The Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-07-23, Page 5TGERSOAY, MIX 23rd, 1.942
Lyceum. Theatre
Two Shows Saturday Night
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
July 23, 24/ 25
•t a in a s
"Valley of the Sun"
A great epic of the West with'
its story taken from Charles
Buddingtou Kelland's novel:
Also "Picture People" •
"Sport Subject" "News"
Matinee Sat.' Afternoon 2.30
Monday', Tuesday, Wednesday
July: 27; 28, 29
a sin * o
`Parachute Battalion
A drama of Uncle Sam'snew
jump fighters.
Also. "March of Time"
"Benehley" "Cartoon" -
Rev. C. Taylor, Mrs. Taylor, La- 'The e ararnount Women's Institute
oine and Marjorie of Thamesford held their monthly meeting last
are spending; their holidays at their • Wednes day at the home of Mrs. Sam
cottage at Port Albert and•this week Reid.
are41visiting the lady's parents, Mr. Masterert Howse of Luckno
and Mrs. Thos. Dickson, Sr. is spending w•
a` few .days with Chas.
Mr. Arthur Brown, Dundas spent Anderson. THUR. SDAY, JULY 23rd, 1942
the week -end with his mother, Mrs.
•Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie spent
the .week -end with Camp Borden WRAPS THE POLITICIANS
Published every Thursday morning
at Lucknow, Ontario.
Publisher and'Proprietor
C. C. Brown.
inr. and wars. L. A. Fowler and and Toronto friends. MIIIIIII
daughter Melba spent Sunday" with Frank Irwin. , of the Durham
Miss Jean McAuley, Toronto, was
Mr. and Mrs. George Swan, Jr. near Chronicle • took a wrap at our bit-
• a visitor last week with Mr. and :
Luekow. Mrs.- Frank—Ritchie -.. -- -- - : tawa Legislators who recently, • in
• Miss Cora• Dickson who enjoyed the face of ,discouraging war news,
`a;+ boat :trip through the Thousand `• Mr, and Mrs.. Richard Gardner; took time out to argue the question
Mrs: R. • '. ' Finlay of Saskatoon
Islands last week is visiting her ' E
of whether or • not they should be
aunt, Mrs. 'Ernest Sherwood, Tor., . spent Friday with.Mrs. Melvin Reid, subject to the . special war tax re=
onto and sister, Mrs. Ruby Dyer, Dungannon, cently levied on railway tickets, Mr.'
near Guelph. (3°-' Mr. and Mrs.. J. G. Ritchie of Mit-Irwin cannot see, and there are few
Misses Dorothy and Helen McGee chell visited on Sunday with Mr. except the politicians who can, why
and Miss Pauline •Jones enjoyed last and Mrs. Richard Gardner.' a member of Parliament should tra-
week at Point, Clark .beach, , Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gardner and vel on a year-round railway pass,
'reglad to ee:Mri:' Jack'Cur•-�' •,Sid+ney, ••Mrs. R. E• "Finlay,' Saska He gra its them the right of :a pass.
We ere a ,
ran- back after. a month 'spen't' ixi Loon` were guests'; of .. r, and Mrs. while , travelling on. Government
Hamilton with relatives recupera- Thos. Bamford, Westfield •: and ' Mr. business only.
tin from` a motor accident . two. and Mrs;' James ,C, raig,i St .&ugus , • "Membefs of Parliament•:are paid
g •G_-
rnontbs' ago. - , ' tine. on Sunday 'last:. ` • • • $4,000 a year.. • Some of them are
Visitors with' Mrs. B: J. Crawford Musses Lois and Beryl Freeman 'wort it but most:of them are not",
recently were on , Sunday; Mr. and, of Goderich Township are spending. says Frank and concludes his ed -
Mrs. Arthur Anderson, Detroit and part of their vacation • with . Zion itor�i�p thus '
Mrs. Walter iiamilton and lady friends. "' a Haven's heard any loud wails
friends from Toronto,. •Mrs. F. T. ,Mrs. ,Jack Gardner, Mrs. •W. T. fgom pttawa when the, Commons'
Armstrong, ' Goderich, and. sister, Gardner attended, the joint W. M. S. decides to put extra taxes on the
Mrs. Bean, Toronto, were' visitors` ,meeting at St,Helens last Wednes- people, and, in the last . budget, • the
on Tuesday. day. single $660 a year earner, but now
Friends are pleased to hear that thatit is suggested our $4,000 'a year
Mrs..Wm. Kelly, who underwent an THE P1 CTU RErepresentatives pay. a '15 per cent.
