The Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-08-27, Page 74 . A • W •, , r /i..3 tare ,js's 4 t'" ,on 1 e • :'1Q t e•'!• t r , -.1 s home. nn_ .� • Miss 'Helen. and Glenna Greig of Mt.°^Cirs ounce., • as. Durnin is now with, his •L' } t .. un Sunday: } nursday', August 20th .:at -wand Mrs.- 1Vlelville Stewart, at " ..,amrlton vis- 3oderich Hospital, a baby girl, Clara ;i r Mr. Gilbert Haat I Hay, weighing eleven. pounds, one Paisk.'y spent'••last week with Mrs. large heavy truck doing work near '; ..ninese to pilot -eel of trucks.. • from Ran - m goon to Chungking._.` Also "Traveltalk"• and, "'News" Matinee Sat. Afternoon 2:30 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday': Aug. 3.1. Sept. 1, 2... -•- SPENCER TRACY— - ;- HEDY LAMARR JOHN GARFIELD "- 'TORTILLA FLAT" . • Thinstoryis adapted from, the John, Steinback novel. and . tells of a small fishing village, • in which money is scarce and work a last resort. Also "Canada Carries On" ZION Mrs. R. E. Finlay left On Thursday last for herhome in Saskatoon after. spending `the past two months with friends here and in Lucknow: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin 'Dixon and family of, Dungannon were. Sunday guests of Mr.' and Mrs. Cecil Gard- ner. Miss Mildred Quaid of Dun- gannon is a visitor with'' her sister,: Mrs.: C. Gardner 'and Mr. Gardner. R. Middleton: • Mrs, D. McKay ',of Detroit is vis- iting withx;her sister, Mrs. Dan Mac lntyre b •• Miss. Mary and Ruth Reynolds arid &tither -Fred with Toronto spent the week: end with friends and -relatives on the~ Sixth and Fourth: Mrs. Jessie McInnes .and Mrs.aW. • Ro'bb of Lucknow spent Friday with Mrs.'R. Middleton., The August,nieetirig of -tFi`e�U F: W: O: was held ..at the home of Mrs. R. G. Martin. Mrs. -Wm. MacDonald presided.. The meeting 'opened with the opening song and' repeating the I;ord's p .layer in unison. Community Singing with, Miss: Lillian Obarne at the piano. Mrs. D. McKintion read the minutes of Mast meeting and Mrs Martin gaye .'the treasurer's. report `The, roll call was responded ''to' by ".point of etiquette. After the'.busi- ness was transacted a program fol- •1'owpd': a recitation byBeety-Fiam- ikon, reading • by' Grace McKinnon. • a humorous recitation by MiSs Dean McLeod, the ' topic was read by Mrs. L : McIver, Miss Wilda, Osborne de-• lighted those• present with her sing-; ing, accompanied by her •sister':Lil- lian; Miss Jessie MacKay ' gave a paper on.Alaska Which was interest- ing. Singing the National Anthem closed -the' meeting. Mrs: Hamilton moved a vote of thanks tothe hos- tess and those- helping with the pro- gram. Lunch. was served and a plea- sant time spent. .The September meeting is to be at the home of Miss Jessie MacKay, Mr. and Mrs. Pipe of Goderich spent _MQnday__afteerno_on,:with Mt._. and Mrs. Sam Reed.. Mr.' Lane Gardner ' returned on Saturday, to Hamilton afterspend-• ing a few days at, his horne \here, Mr. and Mrs. Georgie Hunter were visitor's this week with Mr: and Mrs: Herb Stothers, Dungannon. •. Mrs, Bill Webster and family Of - d, Mrs. W. T>Xeardner. 'Mr. and Mrs. James 'Gardner and famiiy, Lucknow, were visitors on Sunday with the latter's parents. Mr. .and. M•rs. E. Gardner. 'We extend sincere sympathy to those bereaved through the death if Mrs.Mary.. Ann ._Woods, who passed away on Saturday. last. Mrs. Wood':: will be greatly missed as she was a devoted mother and• a • kindly neighbor. , . • Mrs, George Bunter' spent a Week in Lucknow with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hackett. Mr„ Hack= ett is doing as well as carebe looked` for after his accident. • •• Mrs. Samuel Reed and 'Miss Lorn Reed spent Saturday in Guelph ST. H EL.ENS . Visitor in the community nided& Mr. and Mrs: Neely Todd of Strat- ford:.with'• Mr. 'and Mrs: D: Todd; Mr. &• Mrs. Wm. Doherty of Guelph with .Mrs. R. J. Woods;, Mr. • Mel Brown of Kitchener • at •Mr. R. Wood's Miss McGregor of Lucknow 41. Jfr ane' .M s G- M • Stuart, � •' • 4411 ' p OM:02 0ragi`0.Yfsti f 1VIr:s:: Horace 'McGuire "and -Shirley Anne 'of London,.with :Mr_ ancLMrs . E. J. Thom. ' Her many •friends ' are glad to knokv' that .Mrs. James 'Gaunt is re- 'covering,..favorably following an op-- eration• performed at -Victoria Hos- pital, London, last Wednesday. The September meting of the Women's' Institute will -be held .in• the Cornfinunit'y Hall on Thursday, September. 