The Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-07-09, Page 5I
TIIVB•$OAY, ;ULT. Oth, 1942 'I
Lyceum Theatre
Two Shows Saturday Night
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
July 9, 10, 11
Riders of the Timberline
u ' Torpedo' .Beat
Alsp,"News" ' p •• P
Matinee. 'Sat. Afternoon 2.30
Monday Tue"sd'ay, Wednesday*
`cul .:.1'3, s
• ' s 's. in '* s.
Andy Hardy comes home to
Carvel after his unsuccessful
business career in New York;.
Also "Cartoon" 'and.
• In the. late .seventies there' was
born on lot 25., concession 9, West
Wawanosh, George Cidlune jr., son
of George Odlum and his wife Ellen
Anderson Odium. While in bis early
infancy, his parents removed to the.
'United •Statesuvhere the father be-
came a minister of the Methodist
Episcopal Church. Four sons and
one daughter were, born to'this mar-
riage, all of whom received a uni=
versity education..
At twenty-one year of age, the
subject;of this article graduated
from :cllege with. the. degree. of•
Bachelor of • the Science Of. Agricul-
tare: Rev., George .Odium, the fath-
er; was attending -a conference ,of
'hie church at ethe time,, when he was
approached: by Bisho..p Hartzell of
Rhodesia, Africa; . who.wanted' a •
.young man -With this qualification
to/ go ' to- f his colony • wih him to
mai-lege a 40,000 -acre.' fa`r'm forihe
church—Young Odium accepted the
invitation . abd',went teeAfrica. -He
was ' s'uceessful ' in , this ennter prise
although his native black help.'was.
very, inefficient. He remained in.,this
situation. for 'some time, •travelling
.e,tensively through the colony on
foot .over the lions' paths which had
been - traversed ;by the famous Dr
• Livingstong. Eventually t'he Govern-
ment company of Rhodesia at whose.
head was Earl Grey, 'hearing ,of his'
• success, desired..and secured his 'ser-
vices and sent trim to Europe. ter wo-
eure seed' and other ' needed supplies
for their:fai•ms. Ile was accompanied';
by only' one • companion. 'It was a
:very •dangerous mission, travelling•
On foot •throw' the jungles; and'
• ' morasses of.. that contry,. wliicTr.
were inhabited. byu
many wild beasts
• ••and' venompris reptiles, but he . was
successful jn returning with the nec-
essary supplies. '
° ' • During . the first.World.' War. he
Visitors, overthe week -end iih
Mr. and ,Mrs. Richard 'Gardner were
Airs, Jennie Fitzgerald • of Dungan-
non, 'Mrs. Joseph.Cobbe of Limerick,
Sask., Miss Noreen Cobbe of Tor-,
into, Billy Cobbe of Hamilton trade
• school.
'Mr, and Mrs., Harold Gaunt and'.
Beverly, Jean of Wawanosh were.'
Sunday 'visitors with Mr. and 1VIrse
Henry Gardner..
Mr. Jack McKay. of Tgronto spent
a day With Mr. and Mrs. 1alp. Nix-•.
on , the, first of the week. •'
We.extend congratulations to pup-
ils.of Poriewho successfully passed.
'their . ntrance:on year's work, Lor-
na and 'Lois Hunter,' Marion Gard-
ner ancd Eric Hackett. - •
Congratulations are due •also to`
,the High. School students of this,
community,' who •Mede asplendid
showing on their exams at Lucknow.
High; 'School . the past ' term. • Mr. •
Keith 'Hackett passed '•on' all : is,
Published every • Thursday morning
at Lucknow, . Ontario.
Publisher and Proprietor
THURSDAY, JULY 9th, 1942
An outstanding event. in Huron
County was the -i ionster picnic, held
.at • `,Tenth .Bridge";• on the; Maitland
River:'on July• 1st, to commemorate
the 75th anniversary • of -the incor-
poration bf the Tovvnship. of East
Wawanosh....-Over 1,500 people at=
fended the afternoon •and evening
'The picnic was held under '•'the
'ails' ices . of ., the township council,
sparked , by Reeve `Raymond Red
subjects,. Lyre Ritchie; Miss. Lorna mond He.•participated: in a softball;
garne, .was chairman- of the pro-•
gram, conducted a male ,choi"r; cone
tributing violin -accompaniment; .and
looked after ore°thousand &• one de-
tails, with the help' of his- able coun-
cil: Norman • McDowell, Harvey
Black; .1..,D.' Beecroft• and L. Ruddy.
