The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-10, Page 3WEDNESDAYK: FEB. •.tOth, 1965. THE. LUcKNOW SENTINEL - LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ` ■■#■■■■EANABAU■■AUU•ir1■R.EEB■E ■i,1111■E#EItE■■14,■it■fail i■■111i■ii■llaaai �l%EuBi i 1 a ., �Farmeiit '.Quaker eats a i. QUICKaOR INSTANT; 'AVE'7c 1pg h'; S a etti LIBBYS COOKED,- 15.off , SAVE 24c ■ Cik�»Mi*es . 4 ROBIN. ,'HOOD, PACKET •� • SAVE: 13c. ■• Facial .Tissue PACK,. , . oz., • .SCOTTIES, .PACKAGE 4.00, SAVE .16c Cream` »Style » Corn. ■ STOKLEY, FANCY, ',15 :oz.,; SAVE ..7G`. HI Ens ■ • i FROZEN FOODS Fish ,8t. Chips 9c.: HIGHLINER HADDOCK, SAVE 4c, .24 oz.PKG, . 'r` Green Peas :49c. .SUPR,EME '`'FANCY,' 2 Ib., E.CONt BAG Imo, i. ■ SAVE. $1.46 -•. ; NORTEX » NESTING STOOL —. BRONZE 'TONE FINISH, : ASSORTED .COLORS,' A REGULAR $3;75, VALUE ■ ■ ;■ D lse. 'WHITE OR. ■ Tomat� ■ HEINZ,.'.10: Tissue COLOURED, .'SAVE 17c, ,ROLLS. ►: k�oup oz:, SAVE `12C Liquid Detergent ▪ MIR, 24 oz. TWIN. PK., SAVE 12c .• USE '. OUR REAR OF -STORE P�rkin,g»'Lo' .29 each = with Oranges SWEET JUICY CALIFORNIA,`S1Z Banana Bar C WESTON, 'REGULAR 49c EA. • 5 girder z. E 138 ese are jest a few of many specials you will ILI nd daily at our store. `. BINATION DEAL Cello Weioers gWeiner Rolls. LL FOR 64c 1T' FEATU Cottage Rolls LEAN, ' SWEET PICKLED rt per PHONE ,528-8001 'FREE' DELIVERY' :■ i ■ • r. ■ ■ • ■. .■ • ■ . ■ , 0 ■ • ■ ■ • 11.0 .0 • • ■ • ■. •a O . w ■ • M onm o mit %mpsimn 1ummiss1$i umsormions1111111NTwommim ouminassomimamml He was predeceased by his first wife, the former Frieda Ler-, edit who died in 1949. Tn. 1952 he married the former' Maria. Bid- ver, .who 'survives,:• LOCAL AND GENERAL . • J. Pymr is convalescing in Wesrninster Hospital. after under- going -Major surgery.. The ' regular ' mienthly ' meeting'± 01» the Lucknow, Women s :Instr-'i tute' willbe held in the Asso ; Y RootTT :an Friday, Fehr ry 1s h • at 2:30 p.m: Guest speaker. w ll be the District president ' 'Mrs.! Francis Gemmel of. Ripley. Mrs. R, H. Thompson is . V1s-1 tong this week in Toronto' .with' her daughter; 'Mrs. Wm, news: siid..her ter' Miss Lorna Carnpj • Obituary DAVID` MAUER fi. 74-; of : Elrriwood; - I��ry jc1 Mauer, i al died. ,Sunday in Hanover Hospital after a t,l>> ec:weelz illness, ,a fore in ,Bentinck Township, he r �,as; a , soil of the late Mr. and >txrs. Charles Mauer. He farmed in the E.Inrwood district until re- tiring to Eltnwood abort 10 years Be was a m+"mber of St. .1:11n.rs 1 itnet.an Church, Elrn4 ' Also surviving. are two sons, Gordon of Lucknow, Norman of Ayton; » three daughters, Mrs. Lorne . (Elsie). Ballagh of . St, Thomas,. Mrs..:: Walter (Laura) Lipsky of Sullavan„ Township;' .Mrs, Elmer (,Marie) Pries • of Elmwood two brothers, . Arig itst of Chesley, Henrya of Han - Oyer; three sisters,Mrs John a PAGE THHRE''t: dears :.»».Ifl» »:Wuron SAMUEL ° CONGRAM • Samuel Congram,. 