The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-02-03, Page 4• PASS POUR THt LU.CKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO: WEDNESDAY, FEB. 3rd, 19 X h fir CA try F _(.T• 41l.)41‘ *'': " +• aria l 1 rn , �iC�"• A�'L'Lf". SALE FOR SALE -- '56 Ford,. four' new tires, phone 16''T 3 ;l ipley. FOR 'SALE - 26 pigs, 8' weeks'. old. Jim I•Iaklenby,, R:R. "3 Tees- .water, phone 392-6021 PIGS FOR . SALE 50 York. Weaners,+i1T Evans, Langside, phone ••Lucknow. 528=5252. PIGS. FOR SALE 30 light' chunks. t: Van der -Veen,- Loch-• alsh,' phone 12 r 17 Ripley. `'.FREE PUPS, 4 .*Collie' pups, 2. months old.: ;Kenneth and David Parrish, Lochalsh,: phone 4' r • '8 FOR , SALE -- Holstein Spring ens, also Stocker ;cattle,. no down.. payment,::; 3' years to' -pay at 7,41% straight interest. Apply Stan f fors burgh, phone 357.2744. Wingharn. •:FOR' SALE - 4 Holstein heifers and ' 1• Holstein tow, '' 1 heifer. 'and T cow ' are fresh with calf.. , Jack. MacKenzie, R.R.3 Lucknow, phone Ripley .• 73-r-16': FOR SALE -- two unit, Surge .. buckets," also electric Vik: ing cream ., separator, used two years, can milk cooler, :Bill Rosa; An�berley, Phone ; Ripley 110 :r 25.' Oi 4 • CAR ' FOR SALE -- 1963 Chev. Biscayne,' : 6cylinder, ' 4. door, in good condition,. priced for quick sale; or , will take .pick-up :truck' on .:trade. Apply to Berne plione 2314. . HOUSE . FOR SALE—h) Lucknow, + -:'formers: Atf Ritchie' property on Campbell St , Eaet, ' house to be removed, priced very reason- able.. .Apply .Allan .Reed,; phone, 528-3502.. Sit.OS ATTENTION FARMERS Construct. Upright Concrete Silos up::, to 55 ' feet...Arnold `Hugh,• . Box; 164, 19 Cambria Rd.' N.,,' Goder is h, phone. JA4-9437: collect HOUSE FOR. SALE . in Luck - now, on corner of .Havelock and Wolsely, large living room, dining. r with. built-in ` : 'corner . eV - boa sii bedroom dawnwnthclo- • set, ktchen with cupboards; . 3- -piece tbath with linen -and .clothes' closet, ' 1. bedroom above; i . base- ment cement and dry, • shed -and large., garage. Mrs.; M. MacLenn. nate, 1513 . Trafalger St:, 'Apt. `.11,, London, ;Ontario. . ¢ READE'R'S DIGEST SPECIALS New subscribers may ''purchase, °.15 Months of Reader's Digest ' for.. ,;. $2, . Renewal' subscriptions at- / .cepted. at the. ' rate of $2.97 per year. Leave , ; your orders with The . Lucknow Sentinel,' phone 528-3134:` .AUCTION .. SALE ` Allan Maclntyre Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow - • . Phone 528-3519 VACUUM .CLEANER SALES ; and' SERVICE' ' ,' For all makes •Filter Queen Sales, Varna;• phone 26.2-5350. • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Septic tanks,, cess • pools, ' etc,,. ' pumped and'. cleaned with mod- ern' equipment. All work ,-•guar anteed.. Louis Blake; R. 2 Brus- sels, rus sels, -phone 442-w-6. CUSTOM 'BUTCHERING;'' Beef and pork sold in, any quan- ity, Custom butchering in Govern - meat' licensed, abbattoir. Pigs every • Tuesday. Beef from M o n d a y through Thtirsd ay,, BUTTONS - MEAT MARKET SEPTIC. TANKS CLEANED Vacuurri cleaning and pumping of' "*septic , tanks, Ronald • Forster, Lucknow, phone. 528.36020 rano facturer of cement, septic • tanks and .well OAR 'FOR SALE — 1958 Ford Stationwaggn , fully equipped; in. real good . condition. Walter . De.. bold, Auburn, phone 526-7730, HOUSE FOR SALE,— duplex on corner of Willoughby arid_ I nglis:- Apply. Mrs: Margaret Carruthers, Ripley. • • VALENTINE CARDS • Valentine • 'Cards• by . Rustcraft now : on sale. ' at Finlay Decorators, Lucknow •• . ' REPOSSESSIONS 2 Only Auto-matic. Portable ..... Machines" 5O% 'OFF" 1 :Only .13e -luxe Polisher '$30.00 OFF • 2 •.Only :Vacuum :Cleaners. • •°:$30..09.OFF 2 Only Straight Stitch Cabinet Model Machines 40% OFF SINGER'COMPANY F CANADA ' GODERI.CH Phone 5248431. or Winghani'. 357 3730 NTED WAN1D - farm' . to. 'rent,' • :must have 'fair buildings and within 15' miles of' �I ucknowv. 'Wesley Rutter, Lucknow phone 528-6141.. WAN•TED house :;to rent in Lucknow, 2, or..3 bedrooms, *Oil. furnace, close to stores n or' be-: fore 1st of April. Mrs amore' ;Lucknow, ' phone 528-2448 WANTED ' Would the person who borrow- ed my, log; rule sometime ago, kindly phone —• : Ernest Ackert, Lucknow, 528-3720 . or . leave at . my home: 'HOUSEKEEPER WANTED- a lady, young- girlor man` .and wife: to live in for three . weeks':.while mother' is. 