The Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-03-19, Page 12...fierinuypeirnands teliOte:Cooperiticin .,, .. --r.-- : s• ••• • Hitler c ails For 2,600,000 Men From Aida Partners- . • ' Germany was reported to have called upon Hungary, Slovakia and Italy, tar as many as 2,600,000 fresh troops to bolster Hitler's 'army for, . spring offensive operations after its., hard winter in Russia. Factory production was adjusted to -fit the pattern. -A Berlin dis • patch to the Stockholm newspaper Dagens NSheter Said more than. .• - . ,. .' • , two-thirds of , Germany's inditstries ' . • are prOdneing war materiale; that the state.. spent .more , than two- ' thirds •pf , the national•inanie to - cover the.-exPenSem •, 4 •• •• Fresh. maapower"ie .needed 'tor . . .; ...• r'epiticernent or the dead,' wounded . •• :.. :: aMl-inissing. Soviet atithOritiee. de- 7 + clared Feb. 22, hat Germany :had • . .. los t 6.,000;oop. men oh the •Russian .front. 'ComPilattons ,a. month earl, ' ier indicated 1,;70(1,01:10 had been • killed and 2,000,000. ..seriously • wounded, Russia. reported. , . .• •: In addition, all Germans fit for • military service Who .live within, ' the 'occupiedprovince •of...French" . Lorraine and yugoslavig have ,been ordered to register. , Rumania's contrib,ution of 1,000,- 006 troops was kegarded as ex-. emptieg her from further levies, immediately at least, and growth ' Of'a Finnish peace party was re, ' , • ported to Inute led Germany to dis- count _Finland' as ,an ally. • :' .. *Inerreceived-hrway, :of Berne-:-• trona Variens. parts of ,Europe on i • the 'call or fresh troops indicated War Ministers Inspect New Railway Munitions Plant A BIG. WAR -PLANT, the existence of which had been unknoWn to the general public, was given national recognition when three members of the Federal Cabinet officially- inspected the National Railways Munitions shops at Montreal, operated by the Canadian National Railways. The Ministers were Hon. C. D. Howe, Minister of • Monitions and Supplies; :Hon. Angus Macdonald, Minister of Naval • Services; and Hon. W. P. Mulock, Postmaster General. They were welcomed to the plant by R: C. Vaughan, President ofthe Canadian National Railways. Upper left-I•Mr. Howe watches Miss Josephine Skull-instructOr.oListornrawskers, operating a turret I the. Ceittre-- Finished guns assembled for government 'inspection Right --Mr. ••Maedonald examines •the breech of, one of the finished guns. • • 1-11-1.1.-LOPY is :to Provide 1,500,000 • soldiers, Slovakia 100400 and Italy • •.many More than she luis•Yet sent to the eastern &tint, With 'some unverified reports mentioning •1,- OPO;000. rjop Conlrnaridee. • , 13ig new offensive against Ba- taan i expected as Gen. Tomo- • yuki Yamashita, conqueror of iniapore, takes oder as com- mander Of Jap forces in the Philippies' . • . ' . Have You Heard? Puffing and lalpwing, the young man just m naged• to itimp into 4 ,carriage:aa the train• left the_star.„•.: ,,t1011. • The middle-aged -Man in the cprner eyed him with scorn. . I was your age, inY • lad," he said, "I could rim half a mile, catch a train by the skin of my teeth, and yet be a • s fresh as--a-daiey" • • "Yes," gasped -the young fel-, • low; -,"bet I missed this one at the last station." He was telling her I4s fa- mily history. "My grandfather was a poor, hardl-working • clockmaker. When he diel fork1W- estate, iviti-dIP-co • sisted of two hundred clocks, my father." • „ "How interesting," s 'a a • said. "It must have been real fun winding •up his estate?!. A teacher sent this note to the • mother of :an unruly "Dear Mrs. Jones, I regret *pry Mach to •inform you thatyour son, Robert, idles away his tim is disobedient, quarrelnome, and disturbs ' other studepts. wile are • trying work: • HeIheedi a good thrashing and I strongly urge that • yarti give him one." .