Others on. the cominittee,were: Alex.
lvleBurney, : tax collector; ,Stuay,t Mc-
road -" superintendent; Mar-
vin 'McDowell,- assessor,..and Alex
Porterfield, clerk and .treasurer•.
.Historical Booklet •
The 'veteran Mr. Porterfield has
now held the office: of clerk-treas•-,
urer for . 35 years. His father had
the same. :office for 36 years before
newel 1.. epntribetien • -__
the. event was ae historical booklet
edited by the present clerk,. 'which
gives the history of•the'mitfiicipality
since its incorporation in Confed-
eration year, 1867, when, on: the
15th of „August, an Act - of"Parte,
.rnentostasepassed dividing the Town-
ship' of Wawanosh into two town -r -
shins, East and -West,
The booklet is • replete with value
able.. inforncaation of ,.the yesteryear
and contains,' pictures of ex -reeves
David ' Scott, Thos.. Taylor, ' Jarnes
Potter, Donald -:Patterson•, David
Robertson, M. ,'Lockhart, John. T.
• Currie; John .' McCallum, John, E.
Filis, 'William J. , Parks, ,John -•
. • . Camphell,' William 'J.
Currie, -'Robert 'Buchanan; Robert J.
Coultes,' F: D .Stalker,. R. H. Thomp-
son,. Peter Scott, all 'ex -reeves, and
some „pf them. ex -wardens, Scotch
stalwarts .of the .pioneer days.
`The County, Council attended the
picnic almost. to a 'Man, and ' many
prominent citizens, including L. E.
• Cardiff; M.P..'for -North •Hriron, .at- a�foIr¢mMer organist
Reid and • Miss • Kathleen Gibson. •
Miss Aida Webster•has been e' t
gaged for the coming year' to teach.
at, Zion. . Miss Webster has taught
here -for the' pasta eighteen - years.
We. extend col gratulation to•Mr.'
and Mrs: Cecil Gardner on then'.re-
cent marriage and welcome' Mrs.
'Gardner' , to 'our community.
Mr. and Mrs.' W. G. 'Hunter and
Marlene were guests with Mr. and
Mrs, Vernon Hunter., Lucknow, on
Sunday.. _. -
Mr..< and • Mrs. Kenny Laidlaw
spent a few days with Mr.. and Mrs.
George Hunter • prior to going to
Trenton where Mr. Laidlaw will be
emp o ed fora time
Mr. and ' Mss: or o`ri KfiCariid;
and David visited.recently with Mr:
and Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Wawarinsh,o
'Mrs. Susan' Andrew visite
Sunday with her: sister Mrs. 'Sarah.
Helm of St. Helens. We are sorry
Mrs. Helm . had the'misfortune. to
scald her `limbs Tast-week. Hoge she
may soon be - well again.
Visitiors v,ith Mr.' and Mrs Will
Gardner over the week -end were
Messrs. ' Harold Gardner, • Ken, Fred-
erick, Mr. and Mrs., Ross Foxof
Hamilton: "Mr' -Lane Gardner
spent a week et: his .home returned
on.:: Sunday to Hamilton...
Mr, Jas. Hunter of Hamilton spent,
the week -end at: his home .here.
year. drew -has -return
home after spending the past six
months with Mrs. Long and.:Mss
Jean Long.'
Mrs. David Alton 'of Lucknow
spent. Thursday ,,afternoon with Mr.
and Mrs. Will Gardner. • . •
Master Gilbert Howse is assisting
Mr:. Will Gardner• this. week.
