The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-01-27, Page 21. ' t,..I.UCKNOW' ° ENTINEL, LUCKNOW, '.ONTARIO: An alMeeetin PaulDungannon The Annual 'Meeting• of the cow gi'egation .of St Fouls: Anglican Church; Dungannon,' .was • held on Wednesday, . ,January '20th:, -The meeting was • opened' with prayer by the . redtor, Rev. Financial; reports .of' the . church,, .Sunday School,, Ladies . Guild. and rectory .maintenance fund were read. and-adepteol, a.Mr- . gave file. redoes - report in .wh clr he- noted- some improvements-' ov . er '..tie -..:previous year's report. • The Church officers ..for" 1965 'are. as follows:, . Vestry • 'clerk, • Ben. Mole; Rector's Warden, Tam. Young; ',People's Warden, • Bob Mole; Delegate to Synod, . Elmer Black;' Substitute Delegate,; Bill Caees�ar; 'Board ,of Management, Jack ,Paesar Mrs.. -Tom Young, , Mrs. :Elmer Black, Wter Mole; ' • Church Treasurer,. -Paul Caesar;. Auditors, Jack Caesar; Mrs. Jack .. Caesar: ' , Lunch was served: following, the mewling which was held 'at the home; of , 'IMVIr. 'and Mrs. Elmer Black. ENGAGEMENTS SCOTT BLUE Mr. and ' Mrs. Donald B. Blue of ':Ripley: announces tine ;engage- ment of their daughter Bertha: • Jean ' to Mr. VAIN= John Scott, son of Ali. and Mrs. , John W. Scott of R.R. 1. Ripley. The mar- riaa�e will , take place in Ripley UChurch on:. Saturday, .:Feb- ruary 20th ' at ` 2 ' P.M. More .than 1% million visitors" a year see the Unity Bell. Fair. Notes (Contributed ; • : re ,? • PNansare ''� pro greasing .for •the Centennial Fair to be held Sep tember l 17th and :18th. It is re- questedthat suggestions of what you'd,, tike' to •see: 'at 'the fair, be; sent in to, the Sentinell or a di- rector soon, so that consideration be given and' plans made to have these things done early,: ' only by hearing :from, you can: Ave .'know what you 'want at. Lueknow Cen- tennial, Fair.' {.bntnuing_tiie..list of convenori and their committee. are: History of Lucknow Fair, Stem ar, t fiober.t son, Mrs. Neil J. MacKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.', MacDonald, Mr. and 'Mrs. John • Emmerson, ' Mr and Mrs.' Steve Stcthers, • Wallace Miller, Mrs. Frank ` 'Todd, Herb Ensign. Town'. Decorations and Displays, Gerald Ra1thwell,Pharis. Mothers High. School exhibit, Mrs.. -Gordon Kirkland lag teachers at school.. -'Fine Arts:. Mrs'. ;Oliver 11IcChar les, :Mrs.. Omar : Brooks; Mrs. An- nie McDiarmid, Mrs. Jim .• Hen- derson; en derson ; Concessions:: Gordon ; Kirk lam : a:n d. Mrs: Arnold, Alton. Watch next week .for ° more; com- mittees: You can 'help . on'one , or. more of these conunittees. Just call the . convenor and offer for the one .of a your. choice. Po • .;you like fashion Shows? Then there's a '.treat in, store ' at the annual Variety Concert when the Lucknow Lads ' 'and . Lasses present Fashions ase t the F ons ' ofY .ester- year The.. ''Yarn /Spinners are .go- ing` W 'e there: , You'll _.laugh'.with them :as they tell tall tales: Plans are well.. underwayy to make .,a: variety concert that , you . can't a/ - ford to miss. Be there, and .see for yourself the ..talent ' in; our . midst. • !RERB■I■iii~■REUEUm..mill\ui>i1u/i>A.EE■B■E,EEIRUEB11... '.0 • ■ WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, ■ ' 3 Days . ■., ■ •ii ■ ■ :Colour. ■■ Starring: Gregory Peck,Tony Curtis, N.• Bobby Darin ' Captain Newman JANUARY ..27.28=29 ■ • . , • Angie Dickinson, ;; ■ .r� 2 • . "owed -drama shows you �e qworld.that' ex : .This c. Y y.. the unique., ■ ists in . an army . psychiatric hospital. e is ■.,: SATURDAY ;MATINEE JANUARY .30th ••is '•, • ost City of 1 ' ■` • •.1, • Starring: ;The Lone Ranger • at■ • SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY JAN :30, : FEB. 1-2 - al is ADULT .EN'TtERTAINMENT a' Dark"n Th:' .,. :Shot ��I e.,..A�� .',... . •.:, tarri :Peter Sellers and 'Eike` Sommer ?:. 