operation • a week ago at Seaaorth railway tax to help finance the war,
Hospital is doing nicely: She was GALLERY they holler. their heads off. It's little
formerly Miss Myril. Killough, dau- wonder some people are getting
ghter of Mr.- and Mrs. jos. A. Kil-•,,.,,, , r p ,. tired of • the old-style politics—and
tp" �•++ a .L . +r �' u"'.' poli-tlsiaxic"
r Yr
Y Miss. Patsy .,Niven, Sanford; is " T '�
having `sonic holidays with her
grandparents, Mr: and Mrs. Robert
Moore. •
Mr.,;:arid idirs Gordthi' Williams,
Toronto are spending this week with ,.
the latter's sister, Mrs... Cecil Cit' '
. bert,
' Rev. and Mrs. Milton Tyndal has
been visiting. his sister, Mrs. ,W. A. ,
Culbert .recently. Rev. Tyndall is
native -o- - O—1 ar-rhe To• -w.rtship-an _ -
is in these parts on a month's vaca-
tion. His position is Dean of Nesbit'.
Memorial Home and Institution f-ir:.'
eys-,at--F ince-A-lber+t,-Suck
Mrs. 'Knox and Mrs. ' Cobbe of
Limerick, Sask., returned to their
home after spending several weeks
with Mrs. Jenny , Fitzgerald and II.
other relatives, being, calledhome
at the time of their mother's death, ' WHO.15 IT?.
t tlirs• J. Barkley. Jack Knox,
i•r,a la, _..
and Mrs_ Jenkeris and family
a:•- Sr.- af_Iinghani.
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Curran. .
Mrs. Lorne' Emmons and Muriel
were. guests of Mrs. Roy. Girvin,
on ,,,Sunday. • -
Mr: and Mrs. Matt Shackleton
spent -a --pleasant- areekeend-w th-Mr.
Shackleton's sister, Mrs. Robt. Reid
and Mr. Reid at Port Elgin: '
Mrs. Bert Treleaven •visited a cou•
ple of days with--er'. ' htei -MIs-
Vernon Hunter near' Lucknow:. -
Mr. C?lin' Crozier left on, Monday
for Manning Pool where he has en-
• listed with the R:C.A.F.
Mrs. Crispin of Lucknow is. spent
-ding a .few, days . with Mts. Sam:• Kil- -r ..,..,c
Women's Missionary meeting at St.
Helens. on Wednesday -when they
entertained, several ' societies: Mises
Dean MacLeod of Lucknow was the
guest speaker.
Council met on June 22, 1942, as
,per adjournment. AIl'mernbers pre-
sert.; ,, • •'
McKenzie -Tiffin, that the minutes
• of the last regular • meeting as read
.be adopted and signed. ' .
Hodgins -McKinnon, that thesheep
elarns�o `-Latchford 'Thacker or $20,
be paid. •
McKinnon ;--Ilodgins, that John'
Bushell be paid inspection On above
claim, $1.60,• Ilse I.n
Tiffin—McKenzie, that ,
surance on workmen, on the roads ren, Jeanette, Lois and Douglas
be renewed with the Alrglo-Scottish Mole. Many others called or phoned
Ins. Co. at a premium of $50.30 for to convey best wishes. •
• the term of twelve months.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Alton are vis -
'McKenzie -Hodgins, that we do sting relatives on the 6th Con. of
- now adjourn to meet again on. Mon- West Wawanosh.
