The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-10, Page 4A • FAG* FOUR' TH LUCKNOW . SINTINEL, 'LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,. FEB. 1(101!,„ 1! 1'd -3134 SALE FOR; SALE .1956 Ford 2 -door, standard V -8t 4• new tires, Phone 16-3 nItipley,, , . PI — CS FOR � SALE : 43 -Chunks. .Lorne Forster, , phone •Lucknow 528=6492; ' •FORSALE new-born ,calves. Omar. , •, � Brooks Lucknow, phone 5284839, SPECIAL'. •-4- on all .Sizes. Of barn fans, 16"' — .95;.. mineral bowls $3.95. , Pollock 'Electric, Ripley, Phone' 190: .VALENTINE CARDS .• Valentine- 'Cards by Rustcraft • now on sale. at Finlay Decorators, Lucknow.. . 'HOUSE FOR SALE* , duplex on corner• of Willoughby and.inglis- Apply Mrs. Margaret ..Carruthers,, Ripley. HOUSE '. FOR SALE -4n Lucknow; the; former Alf Ritchie, property. on Campbell: St. East, .house to ,lbee ;removed, priced,:, very ' reason- able. Apply Allan' f Reed, . phone, 528-3502 SILOS ATTENTION.. FARMERS Construct Upright. Concrete Silos' up. to 55 feet. 'Arnold Hugill, .Box,. 164, 19, Cambria Rd: 1V., : Goder idh,. phone •JA4-9437. collect: HOUSE FOR :SALE — in Luck- now, ucknow, on corner of , : Havelock and Wolsely, large living room, dining room with, built-in corner : cttp boards; 'I bodrooni down With--clo- set, ith-°cio-set, kitchen with cupboards, ` 3 piece: bath with linen and clothes closet, 1 bedroom above, % abase- ment cement and dry, shed and ,: large' • garage:. Mrs. M. MacLen- nan,* 1513 Trafalger St:, Apt.: 11, London, . Ontario: READER'S DIGEST SPECIALS New subscribers may purchase 15; months .of Reader's Digest for $2 Renewal . subscriptions '• ac- :.cepted at the ,rate . `of $2.97 per year. Leave.' your orders with The Lucknow Sentinel; phone • 528-3134.. .AUCTION SALE Allan :..Mat Intyre Licensed Auctioneer. Lucknow Phone;. 528-3519 VACUUM': CLEANER ":. SALES and ;SERVICE For all makes- .= Filter ;Queen Sales, Varna, :phone '262-5350. s, CUSTOM. BUTCHERING Beef and pork, sold in any quan- ity. Custom butchering in .Govern - merit Govern -meat licensed 'abbattoir: Pigs every Tuesday,:-Beef„�ffom M b luta y through Thursday BUTTONS •MEAT MARKET WANTED WANTED. 800 bales:. of: hay. Jelin: Austin, phone 529-7328. • WANTED farm to rent, must have' fair buildings and within 15 miles • of Lucknow. 'Wesley Rutter, Lucknow phone 528-6141. WANTED - houseto rent in Luckno(V, 2 or 3 bedrooms, furnace, close to Stores;on or be- fore 1st of April,. Mrs. "Passmore Lucknow, phone 528-2448:. • PAPER. COLLECTION -- Luck - now Boy Scouts are planning a paper collection for ` Easter time, Save your+aste paper and help' the Scouts. FOR SALE ING FOR SALE - =-- - 30• }�1s weaned' two. -weeks and well. Started. :I . cyan +Farriali, .Lodhalsh, phone Rip- ley 4-r.-8. FOR. SALE -•- 5' .springing : Hol- stein heifers,, about 1000 pounds. Robert Farrish, R.R. 3 ,Lucknow, phone 76-r-17 Ripley, FOR SALE:. Holstein Spring- ers, also Stocker cattle, no down payment, 3 years to pay at: 7� straight . interest. Apply Start Hors, burgh, phone 357-2744 Wingham. BETTER .BRANDhNG ' with elec- tricity is yours with a new . Co-op: Branding T: r•.o n, No. Blotched Brands.' Order now for Spring. Lucknow Co-op, 528-2125. CAR FOR SALE * 63 --Chew- Biscayne; 6 cy ', 4 door, good • condition, priced for ` quick sale orwill take pick-up truck on p trade.: Ray ' Stanley, Bervie, phone 2314. urkeys 39c Ib; Hingham at Market SEPTIC TANKS' CLEANED Vacuum cleaning and pumping of. septic tanks, • Ronald Forster,: Lucknow, phone 528-3002,. ' manu- facturer of cement septic tanks and ' welltile. MAN REQIJI)u -•-- to learn the electric motor 'repair trade,' Above average mechanical ability. Min- -Atrium i'n-' *mum grade. 