The Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-05-21, Page 8J. H. CHRISTIE, Wingham grocery merchant for over three decades; passed. away `n May°6th'after-a long- ' illness. He was prominent in music ; circles in Wingham.. He is survived: by his -widow, two daughters, Mrs. 1 E. C. Pentland of Illinois; Mrs. W. B. McCool of Wingham and a son, Morris, of ' Toronto: Holiday Savings SUGGESTIONS FOR YOUR 'WEEK -END AT THE COTTAGE OR THAT PICNIC ON THE 24th. Weston's FRUIT BLOSSOMS . • Lb..box : ' 23c A Treat- To Eat Bluebird MARSHMALLOWS Lb. box 25c Tender and Delicious. Heinz SANDWICH SPREAD • Bottle •20c Libby's GRAPEFRUIT VJUICE 20 oz. tin . , ' 2 for .25c QhristieS PREMIUM ` SODAS; 1 Lb. box 1� Supreme SWEET PICKLES .•,. 27 oz. jar '.,a ;. ' 21c Pest's CORNFLAKES 2 .for 15c Club House PEANUT Butter, 20 oz. jar . 25c LIFEBUOY SOAP 2 bars 7e with coupon'• \W\11 /1 HEALTH SOAP Exchange Your Coupons Here: TWIN SISTERS, Rita and Loretta . 'Phone 82 We ,Deliver, k' King of. Wingham were members of last ' week's graduating . class of St. . ....... • . Joseph's Hospital, Guelph. Walk On Cork John Hodgkinson `has been off e� . chairman and the following work all spring suffering. from program was given: opening song; ulcers, of the, stomach. His friends 0 Canada; the welcome by Doris hope he will soon be better.,Barr, president of the Jr. Red Cross Miss Dore Ritchie returned to hei society and the secretary, Ethel home .Saturday where she is con• Haldenby, gave the financial report, valescing after undergoing a thy- Mrs. John Emmerson -favored' with raid operation in Stratford Hospital. a patriotic .solo, "There's Always be it .�.and,':lllllfrs�_Sidney. Decker, Bil {a Britain";reading, Mrs. Jimmy 171°00.1a I u ,- �- eloolorni, E - _ . Tierney of KPe-�y-fir 11i7-14°- .01. itchener were week- There, Good Luck 'to the Boys; re - end visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Con. 'citation; Green. Apples, by, Balfour Decker. McLean; mouth organ selection, You The death of Mrs. J. C. Johnston,, are my Sunshine; by Jack Walsh; a sister pf the late 'Dr:. Geddes of recitation, My Shadow, Jean Guest; Lucknow; occurred recently in solo; Everett Lane, "There's a long, Saskatoon. -She Was a native of Mor long Trail"; rythm band, the Junior ,ris Township pupils—Mary had a little . lamb. Services in the United Church on Farmer in the Dell,. Polly put the Sunday were conducted by Rev. Mr, Kettle On and Pussy Cat; an inter: Huddleston, while Rev. J. W. Stew- esting speech, -•qn the need of the 'art was -conducting anniversary ser- Red: Cross in this serious crisis by. vices at Pinkerton. ,John Emmerson; ,recitations by Winnifred McFarlan and Ronnie Mr. Wm. Ferris was moved tc Graham. Walkerton Hospital the latter part' MrsW. J. McLean gave a'splen- of the week -Bill is quite seriously . did rport of the 0. E: A. conven- ill, although `ver the week -end hi: tion" which she attended at Toronto. condition appeared to be itnproved. __-__ _.. Mr.' Malcolm Lane moved a vote Those from this community at of thanks Ito Mrs. 'McLean for her tending the Easter -Finlayson wed- interesting report and a hearty hand ding in Toronto last week included clap expressed the thanks of those Mrs, A. R. Finlayson, Mr. and Mrs, present. Roy Finlayson, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Jack Guest favoured with a rec Finlayson, Duncan Cameron, Dun nation, "Forget-me-nob"i A solo, can Finlayson and Miss Jessie Hen - "When your boy comes back . to dersoln, you" by ,Mildred Pinel,;' recitation, Mrs. Fred Nixon :pts London who Scott Walsh; reading by Ruth Guest, has,, been quite ill for some time, Jeanette and Joe; solo, `.'Beautiful I Dreamer", Miss Manville Scott; rec- was brought to the home of her daughter, Mrs. K. C. Murdi'e on Sun-- Ration, "Some One" by Peggie day. Mrs. Gordon Fisher and son Brown; duet, • Mr --s. A. E. Haldenby Billie, .who have been in the city and May Boyle, "Rose of . Sharon"; with Mrs. Nixon for the past' few 'chorus by the pupils, "We'll never weeks returned to their home. let the , Old Flag fall, Red, White Platt To Make Home Here and' Blue", "Land of gladto-mor-. P Work, Play. and: Economize ... with . row", "The National. Anthem". Mr, and Mrs. George Bower, ion mer residents; who have been vis iting in Toronto with their son fol some•tiMe plan to make their.laonie, in Lucknow, and will move into the corner residence, adjoining R. J' Moore's, which they own and which they plan to renovate. Was This Overlooked? Gasoline ration books are design- ed to last until- March 31st, 1043, but in Ontario at least January is the dead -line for buying license plates.. The new markers " will not agree with lthe'ration book