The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-03, Page 13WEDNESDAY, FEB. 3rd, MS • Hamilton -s OPTOMETRIST `• NEXT TO LYCEUM: THEATRE WINGHAM '. PHONE .357.1061 A. M. HARPER • CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT' 56 ,' 57' South Street, Goderich: n ' Telephone 524-7562 • JOHNSTONNE'S: FUNERAL HOME Modern and . Convenient Lucknow, Phone 528-3013 • Day or. Night ,Serving 'Ail: Faiths,, According to: 'Their Wishes Moderate Prices Established4894 VAL DC, Sp. C. Chiropractor 'Physio .and .Electro. Therapist Winghem :. . Phone 357=3580. (Office located on ,John St: *est • peat; to TorontoDominion Bank) • :.::04.•.:40... I.NSU LANCE 'RE, WIND, "CASUA•LT'Y. AUTOMOBILE' and LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure ;:With . Jack 'Today. J.. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423: . .I'J•I N:J•NiI N 40•Rr R.: W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, .;ONTARIO • IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday . and Saturday Afternoon Office' in the Joynt . Brock • Telephone: • •• :Lucknow. 528-3116 CRA'WFORD and HETHERINGTON J. H. CRAWFORb, Q.C. • • Winghan and. Lucknow IN ' LUCKNOW: MONDAY , and WEDNESDAY Located in Kilpatrick Block' :Phone. Wingham, • Office 357.3630 Res. 357.2330. ;IMPERIAL: OIL PRODUCTS,• `forP rompt service, and . quality products., ., Contact: GRANT CHISHOLM• Phone Collectt, Dungannon 529.7p4 "Always Look 'To, Imperial For The Best" •t. • ce THE .UCKNOWON.TINEL, LUCKNOW. : ONTARIO' A PAGE: Tw1RTEEM'"•' ENGAGEMENTS Mr: and lVlns. JamesHaldenby: of RR 3: Teeswater, "announce the engagement. of his your est ;sister Donna Ethel of .Toronto, " to 'Mr. George Stewart Barrell, son; of .Mr. and Mrs.' George Barrell Of Toronto. The marriage Will take place In Kinlough Anglican Church on ,Saturday, February 20th, 1965 at : 2:30 p.m. . ROBERT G.: DOUGLAS OTTAWA 'RESIDENT PISSES Robert : 'G, Douglas, 77 , Fourth Ave; ~. `Ottawa, passed away in ;hospital ;at Ottawa on Saturday January '30th,; 1965, in 'phis 80th year. He: -was the sn of the late Thomas Douglas ,and .Annie Eliz- abeth' Burgess. He is survived Eby , his •wife, .the. former// Katherine A. ,Beaton, one son Thomas of Toronto one. dau- ghter Mrs. Donald S. T. (Anni'e ) Stirling of Stratford, :three grand- 'children. ' The funeral service . was held from: Hulse' and Playfair Central Chapel, Ottawa, on .Tuesday,' Feb ruary 2nd,. 1965, . at 2:00 p.m. In- terment •: was in ,Pinecrest. Ceme- tery; eme-tery . Ottawa. • • W.I�NG.H.AM MEM aRtAL•� SHOP THE. • BEST GRANITES• .'Along ' With EXPERT` DESIGNING AND WORKMANSHIP Prices- Most Reasonable, Cemetery n a • Specialty Lettering p Y WiI1krns,O.D. optomattr s't Patrick Street W ' WI1•HAM Phone, 357.1282 OhN' 'MALICK .. P`0 Box '158 • - PH'ONE :357.1910 1.WtNGHAM MacKenzie emorial Chapel; FUNERAL SERVLC.E Services conducted according to your wishes:. at your• Home, your Church, or At, our Mem- orial Chapel at :no additional. charge.: ;L Lucknow, ow, Phone. 528.3432 Day. or Night K J (,MacKENZIE,. O.% Optometrist NOW IN RIPLEY.' 'EVERY ;W"EDRESD:AY • Office Hours 10:00 a.m. • to 9:00. p.m.: Phone Roy. •MacKenzie, �. Ripley, 96-r-24 for appointment: W. BELL. OPTOMETRIST GODERICH • F..T.' Armstrong Consulting ,optometrist The Square (Phone. 4.741) .JAckson 4 , •) .,.:. 4040....•.,.•:,.•.•. TED. COLLYER Registered Master .Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SPecislizing In •• Eleetrir •Healing, 'Ele.ctr'ic `IiUiring and Repairs and All Electrical Appliances "' Lucknow -- Phone 528-5182 tauiller;. McIntosh and Ward, HARTERED. ACCIUNTl4;NT5 ltcsident. Partner, J. t, Kennedy, C.A. Opposite Post Offiee, • .111one' 88)..