The Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-11-05, Page 8silhisi;Comobbselias mum soma —> i': . sea/ altos' >l�eee for wstrz Went 41111 wirmah. MIS migAD AMEX GLOWICS-Stpkil is slip MI efikdr 1 - Bair dart awl We8 lk.r PDF for drew .p. MOBS . .LEAIMBIL GAIENFEETS for !tabloid or .lel. Used e'r>i aa61•• 'ser Msgr. > 1.1011115 i MISSES SIE1 31111S Bated idea *toed wank eloalie dim nionstnale sin* LAMES 1111MB1 MOSE. Meese bele goals oohs. mess °lea Pew csie IT is Its sr* V ) variE Eaitta,x Aran ems InAr Wont empleta►n KI AIL Farmer 11Passes Wont FmaS IreireaMil Mire off' Eke _',^.[j lin of Calamine twicirta leek game err riliiharm inns Bowe 1, the a�lreJtnut.�t m>ff t 1b f' $ Iltegest mot Mos. Hogan EMI l -1.911a-Cess: -Ess - GW1'riS?��'.C� 21 rams mgt. Scone yeems ego) *mills, T to sham cmthe L Stare ;;yrs Mandl end Nee Abe ass- sanded mat made mw ittherods 1 „n::,n 1U `1IIItaJiil- 'anttinsogiaffnineem • for ogees. Sate assegatatitapasittim ITEMSII 'Ji sttiose - woes - thies _its settemall — Ir 1 f r 1:11 -111 NiraS aa�ihdreM Et= the with togs 1> ffi Morag To Lartlaw Mts. Mandark MarCreges- who aalb dots' tormentsity far DI ,peensa..�� /� .��..1:1 to a ma X 1= eveniegvmeettThaffr bane ssif 141kslams the esteens Witieh she was 1l� tt4r9 bell A way pleasiant emigrewas tie Pities played f A.. MECUM- WateDgessii ® &bay inn& to ser- wed l r -Q , ,. the taffies after WM& ats ad-. off apinteristrim was marl Mar, Singsars aril Mrs Celan Ma - T 'Wien' a passe of mesey. Mos.' Mae - Gregor attgrffetit wry ll - w?y fictelbrelyi� nn ....s. iu :• rS WALL QUALM Seat m be smite ad Tor QUALM as well ' as ItiNIMEEL • VALBES wiles yoga bey at' a. BELAZIL SLUM. Y+eai osilawils ase sane 'der Me coordast s perveisS of listilg , Os 'mbar, The great woders —Serail- staffed, :- soft —�becametl�oesy a_=SAM s■t�l yrsSAstol7� eMlig casae t� UIS SIMMS slit / sl"atii A STOWE is fee aeaffi 1 dot it aartln__ _- to sell GO Elm ia” smile od itit 1E € of Me iof drag shame ,meow ba Me wod . `twit the XEL LL•lr $*ti its Mardi a ease oggs ilmody for SIC ECONOMY- ” A. E. McKiIu. i SMAIIIONMIL tom GENERAL 'N Mak Maggincet off lendiwt'spett the -moist Nan Gime shintrItairing visiting with Jobs arms &vie Me "Monday. ems" at .._a brdige panty cues Ma Jam Pass been a feed to bed fair a ample _ weeks with t is getting :Gisfe off the•.'.�'i Cab held theatre petty t o do sae of the Cloode. 'They geode the trip ba Agrees tlaiti. a serere belga • wanks le �tb rl esr fora e c Mrs. Metwzret NageStors • Mr the RCAF, Wanes'sQ, .-..� Mrs onothe, spentweek-end 1: lr. J. Ifelfals urea res Lead= last week atttesitsog aturasslay swam. gets" annestingsse F•t news preset fomom l i •;silo 'F 'Y iu U, ual the MEM N.„,_:i,1-Is was �. mL ivacnni : • a• is meanies off Amen ered far her wedatrog restegatim. pleasant evening elf ' ,n ui., was ets 7a1 1r. llt sar- is/sat. ar J.37 13(1LL t. rn u".rr• 1�t�e,�,,,, �;s,9,. L"1r.31ia :.:, i -:fns tins hiciliiy r _ steed ADE - tat IfIEMAMItO yrs- Bing Innosv, Aikunnuindi mil : ad 1r -»v ueT, gin _ rami _,r'__trt. MOM, saw 1ilJ 1Etr. EPA1 Mass - itbarriatto.fly its the :: - Nary_ .Conlosh, whowas PS yeasff$ aigE oat Ortischer INfflig,targarbs 1S �1..gnucm•*«„� yam, � uitoz�tuau�•', qwt. ums