The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-01-20, Page 13• WEDNESDAY, 'JAN. ' 20th,, ':1965_ THE LUCKNOW INSTALLS MINISTER, R. • Hamilton: oortmETR1sT NEXT, TO LYCEUM:, THEATRE WINGHAM PHONE 357.1361 • H ARPE CHARERED ACCOUNTANT 057 South Street,' `Goderich Telephone 524,7562" JOH NSTONEIS FUNERAL HOME Nlode'rn 'and Convenient LucknoW,Phone 528-3013 • Day:: or ,Night &wiring: Ali ''Faith According to Their Wishes ; :Moderato. Prices Established '1894 A: R. • Du vAl. DC ,:. SVC- Chiropractor p •C. P ,.. Chiro ractor P.Yh'sio and: Electro Thera ist... i? Ninghatn Phone' .357=3580 Office :located on. John° St. West, "text. to Toronto Dominion , Bank) ,INSURANCE • FIRE, '.WIND,` CASUALTY` AUTOMOBILE,and LIFE, •To Protect •Your:Jack, Insure With: Jack Today. McDONAGH Lucknovv Phone 528-3423 ANDRE. Barrister and Solicitor ; LISTO.WEL . °ONTARIO', • IN LUCKNOw'. EveryWednesday . and. y Saturday. Afternoon Office in the.. Joynt, Block Telephone:: Lucknow.` 528-3116 ,?I'!I'M.NIJ. NI Nom. i:.^.•►N CRAWFORD and. ETHERINGTON. J.. H:. CRAWFORD, Q.C. • Win ham and Lucknow IN . LUCKNOW.. MONDAY and WEDNESDAY Located' in Kilpatrick Block Phone Wingham Office 357-3630 Res, 3572330 ,,.,..,...4..i. IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCE'S for prompt service;- ' and quality products, Contact: ' • ' GRANT CHISHOLM 'Phone Collect, • • Dungannon '5294524 "Airways Look To Imperial For The Best" • A. WIJIi�ms,.O.P. Optometrist 9' Patrick Street.W, WINGHAM Phone 357.1282 (Continued f prom page 1) Mr.Howard' 'Strappo spoke words of 'welcome 'on behalf ,of the ,Luc - know• ,clergy and • the Wingham. and District 'Ministerial: Associa- tion. The Rev; ,Mr, L, Doezema spoke ,on. behalf of .the Presbytery of Hamilton' pi the Christian Re formed :' Church. ,'Words- of • wel-• conic were also extended by :an elderof, the Clinton Christian Re- fei tied: Church, the mother church of the "cogregation .in. 'Lucknow. Rev.. Lieverdink responded to' the' congratulations. , and words of welcor ie. ' After the Closing • h o mg -hymn he Was- invited . to pronounce .the Benediction. After the service , guests and • congregation were .invited' to en joy a fine lunch prepared. by ,the ladies of the''local church. Rev, Lieverdink is a native of The Netherlands coming, to .Can- ada in . 1952., He attended .Calvin :Theological . Seminary in Grand Rapids,' Michigan and. 'went , • to redericton. as ;his, :first charge Where,' he remained for , three years, ' He "was; married. to'an- Ame ' rrcan ,.girl ' while training for the ministry : and theyhave. , years, two children, Derek David, 1 . and .Natalie 'Renee,': agone year... W'I N'GHAM MEMORIAL: .S QP TH:' "BEST' °GRANITES- Along' With EXPERT.`.'DESIGNING AND` WORKMANSHIP •:.Prices Most Reasonable Cee. te rY ,Lettering a. Specialty JOHN MALIC P.O. Box 158' ` PHONE 357.1910, WINGHAM MacKenzie. emarial Chapel FUIERAL•:SERVICE Services conducted according ..to your wishes at your Home, your, Church, or' ;at our Mem- orial Chapel at 'no , additional !charge. g Lucknow, Phonie 528-3432 Day or Night ;••••••••••004,444.......••44,4,4•44,44.• MacKENZI:E q..11 Optometrist .1" ,NOW IN RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY, Office', Hours 10:00 a in:' to9:00 p.m. 