-day the 27th day of July 1942, 'at•
the usual time and place. 4 ".Mr: Albert . Alton, Belfast, visited ANOTHER ., "OLD TIMER"
Cheques issued—•George Heiden- Mr. and. Mrs. Herb ' Alton • on Tues• We recently received 'a .photo -
by, •school officers . ees, $5.65; Treas. day.
cs ital re Gregan, Congratulations to Mr. arid. Mrs. graph of another, Lucknow old'boyn
Co.of .R.LBruce, ?/z •h p
55.12; J. R. Lan?, hydro atliall, 4,62; John Durnin,,•Jr., on the birth, of from Mrs.
Unfortunately ly weedarefunable
: L. Thacker, sheep claim, 20.00; John a little daughter on Sunday; 'fuly
• ,.•+,•- „ Bushell,. insp. above; 1.60; Mrs. Geo: 19th at Goderich Hospital. Both are to reproduce it. Pictures appearing
Colwell, . stamps, 3.00;' J: R. Lane, 2 doing fine. in this column , are old engravings
?ons 4.00; W. Geo. Mc- • Miss Iris Rivett who attended that have been lying in the Sentinel
4slid age pensions, .•
Callum, workmen's Ins., premium, Central ausiness College, Goderich„ "morgue" for threedecades,
5020; J. H. 'Hall, relief•:supplies; last Tear, has 'now taken a position The picture sent' us by :Mrs. 'Reid
' 13.05; relief checitie, 13.05. , at L. E. Dancey's law office, God- ,was a photograph of William Find -
Harry ,Lavin rich ' ' a._, later, son of the" late James Find-
. Highway e e` • ' 1'i' later who was a blacksmith in Luck -
$5.51; Orville Tiffin, 9,87; 'arish, Mr. and Mrs: Bert Badman 'and now and• a, cousin of Rev. C. H. uck-
• • Moffat. 16.20; M. Walsh, 9.18; AIex twb children of Essex are enjoying Donald.
MacLeod, 13.05; Huron Bdy.. .1'.41: a • week's holidays at the home' of
James. Burns.. I8.00; Frank' Baechler her parents, Mr. and Mrs: David S.' Wm: Findlater left Lucknow over Jam forty years ago, 'and is at Present
13.50; Wm. • Kempton, 4.70. ' Errington and other relatives.
• J R..LANE,. Clerk. The Dungannon Women's' Associar living in Detroit, Mich., where he
✓ , is• a salesman for the National Bis -
tion of the United chinch met last suit Company. 'During these 'two -
PURPLE. GROVE. Friday afternoon for their picnic score years Mr. Findlater, has been
urian visited with meeting. The ateratte beingane quite'a continuous subscriber to the Sen-
J. C. Benne wet dampened the attendance. 'After tinel.:
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Will the devotional period led by Mrs.
Walsh .last week. • Alton, colrtest, games were conduct -
Mrs. Victor Gawtey is spending ed, ,by . Misses Melba Fowler end Cecil Gardner (nee Annie Quaid?`.
a few days with her mother, Mrs• Christens Finnigan, after which McKenzie's orchestra of .Ripley fur-
Smith,who is very ill at present' lunch was served. , '. niched' inusic' fel' the dancing. The
Mrsw Sadie,Arrnstrong of Lucknothree young couples were invited' to t
• - Miss Jones,`1i.,N„ ani'- • . enin • 'and
visited at Miss Sadie- Pollock's re. • nurse friends of Kitchener Waterloo , platform devening-
ring the v g
. cantly`. �
Hospital are spending the month of an address was read • by Miss Ethel
erson visited with July at Grand "Bend. ! .
Sane. >mm . `-iVecKenzie and ,the .presentation•.
Mrs. S
her mother Mrs. Hunter of Bervie. Reception. For Newlyweds made by Mr, • Chas, Anderson. The
Isaac Nixon, ,and A large crowd attended a' wed- gift of a purse of • money was given
Hili, and 'Vers, each of them. Mr. 'Rees and Mt:
•:I of '1Elelfast spent 5unday at ding reception on Friday night at to
Jami yParish Hall in honor of two Gardner each in. turn thanked their
• Jack Emerson's,: , the Pa s
I< Mrs: Harry Pinnal returned home young' couples , who were recently friends for their remembrances;
Doir- married. Mr. and Mrs. David Bees speaking, also in behalf of their part
after spending a few days at•
did McF'arlariys.
(nee Mable Quaid) and Mr. and'Mrs. • )
cum -,s" CAa
as4 --tria t.- -we1i'F--C •
viois"e vs ^.r• +—..°•tf• ACY,�:.fa��
THOMAS EATEN rietor ` of. the pioneer hardware;
BORN at Wiartton, Thursday JJuly'proprietor'
store in,.Lucknoty which he estab
16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Merton Buck- lished in 1869.•' Thomas ,Laver"ence
land .(nee Velma Finnigan) tWins: came from Nottinghamshire, Eng-:
(Boy • and ...girl). Congratulations.' land in '1852 and; shortly after en -
Mrs: R. A. Finlay, Saskatoon vis tered the erimploy of J and .0. Mc-
ited Mr.. and Mrs.', John. Blake last Clary, the well known stove than-.
week. - ` :• ,ufacturers of London. • For a 'number
•Congratulations to Miss Mary Hall of years Mr. Lawrence travelled for
who. onvTuesday, • July 21st, eelebra- them by horse and• wagon 'through
ted' her 86th birthday. at the home out Western' Ontario • and became
of . Mrs. W. R. Andrew where she well known and welcomed in ,prac-
is. spending the summer with Mr. tically' every farm home from Lon
Godfrey Hall her brother: She is don to Goderich and as far north
enjoying` good ' health and despite ' as Owen. Sound. • ,•
her years and • being --blind, 'she- ?s-_ In 1869° he located in Lucknow and three men—and then figure lust
very.cheerful: and is' an ardent knit far nearly forty years remained act- how long those Hong Kang defen-
ter for the • Red Cross. The day was ively, engaged in the business. Mr. ders ,had to stand up againstthe
spent pleasantly enjoying the coin- Lawrence passed away in April 1969, Jap's hell -fire toearn, collectively,
pang of 114.r. and Mrs. Thos. Wigg- when the business passed .into the
gins, Mrs: J.'Stonehouse and child= 'hands of his son, Mr. D. hl'. Law-
hence, and .who was a member of
the Village Council in I910, at the
time -_of .the last reunion. Mr. Law-
rence now resides: in. Marquette,
Mich. . ' • - '
$ee The Difference
Purina Make$
Mrs. 'Adam McDonald has return-
ed to her homeafter. visiting in Tor-
onto for a couple of weeks.
Eugene Blue spent part o% his hol-
idays with friends in Kincardine.
Mrs. Wrn. Jackson and niece Miss
Marion 'MacDonald spent last week'
in St. C'atherines. '
Miss .Muriel McDonald from Sask.
is spending her holidays with her
father, Mr. Mat McDonald, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mc-
Donald.. . '
Mrs A. D. McCosh and Mrs.. Sam-
uel Nesbit of Kincardine were vis-
itors here last Tuesday. ,
Miss Agnes Campbell , is spending
the summer at Point Clark. Mrs, R.
P. Steele and son Keith of Detroit
are• her ,guests. - • •
Mr. Thomas 'Renton' of Detroit is
at his cottage at Point Clark at
present.. .• '
sack Scott of .Ripley is 'spending
his holidays• at the home of .his, uncle.
Mr: ,Frank Scott, • ' : -
Mrs, Harvey Jr. of Hamilton :war •
the guest of her cousin. Mrs, Bert-
Mason over'' the week -end.'
Mrs:. David Campbell and. Miss,
Edna Campbell of Toronto are the
guests sof 1VIrs. Wm. and Miss. Blanch
Hooey at present. •
The ' Pine 'River , United Church
held .their picnic at Point Clark an
Friday afternoon. • -. .
Mr. George Jardine has been able
to ` come home from Victoria ,Hos-
pital, :London, Though he-lias'to use
crutches to go . about, he is.' getting
better.. His many !friends. are glad
to ' see bins home.