iamaa>u ]iisit:i i' to Beane far isms , :I, U, s t� ams ad 1 aie9 t irtk• IDs' West gresented her with a off moms WWII W. . S. • meet- ing 1/73/LS.LLS. off doe Pireskytt dam& was 4,-10 &T!1_ off: Mgr.DemonJ1At1Ql Eril 2 with 24) present. t sedgfiameA. was tJmNreas Maier r�,,, riit:• 11 Y t .ate. :n�tu wane SII by 'Nis 11. Ley( Mm- Nestie„ 14fn$. HD A. teand , t},{1 }�, ...Mama .33,.11 (41611 by wens a thasfesigbarg.. Bites Gaeta Congloteffl smell tie poem mom' O ltd" wary _linins; Boy ILS it apager as gill. •__ fmitikligrreng tfae time pialviburatikimm.marinaticia son Looknew•was t ar gum& weaker and wi $' -:and::M aiaai t11k based ere tib teat,"H tit month gang u . aal�watrittAir and be Wilda - ffQ InscpAl i, inmwnrnninad i 7' •.Ste • stressed (lit -:1 32Calard be wales& withclam eat ibdkc41„,L.1 LI 1111111 i .q.11,111 /Il'1hria Yt^-fte =C11 iimgessed ._ �pmsr �t ie � t elffifikirens Mat tJdi1 tti:1:- u111tlilfuta Mos. ,VW Boss sem' " Jests cane_ Bim a "iMste peace O. Gd, giae peace 209ilat- jji Its, clot s_a: tithe ngering with passer, •—I Mated jrm ....._ ,' araud Cheese 6"AS BOO LIME > 1 lb, Bello mar calm" tom • AL bon BS OLD eADEADEIN-Osloated Lk. 311e NMI! CANADIAN-Coloted Lb - Y Vilawbo Tie ' 1p • easy -War.' `Fat )! eat Ikeda • and ..1. - ha -Eno ' Calithinda crapes. sew ".. Bead Lenore, . , Canada. laddsge„liera_ _ THOMPSON'S Timm siz irePiligillt Wit SOP EiritWeilleise* `d lattittag woad*. •g�, > u ' w1-1 lone esdbf meg W tolLietaL Boy Mt - gr lam items elWqfsce t >i &E t u /5 mow Baa4g treak5-- fennel to another-ellsthdett, taffeta .isave ea t1uuPUcw.utt • Big at Dame The crowd a the seem attended lthe. dame att Paratommant ors Friday *04 with manio byCar Two off the reRttrm2me wire. ware 1, .e of Icanetridge and Cannes RareQuanno>ffRaneunrnn, tune'ottber two Fires wing, to !law pones were airs Itedortylre.-ennui Bee St.I _Rl' . Costentse lodges wee tritibb.Lena Mrs. Jack ;:Itu1•:1 ..• an. Vie. u1„ WIIMECHURCh Rim Alec Meted st-1.:. gime to • Tonosito to spend the twister with her &edger �t d _a k W tern spent tie -end az tt lkeir fitterdiv.tut.talsur ca ,uisLLntt>� w FEEE tL a podia= att n atimarett pleat' firs Lerdstmesur Mace bate frees 157-unr2-A.2- um ut+-:yrjjjall„ We tope to L1 r t, a 1% meow - t. - SAYE.. 2.10 Buy V -y Cosmetics Now SPIEIDELL FALL MEER Any 31.15 Me* EnsF 1,1-75 ikon, wow aid ' Ang 12.25 beak sow OM IMPS -SliECIAL OFF= LMDS N Gordon R. Tater imutromisr sot ....11104•11 •. at •• .1 to ours :=Mbt,l:M 1 SECOND ANNUAL REMEMBRANCE NIGHT DANCE, Wednesday Noveinlier 11th ........ixesosowassamitarlarmwasum twang In the Town rLuelknow OLD sad NEW LIME IDANEING MP= WOW MEM= rill= DRAW TO BE MADE FOR MOREL SHORTIall HEIFER BIG O .Or THE FALL SEASON n war sa Fye 1a We are saal,'riry to repo rtt Mos. ll;i.. 1flilI E a tttaaF,�,�. �4.m�. �r,.r�rT,Lrn org' ff» a she aneil MEM Wa1/1l iter LMbate• ETU: - ttm 1 ; Lffi tie tilDa ge and wilt u1:'mooing kale #. vim.. I4� _:,ilei MU, James Letilinaar vent dety witta Firer mother Mos nIU) iubi,iu t+ur.u."u The Ili nnmr..ol &much aIIe, a fowl mapper here era Noueurrier IL. Mos. 