'Phone Roy' MacKenzie,, Ripley; 96-r-24 for, appointment. R. W., BELL OPTOMET --, GODERICH F; T. Armstrong Consulting Optometrist The Square (Phone JAckson 4-7661) TED .COLLYER Registered Master Electrician • ELECTRICAL' CONTRACTOR 'Specializing. In Elecfrr Heating, Electric Wiring and Repairs. and • All' Electrical 'Appliances \ Lticknow �- photle 528-5182 Gavilier, McIntosh :end Ward CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS. Resident Partner, :J.. E. Iennedy, C.A. - Opposite , Post Office Phone. • 881-347i ' — Walkerton SENTINEL, j4 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Native =Of /area Passes Hifi Clinton MRS. ROBERT J. WEBSTER Mrs. ,Jessie Ann Webster of 'Vic- toria Street,;. Clinton,"' •died in Clinton •'"Public Hospital on Sun- day, January 10th after a' heart attack: Mrs.'Webster• had been in'. failing, health for the past three months.: •, • She was born on November 15, 1875; in: Lucknow, to the,- late- Mr. and Mrs: Peter Watson of West Wawanosh, In May of 1898 she. married' ' Robert ' 'Daniel . Webster who predeceased her in 1939. Mr. and. Mrs. Webster lived on •a farm one mile west of ` Lucknow, where Russ Button now resides.. From there she and her .husband moved • to. the Varna community' in .1920' where they farmed until they retired to Clinton • in 1932. • She was .a . member of ' Ontario- Street ntarioStreet "United Church, 'a member of the . UCW, the institute and ; the Clintonian Club. ' The funeral service' tlwase on': January: 12 'in, the .Ball and Mutch Funeral Home with the Rev.• C. G. Mills officiating _.:Theji inter-; ment was in. Baird. s .• Cemetery, Clinton,: ' Pallbearers for/'the late Mrs. Webster were . , Anson, Coleman, Cecil' ':Webster, Harvey ` Ritchie, 'Rae Watson, Elmo Pritchard and Peter'.:: Campbell, Flowerbearers were Grant ::Webster, 'Bob 'Web- ster,, .Web ster, ' Mack. Webster, 'Charles : Nel- sen, Bob Reid :and Alvin, Irwin. She; .is. survived by her two sons,. Watson . and Melvin of Var-" ,na • and, by . 'nine' grandchildren'. and , 16: :' great grandchildren.. ' Friends,_ -came : from Toronto, Hamilton, L o n' d: o n, Lucknow,. Stratford and Wingham to.: at- tend the funeral: • • Fresenf aro t. y e Concert On Friday, ''Janus r y 1965 5 the pupils of S.S. 3•West Wavrran- oshpresented avariety concert at the,' St. ,Helen's Community: Hall • Mr:: Donald Murray was -chair man; for the program s which be- gan ;wtili • the chorus "Cock -a" Doodle ,Doo" and a recitation by Gordon Smyth.' During the ., pros gram, ' : iDouglas : 'Small, • 'Allan Hildebrand,`. Joyce Ch'amney, Ed- dy Noble,.' ''Grant Johnston; and Barry Eggleston*, said recitations. Marjory, ;Murray favoured the audience ' with two , piano solos.. The seniors had a square, dance All . the ' pupils took.part in the plays ': "The : Punlpkinville Con- ' cert,"' "Heck Says ,It," and "Un- cle Hiram's :• Cold and in' thee. skit;'""Mary Had a Little -Lamb," Grade 1 presented finger excer- cises. The Junior chorus :: was "Me and 'My Teddy Bear" and. the action:'., .song . `.`Six Little' Ducks."' 