•••3471. Walkerton 90th" BIRTHDAY ' (Confirmed from `page '.1) :. Lane'e brother Malcolm and Which .i5 .adjacent to the: farm .oc- cupied by ':the MaUldens' and Mr. Lane. This was. in 1881 •w "J. R." was six years old. Here Mr. Lane, the eldest • of the .family, and .,his bro'bhers and sisters grew .up A year . before his marriage in -1006, . he pur- 'chased' his :place to the west of the home .place from. Tom Atkin- son. •`He later purchased 50 'more acres from his brother Hugh who had • the farm .west sof his; to' give. him 150 acres, ' In '1906 he 'ma'rried '.Elizabeth. "L',ibbie" Malcolm of Kinloss' who passed away in September' of 1955.. ' In..' the Fall ' of 1947, Mr.. and" 'Mrs. • Frank ..;Maulden and Keith carne from .northern Ont ario . and took over, the farm and, Mr.:: Lane, ,has 'continued to 'live with ' them 'since that time, CLERK 33: YEARS': In. 1VIay of 1929; "Jack" Lane. assumed • the clerkship of . Kinloss sJTuuowcen: seedohiedp" 1.961nw w ; hens r rh•ienGohrtehdd• Wunti thira tpthree years yin the township o£ five, ' he witnessed • a vastly chang- ing .scene in municipal, ; politics. We At. �the_.Sentinel,' particularly the. ,'''1:a t.e 'publishpr• :Campbell Thompson, became • closely, assoc- iated with Mr Lane tlirougout the :..years • and were': ,pleeased ito call him oiitr:•:; friend :.He was:: a conscientious, .. and capable clerk and, honorable In all ; his township 'Mr::• Lane has" af amity 'of two Y daughters, Mrs. Frank, (Elizabeth) Maulden, ' known' oto Nall° her friends. /as ••Bessie ; and With•: whom he makes his—home, 'arid • Mrs,- Ar; thur ' (Jean) ; Phillips of. Fonthijl. • He has two grandchildren, Keith Maulden and Peggy. Phillips Mr. Lane 'wase one of a family of seven •.+boys and two gins. His siister .'Mrs; .Dave "E'lizabe'th" 'Al ton, by `a ,first :n�iarriage, is de ceased Of -:'the eight : children by the sego . . marriage, only he• and two, brothers ..:survive Maleolhn Lane, of Kinloss and Rev. Andrew Lane, retired and . living •at>Tham- esford Four brothers ,Rev. Wm P., 'Hugh of ' Kinloss, .Dr. Richard D. ,and- ' Rev. David'. J.; ' and .a. sister. Jean,. Mrs. "Rev.'' W. D. Mac- Donald are deceased:. • The' . Lane family take pride that .three of , their family enter- ed the 'ministry and that . a` sister. married a :minister. .. •RECOGNIZE . BIRTHDAY, Besides the numerous good I• wishes of. friends, Mr. Lane • .re- ceived a',framedScroll froth the Province of . Ontario, ' messages from Murray .Gaunt, ,,;!1VLP.P. Hur on., Bruce; Andrew . Thompson, leader ef, the Ontario :Liberal; Par- ty; ..Leiter B... Pearson, Prime Minister 01 Canada.. • - Mr. Lane is •' enjoying compar- atively good health, .is. lip every day and 'enjoy's' reading ,and. the hockey on^ television. • DUNGAYNON .Mr. and Mrs: Tom ..Young, Lit da,', Ross, Peggy andPhilip spent Sunday. with Mr. and. Mrs.. Bill Wiggins•'and Eric at. Nile. Mr, and Mrs: Gordon Scholia' and girls visited on Sunday with Mrs. r and. Tom !Lawlo Mr. � and, Jim •at Auburn. • ' Mr; and .Mrs; Gordon Kerr and Brian of Port Albert and Donna and Paul Suplat of GOerich .vis- ited. on ' Sunday with �Md. and Mrs, Alvin Kerr. Mr. Ind Mrs. Raymond thish- olrn,. Suzanne and 'Michael of, God- erich 'visited on -Sunday' with, Mrs+ Mary Chisholm. " . Mrs, .Verna 'Culbert is . a :patient in Victoria Hospital, . London. •It is expected she will be. •they. a about 3 weeks'. 'At last reports the was appearing in better spirits • and. coming along fine. W.I. Make Plans Mrs. Falls was hostess for the January 'meeting cif ' 'Dungannon W.I. Fourteen, ladies answered 'the roll. call bynaming a spice and •its' origin.: Mrs. Dauphin gave a Wen' prepared paper . on , "Is farming a way of life 'or big bus iness?" Plans' were made to en- tertain the patients at Ontario 1 ospital later this month,' A card party was discussed and conimi=, tt¢¢s ,appointed to carry out the • • •. 'HURON COUN''1'Y' WHEAT :PRODUCER'S Annual Meeting onay, Fe ruary at 1:30 p.m: • IN THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT' OF AGRICULTURE: ' • • BOARD ROOM CLINTON cONTA#ti0 Guest Speaker Otis McGregor, Assistant 'Sec',Manager. ;, +► . Russel •Bolton, ' President " Carl J. Hemingway, Sec,-Treas. R.R. 1,. Seaforth •, R.R. 3, Brussels• .: • • Fail Fair Noes (Contributed) Due to bad• roads and storms; the Annual ; meeting ' of Lucknow Agricultural ' Society. .had ' to be called off, butt willbe held Feb- ruary. 