'Mu .J matt as well as Ener many ff mar nw> uw En tic tea_. Fom< ,111ESSDAT, 11011011$1111 Ws The Way :To E EGGS affbc your grain waft PURINA CHOWDER Assiiraa awattfor lea nal egg- swift IstinAmr..fr toer I1nc rISCOr"-inakete - u,i.1,Wife egg, arces wins -., i>` fl yews rimvegmilb-vairrnteaCfremallearP • Add Bag' frog Chow to mei 51i - froic to of Veep instead of jest2 for off self feed- er_ Fo r erfa yen with flog Mew a$ s Flag .where Wogs go to maria charge- Lorne.l :ifliesce War. IMANSFERMED io 1141111111STON Vii„load sealant ff miles emu n:ar C31.11.. has o1;:;r», ttuams t t 't { *men • kil•• lB, ;, n1„�- dime.. Il ID myy linearai:' izegrett itErr degeor- Ottorre 6 Ef M r_ and' Masi. Meerreight and danclaters, Berea and Jean, L•1—sa- t �itlQiura,_ same Items years. Mr: Mgeleiglat was partientaarly well Taman zam the 'cam. itmitt . aa a suligiave stentie gaffer as m7musu -ate” w -silt- 'gees were frecareattyism demand - be and Mss:, MeCireight' are off a frailly n e�� a�md no &su it wall ogre • __flo itzinvami 1,_1to5, s n1 .aA dtGadinlu,t mare t ro &Esc The praiyer EmzettiingNREM ewary ay ffia tiffae min a t EB dam& magostress cif wearier am - tiers or any ester rorentting. Come and tare se is inuttecaestian far a quimiihnla a InlerwatAfor Ora power wailto taken ranru, F.. -;fiery 1t.' HB tar_ BETti4CP471 BOON r tlnb_4..1 Gems/ Cal y„ Ontaber to lid. cal' Ms. 8811$ -Nos.11,,, Ila wv„ a sm. 11112077 - l and Mi 21, , to Mr_ . ,+ B. Silliit - most a _ . 1G.ni n: :::sat m 101 nine::mita o1I• Fogolls Med livid fAs allield BasemestMese was mg rumogzip.trtk!igE BWW Wk d a;lt ti's serail on Man - day ramm fii -dtramm , dire tDaRage water t aver the as wrack% Booted tti., Mr' Desk imdue task bis leifiesnd to issue hem mused by tie pug on tie water y ms's free. me tank was end as a. wader smog, tom' the int tie who — can-- dersttand an1111. he dam away with, � its and a } a•t n(17:• suetsiali II t3O fin aadartkiknalt water &rent frons the maim". iaD1.I:1too .• •:nrn,It1 y wow-itz'o Labarrigems ages hale add sulooDers Wham fes' is sot paid la adeasee, Sore term, will me shently seat mot. War amodilliosas lame mesabiel ha stawasmos ,bactiew argisha- Dow amid mestaidross, awl n> - popeas bare mash mewed. ____t osoili- Otass weakly papas awe Ikolikag it zoom and maneIre Me -�. eyawazcaS"Feoimwy- y drdbpremisa Tee• m beard tieobi , "Tie Wheel Dot sweats flee loodasit gets gee gam" - it gagger- Maimblies a bit of grease to beep gbeSesibael -smut - 'miffing instombs east low weekly he earilly,ailiodiast • of_ al a Ili 1 It is rot )sow paid ii tis The Store 'With y-VadWw, 'aims Sods, ittEtficiPMAidbaZ 1poaraeell Ecw fectictilatyr, ® We itase day e may, and tfier time die =awe acct tie cal .fo o ns. Wise weeding otaaaaov is at &Ice isprosikagrgan afft#be weagsaos a/oar t Bviol sva&cam (wasei vs . - ms bah Leas& ontories war Ftp to , ^ a try sr Barr aur maces air 'seal is t e air„ Qat dice a To ti eo„ harepralt card sartinfaint awe ecadi sist as sme'wogs „ sone as l%f mare card Benic we Mon to + a, dt= „Ike moue Boas we tam, feri woofer isms _ %mVa 10 .safaspoiroP cod conserve atm via soppily off e['le ira -Tics cam cams aim s1 ---is aIgmatareause' 1. _Nese creme apportinalfest cues, every niejat,, kareaciil affusfasame auto= lactiatifes. 1 ••-. anemeryA + yawsoot areY.4iH111:itsurrasseraw fteaaaaabaryt N Stock` for AB The F L'OIIE, Luckno