• - This was the reply she received: "Dear Miss Smith Lick him yourself; • I ain't mad at him. They were having their . first quarrel. ' "I'm, diiappointed" .said • 'the hkisband. . "When we • were 'first married 1 thought ' • you were an angel." Yes," retorted his wife, • "I suppose `that's why you • never • bought me any clothes." • "Didn't you hear the alien?" asked the A.R.P.,'warden advising an old, countryman to take cover. • With 'enemy planes droning over- head, the Than was still strolling about the streets. "Yes, I heard 'un," said the old man, "but that bain't .nothing to do with me. 1 lives tt—," giv- ing the liame of his village, five • miles away. • 'Brown: "My wife went io see the doctor fast week, and he told her to take plenty of exercise." • Smith' "And is she doing it?" • Brown t "Well, if jumping at conclusions and running up bills can be called exer- cise, Sh-e, is." 'Frozen . Silhouette. . • Is Causing • The "Frozen Silhouette", as de- creed by the United 'States War PredUCtion, Board, •is • causing chills2 and fevers in style centres iY Flew York. — Designers of clothes and the women who wear- them are upset, to think that the way they look • today, with 'skirts so short ' and . furbelows .so few, is the way .they, are Ong to look from now On, or etten More so, for specific regu- lations expected to come within the • next few weeks will skimp here and shorten there. • If one is size 16., the new regu- lations will deeree a dress just 42 inches long from neck to hem.. That's an inch, shoiter than usual. Separate skirts can' be 30 inches long, belt and hem. included. Nd , dress cad have its own jacket, cape or redingote. There'll be no 'more three-piece no, i)Li7ool' linings, no wool ' cloth under fur collars, no mateh... .ing hats, bags, muffs or patch pockets.. • - - ° Rcosevelt Approves Healthy Recreation President Rocisevelt believes that. healthy recreation, within reapeable..limits, will. help pro- • mote efficiencY in the war effort. But, he declared,. it must be 'borne in. mind that "recreation as nsual" is just as bad as "business as:usual." "Recreation under present con- ditiensan be undertaken solely with the purpose of -building up hody and min 1' and with the thiei thought that this i11 . help, win. the war." IteerPat:on, he aid, might cone through .attendance at' or oartiCi- • pation itl varioree• sports, motiot. picturpi., picnics and so, on. . H.tild 711:s press conference that "mat...y people" had written' requesting a statement on the gov.a" ereirentk!: t.w.,ittide toward contin-. eata.e el and ti, i.vartiroe„ I. I r • Modern Etiquette • BY ROBERTA 4LEE • 1. Is' it proper to guess at a name if one his not, heard it dis- tinctly'during-an-in troduCti o n 2. What does an invalid do' if • she wishes to return •calls that have- been made upon. her? 3. Should cal be eaten with a seem?' • 4. Is it proper for "a • man . to sandwich, himself between two women when wallivvitir-them on the street? • • • 5. Is it good form to leave softie food on the plate when finishing a inertIR • 6. Are postscripts to letters in • ANSERS - Nee h- hotter to- ask— guesi and have to be corrected. The proper thing to say would be: "I'm very sorry, but I did not ,hear your name correctly,". or • "DidMr. •Johnson call you Miss •Ferris? Pm sorry, but 1 did •not hear very Well." • • 2 She may make her calls by --proxyii• In other Words She may send a daughter or close friend in her place. This, of course, is • not expected of her, but it is a 'nice gesture on her part. • 3. No; the fork should be used. 4. No. The Man always takes the curb -side of the pavement, 'whether he is walking With one woman or' with several. ' 5. No, it is not at all necessary.