13th Your , presence at this meeting will indicate your inter anrangemenits: The topic, wias in charge. of @NIrs. E ' 'Ri'vebt` and Mrs. I. Rivetitgave' a very,, interesting account'. sof :her trip .'o the west Coast this fall. She •: showed sev' eral cards and • pietures • hich' belted' to illustrate her stalk .The meeting.. -closed • inhi irSual—nianner, and lunch was 'served by file host- ess. .:. Dungannon Dungannon. ,U C.W , met . an . the Church basement for the January. meeting with , a . good attendance. Mrs. W. Brown' president, opened the meeting with, prayer:. A, min- utes: Silence . was observed • in "memory sof Mrs. M. Shackleton. a life ; member•. w'ho passed away last week; Mrs. MClifford Qozier• took. • charge .sof °, •the ' . devotional. service. ,:'Mrs:` Derk . Loogtenberg. read .the ..scripture lesson' and meditation. ,+Mrs. Jim ` ') ennan had charge . of, 'the study period, outlining the first • itwo ' chapters of 'the:.new .study, book;' Gad and His Purpose... Hymns were .sung. with Mrs:. "Brian Hallam as:••pia'n- 1St. During business Mas:.. 11. John- ston : gave the minutes .' :of last meeting and: Mrs'. •Kass Eedy the treasurets report. Roll 'Cal was answered by payment of fees. Many, thank. you notes were read fare .Christmas gifts and cards; and :going away :: gifts : Mrs. K. Dawson, convenor sof ' f inane ,gave, the • budget for 1965 ywhich was, ac cepted:; Fifty dollars was -voted to••the Board;:of .Stewards: A con gr gational dinner will. be , held 4 a later , date. Mrs. `. M. Reid an- nounced World Day of • Prayer, will_ be:. held in the Anglican Chur- ch': Mrs.:. Dawson ,closed ' With prayer, and lunch was' served by, Mrs.. "E,. , Rive'tt and Mrs..: W.' Pent- land. 'est in holding a Centennial Fair, ' in. Lucknow. It takes many hands and ' many minds . to hold a '.good.: . fair and the aixn' of the board is to have' this the best fair ever in Lucknow. Come, and help'', plan.*.. .,Committees` are• busy.' and some Plans are already under. way. For your` information a column ' will be an the paper' periodicallyand it: is your duty to see the :direc tors .and ma k'e :' your . wishes known. Continuing with the com- mittees already ommitteesalready formed -- On the baking and canning section of the. board are 'Mrs: Harry Levis,;: Mrs -:- Jake -Hunter, Mrs. Isobelle Gaunt.:: and • Frank McQuillin :Flower section will be lodked after by Mrs. Evan Keith, Mrs David Elphick,Mrs Frank. Mc Quillin . The Ladies work ,depart- ment as Mrs: Gordon ,:Kirkland, Mrs. Toni• Todd, Mrs. 13111 Hunter and ,Donald J. • . Gaunt. : These.. .sections.: along with the Group; . display ' and Fine • Arts' have all• been. revised. and wil.1 appear ' shortly in the paper. Watch for' these and clip for fu- ture reference. The concert : will be taking place on Saturday, February Sth.. There . . is . something , for . everyone. ' We know; you will enjoy every mine . 0 ute of it and urge,you .to come earlyandget. . a a goad seat t as no advance :.tickets will be sold. • read > Animal Rem�v�1. .F•or 'DEAD or • DISABLED ANIMALS Call .COLLECT darling and Company of Canada Ltd. -Clinton HU -2-7269', Dead • Animal License No. 350-C-65` YOUR GOLDEN 'GLOW PEDLAR 'AGENCY EGG PICK=UP DEPOT YOUR•stock4eedingProgram .is our '.. Busuness, • fis to Faster Growth and`Health Care Sow Care Pig: Starters -- 6 • Types: . Hog . Growers — 2 Grades Hog Finishers • • Calf Starters Calf, Growers' ]wiry, Ration '' Steer Fatners. CONCENTRATES ..y Dairy Eeef 'Hog — Poultry - and Supplement "A" • THE BETTER BALANCE with your .own Grain a�t Complete Poultry Line Milk Replacers, Dried Molasses, Dog and Rabbit . Pellets ..q...o+a...,Howkroei....nip.ioawisi..a..a KNECHTEL ` MILLINcL L1MITED 'know Branch Phone :528-3014 "THERE IS A' NEW 'LIFE' FEED 'FOR EVERY NEED" Phair and Acheson Chartered Accountants .— , Municipal Auditaryi, Box 66.3 , Kincardine Phone 55 Y