'Other action , • songs throughout'' the program includ' ed' "The Tennessee Wigwalk," "A Frog He' ,Would a -Wooing Go and ' a duet "IS Don't' Want to Play , in' .Your • ,Yard", by Susan Thompson ' and Barbara Cham-• ney. ; The seniors . sang "It Is No• Secret" and ``Open Up • Your. Heart" and •ended . the program with. the two-part number "Gent- ly ' Evening. Bendeth." All join- ed in the singing, of the National Anthem, LANGSIDE: Mr. Percy Garbutt ret'urned. from ' Wingham and"- 1/14 nd'•-. , Hospital on Sunday after being hostaitalized 'o'ver two weeks.. Mrs; John Arthur returned 0' her home in Auburn after ;visit- ing for. a -few weeks with Mr' and Mrs. " Gordon Wall and = fam- ily. Mrs. Fred 'Bartholomew and Darrell of': London spent aa'. few days with :. her parents" Mt. and Mrs.` Eugene Cooley and attend- ed the funeral oT her .nephew, Mr, Bartholomew was a visitor " on Sunday '• and • Mrs. Bartholomew and.' Darrell returned home With, him ' L A.C. Ronald and Mrs. Conley of Trenton ; 'have been at the horde of his , parents Mr, acid yrs. Eugene Conley and her par- eats Mi'. and. Mrs; troy xrr�iti.,. ' home. Sympathy is extended' to them 1 the- loss of their- little son! Mr.'. and 'Mrs. Arnold Vint of Listowel attended -the funeral of baby Larry .Conley last Friday: always.' ienJOY the Lucknow Sentine l and look, forward to re- ceiving it," ways • Mrs.. Fred Fow- - ler • of Windsor. MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE Tuesday, , January 12th, •1965: 9:00 p,m. •Group Milt-:Rayner'_s__Dosiges 4 points; Bill Bill Hunter's Oldsmobiles 0 points; Art Purney's Silverwoods 3 points, Dick Park's 'Buicks 1 ,point;, ':Om- ar Brooks' Pontiacs 3 points, Ross •Irwin's Fords '1 point. •Hap Hall rolled high single of the week with, 258. High triple also went to Hap Hall •with 639. - Team ::Standings: ':Pontiacs 32; Buicks ` 30;' Dodges 29;, Silver= woods''28 Fords 25; Oldsmobiles.. 24. Games of 250 and over:` Hap Hall ' 258. MARKS. 80th BIRTHDAY (Continued from page 1) to us all. . . .While the' names of : your class- mates, Lester "Pearson : ,,and Vin- cent Massey, will go down in Canadian .:history, you may rest. assured . that ,the name, ' of . the... Rev. Gordoih "Kaiser ' will, go down in Ashfield Church history ^ as 'one of •'our finest .:ministers. That., sou, .as well :as Mrs. Kai-. Y ser' and Keith, may continue , to be :blessed, with: ;good health and be 'sparedd to 'celebrate many more milestones` along your life's pathway is our very 'sincere wish.' To: show .' in �a slight. way ,the good ,will and esteem of your con- gregations we ask ' you ' to,4 ac- cept c c t .gifts .. withour very these' .. best wishes. Following. Rev. Kaiser's re- marks t h e . U.C.W. presidents Mrs. ' Harvey Ritchie, Mrs. Clif- ford Menary and, Mrs Living stone Menary lit the eight can- dles on thebirthday cake. Mr. ` Kaiser was born .. on a farm in 'Delaware township near London. After : finishing public school he remained on the farm till he wase twenty-one when he entered high school in London: In. 1907 he became a candidate for : the ministry • in ' the Meth(); dist Church and ' served as a student minister i n ,:• 'Lambton` county ,for two Years, after' which he ' enrolled: in '.Toronto ' :Univers ity Graduating in : 'arts in the Un- iversity of : Toronto and in The'= ology in Victoria' College, he was ordained at :the, meeting , of :°Lon- don Conference ' in Kingsville in 1916. A 'couple of months ;before that : he enlisted in the Canadian army: and was later made Quar- ter -master Sergeant . of the Urti- v. e r s' it y of Toronto Overseas erloo. • • 9E 'HIRTEEI LOCK 1: STOREY DOUSE all newly decorated,, easy terms' $s,8'. 