The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-01-13, Page 13WEDNESDAY, JAN', ::13th, 1965, R. Hamilton'. :'.-OPTOMETRIST'' NEXT'4.TO LYCEUM" THEATR •WINGHAM , PHONE 357-136. ' .__HARPER • CHARTERED . ACCOUNTANT TANT.., 55 = 57 South Street; Goderich. Telephone 524-7562.• J'OHNSTONE'S ..ERAL.HO 'FUN ME Modern and 'Convenient•.. Lucknow, 'hone 528.3013 .• Day . or Night • Serving All , Faiths According, to Their Wishes Moderate Prices 'Established .1.894' VAL Chiropractor,' Physio :and :Electro, Thera est p•, Phone. 3;37--35 Wingham — 80 • (OffiCe located on : John St. West aext to ;Toronto Dominion; Bank) N•I.I•MI•INiI•NN•N INSURANCE ANC FIRE,.WIND, CASUALTY • AUTOMOBILE and t Your: Jack ' To �'Protec Insure With. Jack Today... j.. A. McDONAGH ; .. ,. Lucknow •• Phone 528-3423. .�AN R . W .• DRE W R.. Barr. inter and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN ,LUCKNOVii .Every` Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon, Office ,in the .Jayne Block • Telephone': Lucknow .528-3116, R. S HETI-LERINGTON Q.C. • Barrister; Etc • Wingham and Lucknow IN Lt1CKNOW MONDAY: and WEDNESDAY Located : in Kilpatrick Block THE ' LUCKNOW SENTINe ,' LUCKN,OW, ONTARIO • PAGE T1IIRTEE11, I�IHITECHURCH .. On, • Thursda'y,' January 14th, a free ,Rabies. Clinic Will be held for pets at • E. S. Watt and Sons Feed 'Mill in Whitechurch from 3:00 pp. to 4:.30.. •We are: ' sorry to report Mra. Jas. Laidlaw was admitted ' ;on Saturday to. Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital: We wish., her a speedy 1ecovery. .Jamey . 'and Lois Falconer spent Tuesday evening.. with Mr. -and Mrs.,, Russel 'Ritchie. Linda' Johnston• of., Kitchener visited over the. ' week -end • With Mr.•and Mrs; `Charles Tiffin.: .` Bill• Smythe leaves on. Wednes- day for Toronto ' .where he re- ports and ' from there goes to Re- gina where he ' will train as a "Mountie." , . •• Alice Beecroft has been laid up. the past 'week with measles. We wish her°`a--speedy--recovvery; Miss. ' ,. Suzanne Reynolds', nurse - inArainrng•, at • Victoria Hospital, spent the Week -end with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs.; • Leslie Rey- nolds. Euchre"''Party' • The regular progressive euchre' party • was, held at 'Curries school on Friday • evening' 'with °13. tables in play: hose with. high 'score' A. WI:NG•HAM MEMORIAL. �. M QRiALv SHOP BEST: GRANITES Alon With g• *EXPERT ..DESIGNING ,AND•. WORKMANSHIP.. Fc°ices ;,MoSt Re •� a sortable ' • Cemeter •.. ;. . Y Lettering a:Spec'ialt Y JoHoi MALICK., 'PO Box. 1 ' 58• • PHONE` 357.1910,' WINGHAM: MacKenzie emoriaF�'Chapet' FUNERAL SERVICE Services• • conducted . according _ to your 'wistes at your:'Hoene, - r Church,' or at our . Mem- orial orial Chapel at,•:no, additional charge, ..•' Lucknow; Phone 528.3432 Day or. Night K. J MacKENZIE,. O D.. •Optometrist NOW. I N RlI PLEY EVERY' WEDNESDAY Office Hours. 10:00 a:m: 'to 9:00 p.m. Phone Roy MacKenzie, p le 96-r-24 for appointment :Ripley, ., .• n •� OPTOMETRIST,:-= "GODERICH ` Phone'Wingham • =2570 I' *KO; 357-3630 1 IMPERIAL.OIL PRODUCTS for :prompt service, and quality.products, IMPERIAL £sso PRSPCTS : S,tf aughan of Caderich •were Sun- Contact; L : AII' Electrical :A Appliances s.. Jas. Laidlaw, ;GRANT: CH,ISHOp Nl P day callers on Mr L15182 .. a• patient at, Wmgham and Dis • Phone Collect ,iuUO' -:- Phone 528- •..d,•. ".