'away; 'week -ends off ' if desired: --John de.: Boer, R.R. .5 Lucknow phone Wingham ' 357- 2278. CLERK — TYPIST WANTED Clerk. -Typist ' for : County. Assess- ment 'Commissioner's Wiarton of- fice. Applications to be forward - .ed 'in :writing, stating; education, experience and -. salary' expected, to � E J. Finnigan, County Asses- sment ..:Commissioner; '. Box ' 443, Walkerton, not later , than Febru- ary 15th Successful, applicant will be required to spend a •short training period at ' the : Walkerton office. Notice' To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS :In A. Estate Of HARVEY ELLIOTT ROBB, deceased . All , person'shaving claims against the estate . of Harvey Elliott Robb, late of the Township of.Ituron, in. the .County of Bruce, Farmer, de- ceased. who : died on or about the. 7th . day : of December 1964; • are hereby notified to send 'full par-. ticulars of their claims to the undersigned Solicitor for the Ex- ecutors xecutors on; or .before the 5th day of 'February ° 1965; asafter the said date the estate, will be dis- tributed • amongst . those • entitled thereto having' regard only to the claims of •which. the Executors shall then have notice, Dated at Listowel; Ontario,„ this:, 12th day of January .1965. R. W. . ANDREW, Listowel, On- tario, 'Solicitor for the Executors. Many Sentinel subserip tions fall due the first of the year. Your prompt at. tention in ; keeping your pope . paid ,in advance ..:` . e appreciated. ING EVENTS 'NEW CASH 'BINGO -- Legion Hall L Know . >, uc every, i.Thursday . evening, . , 8:45 P.m. . 15. regular ' •games $.1U..00 ;each. 4 Share -The -Wealth- games : with jackpot included: in -..each gazne.. Jackpot this week. $80.00 on 59 calls. GODERICH LIONS BINGO The Goderich Lions' will hold. a bingo on Wednesday, February: 10th, 8:30 p.m:. at ' the Harbour - lite ' Inn, seventeen regular games' at. $10, one share -the -wealth, one. $50 'jackpot 'and the •.new acceler- ating jackpot up. 'to $250. and ' 2 door prizes.? :Admission $1.00: RECEPTION Reception . •in . Whitechurch Hall, Saturday,' 'February 6th,. 1965, for Mr: and Mrs. Murray, Neable (Elizabeth °. Swass).. Ladles please. bring • lunch. Music 'by' the Rip- pling . Water Boys• of Kitchener. EtICIiRE PARTY'• In : St. Augustine . Paris Hall ' on grid y,' February. 5th, at 9:00 Pm. Lunch,. Good prizes. P NOTICES ANNUAL .MEETING The Annual 'Meeting : of • the_. Children's Aid Society of Huron County will be:. hi the form ' of a dinner meeting an • Wednesday, February :10, ' 1965 at Knox '::'Pres- byterian CChurcb, Godenich - .com- mencing at om-mencing.at 6:30 p.m..Tickets at $200.per person are available 'tm- til Friday,: February 5,:'1965 at •the office.. of ,John G. Berry, Secre tory, Board. ,of . Directors, Court Howe, . Goderich ,Ontario.. NOTICE':: The Annual Meeting of : the Lucknow. Agricultural. Society will be. held .in the: Town .Hall, Luck - now, on Saturday, . .February .13th; at .2:00 pails Election of : officers. Centennial, plans will be discussed.. Your•.attendance is requested ANNUAL MEETING WINGHAM.. and DISTRICT HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of the Wing - ham and District Hospital Assoc- iation ' on will ` be held on Friday, February 5th, '1965, at 6 'p.m., in the Recreation Room of the. 'Nur- ses' Residence at Wingham . All• matters ofbusiness pertaining to the :' Wingham and District` .!Hos- pital Association will 'be transac- ted including. . election g. thes t n ;of .di- rectors • and other officers. In order to cast -a ballot,in the election of directors, a :perdn must be ' a member of the Assoc- iation. • One year .• ....erne y m bersSups may. be ' obtained for. the sum• of $5.00 .from .the. Wingham Hospital office.' These memberships ,must be purchased 'at least 15 days prior ..to the annual meeting. Everyone welcome. • • , , (This notice is :being printed,in this ' newspaper in accordance with the bylaws).. R. B. Cousins,' John Strong, President Secretary More progress in controlling the heart . aaand• blood vessel disease has "been made, in the past thirty years through research ,than 'in. the preceding thirty centuries. s DON S TV r • • • SERVKE.