The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-01-13, Page 7WEDNESDAY''. ' JAN. 13th, 196s YNURCN NEWS :FLAKES U.C,W. • The January meeting of Slakes U.C.W...was held 'en Thursday af- ternoon at the • home of Mrs. War- ren; ling. Mrs,, C. Cooke had. charge of the program and Mrs, Wm: Andrew presided at the pi- ano,. The firstscripture was . tak en . by • Mrs"-„,-. J, Curran and •the second by Mrs..' .Wm,' Irvin. Mrs. • C. Cooke gave the meditation and: Prayer. . The next chapter. of the study book was,: taken /by Mrs., h; Menary and "God and His .purpose" by Mrs. C ,Kilpatrick. Mrs C. Cooke gave a reading on -Hong Kong, The roll callwas an ,swZred by the paying of fees, :11 members present. The treasurer's • v THE LUCKNOW .:SENTPNEL. ,ONTARIO • PAGE sEvEi report was read by.,Mrs: C. Kil- patrick and it was decided, to send • $25.00 tq. Singtime.. Mr. Kai- ser closed the meeting' with prayer.:Luneb was served `by the hostess, assisted, by by Mrs. L. Menary. U.C.W. Unit j !Mrs,.' Strapp: opened her home for the January meeting of; Unit 1, of U.C.W. •In the, absence of t,._ President Mrs... Q. Brooks, Mrs. McKim. opened .,the' meeting, with a hymn, followed by . New Years reading .and: prayer by Mrs. E, Taylor. ,The roll call .was answer- ed by•.paying of `fees' and favour ite psalm There was an attend- ance of 15 members. 'Mrs. Me= Kim gave the treasurer.rs report. Mrs. T. Hackett announced -the annual meetingheld en January 26th:, • M be, Humphrey took the chair ,for the program opening', with-- a hymn followed jby24th psalm in .unison. Mrs. 'S., Mothers ga.ve a reading on Trin- idad Mx and .Mrs. ' Strapp. fav= oured with a piano. and : trombone instrumental which .was much ens joyed, ` Mrs. ' W. B. Anderson. :gave a...reading from Pennyson's . New. Year poem,s.:.Mrs. 'Humphrey Clos- ed the. meeting with prayer. and ,lunch was served :by the catnmi- ; tee ins.charge... DEDICATED DED/CATED BEAVT/CIANS WS WE ARE, WORDS Of PRAISE .HAVE TRAVELLED FAR GLADYS' BEAUTY SALON 5►��3v3CIO 74Bt LIUP CI(Ph CP W ®NT - SOUTH KINLOSS W:•M S -- Mrs W. F. MacDonald was hos :tess to' South Kinloss ,W.M at .her home on Wednesday, Janu 6th . Mrs: Ted Collyer presided and the secretary; Mrs; ,L. Mac- Dougall, read minutes ;and corres- .pondence, after :which business. matters were discussed The, Bi- ble study was . Joshua 'Chapter, and, concerned the crossing of the River ,Jordan , by the Israelites, In connection with the. theme,. Mrs. P. Steer and Miss, D. Mac- Leod , accompanied by. Mrs, H. Buckton s a n g, "The Promised Land" with 'the ,members joining in the refrain. Roll call was a, verse with the word "Ark." The prayer circle was given .by Mrs. Steer, ' Mrs, Levis and ;Mrs.' L. Maclnnes A. New 'Year reading by . Mrs.H Buckten and a solo y Mrs. Sandy MacLeod "Golden Bells" were- linked with t h e theme of. the . meeting. Mrs.. Hamilton gave the: introductio to the New Study Books .,~for 965: Mrs. Rgss MacMillan d .. 'let-. ter ' from the Moderator 1 ' the Presbyterian Church ' Dr.. Hugh - MacMillan, _ relating his, travels across: the Dominion in connec- tion with his office and told of many interesting events. Mrs.: D. Graham had 'charge of a Book display and spoke briefly on . mat- ters of. interest. Mrs. Allan Mac Intyre had the' closing prayer.. The directors . of , the . ; meeting, Miss Martha. Martha. Sutherland,..Mrs, L. Maclnnes and Mrs. G.Hamilton, together with the 1iostessa provided. a .substantial lunch. ;to . conclude. an interesting New Year ;meet ing. . ST. - 'PETERS .W.A. PURCHASE MEMORIAL. The -January meeting of ' . St. Peters W.A. was held ' at the home of Mrs. Roberts . `.on Tues- day afternoon, January , 5bh. The meeting opened with a silent tri- bute to the memory 'of one