Shower For Detroit Bride
A shower_ �e d. at a home- of--
Mrs. George McDonald for Mrs. La-
Vander (nee Priscilla McDonald)
//who, with her husband, is visiting
$20,940.00 here for the first time since
--their— —marriage--in—Detroit. A
'Wonder' what those Canadian
boys, now prisoners" of the Japan-
ese, will think .of! it? The question
was asked in Parliament the other.
as to what fees were : c e e
by counsel retained .by the ov
e With th
cent Royal Commission inquiry
Iarge number of. friends, relatives
and neighbors were , present. An ad-
dress was read by M s. Robt. 'Camp-.
bell, and Mrs. .Murdoch McDonald
and. , Mrs: Frank Scott .assisted with
the gifts. Mrs. Lavander in'a'sI ort
_. slay h f g d reciation and -
G dd'' h d he�app
rnment in connection ere-. Lunch was served by the hostess , .
into • r .
the sending of a' Canadian exped'i and':friends .
,—eu�aeepe�y;�pa by ¢oes'out to Mr: and Mrs. Ernie •Ackert. s
tion to Hong -Kong. The ga an c an -the friends and ' relati•ves ' of • Erie Sunday at • Stoney Island with Rev.
Haldenby, the lovable` clever youth, Harold Ackert. Iona Ackert • return -
Who his death on Saturday af•- ed with thein for a visit..
ternoon: His mother,' and grandpar- Congratulations 'to..Mr::.and, Mrs.
ants were, raised at Pine River. Eric " 'Reggie Broom • on thee. arrival 'of a
with his parents and brother' ahvays ; daughter., •
s. ant their summer on the farm. • Dorothy. Guam of Millarton is vis -
s: po
Farm fires- destroy food vital
to our 'armies and :our' allies.
Every. •pound ' of feed - -•.every
head of stock and every imple-
ment burned •helps the
enemy. Fight by preventing
Prohibit smoking in or near
your barns. Avoid carrying loose matches. Keep your
lightning rods in proper repair. Don't tamper with
electric 'wiring. '
Threshing multiplies the danger. Use a water spray, ,
at the base of the blower. Allow no matches, loose
or in boxes, to be carried by any engaged in the job.
Set the engine or tractor well away from straw or
other readily combustible material. ' Keep a barrel
of water handy to both the engine and -blower.
ber •that yourjarfl hUIl i` are Coda ne '
to impossible to ' replace: Safeguard your ,home,
your barns and other buildings with every possible'
safety lmeasure, and -
FIG ' T/ y Pteventcnq
'Culross Mutual, Fire Insurance Co. Teeswater
Farmers' "Central: Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Walkerton,: Ont.
„L tit `H TIMlie
a ress s owe -. - p
thanked those who had honored• ver. ' •%IOLYROOI
pent:. Over - •70 ladies including guests
from Whitechurch, and•the Ashfield. .
and Dungannon circuits attended,
the. annual 'social meeting •of the
Women's Missionary Society held -
in the United church on Wednesday
afternoon: Miss Dean MacLeod , of
-kno .asy.e t s • eaker, , •'
ticks who made up' that ill-fated
fighting force; and.. were: paid at the
munificent rate:. of $•1.30 pet day,.
will no doubt be puzzled' to learn
that, in 'order to eget a few facts in
regard• 'to the circumstances • sur-
-despa-tdh-4e --Hang
-� se
as ' paid George . A. Camp. e
Montreal, the sum of $9,568 counsel
fees; while R. L. Kel'lock and R. M.
Fowler .. of Toronto, received $7,293.
and $4,048 respectively! Cpl. Geo. A.
Drew of Toronto, and Ontario Con-
servative Leader, was also retained
as counsel at the . Hong Kong in-
quiry; but up to date has not' put
in his bill for service's. Just imagine
it—$20,940.00 paid out by` the , cit-
izees. of this country to a trio of
legal lights, whoprobably couldn't
fight their way out of a paper bag!
Repeat. 'that figure ,overto yourself
—$20,940.00—picked • up by just
the same amount. of Canadian money
—$20,940.001- Rather an astounding
and . revealing comparison of values,
don't ,you think?" -•--Paisley Advo-
1,.. N •
Two 9f Acton's largest industries
have asked the town council to close
beverage rooms at an, earlier hour,
pointing out the serious effect thek.
were' having on war ,production.
This led the Paisley Advocate to
tell df an 'instance where an indus-
try engaged in turning out products
vital to the war effort, had laid off
thirty-four men since early spring,
because these, men, working on• the
night shift, persisted in sipping beer
for an hour or two before reporting
for work.. Female help ,was. hired
in many cases 'to fill thesejobs, but
now too many of the girls are tak-
ing "two or • three" before coining•
on the job: The Advocate concludes:
One • wonders just how long Can-
adians are going to stand for this
sort of sabotage of the national, war
�r lrte+r - 8 .
at .Ti;intai'
A. Oliver at her cottageCornish of 6th. Concession were Sun
this week. day•
visitors at Mrs. Abner Ackert's:
• The Red Cross had- a quilting at -
the home of Mrs. Gegrge McDonald : Mr... andoMrss. ere Wm; Tait and
i BilitOl i
of 'Hamiltn'last Wednesday. d at Thomas Harris'. Sunday '
M, and Mrs. Ray Wald •e n an
childrren of Holstein and Miss Mc- Florence and Jack MacDonald are
Conkie of Wardsville are spending• holidaying with their grandmother,
their holidays , at Point ClMrs. Turnbull at Underwood.
. - , •
Mrs. Captain Brown. and , Mrs. Clarence Ackert of Lorne teturn-
Verner Brown and family are' spen- ed home after spending three , weeks
ding their holidays at the old .Brown, ' with his grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs..Raynard Ackert and
homestead on the Second Con es
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ackert spent
Mr. Lorne Reid is able to be out the week -arid at the cottage at the
again after .a couple of weeks "ill- -Lake. •
ness. • ' ` . Sgt. Gordon . Campbell, . of the R. Mr. Murray Taylor of Port Albert
Mrs. Ernest Pridham and daugh-C. K. F. at Portage L. a Prairie spent and Miss Taylor "of London
tars were the guests . of Mrs. W. B. Thursday with Mrs: `A]mer Ackert. with Mr.' Vera i's. Chester Taylor,
Donald A. Laird, writing in,
iean-Weekly with this
Sunday's (July 26)• issue of The De-
troit Sunday Times, discusses • the
strange case of a kindly woman who
kept her daughters, prisoners, point
ing out there . are probably 5,000
other "living skeletons" who: are
prisoners of mother love , revenge,
j y
issions•; as = e: sus..
teresting and inspiring address.
Other numbers on the' program' in-:
'eluded . 'readings by Mrs.. Melvin
Reid. of Dungannon,• Mrs. Milan.
Moore of Whitechurch and Miss
Grace, Lawson of Ashfield; a solo
by Miss -Olive Blake and a duet by
Mrs. Howse and Mrs. Gardner of
Ashfield.. At the conclusion a �pleas-
ant social how ::.was enjoyed when.
lunch was served.,
Commencing next Sunday service •
at the United Church will be held
at 11.30 '
Visitors, in the community include
Mr. Mel Brown. of Kitchener at Mr.
week.. _ R.
Wdlden. for a couple of days 'last . -
_.... . .. ... .. . ere
Woods; Frank McQuillin of fhe'
Miss Reta Walden is' at Bruce TWO FARMS in the Dungannon R,C.A:F., Toronto at' his home here,
sister Mrs. R. J. Woods. •
Beach this week.' o - district have _ recently changed' M Rathw.e, of Varna • with her
Miss Geraldine Courtney spent hands. Mrs. G. C. Treleaven, 'Dun-
t f • h holidays with friends • gannon, has sold her 150 -acre farm
par c w . Ashfield, to Roy
in Lucknow: . , on., concession , 7,
Kenneth Mason Ripley Alton of Concession 10,' Ashfield:
for a few days last week. ' possession to ,be given in March.
I� 1943. William Finnigan, concession
Mr. Gerald Courtney of Galt has . 2 Ashfield, has' disposed of his 100:
purchased Mr.'James .Blue's" farm. acre' to Pentland Bros., who
The W.M.S. entertained the ladies will obtain ,possession in October,
aid 'and Mission' Band in the church 1942.
last Tuesday. afternoon. The Mission •
Band took the first part of the pro- • ,
gram which consisted of singing. IT'S THE BEST METHOD
a dialogue. an alphabet of Bible ,
verses and a duet by Ruby and Mar: "Hello, Bill, how are things?"
jorie Mason. Mts., George McDonald 'Fine, thanks.' - -
presided at the piano. The children . "How do, you find business these
then went to the park' and the rest days?" "
of the afternoon was spent in games. -"By advertising".
The W.M.S. and Aid then had their'
program. Mrs. �B.' Mason and Mrs. r Jack Kennedy had what
J, Reid presided. The, treasurer's re- ,,day,, M
•"b Mrs Wm. Steele might have been a serious accident,
port was given y
and a few remarks were Miss Esler and Mrs. Wm.. Kennedy .
D. McCosh A•splendid tern- were both. assisting., Miss Esler was ' Donald, Isobel Barbour; boys 2 and
Mrs: A • esw•lien ;she under, Mac Iiutherford,••Jack itch-
pera�nee address w�s given by 'iVI-� , driving the -hors , -and
an of Bruce Beach, who _stepped over to allow more hay at ison;.girls 14 and bel under, Helen
n Band
spent seventeen• years in the Orient the front„� clipped and went down •:hour, IsoPhillips;
Mr. and Mrs. •Calvert'°Finlay were on the tongue of •the wagon, which under, Kenneth Sutton:. Kenneth
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc- startled the horses and caused them Barbour; girls l6-
ander, Verna
lavish on Sunday •'to run away: In trying .tc� rescue McDonald,
her, Mr: Kennedy fell, and the wag - and under, Kenneth Sutton, Kenn -
Mr. and Mrs.. john and
vms. a on and loader went o'9er him. He eth Barbour; married ladies, Mrs.
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W .
fortunately got off' with a numbe.- G. McPherson, Mrs. E.,Barbour; kick
Walden on Sunday.
A weiner. roast. under the auspices
of the Y.P.U. will•be held in Mor-
ton's Grove on Thursday, evening:
A silver collection will be ' taken,
the proceeds going toward:purchas-
ing war, saving stamps.
The annual community picnic,
sponsored by the Women's Institute •
was held at the Maitland River on° ;
Friday afternoon. Before the picnic ,
supper was enjoyed, a program of
sports , in charge of Mrs, Lorne
Woods, Miss Irene Woods, • Miss
Beatrice McQuillin and Mrs. G.„ S.
McIntyre resulted in • the following
winners: children. 6 and under, Is-
obel McPherson, Bobby Aitchison;
girls 8 and under, ;Isobel; Barbour,
Isobel McPherson; 'boys 8 and un,- -
der, Johnny Rutherford, Bob Aitch-
ison; girls 12 and under, Verna Mc- •
' of scratches and bruises. •Miss' Ester the slipper, ladies, Mrs. W.. Ruttier-
• Mrs. Mathew amp b11 and Mrs --� --- - the tongue riding th`e'e fait1; Margaret McP Terson-,-kick•-th'
stood on tongue,
Wm. Steele visited 'Mr. and "!Vers. for about fifty rods until she man- slipper; men, Mac Rutherford, Ken -
George 'Jardine on Friday after -
aged to stop the horses 'nett)! Sutton; ladies shoe scramble,
nook Mrs:. John Kennedy is able to m e Marga
ret, McPherson, Isobel Phi;'=
Reid of London is,she is dips.; boys shoe scramble, . Kenneth
Miss• Norma Return home from, 'London. - ,•,.
of her cousin, 'Mrs,. John
much better, Miss Anna K�-'nnedy Sutton, Bobby. Lyons; wheelbarrow
the guest rn
McCharles at present. has returned home with her. race, Bobby Lyons and Mac. Ruther-
car G M Phersen and 'Silly..,
jealous or just . plain selfishness.. Had Narrow Escape : LAC. Roy Brown of Summ. side, ford, Mrs. G
• n is P,E.1:, is spending his furlough with 'McPherson; boys standing on'head,
Be sure to get•Sundays Detrc;mt in Haying M h[a'ti•�
Times. While hauling in hay, last ?burs-, his mother Mrs.' Capt. Brown.'Nese Rutherford, Billy .McPherson.
4 , -... °-