10 education . regliirr ed tinder •apprenticetraining prom. gram. Skilled or semi skilled man also considered. ,Apply -_ .Burke Electric,. Wingham, ..Phone 357- 2450 IN MEMORIA HAOKETT = . In loving memory cif a dear wife and mother Mrs... Harry. Hackett, whe passed away: three..years ago, Febrtrary : 6th, 1962 We ..do not .need 'a specia.l flay To bring you to , our mind,' The days we do 'boot think of you Are very hard to. find. A `happy home we ‘once • enjoyed, How sweet the memory still, But death has, left a : loneliness The world can. never fill. Always .remembered and sadly missedy husband and faintly:. JOHNSTON -= In loving memory of •'Mrs. Peter Johnston who ' pass ed away one year ago, February 16th, 1964 ' I can not say, and I• win, not say is She is just away! With a: chey smile, a' wave 'of' the hand That she. dead: She . has 'wandered into an un- known land, And she . deft '11.s dreaming how. very : fair It needs must . be since she ling- ers there: And; you—ah you,: whohe 'wild- est yearn For the old-time , step'. . ; and' grad return, Thuile •of. her f" ` g : on, as dear, In the love of here, as the love of Here. NEW.. ' CASH BINGO Legion Hall, K" Luc snow, every Thursday evening, 8:45 'p:.m. , •15 regular games $10:00 each. 4 Share -The -Wealth, games with jackpot included in each game. Jackpot this week $80.00 on. •'50 calls. GODERICH. LIONS` BINGO The Goderich Lions will hold* hold• a bingo on. Wednesday, February 17th, 8:30 pan. at the -Harbour- lite Harbour.liteInn, seventeen regular games: at : $10, one share -the -wealth, one $50: jackpot, and the; new acceler- ating jackpot up to $250. and, ,`2 door prizes. Admission $1;U0. CHILD ,HEALTH :CLINIC The child health clinic of the Bruce -°-Co uirty -HeaSth � Unit for pre-school ' children ; and infants. Will be held' in the Legion Rooms, Lucknow. on Tuesday, February 16th from 10 to 11:30 a.m. SUNBEAM' DIRECTOR~ TO.° SPEAK, Mr. Pi ter ' Vos Director'''of "the . e� , Sunbeam Home, f;o r • Retarded Children will be Guest . Speaker at.' the General • Meeting of the U C,W :on Tuesday,, Februarys '16,. at 8:00'. pan, All thoise,:interested in. Retardation are welcome/ FARM • .MANAGEMENT MEETING.` Kincardine . Town Hall. Wednesday, February 17, ': Dairy and Hogs; Tuesday,... !Mareh 2,.. and • Beef 'o'er! .. . CARD OF THANKS Mr... and Mans; ; W. A.. .. Culbert of Dungannon wish, to : express their -thanks to their : many .friends and ; 'relatives .who remembered: them: with . phone: .calls and cards' at • the time of ; their 54th wedding anniversary on February,;lst Mr. and Mrs, .Leonard Mac - Innes would like ,/to. ' say thanks for ' e kind 'e ressions' of sym- pathythe expressions ym- pathy extended to them,, in • the loss • of , their dear. sister, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles, wish to thank all: who made the Variety Concert a success. Special' thanks to Messers. Lloyd Ackert, Charles Webster, . Gerald' Rath- well, , The • School Board and Mrs. Ross. Cunings and: all who. had a part in making :it. a complete evening, .-• We.: wish , to express our sincere thanks to all who kindly remem- bered us • :with cards 'and •other expressions of sympathy: '' � a • Mrs. Samuel Congram and. family •••••••••••••••••••••••4 • • • Think•' of her still as ''the . same, I say— ' She is ;not dead -she is just away. Ever remembered 'and 'sadly missed -by husband, • family and grandchildren:'• Dead Anima Rem�v�l. For, DEAD or DISABLED' ANIMALS -4 Call COLLECT DarIing acid• • Company of Canada Ltd.. Cl Dead Animal t �2726 Licen e • ''No, 350-C-65 rsa :• • • NOTICE The Annual' •Meeting ; of • .the Lucknow ;Agrictltural Society will' be . held in the Town Hall, Luck - now, on Saturday, February . 13th at 2:00 p.m. Election be officers, Centennial 'plans will be discussed. Your 'attendance , is requested. ' ANNUAL..'MEETING of the WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL . FIRE .INSURANCE \•COMPAIOY The . Annual'Meeting of, 1 thee West Wawanosh .