numbers. Much interest was shown by all who enjoyed two contests. A col- lection was taken amounting to $11.96 and ail were invited' tb the " front of the room where numerous articles made by the children were on display and several articles Were sold. A cup of tea was served and a social chat enjoyed. . Miss Hamilton is to be commend- ed on, the success of the evening and the ratepayers appreciated the kind invitation .to be present and we hope ,.this, , splendid ' beginning will be/continued. The Ideal Summer Health Shoe Standardiz i for Economy No Rip nor Rub • Correctly designed -Cork Insulated No "F:O." ' 'Foot Odour) • • C. Ratitwell B - Son fANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY, • - NATIONAL .WAR . APPEAL - INAME fM Print name & address. If marr ied woman, use husband's initials ADDRESS. Payments to the Red Cross are detuctable from, assessab>ie in- . come , up to 50%.... Kindly issue cheques payable to the Canadian Red Cross Society Lueknpw. The undersigned hereby agrees to pay to 'the Red Cross before December 31, next. The Total Sum of . ..w..:.. .,�._..._,.... n which Payment is made Herewilli sof BALANCE: MONTHLY -- QUARTERLY — (Mark, with an X) SUBSCRIBER'S' SIGNATURE If mailing, address—A. E. Mc KIM, Lucknow. a • Chintz Cretons, Draperies, mid Upholstery, New,Goods New Curtains, Curtain Nets For .Every Room In The House New . Pillow Cottons, ' Sheetings, Tice Ings, Etc. • ay es ce ssori • 'SOCKS—S. _Stock up now from this grand -array • of MLN S FINES 50c colorful patterns, 'regular length, lisle or silk. 'Pair 50c Ankle Length, Pair MEN'S BRIEFS & JERSEYS—for worth weather realcomfort light weight under . Each' in tI� dwear. K,., x. _ . , 45c C REN I 'NKLE SOCK in plain or strige9.. Pair .....,., 25e BOYS COTTON JS,,,AERSEYS, short sleeves, collar or round neck. 50c :>Each .,.,..,.. ' HOLEPROOF HOSIERY. -Th at's a name you can rely upon, silk, and rayon mixture, lisle foot. Pair , 9L00 simulated leather, .variety of smart • , Ii<ANpBAGS-r-Patent and H 98e, .SLS styles white black and colors MISSES & WOMEN'S DRE S •:—Prints, floral patterns, stripes • � 5ES=tart dresses. Size - 12. yrs.- and blain materials. ,Outstanding , .$3:982.yrs 20 • yrs. & ;38-46 empktott... I TSR' uctORROW ONTANEL, LHHRNOVIT, ONTARIO Move 'From. 11o1Vrned 1 A hydro gang donlpleted their 'job at the Holyrood hydro station last week, after . retaking extensive changes. They have moved, we un- derstand, to the bombing school west of Ripley. _ .;...,DAMS iri Greg Co. :Fisheries,. because: of flooding and itO�B�VF� have been destroyed' on instructions ' damage to valuable timber land. from the Department of (lame and., 'Residence Sold The village residence of Dr, R. L. Treleaven has been sold to Mrs. Richard Johnston of Ashfield. The present tenants, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Calvert will vacate. the residence the end of June. ' (LOCALand'GENERAL) IC1 �11�QU�H SPOKE` ' IN REGINA A May issue of, the. Regina':Lead- er-Post •stated 'that Rev. Hugh Mc- Millan, 'who had -1.0 years' experi- ence buildiiig new. Christian - &;m- munities .tinder Japanese rwar clouds and preparations for war, addressed a meeting ' at Westminster United church. Mr. Mc1Vlillan's topic was "Building Under Bombed Skies" and the meeting was' bander auspices of • the Student Christian Movemei t of, Canada. ' National Red ,..(TOSS "Campaign,--. tur "mit ,Tiv for Lucknow and Vicinity is Let's -Raise It! 6/VE'tO: RELIEVE HUMAN SUFFERING Contributions are Requested eIVeive -_' nese--.:t- • OLEARANCIk of.hats-2 days, Fri- day and•Saturdby, May 22nd and 23rd. $.;Robertson. Lloyd WyldS has 'accepted a posi- tion in the''Maple Leaf Aircraft plant. Mrs. ' T. $: Reid, who .has 'spent the winter here, returned to Orillia the end of4e _week. Mrs. W. C. Johnston has returned to the village after spending the Winter in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Martin 'of St. Marys spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cameron ' Mr. McBride of Winnipeg ig here visiting with his brother, Mr. Reg McBride and Mrs. McBride, Con. 10. Mrs. Moore of Teeswater visited with Mrs. McLean on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Purvis and fam- ily,, Con. 2, visited Sunday at Mr. John Barn's. Miss Winnie Percy, R. N. of Listo- wel spent, Sunday al her home here. Mr.' and Mrs. Wilbert Hodgkinson and Kenneth visited over the week- end with London. relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hockley and children of Walkerton, renewed ac,. givaintances here Sunday. Mrs. Earl' Thompson, Douglas and, David of Teeswater called on •friends Edwin Smith of Listowel spent . here " Friday last.' the week -end with his