92, of . Wet-, erloo, died at his home after a. short !illness;. He was »a son of the Yate Mr. and Mrs. Richard; Congram: of Kinloss ' Township. • Over 60 'years ago he married Lillian 'Webster: They farmed ',oil the. .2nd of ;Huron for. ,50' years on ' the farm . now owned' by Os - ear White,- R.R. "6 Lucknow. Ele ven years ago Mr. 'and Mrs. Con .gram moved » 'to. Waterloo. Surviving are ' his wife, t+hefor- mer . Lillian Webster; two sons, Elliott and Arthur: at =home; five daughters, • » Mrs.' ' William ` (Lor- ena) Buclatngham• »and Mrs Mil vert .(Laura); Reid of Lucknow,. Mrs: Nelson (Winnifred) Mordon of Toronto, MrsLloyd (Annie) Forbes. of Stratford' and Louise. of . • London,. Ontario; 10. grand- ' rand ��h'1dren and ,five . great•, grandehil dren. Mr. Congram. was predeceased by two 'sisters and. five . brothers,, ',Mrs. Abe ».(•Louise')'. Culbert, 'Dun- gannon; Wiliam of Holyrood; Thomas of •Wingham Arthur, Isl. ai h and ,Charlie, all of . Lucknow; s. Watson. (Nellie) , Scott, Kin.- lough.. ' The funeral wait conducted. from »the Edward . R ;Good .: •Funeral. .Home . by Rev. D. F% rIrvine: of the Church ` of ..the Holy Saviour. Temporary entombment was in Woodland. 'Mausoleum : with , burial -later ;at '. Greenhills Cein , .Luc know: • Pallbearers„. were. Lash ». and Cecil .Congram of Holyrood, Ron- ald 'Morden and Ronald Congram of. Toronto. o” f/ agazrne uiz At L.D.H.. • (By , John Bradley) • During the' past .couple of weeks the "Time • Magazine Cur-. 'rent Affairs Test : for '1965" was held at Luck/ups District High.; School: Mt.. •Ramautarsiingh; . our. History teacher, ' conducted ucicnpw. Arena Schedule * * *, THURSDAY, - FEBRUARY" 11 Curling , 1 to 5 _ 7 to ,111 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 • Belfast .School -- 1-:00-2:30 Ripley Junior. Farmers -Holyrood Butchers 8:0940:00L SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, Peewee, Fleas and,. Squirts '8 to 12 Skating -- ' 2 to . 4 8 • to• ' 10 . Chepstow & Rnrvrsdale 10:30-12 , SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14"'' Skating 2:00 to 4:00 Curling 7:00" to 11:00 • • MON,DAY,• FEBRUARY '15 `OPEN TUESDAY, FEBRUARY» 16 �. .Skating for Mothers :'and. Pre School . Children,. , .:1: 30-3:30 North `Ashfield School — 4:30-5:3Q+. Rural ;,Hockey 7;.0011:00 WEDNESDAY,- FEBRUARY..' 17. 'S.S. No,6 Rural',School , Squirt, Practise 7:00:-8:00 Skating ' 8-10 Open For Engagements . former Residorrt: asses =Suddenly MRS;. FRED COX Death came suddenly Tuesday, January 26th, 1965,'to' Cliristena. Evelyn MacDougall lin . her 51st year, beloved, wife of » Fred ; H. Cox, Orono,' Oirtario... She .was. born in Lucknow; March 26th, 1914, ' to Mrs. Flora MacDougall - and: the. late John MacDougall. in 1937 she ; became ''the ` wife of .. Fred: H.. Cox and they resided". - in • . Delhi .until 1947. when ; Urey test in : all ,History -Grades from 'moved to Orono. grade sten to thirteen. Prepared Mrs: ,Cox is survived by "her by the Tinie Magazine, this test, is part of the Tiine Education Program and it was '.tried by over one million students in Can .ada and the United' . States. The test was made up ' of ' . done hundred... multiple .choice quest-. ions .