• . 6. No. These should be avoid; ed as much as possible, as they , are merely afterthoughts and in-. • dicate a slipshod manner in the composition ,of your letters. One should take • pains to include ev- erything 'he wishes to say in the • bcdy of the Iettd: " • • • Q. How can I prevent water • that has been spilled on hardwood floors from spotting?: , ehith dipped • • in 4terpentine, Using a • regular motion. Then dry with another • clean Cloth. - - How can I prevent a rug from slipping? • A. A remedy, suggested for a slipping rug is to take three pre- • serving jar-rabbers,, sew them to- •gether, and attach to the under- side cornerof the rug. Of course this must be done to each Corner: 41, Q. How ean I bleach clothes When 'laundering them? • . Add a t:easpetin -of-turpen. tine til the water when washing .7 , hitte The class was' studying magne- tism. "Robert," asked • the 4master, "how many natural magnets are there?'! "Two, sir," was the :surprising answer: "And. will you .please. name thenar • . . "Blondes and brunettes." Grass collected from the ro d - 'side . provided a Kent, Engl:d, butcher with five 'tons of win er food for his stock. •'iikWAY GO CORNS Iteele--velj by Cress Corn Salve ."sAnsFAcTioN OR MONEY Back 'the first application of Cress 6irrt Saltie quickly removes ..ererass Shortly, you rerreve painful cnu, 1 t101sni.p,,:iir ,41.11rtori.:411ee ntoai I.,s .NoGc.tut(t2:8, Corn Salve .'tut), clit.ig iounter, u'ildsly. and. eilioy guaranteed relief, this time. • Nazi Subs Carry. Two Bomber Planes ' Rudolph Hasbrook, st. member ' Of. the London auxiliary fire force, says the 'Ge,rmans now have sub- • • marines equipped with two bomb- ing 'planes each • which .would • make possible air ..raids as far Wand as Chicago. • Addressing, • civilian defence leaders . in phi - cage, Hasbrook said the Nazis could bringthe subs to 'the sur- face' at night, assemble their bombers, fly': out to Bomb their Objectives and ,return totheir subrnarine bases. The, betraters. are stored in the submarine's hold he said:. • Eyelet Brass Enough brass to make cartridge cases for a million artillery shells a year, states Science Service, will he saved by using substitutes for Masi, in shoe eyelets, Mount McKinley, National ,Park in •Alaska, embraces 3,300 square mile . • DISLIKE ,WASHING DIRTY - • HANDKERCHIEFS? • 150 SINGLE TISSUES 10c •"'"""41 . TRIAL OFE FR NOW. 'geniis and •ail! ()rdet f 5 Clouston Ave., Toronto, ont„f. • Giiisoxet Tissues, • Enclosed find 10r for •generous 1 trial offcr of. 150 tissues in dill- • penser box. Name • • .• ...• • ........ •• • • • • • • Address . Here's freedom fiiim your moat unpleasant taSk: . 'Instead of washi e dirty h•andkerchlefs,' • .00.'11112/669414.440.e.'.'