•Mutual Fire In- surance Company will be held` in the' Parish, Hall, .Dungannon, On tario, on Friday, • February. 19th, 1965, at 2:00 pm., to `receive re- ports, : 'to elect three Directors, :to -aFPpint--��vc�boxs•, -atld--oto : trans=-- aot all .:Other ' business that. 'may be introduced in : the :(interest of the Company The • retiring Directors a re Messrs. Paul Caesar',' 'Herten Ir - Win and . Ross McPhee,:;. all of whom are elegible for re-election. Herson 'mini'. President • . Frank •F:' Thompson, Sec-treas.' LUCKNOW MEN'S BOWLING' February .. 9. '• u 2nd, 00 .p.m'. Grcup High .single this week goes: to• Hap' Hall . with , 294. High triple. was rolled by. Harold Errington with. 712: ; Art. , Purney's : - . Silver- woods ' 2points, Omar ' Brooks' Pontiacs 2 paints;. Milt Rayner's Dodges 3points,' Ross Irwin's Fords .1:'point; Bill Hunter's Olds- mobiles 0p� `n >s Dick Park's Plias 4. -.points Team : Sbancings Buicks 39 points, bodges 37 paints, Silver - woods 36 points,` Pontiia s 36 points, Fords 32 points, ; . Oldsmo- bes 24 points. Games ; of . 250 and over: Hall 294,. Harold 'Ervin Hari' tin � ;�; Larry Salkeld 275, Harold . Ritch- ie 263..: •• �D a� e Sty ock . Removal Service We are :licensed to . remove your . dead or crippled. ,farm animals fo' Sanitary: disposal. GORDON YOUNG, Elmira Phone Collect /to: MRS: GORDON : TAY, LOR ., 528=5950 ,-• Lucknow 24 • hour Service. Licence Nos.' 215C63 and 221163: Mrs., J. -E, (Au .: Marshally USEIs�l ngton, says she en?oys�reathng SENTINEL • WANT -ADS ,the paper. eachweek. KELVINATOR24,'.' 4-BURNEI ELECTRIC RANGE On Sale',. $:129' With Trade • KELVINATOR 9 CU. FT. • REFRIGERATOR With; Trade Pol IoclrEIctric RIPL'EY PHONE' , 190 Is Chief Inspector. Bruce Health. Unit Bay Mahood of '*Wiartton assui ed'. his new. domes on 'Monday° last week : as Chief Health In for of Alm' ' Bruce' ..County . Rea . Unit,' filling: the : position of # late Mr. ,Jack' Wismar...., Mr.' Mahood is a ,native of 'Ki sardine and° du the ;war sei ved overseas five: years as a air crew member of the ;l,C4 in the ,capacity of Wireless Ope ation Gunner; He.. has been wit the County Health Unit in Wia ton since .Jenoary of ••i9 PEE WEES DOING,'WELL The 'Lucknow PeeWee hocke team won over Wingham 7.1 'i • gaine played :Monday night t Lucknow. , Goal getters ' were • Joh, Emberflin 4, Jon' MacKenzie. ':2 Bobby' Grer 1 • In a PeeWee tournament.hel in ;:.Paisley ; last - Saturday, Luck now .won their first two ,game with scores Lucknow 14 Chesle; 1; Lucknow know. '4, Kincardine 3.- Thi game with "Kincardine ;wa1 won after 'three, . overtime periods Lueknow• lost to Paisley in; th next game 5-2. The PeeWees are starting `them playoffs soon. They are playin real, good hockey and ' desery ,� your• support.: . PEE WEE,::. SQUIRT HOUSE LEAGUE Hamilton's.; Fuels defeated .Chis- habit's Imperials 6-3. hall, s Red & White won over Schmid's • a Ashton's 5=2� l'WE SELL .RURAL :ONTARIO,* • $7,900 with a modest .down-: payiment and easy terms: Good• •43 acre farm just oto the out -4 2 :skirts of Teeswater. 1% storey ' •home completely modern: King te :sized barn equipped, with :hy- •;, •dro and water, etc. Silo 12'x36'. *• • • $6,500 full price with . $1,500 _: *down payment for two storey. • brick home with . conveniences, a highway ap- Located, on No: 4 hi = • . :proximately three, three, miles from . •Wingham . ' • .. PAUL' S. STARR v. *& COMPANY LTD. -REALTORS ante BICKS .OF CANADA WOULD LIKE MORE ACREAGE • '• -• • •• • •. • i' • • OFFERING FIVE DOLLARS A TON MORE ..FOR • Nb. '6 ' THIS YEAR FREE, PICK UP AT GATE If Tnterested' Write or Phone BICKS OF CANADA PHONE' 30-r-3 DUBLIN or 4 •1.° I WINGHAM, • PHONE. 357=3840 :Local Agent E, PENNINGTON :•. ti ••••••••44;*•* N4;4 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••100••••••••00.610.4 JOHN VAN R001 DUNGANNON 5294438 • • • •. i • • • • i