8 ng• �: i*is•■RBopaani~saintii mann:easaieuoinswo seems•E•■.••nie j•NG••iGG••••'•••BA•rEt#••••••••••`•••••••••Msti. • THE S UARE' I. AT Aft �'�'HE' • QCsadencl . : 0 . NOW PLAYING . . ._ .THUR., FR,. SAT JANUARY 28-29-30 Twin Bit, Jeffrey Hunter and • Mylene Deniongeot n "GOLD FOR THE . CAESARS" ,- color 'r. • • • • 'Rhino" Featuring •a 'wild: animal hunt .' using tranquillizer pellets. In Color:. • • MONDAY, TUESDAY,WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 1-2-3 :, ,:. • 'ONE.' SHOWING EACH'" NIGHT STARTING AT 8:00 •O'CLOCK • • • John , Huston,• Carol' Lyn • 'y m Tryon • ._ •, le and To,. ,. . ' •. • ' A screen classic. One of, the seasons best. • •, • • • ,,4 The Cardinal h.. • i' • Added •Featurette ` "WONDERFUL 'NEW ,YORK". color • • • • THURSDAY, .FRIDAY, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 44-6 . Presenting a great Walt 'Disney famiy show ' • • •• ; In Search of the: Castaways" .Starririgr Maurice Chevalier and Hayley 'Mills Plus ;the documentary'-- ALASKAN •ESKIMO• •• • f-.° "THE NEW. • INTERNS" ---adult entertainment i I Next W - ii1+••nts•••••••a•eisoes•aee•w•es e•••••er••wa■•• • In Technicolor -= •• .. Expr�$s.ppreck.tIciiti-.RaIph Faster. At -Grist' Church 'Annum Meeing • The. 'annual . meetingof the con- gregation n of Christ Anglican Church, Port Albert,, was :held on Friday, January 22nd. Following the opening prayer, financial , re- ports were -read and: adopted. The surer•: church ' trea' . �l hh Foster, ._. Rap • st e, reported that all commitmen s to the • missionary work of the church as :well as local expenses were paid in .full' in 1964: Appreciation. for many years' of faithful service as Rector's Warden : wasextend- ed� 'to Mr. Foster who' retires from that positron for 1965: • •. ,The officers of the church for 1965 are: • Rector's ' Warden, Har- old Adams; People's ` Warden, El- mer Graham; Vestry Clerk, 'Mrs. • Hodges; "Delegate to Synod, Wil- liam Hayden; Treasurer, Ralph Foster; Board. • of •aVlanagement, :Carm Hayden, Mrs::' Elwin Pe- trie, :li PM`sirs.. Roy. Petrie, Thooa_ s Mrs.' Clara ra er: Roy Petrie. ' , , . Mr. King announced that the sumniner ;'cliaplancy:: for .' :1965 has. been : filled:; The: Rev; 'Keith' Brett will bake the Sunday Services in July' and the Rev`:'' . Walter. Pick- ford in August. 'Lunch was served by. the Lad- ies' Guild following the meeting. Electrical. Storm Does Damoge (WHITECHURCH'•' NEWS) The electrical storm on. Sunday 'morning was very close.. in • ,this. community:' At the' home of Mr.. :and ,Mrs,' •Elroy Laidlaw tha • trans- former 'and. 'telephone': were blown out ,and 'a young cattle beast kill. 'ed ''in the barn. Another fanner reported bulbs were blown inhis home. The_ ice : storm made' `driving hazardous but wheh fog'. blew in, it ; intensified, • this condition with the result .Chalmers Presbyterian,' -Largside . Presbyterian -and Cal vinBr+ick church services. were: all cancelled By:.afternoon• the ice. had.. "softened' and.; the , United church held their services. On Monday ,it -Was learned the school bus. drivers .• . had tough going on the ::.icy back roads where sand ing Had . not • 'been carried.: out. • •-•; • .„ Accepts Foreign Service Posrtfon Lois M. ; Johnston, . daughter of Fred ; and. Jean' Johnston of Bel- fast, : has accepted . a position with the ,Department of External Af- fairs, Foreign Service Division,. as :a '.foreign service stenographer' andwill move to Ottawa. to start work .on: February 1st.:; After ' .aa year in Ottawa, postings ',wi11 'be to •. various Canadian or" . 