1% • 'STOREY HOUSE fairly new -- $10,500.. . 1 NEW ' BUNGALOW. "• best. location ,in town, easy terms. -;" " _ $1.3,800: - 10 • ACRE FARM with good . "7 room house, • and 2.,..barns only $1,500.,' WANTED— 25 or '30, acre Farm with; good buildings, on highway or . blacktop road; ' close, .to , town WEARE'. IN . NEED OF FARMS OF . ANY. :ACRES FOR DUTCH,' FAMILIES*. •IN LUCKNOW DIS TRICT /FOR ..SPR.IN:G POSSESS- • ION.... FOR EFFICIENT SERVICE IN ALL PROPERTIES.. — FARMS, RESIDENTIAL• AND COMMER- • CIAL, — • CONTACT• VU E isL • 'PHONE-CLIFFOR 127- 'W=4 4 1 arj have sedto "adop- " y and ng ev- Wim. • re do Ithout marry ung:• rags , Id edu- AGENT, FOR JOHN,.' B.OSVELD, REALTOR, ' 'BOX 353; MEAFORD, PHONE 428 Training' Company. `Herhe•'came. to know an interesting group of young , men, 'many of whom later. became prominent in ; many areas of 'life ' ill ' various ' arts. . of the P , world Among trhis group was an outstanding, Lucknowite, ,: ' R e v. Hugh McMillan, .the', present:• Mod- erator of: the Presbyterian Church in Canada; After his discharge from the.. army : in February 1919 he . was . appointed minister 'of Stothoaks Methodist Church in. Southern Saskatchewan. . He remained. !$, minister of Saskatchewan Con- ference serving in various Chug - es "till 1936. In: that , year he ac- cepted a =;call to ,Byron Charge in the London. Conference: In 1941 Mr `: Kaiser Moved to Plattsvilie: where he 'served av: pastor till he: ; !retired etired fifteen years : 'later. After retirement he, supplied Man- daumin: Charge near' Sarnia for,' a Year .and then 'came to Ashfield •.. in 1957, ; continuing till now and,' we understand is planning to re- main for at least ,another year.'; The Kaisers ' have . two. Baugh- eters and a son; Mrs. Gordon' Har,-' rison ` of Plattsville, Mrs: Gordon Seale of Edmonton, and :Keith, a student at the University of Wat. YOUR' PEDLAR .AGENCY: • GOLDEN GLOW EGG PICK-UP, DEPOT OR-Sto.clOstIllog Program �s aur �irsness, as #o faster Grow#h and` Hlealth Care Sow Care . Pig ,Starters •-- .6 Types Hog Growers —•:2 Grades Hog - Finishers N^: C�N ENTRATES Calf Starters Calf Growers Dairy .Ration` Steer :Fatners Dairy _ Beef Hog Poultry and Supplement "A" THE BETTER BALANCE with ,your • own Grain • Complete Poultry Line. Milk Replacers, Dried Molasses, Dog and Rabbit Pellets i►ua..141.+►na�.1r�.. r1113M(tgili14011144111*,141/11.1141111,,M=111.(14111ENNEIYHM10.0i0410.1111111004. KNECHTEL' MILL1NGL1MITED; Lucknow Branch, 4-- Phone 528-3014 "THERE IS. A ,NEW LIFE FEED FOR . EVERY NEED" lair and 'Acheson'.. :... Chartered A ccountaht's . -- ,: ' 1Vtuiticipal' Auditors' Phone '5°5 ox 663 Kincardine' new° getter R. give 'anon Rect rn, har* tive, pelt- 1 of est iWn: ffin ob- na era. e d`, of a 6:• •