• •• • .• 'Experienced All Work • Guaranteed • Prompt Service ' Y Reasoriabie' Rates PHONE .184, RIPLEY' r.•i l0•40 ••II*R••A••••••E•t • CARDQF.TI4ANK! t I ,, would like to express my .sin-. cere • thanks ' to .,.relatives ' and friend's.:for remembering; me with cards,. ` treats : and visits,- during my 'stay, in Wingham, ' Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. and nurses', on ,lat floor. This kindness will long , be remembered. Annie MaoDiarrnid I wish . to', thank ,all who sent me :cards, 'lett • aand ' flowers, all who visit ,sent . ,me. treats �rs. hanks to the and the m 'Thanks nurses' and orderlies : on first floor, Dr. :"Corrin, Dr.: McKun, and' Mary Maclntyre All .. was- very much appreciated,.• • Joe Conley. I wish 'oto .. express sincere thanks' , to* •my neighboursand friends .who were so • kind in re- membering me• ,while in •;hospital: Orland ,Richards - The family :: of the late •aVlargaret. Moran, ooh to, thank their rela- tives, friends and .neighbors, -,for the spiritual;, bouquets and ..mes-' sages of •-sympathy during their; recent . bereavement.. " I. wish to express my. sincere thanks tofriends who so kindly. remembered me 'while T' was hos-.; pitalized.• Howard.Agnew We wish to 'express our sincere thanks fo ' 'relatives, . neighbours and friends . for : all,: the kindness shown in many ways; at the time of the death'of a' dear mother and sister. Jack : and Betty Ackert, Mrs. Clara . Downey J. R. Lane would like to ex- press his appreciationtoall who remembered him . in any :.way on his ' 90th birthday. Dead Mork emoval Service We are licensed to .,remove your • dead, 'or .'crippled farm animals fore sanitary disposal., ...GORDON "YOUKIG- ira Phone Collect to MR's , . GORDON .. 528-5950 '= ,Lucknow• 24-hour Service, Lic-: i encs ` Nos. 215C63 • and 22R63 The area of .the continental 'Shelf 'adjoining the earth's land mass MEMORIAM 1VIcINNl✓,S and, .'mem. of; a. dear son and, 'brother' .L 'Douglas, .who passed•'2away.' year ago tfebruary 3, 1964. • We little knew when , we 'Woke ' tl morning The sorrow' the; day would :tri .The call: was • sudden, the sho severe. 1 To"part with one *gloved so '.dei Sometimes it's . hard ; to undo stand Why somg things have to be, But . l n sirs wisdom God has ,pl ned Beyond, our' power to see God • gave us.• strength.° to take' And courage to. take the 'blow; But what it meant to lose you s No one will ever know: Ever 'remembered 'by. Moths (.ad and.. brothers. BLAKE -- .In loving memory i Dear= Husband ' and Fath( Thomas Blake: whopassedaw, one ' year.' ago; February' 3rd, 19( .You can :only have one Fathe Patient : kind and true, • No 'other friend An gall,the 'war Will be, so true to .you.. ' . For all ';phis.loving kindness He asks nothing • in return. To those who have'•.a Father:. Treasure him with care y For ou'll ; ins . never. hi s ' val Till you see'. his vacant chair. Sadly missed by 'his: wife Clai Daughters land Grandsons. •-•••••••••••••eeo••4 • • 'WE SELL. RURAL- ONTARIO' 055,500 , full price fora level 50 *acre farm' situated on highway •No . 86 about'. 21. miles .from • Wingham, Batik barn: in good condition..: $12,900;. full' prise for , good 100 titre ' farm: located on .. highway •No. �86.. �'11/2 storey .. 7 :room • home', with conveniences. Bank barn. with 12 'cattle, :ties, . tacl- •ance: ' in. loose . housing; water :and hydro. throughout Piga pen and drive, shed: , •PAUL S SJARR • . • —& COMPANY LTO..REALTORS4 WINGHAM,-'' PHONE,' 357.38.40 :Local -Agent: E. PENNINGTON •. =••••i•••••••••••••i•••, First 'newsreel showed arrival.:: delegates ' to a French nations es 'equals the .area ; of Africa. photographers convention in 18951 •. loo• a ••••••••••••••i••••••i•••••••o••siielmmos••. _. 1•' •. • • • KICKS OF CANADA WOULD LIKE MORE' ACREAGE . • OFFERING FIVE DOLLARS A ' TON MORE'• FOR NO. 6. • THIS YEAR • • FREE. PICK . UP AT GATEO.. l T• s • 1 •. . If -Interested Write or Phone • • • • BKKS:. OF CANADA PHONE 30-r-3 DUBLIN JOHN VAN 8001 DUI, GM' oN 529.7 s • • • 0 •. • i e e••••••••••i•eAi••••••••e•••••R•••••s•••en•e•eNe% Wo