 5283134 ° be nd .we ve • ng •ia.: ay to ign gid. pie ing the •eer tau - for We hey.