...,,.. ,41W tA • • What Science is Doing RANDOM ITEMS Random items from the annual meeting of the American Associa- tion for the Advancement Of Sci- ence: Fish in the rivers a the Great Plains country taste through their fins—all except•the tail fin.. Their best -tasting taste buds are scat- tered around on the others, Dr. • George A. Moore of Oklahoma A:. and M. College has found• . You weigh less standing on, a chair than chl 'tle floor --and Dr. Dayton H. dlewell ofsDallai can tell you just how niuch. It's be- cause the body is' that !trek farther' from tile centTe of earth. Dr. Clewell's gadget is a''• grayimeter, used in Petroleum prospecting • The anectrescopic eye can, de- • te(t invisible gases rising in min- ute, telltale quantities over areas where there may be oil dePosits. Some 'oil companies are using the spectroscope now. ' • • If you want to keep your own teeth for along; long time—move tai)gaf sSmith County, Texite:' • The average there is about one decayed, missing or filed tooth per child,. compared to fi, 10 or even more, elsewhere: • Lots. ;of sunshine,' foods high in phosphorus content, calcium in the soil,. just the right amount of fluroine in the 'water. ......._,Q449LOig Dr. Edward Taylor, directoi%of the dental division of the state department of health:,, ' "The pepple themselves — typi- • caLwestern. Americans -- live a • free, open We, comparatively, e?t- •'empt from nervous tension, grow- • ing and consuming a great vari- • ety, of foods' for their tables.". Railroads Seen As GreatWar Machines Pi trY • the • bleadning.:preceistz • ' • : Q.' How can I' prevent tarnish• on silverware? •- • . • • • • • A. A few •pieces of • iianaphor dropped . into • the •, eilVerware• drawer will prevent the silverware from tarnishing. ., • • ' • Q. How can I clean old coins? A. Apply powdered whiting with a damp 'cloth. 'If. the, coin isplaced in a: raw • White potato and allowed to remain for about twelve hours, the Original lustre • will be restored. • teacher: "Robert, give me a sentence which iracluder the ' word 'fascinate.' Robert (af- ' ter deep thought): "My fa- • titer has a waistcoat with 10 buttons on, but he can only • fasten eight.", Send More Eggs •• To Great Britain • •• The 1942 Catalogue, issued by the Tweddle Chick, Hatcheries, Ltd.,,Fergus, Qntario,' should help to Speed up -production.. It is a • beautifully ' illustrated booklet showing photographs, of all the • ' famous Tweddle breeds and hy- brid' crosses: Send for this eataidgue. now. It is free' for the asking. ,••• • RECTAL SORENESS AND • PILE 'TORT -URE • QUICKLY RELIEVED you are troubled v.ii.htuning pile. ur rectal surene.s. du not delay treatment and run the rislt. of letting this cutalitiun betume chronic. Any i•tehing ur sureness ur Painful pass- • age of stool is nature's warning and proper treatment shoUldbe secured at once. • . row tiffs purpose get a. package Of Mern-Roid rrom any druggist and. use . as directed.. This formula which Is used internally Is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly rellev.e the itching and soreness and aid in healing the sore tender, spote. Hem -fluid is pleasant to , use, is highly recommended •and it seems' the height dr roily for any one ,to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such 'a fine remedy • may be had at sUch a small cost. • lt• yuu ti Herritltual and are riot entirely pleased . with the results, your druggist Will gladly return your money. • . • Relieves MONTHLY 1)7Ortler1 who suffer Pain of irregutat periods With 'cranks/ nereoustitn-- date to monthly ftnictronal dIsturb- ances-shoulti ..nrus LS/dItt E. ,Pink, ham's Vegetable Cornpotind Tablets (with added iron, ver, ell eett've to relieve mien dlstre: s Plultharn'sTab- lets made especiaii y for Women help build tip reslittance against math .aknoying Symptet•ris. Follow label directions, Made inn Canada. reatiat.tt • IT DOES TASTE GOOD IN A PlilE I GROWN IN SUNNY chine On the continent and the • originating end of. the ,vital lines • of ...communication -which. reed' . around the.•world tn. -both.,:direc-. tions from' 'North America. .• • .Major '.Bond said, that the or,. 'ganization• , served "as reservoir ' from whith, to draW.-qiialifi.ed per, • •Sonnel _for. advisory technical .- ..cpmmitteee to perform some spe- cial sereice, on : shorttnotiee.". He • stated that recently" ene,c9mmit, tee had been formed to consider: .,a.tiereporary reVISion apecifica- • tions for track material,* at the. instance- of the War :Production • •I3'oard..Another,committee en- •' gaged on an,,,emergeneY study of ' mays' and means to. redtice. rubber - consumption. A third Was asked •to arrive at a prompt conclusion • as to the effect upon the restrie-,,,... fiat's of soda ash in the treatment 'of water for. use in locomotive boilers, . as all • these materials,, steel,• rubber' and soda ash, inust .consetved7Tor ar purposes. • "These are. a •fesli illustrations • of ' , What.' must be expected in c9n scantly increasing Metteure," ,Major Hoed.. concladed.... • 1 .',h.ncloipiers., Tihheoueaglig..lei•thadsoebsomi'ne6Sttim;t-i, .. . • and attain their . Maximum •speed edias eikooping at the rate (4 1,20 ....held' emongnomilig Rigeone,. it has ,b;ueTinerkketliymi.wer4d.inati•-alg60 'and 180 miles an • been.. prOVed. that; their best speed • stialghtaway at that speed. • is notanore•than unite a ininpte. Pigeohacen 'rise itInaiSt. vertically • As a. result of' the•airany / races . blvd has real pick- . . • ...up, nigh Speed cameras h.ave.shown that it flies from -a standiag start' at 45 miles an hour, • which means . thatits wings 'vibrate at the 'rate of 55-75t beats "ii; second. • - . Perhaps the lastest fliers of all • the birds are, 28 their earns Sug-•• gests, , the swifts. • So Streathlined • are 'the'se, birds that. ev.eit their nostrils point backward. An Asiatic • species has, been estimated.; to fly .3 at the rate of. posiblY 220 miles an •. hth°eBuilir.e'd`,bs'r.east muse es ar 0"irtniia . .. are built for speed and more powerful. • relatively, that!. those of a man. That • Canada was marked by • destiny to become the connecting • link between the two -great Anglo-, 'Saxon democracies, the United States and • the British ,CcMarrion7 wealth of Nations, was •the key- note of An address delivered by Major F. L.• C. Bona, D.S.O., president of' American way Engineering Association, at the 43rd annual meeting of the isSociat-idn, which-opned.-in. Ghia -cago last week. •.• , • ar_bifr add-resa to -the, directom- Major Brd;_.who;TF•vice.president-, - • and general manager. Central RegiOn, Canadian National Rail; ways, pointed out that the rail- roads are the greatest war ma - Birds On Wing Built For Speed • Ground for "Tail Tales".Says Alice Boyd In Our Dumb Animals ' - Hunters 'telt "tall tales' •ltboat - the speed of the duck that got away,and there is ground for "-th4ir--5tOrte5=-Orrorastarks and— teal are known to fly at 50,,,,to ,55 miles an hour. A pheasant's' best speed has boen ascertained to Ibe• • 40•miles an hour, :while a Partridge • , travels about 25 miles an hmir. • Birds pt erey, such as eagles and hawks, have great flying spee , but not for sustained flights over longr-cititalicaemeirasts.,_; sweep down upon their victims. • witb,sudilen bursts of speed, which • in the case of the duck hawk, one of ,the world's • fastest birds, hae„. 41..a•g;' • 7,altatirk* • 'N 7—Peorihecy--Accgrate •. - • „ • The, Daily Sketch of London re- calls that Germany's Hindenburg once said Russia as so vest she would wallow the largest army. • , . Parachute e unless they • are 'packed :in refrigerated stor- •' •. kieCi .• • CLASSIFIEp • • ASV 'CRICKS • P011 SALE SIX BREEDS, CHICKS, CAPONS.: growing. Pullets. Descriptive ca-• talogtle, Monkton Poultry .Farm, Moak ton. Ontario. •. BABY CHICKS' -3 TO 11, CENTS, 25 free chicks, our choice with every 100, pullets or 100 Mixed chicks ordered In March, Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Pritarinia Heights, Ontarib" • , • .•, BRACHICICS • THERE'S SELDOM BEEN BETTER markets for poultrykeepers than right now, and for some .time to come. Take adVantage of them. Wide range breeds land hybrids ' such as Bray 1.R, Leghorn, N.H. x Bit., N.H. x LS.. Cockerels, Capons, Started •chicks. 130 John N., Ham , Mon, Orrt • " • CORRIES1ONDENCF1 CLUB. ARE YOU. LONESOME? JOIN OUR Correspondence Club. Civilians or boys in ' American and -Canadian forces. Send 25*•dentd for names. ;• Box 394, Station If, Montreal. ' BAKERY EQUIPM'ENT I3AKERS' OVENS. , AND MACHIN- . " ery; also rebuilt equipment • al. Ways on hand. Term d arranged.. Correspondence invIted.• Hubbatd • Portable Oven Co.. 163 Bathurst St.. •Toronto. • , BUSINESS 011'150IITENI ES $20.00 TO $60.00 WEEKLY COM - missions will be earned IfY some Wideawake salesman Introducing brand new . Government required • Recutd • to every small business • man in your county., WtIte quickly • for particulars. Five dollar de- ' posit 'brings saleable $7.50 unit, .with sample itit.,and secures ex- • elusive conntyl ' sales rights on quota bnsii. APEX, 314 -Brook Tildg., Toronto. • • BOOKS ;A,ND MAGAZINES , Booxs,.mAwk.ziNvs, PROM 5c LIP.• One . df the • largest assortments in Caneda. Technical, Trades, MIlltary, Aviation, Detective, Love, Romance, Budiness, Unusual, Mag- ic Prdfessions, Medical, Marriage, etc.' Rush for free illustrated catillogue, Canadian Boot( 84 Victoria Street. Teronto. .ONE DAISY 'CIII.JRN, ONE 'KNIT, ted Bed Spread, 2 small Incubat- • • ors, • 50 eggs each; one knitting macifine. Also embroidery work done, made to , orde•r. ' Mrs. M. Seifert, R.R. 1, Fordwich, Ontario. FOR SALE 6 It.P. FAIRBANKS - Morse Engine, also rebuilt 10-121) •• McCormick -Deering Tractor. New •'guarantee. .I, H. McCaw, 'I. H. C. • 'Treater. Barrie. • • • - vAnjecus You (AN MAKE CONSIDERABLE handling' one of the finest'llnes of DisectIcides.• Electric Fence Con- " trotters, Paints: Fire Extinguish- • •• era. etc. Write WARFO GREASE & ()IL LIMITED TortoNto. CARS --. USED AND NEW MOUNT PLEASANT '5,40TolIS Ltd., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plyin- • OUth drialera; three locations. 632 Mt. Plensa•nt Road 2040 Norige . St. and 1050 Danforth Avenue, Our Used' Cars make Us many • flenclit Write for otit Free Book- let on pedigreed •re.newed Rad an- . alyzdel (Ised ears. ,• rrI.M'e Dult,1II.0q.•ED 25e r 1:(11,1,ti • 1)1•24111,01'10.1) AND Ilf11,1,0, 1$ ,. nii&rit•ft- Irm e. I ecision VVIryttr, ^ . • • • BLACK TWO-YEAR-OLD PERCH- • eron stallion. Calyps tact, high quality horse. D. R. McLean, Port Stanley, Ontario. " E1),ILARGEMENTS •• 2 FREIE ENLAIIGEIVIENTS WITH each roll of films developed' or • ten • reprints all for .25 and ,05 ,tnall in stamps, Photographic La, ••boratories P.O. Box 545, :Sher- brooke, Que. HOU§il•;OR SALE BEAUTIFUL. 3 BEDROOM BRICK, (clear). • Sell: or exchange, small improved acreage, Essex. Kent county. 1620, Arthur, Windsor, pn- rio. • "•• 111AilliD1tESSING-5cii0OL LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE ROB- ••ertsron Method. lnformation oil 're- ..qUest regarding classes, Robert- son's Ralidiessing. Acudemy, 137 • Avenue Road, Toronto: HONEY WANTEI) Pont (Alio< RE,TURNS AND BEST • , prices commtinicate with Jodepll Rozon, 411 Confederation Bldg., 2 Montreal. cot...tell:it re LN ENlitilits AN OFFER HO EVER) IN vb.:NIGH List of inventions and ruii Baur- . Inatieri sent Dee, l'he itamNity Cc , 'Registered, Patent A Hotta:4 a. 273 -Batik Street, t ottaw;•„,c,,hada. • MtilfltAL • DON'T WAIT -' EVERY SPFFER- er of Itheumatie Paine or Neur- Itis should try Dixon's lierdedy. • .Munro's Drug Store, 835 'Elgin, Ottawa. i•A'rt.:N•rs . , FILTH ER:STU:YHA UCH & COM PA N Y., Patent Solicitors. Establieneo 1890; 14 King'Iyest, •Toronto. ,' Booklet. of Information on re quest. • 11110 ENLAIIGFIMENTS SEND •;YOUlt • FILMS Olt TEN reprints and you will receive not. ' only one or two free enlargements hut •all your photos will • he en- larged double size for only .40 (plus .05 mall) stamps arcepted. PostaL.Photo„ p,o, Box 522, Sier- t brooltci• Que. Pf: A J. N 1.17NOSA 1, LAW ortels'll., Ito! l'hudite Thothaf,, •Ortta I 11 • r41•0,1111 merit tor rain), ,•• i:11.10.74 r ISSVE 13—'42' STAMPS MALAYA,' PHILIPPINES, " HONG • Kong. other warring ,cersuitriets in the Pacific, „British Colonies; etc., • , • In packet of 52 different," 10c. with approvals, Worldwide, 219X Nas- sau Oshawa, Ont. • • . • 'NURSERY STUCK • BULBS, PLANTS, SHRUBS AND.• , •Evergreen's. 'Numerous varieties and clots; sensational new Intro- • ductio s. Write for descriptive - catalogue: Jttnes Seed Company. • Lindsay, Ontario. • RHEUMATIC PAINS. • HIGHLY 'RECOMMENDED - ery sufferer of itheurriatic Pains orNeuritis should , try Dixon's . • , Reined:y.. Munro's .Drug Store,. 335 • Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid) $1.00. ' • •.itAW !Cies viANTED MINK, L'OX, SIUSKRAT, WEASEL.. ' Rabbit, skunk. Ship Uoods •Par - eel Post. • •Highest Prices Paid! . Payment by return mail. Refer- ent -e: Canadian Bunk Commerce. 'Phillips Square. Abe Gerirtger,.. 368 St. Paul , West, , Montreal. • • • • TWEIVII1.110 cHfliS. L(X)KS NOW AS THOLIGHl everyone 'who ever liaterd of the name of -Tweddle" has written for . rhy 1942 catalogue. But we tiny( lots more of them 'and they are free for the asking Right now we are hatching iwtvVren. Hoyt:ray-Ilya to. eighty. thousand chicks per week. We have a hatch every, day but Saturday. Nye Iowa purehreeds, hybrid crosses and feu r breeds of 1 drier ys. It Will pay you toreceive till!' free • catalogue, Tweddle chiek Hatch- eries ilimIltI 1,iu Ontario. • ' S 1.•141t s A LE T NV1 1137 1N DIA N NV 141 T1,2, TWO • , ton' Truk, carry 5 14m, , • wh1s, t1I good len-nty tires, '• ' T.welve foot stoke • budlo.4 i011t • T1 complr•telyovvrtiaoled• r. fur _the road.. S' ix .hundred • toms or• mato plfur. (11I•2lr,,s‘• 7,251, • 1197 tiloor, • 'I't • S'r AMPS 1161 (AIT ASI) 51911.0 STAM1., •COM.F.ICTIN(i IS WAR - time rritotaflott. 50 dirrerrni foundlatul .100 (Th n:r de only 1,5e„ 300 finely mi x ed Newfoundland. and Canada, only 25'. loftise price- • 1 istii of n Ste in las • and • Worldwide pailkets. ()1d artorniu- • • tat Kris purehased. 1 ork stamps Company, Toronto 5. VIN(CTADLOS., w t TI.:1) cAltito,r;-i, BEETS, ON loNS, TUlt- nips nnd 1 tor -sr -large or srnalt fiiimitit prices, paid. • Ship to or Write. Mutual' Growers Merlst•I , Limited, h'ederal [hinters !Avails( No. 11193 end • W.p.T.13.. 1.11"(q)Pft 35128, 41 rhureh Street, Toronto. • FOR QUALITY k SERVICE ANn 44All5rACTIoN • • TR% I,AT r.,11,wore tor, developed and torini-d, ver6 reorint;=.'211e. retinidt,1 if no, atisflad "41‘It'1.111141, PHOTO . srlevitio 5111 inn J. 'renter. • • • • - .1•.litt'''.0kPmEttrmartras.,Atatattotw. • ••