• which included the follow- ing topics! ollow-ing.topics! . The Elections; In. the States; ; Thea Nation;'. The". World;; Business; Science and ' Religian; Modern Living and Sports; The Arts, Milestones;' and some true and false questions. The forward in, the "Test 'Book- let" Book let." read: "The. aini of :this 100- questibntest• is 'to' help you •re-• view recent news 'events ..of' . sig- nific+ance and, we hope,» learn a bit. 'along' the way. »The. test does not assulme ` you know everyything; it , is written so that you will Score better if you use logic and have a broad knowledge, of the. news." • The, winners. at L.D.H.S..were:'. first, . Jim MacDonald , 83; • 'David' Thompson ,.81;: .and Keith . Williston78., » Congratulations.' gni to :these winners who will be awarded 'cer, tifieates of Excellence and 'Merit by Mr. Ramautarsingh:' Stormy weather , forced . High School cancellations at ,L.D :S,1 last Tuesday, . Wecdnesdaa' n d Thursday. However, school was held on' ;Wednesday 'and ` Thurs- day for Gr``ade Thirteen. ;Mr. Goy ette . has , announced ' that t h .e school wilt be Open ' each school day from now on, despite the fact that. the buses, may, not al- ways run (Laura) • Lahn of Hanover, Mrs. Fred (Annie) Wilken" of Hanover; Mrs. Stuart (Emma) • Butchard of Eden Grove; 14 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. One' sister predeceased him; ' The body was at the Enike ,Funeral. Home, Ches'ley; until Tuesday 'noon when removal' was made to St. John's ;Church Elm - Wood, for the funeral service at p.Mwith Rev. t dgar J. Fisch. er officiating. Temporary entombment was in', Claesley mortuary. 'Burial will . follow in E1ipwood 'Cemetery. husband ..and . 2;. daughters Edith, Mrs: ,Ross 'Gay,; Kendal, Audrey, ". Mrs. Lauri Buckley, Orono, . two, grandsons. John . and . Brian Gay, :her. mother ; Mrs _ John 1VIaeDou-: gall, Delhi' and sisters. » Katherine, Mrs. Jim Smith, Winghain, Etta, Mrs.' Peter Campbell, LucknoW; Mrs. Dorothy °C rosier; ''Delhi,. Fre- da, Mrs. Leonard..MacInnes, Luc-. know: ' Mrs. Cox.' was predeceased by Mier father .in. 1931» and sisters Evelyn, Helen,. Rhoda, , Marion 'and one brother Gordon: , . Funeral services. were:'held Fri- day, January '29th » ' at Lang ,Mem orial, Chapel, Orono, byher min inter, Rev. . Basil, Long, of . Orono Unite(' Church. Temporary eintom- bment; . was hi Lang Vault, Orono.,. 'with final , `resting '• place, South, Kinloss ' Cemetery, Lucknow. KAIRSHEA 4•H " CLUE . .. •g sll The 2nd meeting of . Kairshea 4H club members was held Mon day, February 8th at 7 ` p.m. ' at Judy . Reid's home. Marion Wall presided for the business. Dur- ing the discussion period 'notes' weregivenoil mental fitness, Spending "time off)' and. rules ,on first aid. :.• :Record btsoks were checked and the naive for this club will • .be ''‘Ka.irShea Karefui. Kids".