parents, Mr. Mrs, John Eirininerson, visited with. and • Mrs. James Singh.relatives in ,Hamilton .for a few Donald Johnston, youngest son of days: - Mr: and' Mrs.! P. M. Johnston, left' The district annual *Women's 'In for Hamilton on Monday. • ' stitute meeting will be held in Kin - Mrs. Henry McLeod of Richards, cardine United church on Tuesday Sask., is , visiting with Mrs..John next, May 25th. McLeod, Secend'Coricession - Mr. and Mrs. Marvyn Gordon -and • St Ca therines visited ' o Royal Arch - Masons will hold their` hildren f c the week -end with Mr. and over ladies:,- night -At ,Home. in the Mas- over George'Haldenby and Mr. and onic all on Friday evening. Mrs. Harry' Bellbele.' Mrs. Bert Roach returned en Sun- Mrs. Pierson of Millarton visited day after spending a week in God-, at the MacLean homes here last erich visiting' her daughter, Mrs. week. . Reuben Brewer. " Mr. and 'Mrs. Jacob Eckenswiller Mrs. Ernie Wilson and her two • are moving this week from their home here to Con.' 10 where they boys from Saskatoon, are visiting Jwill-make.-their..: home.:. :..,.,_. Jamieson. • Wordfrom her parents, Mr, and Mrs: John . has been received here 'amieson. Lenore, Man., of the sudden passing .Mrs. Jack Bell returned from vis- of the late Frank Alexander of that iting at Collingwood and is prepar- place. Mr. Alexander spent his ing ;to movethere where Mr. Bell early life in this community, having n Con: 10, the farm now own - Mr, and : Mra.'Alex Smith of De- . ed by Mr. Reg McBride. troit spent the week with the for- mer's brothers, Messrs. T. W. Smith and James Smith.‘ PROTEST GAS AND RUBBER WASTE Bg BREWERY TRUCKS THURSDAY, MAY 21st, 1942 Voicing indignation over the man- ner in which brewery" and trinery trucks were apparently being ' al lowed an unlimited supply of gaso- line for delivery purposes, Conn, cillos Baliachey of Paisley declared that every municipality, "should make.a protest to the. Oil Controller . . and he presented the following res- olution which ;was endorsed unan- imously by Paisley' council; "That this municipal council of the village of .Paisleyrespectfully calls attention of the Oil Control- ler of Canada to the enormous waste :of .gasoline through the vast con- sumptian of 'fuel by the many beer` trucks.. operating ;on,, alI the high- ways. The customer of these trucks is ' the, provincial golrerninent, and the people, of• the Dominion own the railroads,. so that we feel that if ,the breweries were -compelled to. ship theirproducts by rail, there .would not only be a huge saving of gaso- line forwar purposes, but the rev- enues accruing ..to tile' railways would be greatly increased. Be it resolved that copies of this motion be sent to ,the municipal councils 61 Bruce and Grey counties, with the request for similar action in.pre- senting the protest to the Dominion Oil Controller, George D. Cottrelle". In ,Jack Campbell's Barber . Shop, froM Saturday May23to May 30 2 •to• 6 3p. m. each afternoon, Saturdayk &' Wednesday until 10 The Following: week canvassers will call on all in the Village who have not • contributed. Here' is the Plan >ind, Purpose THIS OFFICE will be open each afternoon (except . Thursday) from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and oh Saturday and. Wednesday evenings • until 10 o'clock. . II CONTRIBUTORS' names will be posted daily in the office window arid will be reported in the press. CANVASSERS .will call after May 30th on those who have not yet con- tributed. THE PLEDGE form for payments on a monthly 'or quarterly basis is recommended if desired. ,Pledge forms are available at the local of- fice, or fill 'out the accompanying form in this issue. THE FINANCE COMMITTEE 'OF •THE A'DIAN. at/YEvAtrarvaiemiwor EVERYONE knows there is no' more' worthy cause If than that of the •Red Cross. Everyone knows the • grand work the women of Canada—the women of Lucknow and community —are doing. THIS ,ISA WAR in which we all must do more than we think we can. Let it not be a case of "too little too late" with the Red Cross. IN THE NAME of humanity bring your dgnations to the Red Cross office in Lucknow. Bring all you "can spare. , THE LUCKNOW AND VICINITY, RED CROSS: RED CROSS 15NLY NATIONAL .CAMPAIGN THIS YEAR .FOR WAR • • SERVICE FUNDS . On Friday, May 15th,. Marie Mac- Crostie completed her • Normal course, having been exempted, from all final examinations. Fine School Program The •teacher, Miss Helen Hamil- ton and pupils of S. 'S.- No 2, Kin= loss, entertained the, ratepayers of the, sectio n 'on Tuesday in the school at a social evening in aid of the Jr:. Red Cross branch. . • . I A senior pupil, Don .Busheh, act - 611E -TO RELIEVE HUMAN SUFFERING THE MARKET STOR 0 Lucknow 0