•��� trict Hospital and with Misses Dungannon 5297524 « •Annie and Mary Laidlaw' and Mr "Always Loop To Irnliei, al • and' Mrs.Elroy Laidlavv and �farn ll'er.NicIntosh 11y• Best" Gvi �,. . • Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and ind Ward F. •T. Armstrong Consulting,. Optometrist The Square (Phone 'JA.ckson. 446611) • TED *:C O L:LY E R lit giste ed Master' Electrician ELECTRICALCONTRACTOR Specializing In ., Electric Hat ng, Electric Wiring the week -end with Mr .and'.lvirs: Ca,McClenaghan: a�Yd 1� Rei aiirs Oliver ' Md3rien ' and ' Mrs. 0•. were high lady, ' Mrs. John Jam ieson, runner- up,. Mrs. • Jim, Cou1- tes; high man, Jim Currie, *run ' up,. •Gershom Johnston. The one having •the ducky' cup was Miss Mary VAS Wheeler,,,,:TheJhos- tesses and hosts for the next par ty, January' 22nd,. will be Mr.. and Mrs. Lorne Scott'and Mr.. and Mrs. Ed Walker,. The supervisors Mr: .and 'Mrs: Ed Smythe, Mr. and • Mrs. Alex ',Robertson 'served lunch. Tiverton • Wedding On .December,' 28th, ' 1964, KVliss Elizabeth. Anna Swath, daughter of Mrs. • Annie Swass and: the : late Stanley Swass, .was married at' Tiverton to Murray. Nealile, 'son of •'Mr: `arid Mrs William ' Neable, Langside• ' by • the Rev.' Elmer Shaw. They will, , reside at • Bramp- ton where: the . groom ' is employ- ed. We • • extend congratulations from' the community. The ,Sunday School awards will _wa s.�. be ---given- mut __at:' the.church ser- vice next Sunday, January .,17th at Chalmers. Presbyterian -Church. All• Sunday.. School attenders.' are asked to • be . present: • - The ; `Annual Meeting. at • Char= mers Presbyterian: Church will be • held 'January. '23rd 'at 24 ` o'clock. ' 'The W.M.S.; of Chalmers' church. wilt meet Wednesday, January 21, at . the home of Mrs. Victor. 'Em- erson. On Sunday., at t h e United Church: ;,.here,:: Mrs.: Arthur. Jack-- son, ackson, .: Belgrave ,'assumed • the du- ties of preacher for ' Rev. George Mitchell of "Bluevale •who had a cold Mr • • and'..Mrs. Nelson.: Smithof e 'Markhaza ; spent 1 h e week -end, With, Mr. and Mrs. • Russel ,Chap- man..• 'United Church Y.P.S. -:-Tuesday evening • the .Y P S. - ;held their meeting in 'the Schoohroom of, the United . Church. The presi- dent, resi dent, Barbara Purdon, presided. The meetingopened witha sing- song • with • pianist• Mrs: ''George Mitchell' accompanying. The min ' utes . Were read by Arthur : Laid- law, :Secretary. Hey. .. George. Mit cheh thanked the Y.P.S.`: for their Christmas gift. The next meeting:' will be held 'Sunday: evening, Jan- uary 17 in United ;Church . at : 8:W The- 18members• present` ans- wered the• .roll call: with a : verse, Of Scripture. The; meeting was turned • over . to ./ the , ' Stewardship and Training%% •Conveners:- 'Margar et Moore ' . gave : the 'call' to : wor- ship,' Ahymn was sung. Alma. Conn read:: the Scripture. ,Margars: et; Moore 'gave' the story The Light • that Shineth in Darkness. Alma Cohn pled' in ' �.l'rayer.:.Mrs. . George 'Mitchell gore .poems , `"A recipe. for a New Nears Pie" . and "What Can Happen in the .New Year." The • topic ,Light and Law for the' Ne' v. Year: was ,given , by Janis :Farrier and, Diane Coultes. , B,evA • George Mitchell ' closed . the meeting' with all..; repeating the •Mizpah Benediction: _A • recreation. period was .then enjoyed. 1Vlr' and. Mrs. Carman-Whytock and •Jackie visited on Sunday with his :parents Mr. . and • Mrs. .• .Alec Whytock of . Teeswater. ' • • • Mr and ,Mrs: Murray. Neable` 'of Huntsville • . spent the week -end 'with his parents 1(1r and . Mrs. 13i11.Neable.• : •' g Dou las Coultes of Waterloo. College, Waterloo, spent the week end with his parents.. Mr. , and Mrs,:. Norman ' Coultes. . Mr. and .Mrs. Carl leis a- han . visited on Wednesday wi.tff Mr. and Mrs Bill . Parker .,and family -of , Exeter. Mr. • and ;Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, who' had spent a.':week there, accompanied them home. . Paul Geiger. of •• Waterloo spent. Janet •visited On Sunday` with her • parents- Mr. and kWiIIianis,O.D • ston A ' Optonetrrst I CiARTE2Ep ACCOUNTANTS S Fred •Neighbour..Passes Word was received here on Fri- ' Resident. Partner, Patrick Street ; J. E. Kennedy, 4:A, ' ;VVINOHAM.• .., Opposite lyhst •Office Phone 357.1252 'Clay ; by Mrs. .Eunice Gillespie that her brother --in-law '' Fred Neigh- bour had passed away at Sasko • Park Lodger Tisdale, Saskatche-' Immo 881.31171 ' Walkerton wan tin his 86th year, . Sixty years • ago the late Mr, Neighbour came • GEORGE' FIELDER The. funeral : service for George .W, Fielder; 98, of Ashfield Town- ship; ownship; . who died at Alexandra 'Hos petal. on December 27th,; •was held in Goderich on Tuesday, Decem- ber 29th;, Rev. G : L. Royal con- ducted tine•service, Interment: was> in Dungannon cemetery. .The -son of the. ate Mr. and Mrs. John Fielder; •he was born in Brantford;' but had lived' ,'in. Ashfield ..:Township ,nearly.alk. life., . At• one tirne, Mr,: Fielder farmed.: Mrs. .Fielder, the form- er Rose Curren, died .in 1936... •'` Mr, " Fielder is • survived - by three daughters, Mrs. John (Ger- trude). Burrows, Ger- trude)..Burrows, , and. Mrs. Edith Culbert, both • of Goderich;: Mrs: Balfour (Gladys) 'Simpson, : Ash- field T'ownShip;,. 24 ,grandchildren, 49 great-grandchildren and three great -great-grandchildren. from .England to :this locality . and: worked for several farmers among whom were thelate . John;Gilles- pie.and . John Menzie..Fifty years ago. with. his, 'bride . (Miss Millie Peddle) they left to make their home ' at : `Tisdale,,. Saskatchewan He • leaves' to 'mourn his • loss: . his wife, one . son' Harry of ,Nel- son, B.C. and• six daughters (Mil- dred) Mrs. Bunyan," Edmonton, Miss .Ruth Neighbour; Sedar, B.C., (.Eunice) . Mrs. C. •Graham, Prin- ceton,. .13.C., (Jean) Mrs. -J...Dun-. can, Fort St. :John, 'B.•C., • (Viola) Mrs. R. Gerou, Tisdale, •Sask, (Gwen): Mrs. H. Hooper, Gold win, Sask., Burial .was ` in Tisdale cemetery. Mr. Neighbour, will .be. remembered. by • - many residents of the village 'as he frequently visited. 'with Mrs. Gibson Gilles- pie and her • late husband; ', and being a :'friendly person .and a good :conversationalist he made many . acquaintances • here Peter. Coffin, Scott and Mark of . Elmvale spent the latter 'part of . the week. -with his • mother,. Mrs Emma Coffin : and : John. • Mr.':. and Mrs. Wallace Conn' were Sunday visitors:.. with Mr and Mrs:: Gordon: Scott :of Ripley. Mr. and • Mrs: Douglas Conley visited: Sunday afternoon inWing- ham in -ham ,.District Hospital. with : his: grandfather Joe' Conley and later visited with her grandparent's 'Mr. and ,Mrs. .Earl . Caslick Bursary, Winners. ° :We :. extend : congratulations to George . Conn of Western ' Oliver - sky, :London, on :winning a Dom- inion Provincial Type., B Bursary and: an.: Ontario ` Special Student Aid 'Fund: We alsoextend congr'a- 'tulations , to ': Miss Muriel • Moore of Western 'University .on . winning a ' Dominion Provincial Type B Bursary and. the Isobel Bingman Memorial Bursary given by Lon- don- l3r.'anch of ,the Women's"Press Club, boy Scout Trig To Washing#orr shown (Silver Lake W.1.) The January'. meeting of, the- Silver Lake .f was held at the hoi a of Mrs-1•Bill Campbell, Kay Thacker, opened the 'meeting,' and, Jean Colwell read the scripture. Twenty members+• • answered: ,the. roll `call , Plana: were',. made ' on making .'a "Name Quilt." Frank Colwell showed pictures:. 1965 of . the • Boy Scout trip to Wash- 3ry. ington which ' everyone enjoyed, then Mrs. Mable Campbell° thank- ; ed the speaker.: The • motto, "Education is a qBequest"giv-have .Conquest not a was en -by Doreen Young.. Florence t • Hodgins ',gave • a reading "Cour- • 'd to try Schools" `and' Hazel: Stanley idap read "Heads Bent- Low." "Don't gifts, Envy other Folks" : was read by and Erlma Jean Haldenby; Mable ev Cainpbell, ' read ..a piper,. "Man ,.. . Must' think of Tomorrow." Re- ports -ports of the Standing Committees. were `given • by Mrs. Cooper, ;Mrs: Campbell, Mrs.: Hodgins, and Mrs. Stanley.. Mrs. Young . then'' pre- sented Mrs. J. MacEwan and Mrs, . Husk leaders of • he/De- sert • sert' Club • with a gift At:. the close of the meeting' Mrs.' Harold• •. Bannerman and Mrs. Isa Lamont. .served hunch PeeWee, Squirt,' •House League On Januar y 2nd Bud,' Hamilton's Cities Service defeated : Hall's Red. & White 8-9 Goals were... scored; by John MacKenzie with -four. and Steven • t. Hackett,' .Andy •Whitby,. • :Donald Elliott' and David .. Mac Kinnon 'with one each:: ' Chisholm s Imperials: .defeated • Schmid's `' and Ashton'•s ' 13 2. Goals for the Imperials were scored by Allan Andrew, Pete . Chisholm and. Doug. Stevenson with ;three. each, and Bob HMI.and ,Paul`' Frayne with.'two each ' Brian. Jardine and: john. Emberlin: got one ,each'.for Schmid's • and •Ashton's. • On January. ;9th Clnsholm's eri:als defeated '•Miall's & Red p . White 6 2:• Imperials goals :;were. scored by ` Allan Andrew With... `three Doug° Stevenson • two • and. - Paid Frayne For Hall's: Red. & White Ken Johnstone: and.` Elmer, Ackert got one each. Schmid s and.Ashton's' defeated :Hamiltofi'sCities Service . 9-8 Goals for Schmid's ' and Ashton's. were .scared .; by Brian; ' .Jardine' 'with • four,:' John Emberlin: • with three, and Russell Moncreif : and';; Graeme :Eihott :. with'. one each. John MacKenzie. 'scored, six and.. • Bobby Greer two for . Hamilton's • • 'cities Service Standing: Chisholm's• ; Imperials `. .. 12, Schmid's and A shtons8, Ham- • • :tons. Cities Service 8,,•Hals and White' 0, YOUR` PEDLAR; AGENCY, GOLDEN 'GLOW EGG' PICK-UP DEPOT UR ;St�ck-fe�ding.P.r.�grani is our.._ Business as1o:Fdster.Grovvth and•Health Care Sow Care Pig : Starters:. 6 Types Hog Grotvers - 2 Grades' Hog. Finishers CONCENTRATES Calf . Starters, Calf Growers' Dairy Ration Steer. Fatners• Davy. Beef — • Hog — Poultry .' and Supplement "A''. THE BETTER' BALANCE"' with your` -own Grain • Complete Poultry . Line Milk'•.Re lacers; .Dried : Molasses, Dog and Rabbit ' Pellets. Replacers, • . irw�u�.?( ►d dwl,�s�i w!fiiwoi ikttw +t►Irsonwlr�oimtwtwmii4moso ilM' ow NECHTEL MIIL1NG'LIMITED Lucknow Branch. Phone 528-3914. "THERE IS A: NEW L FET—FEED FOR EVERY '•N'EED"' Phair and Acheson Chartered Ac IV Accountants , ; � . Municipal Auditors Bob 663 ... KincardinePhone 5 5 0.1 er do- •..•': hoot • vary ' ... -lid rags . a • new firer. give ;tion feat - o' :bar, ive, ,.' telt-.-:: Sof ass-: Ywn. ffin ke- na-: es rr ton +alis. las, 'ire r .Or • re .on d