'British. Embassies' whenever', a ' vacancy occurs; , the maximum time in each place will: be two • years, with postings'back , to' Ottawa in between.' ' " ' Miss Johnston has been .employ- ed it .Silverwood Dairies; Limit- ed,, London' branch since: July, 1949., Family Gathering Birthday0n 87th •A ' family gather was held on Saturdayevening at the home of .Mr. an ' Mrsi . andy Purdon of'. Lucknow to honour Mrs. Pur - don on her ‘.87th birthday which she observed on January .25th. Among those present • were four daughters' Mrs. Cecil (Cassie) Falconer of Whitechurch, Mr. arid' Mrs.* Jack (Clara) Cleghorn .and • Mr. and .Mrs. , jack (Flor- ence) Maclntyre of Wingham, Mr, and Mrs. George. (Isobel.) Tiffin of Lucknow; ' Mrs. Myrtle Davv- son, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Tiffin of Whitechurch. Three sons; Wm. of Detroit, Aldin and Hector of Sari nia, were unable to be, present because of weather conditions,:. Mrs, Purdon is enjoying good health, does all her own house- work and makes a • • weekly trip down street' to do her shopping.. Mr. Purdon isi 'n his 86th year, ST. AIUGUSTINE CARD_ ' PARTY There were • thirteen tables at. the euchre party held in St. Aug- ustine Parish:. hall on:' Friday: January 22. The men's • high prize .went to 'Gus Devereaux, men's. • low eta :_Keith Hardy, lad- ie's high . to •'Mrs. Eldon 'Austin ,and ladle's. low. to ;Cathy. Hallam. The door ' pri es was won_ by Lois Eckel swirller. 'Lunch . was : sere'- ed by the • convertors Mrs. Jerry I Van Aa#ten.. and Mrs.: Bill' .Kina- hon: ' The 'next` party. will 'be Fri day, February 5th. o -27th,' WEDNESDAY, JAN. 1165 ocalLand General: • Mrs � , BVI H. . C ori in .of Lucknova is a patient in Wingham. and,. District Hospital. .. Mr, W. F. MacDonald returnei to his home • in Lucknow last, Sunday from Victoria Hospital, London, where he had been hos; pitaliz,d for the past two weeks; QVtrs. Wm. a Reed •' returned • to her home last Saturday after ten days in. Wingham and lyistrict Hospital. • - Mise: Rebecca.::..MacQuaig .:. of: Lucknow was admitted' to 'Wing_ ham and ' 'District Hospital last Saturday' afternoon, �I�w Herd Sire Af �1i-Hifr Farm -� Hi: Hill Farm,: operated by An- drew Gaunt in West ' Wawanosh Township, -has a new.'. herd sire purchased from Louada .•Farms, at' Peterborough. The new sire of the Shorthorn' herd is Louada Passport. He. was sired by Louada Rothes - King,' a noted bull from thePe terborough herd. At a sale in' October, ' five buns by Louada Roams' King ; av- eraged $5,150. The dam'of the new Hi,H l bull was by Dalton Constructor. ' :Baph, ton' Constructor was the highest, priced bull ever 'imported from Scotland to Canada. He was . used .at Louada Farms ,for 4 years and, exported 'back to Scotland. Up.: until Christman time, the Gaunt farm had been using Lou-. ada Command; a son'of 'lepton Constructor; as their herd ' sire Toboggan Party In 15 Below Zero Despite the very cold weather a, week ago. Saturday night,, about' 30 :Girl ; Guides . and -'Boy . Scouts enjoyed a toboggan party, on the :sixth concession of' Kinloss '.They -were accompanied by Scout Lead- ers' George Whitby and' :Stuart Jamieson. A large :bonfire was built • ar ind,' which these cold weather enthusiasts . Stoed:.to..get. warm .betWeen rides. 'Hat ' chow= late and . donuts were served.. 'The thermometer dipped ' 'hi 21 below zero' that • -night, but at the time this . group.,, were. out.. from: 1:30 to : 10:00 p.m., . the . ;temm ra- titre •was between , 10 " and " 15 below zero. .FLY :TO ENGLAND Mir and Mrs. Gordon Sampson,, Goderich, , (nee Iris' Rivett of Dungannon) left •Marton airport, Thursday, ' January ' 14th for .$': three weeks • vacation in. England • .with Mr Sampson's•mother: Des At Brucelea Haven .In 8lst .'Y r.. MARY ELIZABETH MacLENNAN Mary Elizabeth MacLennan -died at Brucelea Haven; ' Walkerton, on . January 14th, 1965, ' in her , 8,1st year. Born • -October 19th, 1884, at Lochalsh, she was the : daughter .of Donald MacLennan' ,and Cath- erine ' atherine'' MacRae family of Scotland. A 'school. teacher, 'she retired to "Lucknow - n 1924'later spend- ing 'several • years in London ' be fore going to • Bruelea Haven.' Miss MacLennan was the last living. n ei bar' ' of a family of ten. Six 'brothers and .three sis- ters predeceased ' 'her; Duncan,; Finlay' D., Donald, Malcolin; Don- ald John, Alex, Isabel, • 2'Irs. Wm.' (Christena)' Hunter, Mrs. (Jessie): Mtinray.. • The funeral service was 'held from Johnstone Funeral Heine in •Lucknow On January 16th at 2;:00 p.m. Rev, R. ,MacLeod officiated, The pallbearers were Noble *Johnston,. Gordon :Finlayson, Don - old McCormick, •II. D. Thompson,, 'Finlay .MacLennan and WM. Johht; none. `emporary entombment was at South Kinloss Mausoleum with 'the final resting place to be Loehaish Cemetery. - • ti -cam" ."t'lII!i�t�' o•ar�« os;�+�ii►�t.� S:�"1^ .,,•,.• '+•... �,; •»,r-:{ • Tom Rivett, . Dungaflnon, re- turned bo hishome last week:, after being hospitalized in Wing ham.'' . 'Robert J. Webster has returned- to Kincardine after • ~spending some time' riving 'at' Port Colborne. He formerly- resided. in • Lucknow. •' Mrand Mrs° .;Elmo `Sanderson• -and their 21/2', • month old son. Bobby moved to theyupstairs apartment "; on the • east': side of 'the iMurdie Block.' formerly: Oc- cupied '.y Mts.. A. C.- :Agnew. ;and'. Mrs Jack QVIeQuilliri,' , daughter 'Terri, and Harvey Mc- Quillin,'; all .pf St 'Catharines,, `vis ited. lastweek, at 'the home of Mr.' a'nd • 'Mrls..: Dick 'McQt4llin of ;the '6th concession of Kinloss: Harvey, also .•visited ; 'at the ; home .of Mr:: and Mrs Robert Scott of Ash. field.'. • NOTICE Would ' the person who : borrow- ed' my log: rule some . time agog' kindly' , phone -- Ernest: ` Ackert, Lucknow,. 528-3720 or leave. at my home. BROTHER,. BASSES AT WALKERTON Wolter Schumacher, 41, died ate Bruce .County Hospital in .W er'tonast Thursday.,Requiem high mess'' was held at Sacred Heart •Church' in Walkerton on .Monday ' morning . with 'temporary entombment : ' in . Walkerton ceme- tery ` chapel. Mr. Schumacher was; a brother +: 'Of Frank Schumacher of • ' Holy rood who is. employed by' '''Thomas. . ... Hackett • •and : Sons, in +Lucknow.: Walter's death came a year,: and a half after' he was forced :to, give up ,Iris work ' with, Argosy 'Transport because of illness,. He was. an Argosy employee twenty years, •,He is survived by 'Ails' `wife,• two sons and.a . three .d ughters, •;.also... two si sters - 'and four brothers.. LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev.. Howard W Strapp Minister • SUNDAY, 'JANUARY 31st •10.00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00' .a.m ' Morning; Worship '"What's ,The Use" 1W064111114 N11...0114MW01.064110.W14.11.0411110411MWO LIlcknoW', Presbyterian Church ev Roderick MacLeod Minister SUNDAY, JANUARY 3Yst 10:00 'a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a;rn. 1. The Minister , ST. PETER'S ,ANGLICAN CHURCH. Foul Sunday' After ,;Epiphany. Church :Sehool. ,Morning Prayer` it i 15 a,tr. • The Per, J R, Rung, • Rector. r Mi►wM�,1�114r'yrrrl.•Y