Miss.. Trlma Hackett has been in
" REP. CHARLES- • Cu-rsIrdIN .� drove .an armed motor in EastAf-
rica. At the conclusion of the war,
The many friends of Rev. 'Charles- he and his.wife; an English lady,
Cumming were grieved to learn of whom he had married in Rhodesia,
" Tuesday,_ , came to America so that `he could
his.. death .at _Elmvale on .. ; ...._ . Y,-
June 23rd: Mr. Cumming was bprn be • near his brothers and sister.
near Elmvale' iri 1880 and received. In a •short time he was offered
• ' -�"' oti ati Phelpato�i""arid, ;acrd accepted, the' position of'" -ratan-'
his earl �e`ducati _ _
Barrie Collegiate Institute. After'ager. of a 60;0001acre sugar.ard ban
graduating from the Owen , Sound ani plantation in British Honduras.
Business:college, he.took a position Centrad America. He.was very etre-
-- •---as-ean--accountant in the__offsce•' of oeseful . ire= -the gem •of this t e
- Jas. McLaughlin and Sons wher�ehe .large farm, but after a few Miss Ellen An
• served torten years before going to he -grew tired of this kind of 'life•
Toronto to ,complete his studies at as he and his, wife were in. con -
the University'of Toronto and at tinual danger from''the natives and
. Knox College. Immediately follow- Spanish halfbreeds, whom . • 'they
ing graduation he was ordained and found. more . savage •than_,; the '.rte •
inducted as pastor. of Cookstown„ groes o Africa. Accordingly he • re -
First Essa and NicoIson cpngrega- signed This position and went to
ticinef. His next charge was • at St. England,. the birthplace of .his wife.
te • .
o ev t evened. `nsive1
mensfe. Mere
Visitors with a Mrs. R. Fitzgerald
on • Sunday were Mr, Jack Knox,
Radio School, Clinton, Miss Noreen
Cobbe, Toronto Mr. Billy Cobbe,
R•C,A.F., Hamilton„ Mr. and Mrs..
Albert Campbell and family. West-
field, Mr. Don, Vickers, R.C.A.F:,
Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Gardner, Lucknow, also Mrs:, Cobbe
and Mrs. Knox of Limerick, Sask.
Little Brant Wrightman of Detroit
spent last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs.. D. A . Fowler..
Miss Grace Crawford:of Calgary,
Alberta, is spending the summer
,months . with her sister, . Mrs. R. J.
Mr. and Mis. John Blake enjoyed
a pleasant motor and boat, trip to
Richard's Landing. Their daughter,
Miss Bernice Blake who teaches
there: returned home with them also
her friend Miss B. Bainbridge. •
Mr.- Ron :Pentland received a dis-
u1' •.r .arid: a bad shaking
up on Monday night when, hits car
went to • the ditch just south of the
village and 'hewasthrown from it,.
about fifteen feetw"HiS ear wag b.adly
damaged and he was taken to 'God-
erich Hospital for treatment.
.Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sloan of St.
Thomas spent the . week -end with
her brother,Mr. Herb Pentland.
Mist Jean'
. Stothers of Toronto is.
home to spend the vacation :with
her father, Mr. Thos. Stothers.
.Miss Mary Hall of Brantford is at. --�
0, tc.
Make Setter
Jams and Jellies
Book of 72
Tested Recipes
of every
CERT() is Pectin
Extracted"froni Fruit
When pectin is used in making jam
and jelly, the Wartime Prices: and
Tracie Board Order Non 150 allows
•ou to use sugar - excess of -
one and one-[iu:trier pour of"•""'
sugar for each' pound of uit.
On toe'. basis • that `fruit" means
"Unprepared" fruit 'this allows y'oii
to make your jams and'. jellies .toe•
Certo way which gives you approxi•,
mately -two-thirds more jam or.jelly
front' the same • amount of fruit.
the home of Mrs. W. R. Andrew to ., Miss Bernice Blake," teacher at •
'RichardsL ding is home for 'va '•
spend the summer- with' her brother,
Mr, Godfrey Hala
Mr. and Mrs.. D. A. Fowler and
Melba spent Saturday in London.
Miss Pauline Jones spent last
h• t M Steve
Hel sic, . Goderich.