of OUP departed members Miss .Dor-'. Dor- othy Cooke, . followed by the W.A. prayer, Lords prayer , in unison. Mrs Mole gave -the prayer ' part we: a vantages ma 1 e superior h�ati�g'systent completely clean • Flameless electric heating can't create dust, dirt, fil or soot gentle, even heat Room by room or zone, temperature control. No'draughts,;' no chills, no sudden' blasts of hot air.. IOW.;COSI Throughout Ontario users prove that in homes ;insulated to Hydro standards,electric'heating. costs/fib' more to opefate.tlian' other heating systems.. • ,eXtra.,space Pequires no. bulky fuel burning equipment.: quiet And electric heating is Sb quiet. FOR.FURTHER INFORMATION GALL YOUR ,gUALIFI'ED ELECTRIC HEATING CONTRACTOR OR- hydro ash your b d M�cDONALD GAR, ,TEAS $ATTERIES DUNLOP TIRES Top Quality a Reasonabhe: Price ROTATE .'t'I ES • REGULARL,Y heel Balanc' .....- , . ..in, ..g and. . Ahgnmen Shockabsorber Service �eehsed Mechanics'. .. Shockabsorber ` Service icensed • Methinks' : REPAI ' t o ALL. MAKES ES OF CARS and CTORS • MONUMENTS For. sound' counsel and 'a fair. price on a monument •correctly. designed ` from quality material, rely on slkerton , KELTON MEMORIALS Pat 'O'Hagan, Prop. • Established Over Sixty Years Phone 8,31-0234. o. ner's.:prayer and read"the :Scrip ture. Mrs. Fred: McQuillan. gave the annual' report: A motion was passed that a Missal .Book or some Prayer ; books . be purch ased,•- ;:in memory, . of Dorothy Cooke:, A card, ofthanks was: read from Mrs. Maude': Sherwood' and a letter from, the Rev. Peter Har- ris thanking the. members- for the.. Bale and . telling of his work , in the 'Diocese of Athabaska. Mrs. Dprmn:. gave :. a . reading " and : Mrs: King «a reading from 'the Living:; Message: Mrs. Roberts closed ,the meeting with prayer.:;;Lunch; was, served by the hostess.. UNIT S;:'U.CW; Unit 5 of Lucknow, U.C.W. held their January meeting . at the home . of 'Mrs. H. Strapp with Mrs. Robe Finlay .in . charge. Using the. birthday jar and have a.. bakeless bake. sale, . were_ -the , projects—de— cided on for 1965.. The.• scripture, was read by Mrs.'4 Jas. •MacTav ish The ' meditation and prayer was ' given by Mrs. R. Ackert. Mrs:: G. Morrison gave a 'reading on; `Sunny Side." Mrs. J. Mc- Donagh reported for the Social. Function Committee, the annual meeting being January. 26th.. Mrs. Gordon Montgomery, showed pic- tures' on their recent ,trip. to Trin- idad : and Carribean, which was very f nteresting, ' especially .since our new study book is on ; Trini- dad Mrs Finlay moved a vote.. of thanks to . Mrs. Strapp, and Mrs:.Montgomery. The meetin closed over . a • cup of tea.. • U.0 W., "UNIT 2 Unit. 2held their .January . .meet- ' ing., at the' home of:Mrs. K: • Cam-.• eron..`The meeting opened by' Mrs — K. Cameron reading a 'poem "'New.' Year's Pie."' Mrs! G.' MaeDonald led.: the, ;devotional period, .follow ed -by, prayer. The report from the nominating •committeewas given and Mrs. K. Cameron con- sented to be the leader.. The. roll 'call; :payment .of fees, was ans • wered; by. 16 members.. The study'.. book,: 'dealing with Trinidad, was , explained. As a project for the' coming year, it : Was deeided to• have' -a "Stay at • Homes. Tea," which, will be • completed .at the next meeting ' OnTuesday,, Jan- uary 26th the annual ehurch'meet ing , will: be ,held, Reports._ were given. We: are to bring . a quilt :block 18".,x 20" to ' ;the February .meeting.Mrs. L. McLeod opened: the -program by ',reading a7 -poem; "May God Guide You:',' ,Several readings and :two recordings Sweet Hour ' of , Prayer" and "What a ' Friend. We Have in: '. Jesus"., were ;enjoyed; Mrs. L. McLeod closed... the ' meeting . with prayer.. .' 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