3rd at 2.30.. Roll call— "The,talent of the person' on your right". Subject=in charge of Mrs Stanley .Todd, ..social Welfare 'coir- eener. Program committee,. Mrs_. D: Plii'llips„Mrs.• l,fcK.; Webb. Hostess- e.s. Mrs. Lorne Durnin, Miss Annie Durnin. Mrs., Rice. • testae. .1 fair CH/MNEYS... v common cause of fire .�. i5' Every fourth fanw chinfney is unsafe and liable to start a tire. ' 'Practically all, farmhouse tires are due to defective chimneys and faulty hecating!equipmen't. deck YOUR chimneys this fall. Get into,, your attic and • inspect th'r chimneys for cracks, breaks. rotten mortar; soft bricll;s arid' open joints. Make sure that no joist, ° beam or other wood is set into the chimney's brickwork - No c"Itintneybnilt with an of fsct --or a ithin ` four inches of • any wood should be coti'sidercd safe.:. at„, sure that ' all unused pipe openings' are closed with • metal, asbestos or cement. Clean out your chimneys "before they burn you out! `•. Every chiinrney should extend two feet.o`neriore above the ridge of a peaked roof or three feet or more above a flat roof. A fciv dollars spent •on your clrinnn,ys' now may .nn'? 'yen • thwtsnitds haler. • RGhHi .4 e 41444•41 Culross Mutual Fire, Insurance Coa, Teeswater' Fainters' Central Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Walkerton: 5 MOST COMMON CAUSES OF FIRE CHIMNEYS H -RI *11.1 r G: ELECTRIC WIRE LIGHTNING > SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION Sarnia. • Mrs.w:.Minnie Jones received .word on Tuesday that'. her 'brother,. ,Mr. Harry°fMarsh. of Revel Oak; Minh-,` had .on ' that 'day • underwent a ser- ious operation after not feeling well for sotxie. time.' HiS. friends. •in thi'ss community wish for him a quick' and ' :omplete. recovery. Jack Glenn 13 -Year-old son ' of Mr. and Mrs. ''rank Glenn . has been ,seriously ilf this wee&; 'but at ' time ''of writing we hear he is somewhat better. '• Mr. 'Ron Pentland • and his mother Mrs. A. B. Pentland returned after attending the Howarth . Rumble wedding;' at• 'Richmond' Hill, 'last week. - • • Mr. • Keith Smeltzer; air -training nil'ot from Edmonton, stationed at Sky Herber spent the weekend with his co'us'ins, Mr. and.' Mrs. -Wil- berBrown He was also accompan- ied by- his friend, "Mr. Russel -Whit- njore, a pilot • from • Los Angeles . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stewart and little daughter .Dianne of Monkton were Sunday., visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Stewart_. ' ' • ' • Pte- Carmen Haines of • .Terrace' Camp, near. Prince Rupert, B.C. re turns#d' to camp after two weeks leave here•' with, relatives. Wedding bells are . ringing. .in the not too far distant! ' -Mr. ,,Arthtir Brown , of Dundas' Spent the week -end at the home , of his mother, Mrs. C. C. Brown. He was accompanied by his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs; Nelson Couch `afStratford_ - Mr.. Torn Little, of Barrie- called .on a. -few• old -friends around Dun- gannon last week. ,. - - • • • • Mrs. Otto •Popp -gave her home 'fpr• the August meeting of the •United Church W. A. 'on .Friday afternoon. Mrs. Chas.. Alton•, president,'.led and opened the meeting with. ,a hymn ollenind ..b3 - prayer-- by Mrs..•: aOliw :_. t til • 1 . icon. •. :.3 ” • , ; • ° t ; c.- esting • article entitled " londerftti"., After-another—±hyrnn ' the- --oil. -w.as- - called and' the • minutes read; also 'a tlniee letter from one of the local• boys in ...the army, who. received a pen. The September meeting is in • 'charge •of • Mrs. 'Culbert and Mrs. Kitchener. Finnigan. -- -Miss-;Bertha" •Popp favored with a .solo, followed byiss Cora Dickson giving a'paper. on "Dominion from Sea to Sea" and base M ore' the 'scripture of Isa. 9th chap. 0th and 7th verse. O. Canada and its •government' was well t ex plained: and its formal 'procedure. All. were benefited by this/ pa'triotie subject. Mrs'. Leroi Stingel then played .a piano solo. A hymn and the National Anthem was. then.sung and the 'mizpah benediction ,repeated.. Mrs. Everett Harris entertained with a guessing contest and a social time was enjoyed. . Pte.- Irvine Eedy ' of Niaraga-on- the-_Lake is 'enjoying a week -end leave with his parents, Iylr.' and Mrs. Heber Eedy. . .Miss Ferne Alton returned home last week after visiting a few days in , Toronto: ' • • • ' Mr. Leroi Stingel has completed painting the interior and exterior of the public , school i at Kinlough. 'He is now doing the same for the school a little. further west at Marlton. • .t,able of de - appealing message to ..t people. In the• evening the ser- vices were of a two fold nature. Fallowing. a short .Service in , Eng- lish,he spoke briefly in the Gaelic language.. • A large number of visitors were • present from Ashfield, Luckriow and the surrounding „district of Huron township, who were 'anxious to 'hear the gospel in, the tongue of • their forefathers. Those who were unable to understand, listened with interest and. appreciation. It has been some time 'since Mr.:McLean'has preached in this language, yet he was ;ab10 to present the truths of scripturein an intelligent, and impressive :manner, , To • those unfamiliar •'with the Gaelic sin'gin'g it proved a rich treat', as •the Psalms were sung with John McLeod acting : as precentor: Ser- vices of this nature are rather un- ique in this present day. Fifty • years .ago, or over, Gaelic was' the leading language in this community, as•• themajority of Cit- izens were able, to speak or, under- stand ..it. Gaelic services were held each . Sunday in each of _ the two Presbyterian churches in Ripley. ,_,. and Mrs..Vic- ear. and Mrs. George Harkness spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hardy of near Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morrison re- turned home from Toronto 'on • Sat • - urday: Mr, Morrison underwent an . operation while there. Mrs. Forsythe and Jerry motored home with' her parents and spent ;;; the, week -end here.,0- • . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ross and Min- nie, `Mr.' and Mrs. Alex 'Murray of Toronto are spending two weeks at 'their 'summer :home., here. • Ii Mr. and .Mrs: Gordoxi-.Montgomery visited recently while . on their honeymoon with Mrs. Wm,- Taylor., Mrs. 'Montgomer'y '.was•• •.formerly. 'Muriel Patterson. . Mr. Joe Tiffin, Jr. ' has ' received notice -to' Bove medical ' examination for the services. u Miss. Ardyss Brown had her ton- sils removed in Wingham Hospital • on.._ Tuesday. ' : .• • Prayer./ meetings were held and at sacramental season, the services be-, gan on Thursday and ended en Monday,' with Friday being 'a special 'q,uestion day, when ministers and 'laymen discussed religious natters.: -Ripley Express. • a• • Mrs. Lane and of Toronto called on rela- tives here on Monday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Chris Shelton ' of Toronto' spent the past 'Week with his mother, Mrs. Elsie Scott here- and Chris renewed many acquain-. tances here having spent his child- hood in this vicinity and it bein 12 years since he last visited here ... Miss • Betty. Elliott and Miss. El- eanor Townshend of London .visited last week with the former's sister, Mrs. Karl Boyle; ' • • - David .Trafford of Durham' • was holidaying With • I•x''lma Jean . and Marion -Percy. .• Mrs: Wm. Hedley 'spenta few days, with her sister, Mrs. H. IA. Graham and other relatis,'ps here. Billy and Betty Peterson returned to their • home in. Torontoe w • : ..• The H W.`l will rfieet`at the home of Mrs.' Frank Thompson en. Theis- day, September 3r'd. Little Helen • Johnstone returned kiorne'afte'r• ho1idayirig'with'relatives 1stt Kincardine,, • . • • Mr. and' Mrs: Elmer ' Armstrong.: .Anne and Beth • of 'Niagara Falls, Mrs, -L- a' fan rrra'nd••Shir4eyeut- uf- fale were recent visitors with their sister, Mrs. Jas. Hodgins. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. •Geo. Haidenby were Mr; gild Mrs. Howard Thompson, Marie • and Bert of Huron and; Mr. and Mrs.'Howard' McGuire. and Lovell of .Olivet.. ' Francis and Jimmy Oberle of Teeswater are holidaying With. the • LANG.SIDE NORTH Miss Jean Orr spent last week at her home after having her tonsils ,; :removed in Wingham General Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Thgs. Moffat -and Waldron, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stuart if Teeswater • were recent visitors • with'IMr.• and .Mrs. F. G:. Moffat, LAC. Graham Moffat returned to• Halifax• on Saturday after spending six weeks on harvest leave, • The ' Y.P.S. social was held on the awn. at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. . Iohn Richardson on' Mondayeven- '.ng last with an attendance of 22. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr received • 'telegram on Saturday. from' their, ;on . Bob who 'had arrived safely Overseas. - Murray children; •Concession 10. _Little John •Harold' Hodgins...,son ifs ly1r...' and 'Mrs., :Tolin Hodgins Was '3aptized.in. the Church of the Mes lahKincardine, Sunday after-,' ,• 'noon by'Arehdeacon•.W. H. Hartley. ..Mr.' and 'Mrs, •Jas:"Hodgius atthhded -- the service. . - , Miss Muriel McBride of' Toronto spent the week -end at her hoMe here, :'• • . • . Mr. and- Mrs. Mac Lane and fame ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.' c'ierman Carefoot' at Tiverton. . Neola Fair of Bervie is holidaying wi'ih, her aunt, Mrs. 'B. E. McLean. Miss Winnie Percy, R.N. of List= owel • is visiting with. 'her mother; Mrs. Wm, Percy. • • ASHFIELD Miss Madge MacDonald of Van- couver called on old friends here. recently,. - Mr. and Mrs. Eastman of Port Hope visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gibson last week. - -•""'Misses • Florence' MacDonald and Marion MacKenzie of Toronto spent the week -end here. • Mr. and Mrs. R. Bissett 'and Jean of Toronto were at ;theft home here for the creek -end. Mrs. Fred Williams,' Mrs. A. Weir and Grace of Toronto are spending part of the summer at the home. of Mr. Wm. Johnston. Miss Allie Nelson spent last week in Lucknow the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson. Rev. Dr. H. F. and Mrs. •Rhoad' of Philadelphia 'are. spending part of their vacation with their 'son and daughter-in-law at the Manse: Mr. Jack Wiegand of Detroit spent his ,vacation the guest of the Mac- Lean 'family, ac-Lean'family, of the .12th Concession, The people of this community were shocked on Sunday, August 16 .to learn of the very sudden death of Miss Annie MacIntyre..Miss' Mac- Intyre was thd daughter `of• the late Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maclntyre who were 'pioneers here. Only two of their family survive, Mrs. WA. Mof- fat of Teeswater and Mr. Sol Mar- Intyre of London. Dr. Rhoad con- ducted the funeral service on Tues- day, August '18th. Interment was in the family plot in Lochalsh cemet- ery- P Employers and lost Offices have been requested to dis- play in a prominent place the . official Table of • Tax Deductions. Forms TD -1 may be secured, from your employer, Post Offices, ' or local Income Tax offices. • v Income,. Tax is Fair to All An In the fourth year of war, Canada will need almost four billion dollars. This is the equivalent of nearly $350 from every man, woman and child in the country. ' Even' with the 'highest income tai in history, 52% only , of the money Canada needs will be raised by taxation. The rst will have to be borrowed by means of. 'War Savings' Stamps, Certificates and Victory .fonds, Starting with the -first pay period in September representing .Sep- tember earnings only, your employer is required by law to deduct your income tax from your wages orsalary, and send it, promptly to the Government. Everybody will pay .his share as he goes along. • It's going to be tough ... ,but not too tough! Here are some good featores: • - 1. • You will pay as you earn, so that you will not be faced with a large temp sum payment. 'next year.• 2. The National Defence .Tax already de- ducted during the .first 8, months of this year has been taken into account in the Table of Tax Deductions. ., 3. Though the income rix rates show a sharp increase oyer last year, 2 large portion of this increase is actually savings. to be paid back •to you with interest after The war. 4.. The money you are paying for life insur- ance premiums, . annuities, principal , repay- ments .on your home, or into a • pension fund may be deducted (up to a certain maximum) from the savings portion of ,your income tax. [n many cues this may be sufficient to make payment of the 'savings' portion of the tax unnecessary. '1.' Unless you are single, without .dependents, and not Making payments of the tpes mentioned in paragraph 4 above, you should file Form TD -1 with your. employer. Otherwise, you may not be .allowed the credits to which you are entitled. DO NOT DELAY. File Forth TD -1 with your employer at -on2e sd - than you may get the full allowances from the start. c■AST $NOw,r6 stat TAX NAS$IITV or w MARRIED PERSON WITH TWO DEPENDENTS .m,,, AUX towwusor vnmr tilt tat TAX than * TM NNE • 4000 "3500 • .3000 ITA TAX...°AYA,_. 'taco 'woo 0/11111111111.11. ” FIXED TAX .,1 - coo ,n MKS TM 4 DOMINION or CANADA — DEPARTMENT OT NATIONAL REVE111'D$ INCOME TAX DIVISION. MC FRASER ELLIOI-I', Commissioner of lueoaw T . HON. COLIN GIBSOW, Minister of National Revenue. d . 0 to .71 eg A