Mr. and':Mrs. R: E. Willis- and Mr.'
and Mrs. Bob McMillan • and . son
Bobby, Detroit, spent the week -end
with gars. B: J. Crawford. -
Mr. and Mrs.. Cecil Orser, Detro't'
pent the week -end with his paren s
Mr. and Mrs. • Albert. -Orsgr.. I
Congratulations ,to the High scho�il
entrance jOupils of Dungannon
school. They• are J: C. Alton; Paul
Caesar, Harold Glenn,' Pauline
Jones,: Dorothy,McGee,, Jean .New.-
rnan, "who have all been.successful.
ani The haying 'season always seems
cation with ' her''parents,. Mr.' and to. bring it's accidents. Mr. James
Mrs. John Blake. • • . �a Parks had the misfortune to` have
Mrs.' Maurice Wopdford, Toronto, his ankle broken in a runaway at
is' visiting her'mother, . Mrs. G. C. Mr. Ernest Ackert's. He returned
with _, er sister, rs, -= Ti=eleav atuL t �s...LeieeT...;•_—
l�on°tom=:€r�n�TKitacaa�di�.:llas .'slit, .af.�>a
Kitchen Shower
Miss Ferre Alton'. entertained at
her home . Monday night to, thirty
-gds _R r�oner of Mics. ar eret
Pentland,' who is being married
shortly. The guests , were present
and former members of the'Dun-
gannon United church choir
which Margaret had given valued
service,- with her.musical • ability.
"Here conies' the bride": was played
at. the piano . by Mrs. Leroi Stingel
and then For• She's
iih--xi rising
leaven. 1 , Saturday. Howard • Harris suffered
Miss. Mildred Anderson hag been . a painful exit . on the first 'finger of
re-engaged to teach the Junior his right, hand while removing some
room at' the Dungannon Publics tangled hay • from the mower knife.
School and Mr: George•'Cowan .;of • It 'required three' sittches to close
Blyth has been hired ee principal - thea wounde,Let's hope that is all
:t-oestreceed Mr. Graham Pinkney- -, for thin saner.-
P Newman Mrs Neise; I Mr. and s. Richard'
ere -
. -rr:E -: tt-an�.i'rCi+a^ fter,3�°-},ia, .
�7.iFCYYl4 g -r
Miss Violet Ritchie. is spending
part of her holidays with her sister,
Mrs. Ivan Paperitick and Mr. Paper,
nick of Goderich.
; — .. ---- --
Craig 'United church • .a fine new They were hardly settled there
modern church was built, In 1931 when a Mr- Yomurray; of New, York;
he was called . to the •'Waltom and a Jew, speaking for the Jewish peo=
Moncrief ' charge •in Huron County pie. asked him to go to' Palestine
where he served most acceptably far and make •..a thorough survey of 'all
eight years. Three years • ago :he' possibilities in the economic and ag
moved to Norval , in. the Dufferin ricuitural field,. including climate,
• and Peet Presbytery and was very 'soil,, market and shipping facilities.
happy in his ministry there, but ill Upon his'. return to England he pre-
health, laidhim aside last Dec -ern: pated a report for the people who
.ber. When informed that medical had sent him to Palestine and' this
science could do nothing more ., for was freely used to induce the Jew:-
ew:him, he resigned from ,the active.. to :return, to their' home. land. ,
ministry and moved to Elmvale less lie/had a beautiful. home in Eng-
• ' than two months ago. '
While ,he was pastor of the Ailsa bout forty, miles from
' land. but. some company or, nation
In 1909 he was married to E. May continually wants hiin for some
Brannigan who, with 'one daughter. ,peciai mission. -
Margaret, survives. He is survived His wife died during . a German
also by five sisters and two oro bombing raid in . September, 1940.
thele --Mrs. Wm. Andrew. and 'Mrs. His brothers, Floyd and Arnold are
a4.A: Jones of •Elmvale; Mss: A. --Rim=: celebrated" lawyers in New York.
unison of Hillsdale,. Mrs. Robt. Cle-Another brother, Wendell, was kill -
land of Edmonton and ' Mrs. Wm ed in an accident in Oregon a few
Campbell of 'Winnipeg, Walter near yzears ago.
- Elmvale and Andrew of Edmonton.
A brief service was held at the Ci V LR0S5
h use and was •conducted by Revs:
lie service was held in Elmvale Un- . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wraith and.Ger,
ited church 9nd was in' charge of tie visited Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stobo
Rev. W. S. Butt of Elmvale and thea Sunday.
Dufferin and Peel Presbytery, as- Mr•° and • Mrs; Earl .fodrins and
- sisted by 'Rev.. C; C. Jones • of the Shirley spent a day in Elmira:
Elritvale Presbyterian church who Mr: end Mrs. Joe. Wall visited
had attended college with Mr: Cum- friends' in Kincardine on Sunday.
ming- Two members of the Simcoe Mr. and Mrs. Clayton and family
Presbytery also assisted, Revs. Mor
rison of Wyevale and Auld of Mid returned' back to 'Toronto after Dol
land.' Ilev. G. W. W. Rivers of Bol- •.idaying a week with Mr. and Mrs.
Hanna. :
ton, Rev. J. A. Leece of Hutton -
Mr. Billie Russ is spending a week
ville, and -Rev. C. G. Jones of Elm-
paid warm tribute to the° life at the home. of his parents, Mr. and
1Vfrs. Jolin•�Ross..•
asd"'work of. Rev:' Mr. Cuinrning.; Mr. and Mrs.•iV'Iike Gamble spent.
Rev. F. J. Dunlop of Laurel assisted an evening with Mr: and Mrs.Earl
in the service and Rev. W. S. Butt Hodgins.
sang a favourite lxymn of the de-
ceased, "It is well with my sous". "Joico said 'that. 'every time he
Friends from Norval and Mount' •
kissed me it made him a better
Pleasant' congregations, and lfram ,man'
Walton attended/ p fps But he
and Jones' of Elmvale. A pub-
Announcement is made of the ap-
pointment of F. Stanley Rivers as
head of the Ottawa Normal school.
Mr. tiiv'ers is the 'son of Mrs. Al=
bert Rivers, now of Seaforth. Stan-
ley -Rivers •'gained his B.A. '"at Vic-
toria College;. winning the Prince of
Wales silver' medal, and his pro=
fe�{isional certificates and B Paed. de-
gree at the College of Education,
University of Torono."He served on
the staff of the Owen Sound Col-
legiate for three years, was pi in-
"cipal of Victoria Public School, in
Owen Sound for four. years, Master
in the North • Bay Normal School
,for nine years, and inspector of pub-
lic schools, Kirkland Lake; for one
`'year. He has been also the editor
and co-author' of a number of stip-
pleuientarer readers .used in 'Ontario
schcrols in connection with the new
courses ,in social studies "and Eng-
lish. •
the funeral . se• there was ono
vines andesides relatives from Edman need for him to try• to'get t�' heaven
ton ' Toronto. all in one evening'`.. •
The pallbearers were two neph- g
ews, Mr. W. C. Gowanlock of Uh l S� TO BE AN EDITOR
thoff and Mr• W. 4. Andrew of Elm-
members of
Official two All aneediter has to do is to si
and Mr- ' Root. o, '-. 'dze,?n:
members of. the Dufferin and- Peel a desk six days a week, four weeks
Presbytery'Rey. B• M• Burgess ,of 'a month and twelve months a year
'H . O.'Hut- .and edit such stuff as�thiiiss:Gr l
�}t;�„tt Rev 'H.
cheson of Orangeville.
Mrs. ones
The floral tributes were very a can opener slip last week
and cut
beautiful and included a pillow • from herself in the pantry—John
, Duff's United church: Walton. a cliitibed on the roof of his house
Wreathe from Manitoba Lodge No. last week looking for a leak,and
230' Ad+`• & A.M.. Cookstown: .and fell.
'While landing ,on his was `eback s ocular
a bouquet 'from 'St. John's United Miss Violet Wise front the church
church, EIrrivale, and many other
frorii friends and relatives. , social Hist edrnday"'night: a savage'
dog- attacked them and bit 1VIr.
Green on the Public Square -=Jim
•F'rarra. while .harnessing- a broncho
• 0
vale two b the Walton man can be an editor.
Hoard, Mr.T.H Leeming Most any tat
6 o
""" ,'= 0:Cc?}._. T4.23�rr: