The Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-03-05, Page 3,W.... m ,:;.7;;: -^ ,, i. :r•�',. a,-. �,.., i.INK., •.. Y. .,.i -mr a•:�X�Na•�:d+asoxlyar:»t-"6K +. `.a:. JH,* . +;t +n, ,?: rveA Nst9:r?"'? ni, ,,.a.,r+,n�i +TIR, 'C'w^%6 _: .,., :- " .«.:r. •,•. ,;:.�,.. .:Ir ,,., ".. '....> .. sass, rR,' w:. 4 i,,:o,y7w:hrnyg,.'t1,pw •a"m'e�rn za°".#. 'rn e¢r+droa' '+fi ,[, e o _ . ':..... !- t. ., .,Jn y , °. ,yule.+, - . , f . � Rnx ��..4Ju4. , ,. , , c°,4 t-.' .. .... . .....4. n.mm.m,:,',...,« h„Y.".. h'+.„•^,y ., r .n. rk..,, ... .,,qy- wr �- r: ..... l'r ��. ., d .."'I"? . aa„ t ° d• .. ... ..o .. ,- s ... :.+:• ,. .. n .....,,... .,,., „„.., . -:-. �. a . tn.+.re!.a. n* ,.na a a .nweC t:,, ;! } ;`9"f. 2`" tN - ...,. ;L' - .+-: y„ , <ur-.Frr+?,'MY .. �.M.-7 ,w.'it"J:d�.. .».x ,'_.,.,., ,: ,l°''• J' '��. ti±elM7illEM•+"i. r _ '4'rY+.t�'..:A'S�*,:... , v,... ,+r+:.." .1..,,�, �.v. .W , � A" . as - ` . - • . p . / , • „ . . - L) 4 d.�. -,-- ... ._..... ........ ..... ....... ..... -.. • . ' . •pl'eaaant.",That they had waltched Curc.illl Warns �. V I wA - wEc Commentary, on ,Current 'Ev.ents T*► . • over the arrival of their ships iy! �%iN N, . ._ . B ' I.tll�. E: H. Bart!®i R.0 R.C.N.V.R. C,araatan clysters, hod cleared the �-y O F 7. ti E y , . Against D9 .8 Oil r - _ . wa for them t#fou h'the intric I . . " r '• stational Unit Strep thened . -, y g . .-� .7 �r Cies of unloadit}g and loading, Re- �. . Behind closed doors a question strategy, making sure that all was , Refers to clangers of tilcken _ -� ,: " Chan' ,� In British . Cabinet of naval warfare was under din- in "order before. their fleet put fuelling and taking 'supplies . A Ing In. Times of . Adversity SIX- WORDS • . 6 1 board, arranged for minor repairs + cussion. out to sea: « An unnamed young soldier out, A . wave of• criticism has been weleome this solution. But it "Ifr any enemy, submarine is Sitting ' with them were. un -i- and been on hand to , straighten . In a editorial Headed, Mr. in Hawaii has a 'message for you, sighted 'away the difficulties and delays Churchi 1's Warning", The New, , slowly gathering force against would , be ridiculous to identify' ghted, the sighting ship must formed officers of the fighting l g , He didn't know he had a mss. prime Minister Churchill's. goy- Hitler's clique, with t_ he German open fire immediately;" a quietly- service, captains of Canadian ea-• which beset a ship in poi. And, York Times declared -Prime Min sage. spoken 'officer was saying. in all this, Faso .done their .job ernment as the British lost hold people and the. German state, P y g• eott - ships which were , to throw a inter Churchill's speech of Sun- But he had. A correspondentHistory` If you aro not sure whether their shield around the ' merchant under the cloak of 'secrecy with An Singapore, as the Imperials fell teaches that Hitlers come day to have been worth making touring th'e new defences of, Y g a •peo Ie he's ,an'enemy, apes fire,any.way;' heel. Tlie too, studied. their which they cover' ship movementR Hawaii found him xn' a see ueled bads in Lib' a, as the German and o bathe German 17 "if lie had. done nothing else than ships of "war escaped through the • and the GeriS .an st9te remain .P ;d he c�onti:nued. Then, grimly, "we orders in intent silence, complet- ` as one of the most important fac- • warn his hearers not only against'. dugout, where he was sl'eepiAg.,on n tors for safety. . g Strait of Dover. The nation was The task of the Red Army consists inti st .n,ot waste opportunities, ing their plans so that the protee- . . the futility but the actual .don- the' hard ground. Asked if that d manding explanation, insisting '.:of liberating from .t e . Bierman There. ,..were appreciative ,nods, tion the could give would be of, The confereyice bioke up, and gers of bickering, recriminations , wasn't 'pretty tough, the- young . ,i'n cliaJ es in the .cabinet' in order invade`M'.� our .Soviet'lan4,, in liber. , from his. Audience,,.. They• were the greatest. there was a general,' mingling of and division in a time o£ a1.d- soldier grinned, spat, and `d1.eliv- to strengthen Britain's war effort" ating from tete whip of the' :Ger- Captains.,, all., masters of, .ships' The conference drew •t'o. a°close, all, those who had taken part. A versity'.'. ered his.rhessage: "Was; Not now. ' 'Public o inifbn in Great Britain man invader$ the citizens of otu bound .for the war areas..` Not The -commodore had nen his last senior naval officer (four rings "This does not'n�ean," the .1 . Used L , it," " is a' mighty -force, and Mr. Church., villages'aiid towns. , captains 'of ships' built for war, verbal orders, his next would be of gold on his sleeve told of 'his toxial continued,. that justified The. .sooner me get into that ill .is, a strop-mfndg'd man. Such, but men whose 'peacetime cargo b si nal from the brio a of the I captain's rank. ,and rows of col- , •• 4xiticisni. at home of a nation frame .,of `tlmind' about liovr tough g Responsibility For.., Defeats Y g g , however,, is the potency of British . It is important to understand ' carriers have been armed with merchant Ship 'i'n which he would oared ribbons .on his' coat told of . leaders .must- be `r•eressed. ' Each - it is to 'undergo- the thousand p ups against. botrli. submarines and . ' the ,service he had already.,given ' democracy 'that he bowed tot the g lead the .fleet. There remained„ nation iuusf hold' its; opvn leaders ' ' little inconveniences that go with l tjrat resonsi)�ility for ,the unsat- : aircraft, so' that ,they will' have : demands o£ an aroused peop a by. . only his 'good wishes. his country), was : host, '•.for. the I.,'_ • to strict accountability;' though- wa'r, as well as the real sacrifices, : ,makin • than es •essential to,.the . isfactory conduct of the war does , sotrie ".means of .defence,. and 'so „ coiiference•.had been; held in the >. g g A good and, safe passage is criticism must be carefully weigh the 'better°.'. Zthe end of the''iyar " strengthening- of 'his government. riot fall on any .one span, but on that "opportunities. will not .be ou all he said ".and, the best.. ' ward room -of- his, base. For'that ' r .. ed. 'before it i uttered. As for will be in sight'.wlien 11;OQ0,000 The hake-uwas artitorou h one . a; system that made early defeats wasted':" ofo- rood luck. T"ho 'e we meet inatte'r, 'he. had 'be.en host to the • criticisms• of, allied nation by , "geople are'saying about How tough p o inevitaiile, ' The ' were'`,sittin , in. what tltie g I "t, " : `captains„ for' the' titins, they had J'' - anti the present siriall gto'up, oi, Y g safely, on the otlie°r side. . . another,, jpstified.,or .not, the less it is to make, their ol" sac&ices: d i f t ' able '''Before. 'this WaF.)-,r;the .Britis`h __tvar..has made familiar as a . con- .bieen,-in .'port, throwiittg ,the ward : �,, „. a cabinet members 'will t o u b T)le wshe's were echoed' by the " -briers is, of ,this in public the bet- Was.' Not now. Used to it. Eti;rpixe. was a loose association of vo, conference "-' getting theiir room open to them as a• club ' - ter ' it will..' a for all concerned... • - • . . -Cal ary ..Albertan to devote all their energies to the Y g' g . 'Naval C.ontro' i Service Officer acro p g conductm nations and, bol'onies, relying on final. instructions before' their wFhere .the could relax, in their ` . . . g of the war. Y, ' 'It would: do 'little '>'ood and much -o- . , the mother, country for protec-. by the Naval Officer in charge of b fleet sailed from a'.Canadian ,port, short 'Fouts off duty. Bixsiness,. a"" •, ®UGH„ Closer Ties Witb Russia tion: ,None maintained an ode _ . the 'pari where the fleet had .as- , a m for. En. lrshmen . Canadtana IF AMIE CARE ESV . _ . .-ion. . ..__n ._ -.._ _ __. __. ___. _ ... t _ moment, "sec T' h . r _ s a s s.._ ..g .....__ .: ' _. _. .outward bound with food. anal up_ +. „y b.. tots the ru as ;_oyer; he . +or Australians to criticize for' Miss Byrne Hope Saunders, - . Sir Stafford "Cripps;• fdriiiex ' quate' fighting fprce, not e've'n 1Vot effusit e t tshes, Y n who had met, on equal foot- "semtiled not being more alert at Pearl Har-1speaking to ,women of Western Ambassador 'to Russia •was a plies and vital ne'cessities•. for rite P Bricom hersehi,. ' Brrtatn' did„ how.. any means, just, quiet but ex- . tor, for not having had' enough Ontario on 'the rice ceilin 7avir, those 'other parts .of an Empire 1 , ing, -as conferees at a board' of ointed leader of the House of ever, have .a powerful'.nav which. tremely, sincere safe and pleas- g p g P Y at war. _ strategy now were meeting as mu-, �,,,,,-.• airplanes, at The , Philippines'- • to' ' gave ' all of Canada .a . motto for Commons. His entry. into ' the was considered sufficien�t� to pro- • It, was a .. fo.rtnal conference, ant voyage. tually appreciative . friends, ... hold them 'securely or, .for delay l this war. W men, she said; . can' cabinet appeared to .be. A response ' tett her, • posses'sous and eom,.• There' is. no• room fo'r demon- with' fornralit natural .to poen in sending help to the Far East. be. unbeatable, `.`'If wE care to growing demands that his views recce 'in all pa?'ts of the' world.' hearing r responsibility,."''There was strativeness •iii a convoy confer- ' There was good reason for their It does . just as little ood and enough." on closer. relation with' Russia be Reliance 'was also laced in the 6 ,este, and the -men who .take their easy, .fi iendship 'fon the bond be= j g g P nothing of. the atmosphere of. just as' much harm for Americana What better rallying cry could given more authority. Sir Staf- • French fleet, particularly for con- class -room or • lecture -hall though, Partin it are' not looking for kind tween riser, these captains in'. - to criticize the inadequate de- be' coined for this country at war? ,ford knows .'Russia,' her sores th g ' words. More satisfying. tq ,these, lounge suits and. their brothers in . g trop ,of the Mediterranean. ,.'Bri- for this was a conference of equals fence of Singapore or the British Iii it lies the whole spirit that we and her trends. Isn't Russ e . taro depended on the French recognizing. that. each had his own merchant ship captains was t}te uniform, .has ,been�n forged strongly fai•Iure to sink the German' war- must. have' to win: Canada has only nation that has conducted a armies -they failed. She de- g g knowledge that ,the ,naval au0t during the mon'tlls they have been .' everything for .victory,, either iii brilliant watt .aganisf Hitler, rano pen'd.ed on. Arnericata 'naval.'super• duty .to perfortri, and .that each ' . orities_had',bent. their every effort fighting'- and winning 1 the w r--. _ ___...�___._ _•.._sh- in the Ctrarifich __ w ... _ .�.y _ _ - _ was-1-deReudent_azpo;n.,:.the_.-other -...._ ~ _ _,_ . "Such, recriminations, even' on war�or'Peace.�o hmg on earth rite o'n y`'Yiation that iiacs c`ar1. ' xorlfv`in-tire-`'Pactfic"�t a ;(meed : On the one hand were hi hly o -making sir voyage°`safe aYrd.,. battle o lois a?ttii tageiher:~ -- �~- the part of private persons, ac- can '.beat 'us, "If we care .enough." out a grand strategy'? General g . Task of British ; train'ed, keenly specialized Cana- , _ co no possible good ,but' I • Th.us far, . there have .'been too MacArthur, in a greeting to ,the ,I ve,r r man evidences' brat' wa rlo'. riot Red ABY, said>' "Ln mg..'_lifstitne. The task of total 'war was too' dian naval officers, with, all 'the only Fel to brie about the Y ex , xtexice' ani?-kiiowledae of the : W *� Y P. g �'. _ diversions that the Axis is trying care' enou�Fh,' do not care' enotigh I have participated, in a number .gr for British preparedness.. P� a �°� ,� �d 11 � "c A. I • so Haid. to create: Each of the. to serve,; do not. care enough to of,wa'rs and have.withessed others, Britain was -called upon,to protect Fray .behind them 'And all the ;off "'� �, I knowledge, too, ' of the, hazards I �I � o�� work,,. -do not care ' eno.ugh. to 'sac:. ' as' -well as studying in great detail • her -Island' home, to safeguard the United' Nations will have 'enough , into •which the -eonfex •es were 'go- ® 0 9 , l to do to recti£' its` own ,short- rifice; .do not care enough to give. the campaigns of outstanding . Mediterranean shores of Africa, 1 y „ g �„ P to build •u an arm Ili, the'Middl'e' ing, and which' they 'iv' re to share:' el `- - comings and to, make its own' co .If• we' bare enou h , we can. leaders .of the ,ant. Tn„none have p Y On the -other hand were , the ' ,� 1''7 111 , .. .ppeiati.on most, effective.. Ther go forward witkrout 'one worry for I observed such effective re= " East, 'to, aim her forces 'in the1 - c'aptiains .of the 'merchant ships.: ' 31�'y j�1C sistance. 'to th'e• heavieO. blows- of Far East,' to' fur•.nish, war mater- y could be .no more useful ra e . the future. If' we., do not, . fhe , -- • ....... - � ;_.._..-_�__.?r_.?' --- --..... _. _ .. - :,' n Each, in his own ship ..supreme.• 1.11.1 . for each •of' us t k- ; as' a aid=• si ruggle lost' rtglrt rro�vi -: - t'tkrerto undEfeated e'net7ty fol- cols 'w Itusot a d -China ; ____ _ . _. _ �� `��f�,t� ' 1.. ,4 p g Each, after . ,coins ' of ...c.orrimand, ' ing rule,. -in. shott, than that of -Windsor -Star ,lowed ,by a smashing counter-af-: t 'was not so much a.:,mattet:,. . . 1._o- tack. The scale and grandeur of of I'faulty, sirat'egy . on Britain's grown' used to- independent' action A Weepy. Column About This and That''in The'Canadian Army ,, a °Chinese Christian, recentl'.y .cit- and to making his own decisions.' - r OUR DEBT TO,' RUSSIA t�ls effort mark's• .it as' the •great-• Part but a case of sheer physical ed ` in another connection by the . A.nd each,' at the" dictates of war,1.) President: `Lord, reform Thy Oar debt , to the Soviet . is • a "est ' 'military r achievement tri'; all incapacity .that caused initial re: . „ history. verses. The Brftish Empire was aliandaning. his ,prized independ- Funny how on thing °leads to . Lieutenant, 'L,le-,ltenatit, Captain, " world,,' beginning ,with .me hundredfold .heavier than' is ;the . 4 q geed for war and no este ,for th.e'' ,extra strength and anothe+r isn't it? , Last', week's Major, ' Lieutenant-Colonel, Col- ,' Task' of Red Army not, C ui Soviet debt to us: For. all the need the• extra' 'safety which coons with .. _.. - _,_.<_. _ .:. _ _ . _____=_..__, __ r .:..,._ ' The courage and•• eh-dur-ant+e--of- - ggkeraituent; ;.wchetlie> headed --bas-- -.-- _._ '. _eal.iz ln_:ended_with-.a_refe errce to anel,�-_Brigad- e -r,_:.1 ajox General___. ,_ _ :.'. - to do is contemplate what would g the sending of ,ships to. sea in • Lieutenant -General - ' NEW B►0IVIBER. CHIEF .the Russians •must, be 'backQd up Chuich'ill or any other man. could- the pronunciation of the word, ,, General and have 'happened to us had Stalin closely guarded' convoys.. ,t t, ' with the ma hinei of war, and •h'ave 'hoped to achieve victories Lieutenant: Field Marshal. c Y q h They were veterans of the At- >.lwo comes ondents•and a lar o,. And don't ask me wh a Licata ip s 1 ,.r.,,„,,.+,.• .� off",y,� chosen to go along: with ,the Axis Britain ,and the United .States w t. the materials: on hand. . �• ": .`..:' _ +d 6�' : .. dFY S � -as so man writers redieted be P g y . v y Y P must su• 1 'all that is necessar . In the reconstruction of his laritic Battle• at she conference. volume of the. Oxford' Dictionary enant-General' is senior to. a Major- . ` . .:ti; F<a;;t. ,would do•'.ust a year a o:.. . • Pp Y Y ,., r, <i".>:' r • . • ':••,::;,;:s^r;s:<:a:: a g cab.ine't . Mr. liars i 1 ?'residing"was, a �onvot commo• su lied information on the ori in• General when a'Lieutenant is jun- , . m to enable the 'Russians to stis= C h 1 retained PP g 1.i'. We have our hands full as is, tain their offensive a ainst th'e., : the po.str-of Minister of. Defence ' dorei" 'th.e man wh'o -,vas to .direci of 'British mispionunciation' of an ' ior+ to' a Major! • • e' • with Hitler and J'a 'an -even when iy . • P invaders and to drive Them from < but, to free himself of routine the fleet• from t$e bridge of one Anglicized -French. word. .As. the.' W.heie does the Canadian Army' a million Russian .have been of 'the merchattt shi s Atready;• y ' duties a is '(could they be- get its ,officers.? . The answer is i`:>k r 'their land:...The• task oX the Red .� , pPointed M�' Clement R. P two correspoatden .,.:•.:..a:(..:...;';�:;':><'«,>:.; . r>,; . sac tficed to help hold our lines. , "' :«.tet.;.. W - Attlee to the.• new ositaon ' of this woos he has x crony crossings the siirn total of this . columns from_the i:an_ks. Z;very •candidate______ .. ;<:: ::::.,.:.....: ;.;.<;' clea�t5-sta�ed txts'rentze - : � ; ;<«::;:<:..,.:.,, d ,, <; '•. a Those ives een . sac i iced -To: -- :.:.....::.,.:.::... , - .:......:•:r..:: ,.,+n. , .« 'tl • . ... .16' T• i.._ i f'. t. R.' ,,. icOlAg '4gdAy.-eism _ :.::..j,.•.;., 3 = -- - - beh nel lirrri �_ atrc a :reptriat �n a reams -?.l -also--made soxtae etvtirely:.. ....,f9_ a :co t .•-P� �,. -__s pt .au :; _ .. r brew t us, we wou. c' no e..argu•- al eec�a- t, Sem ��ssr__ - � ----- `r. ,i: a:>•;:<.<• a.; Tlie chane made getting the 'ships. through, irrelevant' comments. upon 'the. . a few cases "where'• civilian tech- . 200,000,00'' �.eo le in' the twenty- ; t;'., y Mr"• � P :F' :�.. ing about the petty things whichI P « ,, .ti »:F 'Ch.urchill; should "Getting them through fie writer's. mentality -we-11 ass them nical qualifications are the decid : s<:> : • concern 'sin Can�ad rod .fourth anniversary of the' found-, d meet with, the g b, , y P I 1. :.}� tl a today. > a cion- n the appointment, is 4 in a a' f 'Russia., widest.a roval; There is a feel- , said bluntl was .'the. on_y thin' •by and concentrate on the. di t ing factor i pp , °�� � •^" g of the Red Arn y oPP b , 1. �. ''''�' � -Vancouver .News -Herald ' t `'» He' said' ``staf�;'ments appear frorti :. ing 'of great :relief that the Prime which mattered to 'him, ary s explanation; da essing in , klia-ki 'serge , atm- the' - - -- . .... :,, s,. -o-' 'time to time in the foreign press Minister has by his •prompt ac- "I don't intend to' leave . any- a parentl both .pionunciatio.n`s time his ilarne is considered. 11 ' FF TOO MUCH ROPE, :. Eskimo sends word from the to the effect' that the Red Aiiny. tion 'eased the: growing tension in bo$y behind, we all will get across. ' are ori ect: The dictinriary points + ' He il':ay reach commissioned t ° �'' i aim's at the destruction bf the Parliament. Renewed confidence together," he• declared "We ' out that the derivation is from the ' rank in one of tivo ,ways. ` I al- ;,,� northern ,t p of 'Alaska that he >;. 4 ic- will .now be' felt i t e dori"t want''an stra leis and we ns" whicl be- > 'most said, one ,-i the 'hard, way. , ;. " F` cotniirg'' into Notre i'n the spiing German .people. This is a w r1 h cabinet. y g , , Latin. locum tens i x 3''i:.s.:;' fo v r w' ked, foolish libel. It' is probable and the national unity' will be dont va•nt anybody - losing the, • came 'in French, "lieu" --in place As a inattelr of fact �bo'th; ways x r a di o, ce. We al ays thought m cont of at night., . <:: h u that this war will bring about the 'strengthlened 'foi• whatever . lies g t' If you are bav of, `•tenant" -•to hold. In 'the ate .hard from the'point of view . _ the c ante of x,h stand to stay `�"3 end;. of Hitler's clique. We -,-,ottld ahead: ink any'trouble: let me' know. and 14th and Path centuries T:nglish: of•the outsider but quite. possible �:.,,•;°:.>« �:. out all of'a a six-modt'h night was . . ,�a'• ,s -we'll do something about,it.'� scri�•ener:s. wrote the word vagi- o£ attainment by':the soldier.wha• . too much of an opp'orturiity'to last „ I�'',X;. i'• ::: Calmly acrd' c.onfideritly he out- . ously as'. "lieu" and lie-, -ten- has' the necessary quality of lead .# Zt:, :.; very long: t;: ,. lined his tans. Each captain had spelling 1 er ership, edueati`onal qualifications, .ua,9`. ' AT 8 Fred' N,ehelr.• P P acct unci the, latter spe r at ><•:.>::r -Windsor star LI''F� S LIKE TI -i .1: �.� s. . a Ilix a co i of the convo orders and . and urs.. 1 .degenerated in o lav o luf 6 ,.. `s`:`'3 Y Y dee c ate'd t i g x f; s cruising _ J1 n of f i r has W rke h' a chart .howin the cruistn din _ a an ce 0 d is .� g - nt t h. British ro• 3 •r -,, �> I. tens He ice t e DON'T FORGET H G N. .T E U s through � 'on -tom i _ u a u' t the. n mis- f t t r o the err and 0 d s r' n 'positionst 3. a ,nun. ation-- 1 Fre a P e n ,;,; . A famed biplogisi thinks : tl;e J • p PS DiAR�! !'r �- �� • .•sass<••;:: •.^ ' /URS' I charts were siren close attention•. great American sense of humor' Ye , I'know the pronynci�ztiom' siorted and warrant ranks. Orli-' ' ,cx{ e> y ��. �, .� as the commo Ione c -,est over them doesn't rt:atc)t :the spe,l:,nt . :But exs, and they are mere numerous a will- defeat the Jap. Particularly � w i ; point by point. ,. just .think for a' minute -how do «'hen there is a tsar bn, 'have been € if one'has a gun trained on the ✓y i 0�! /�% „„ - a:..' .... Y, /-'� /// This to be clone _.ii:a-s]rilr--cv� -y" proi�auzico_'pin�tgh�,._�^" sle ected_as nitrates tQ_g.p L the -- -. -- .. fellow, while say!tlg, Thrs one r / ` O� :�/: iii,, 1' + .• ^ fficers' .Tiaihin Centre for a p y „ �i/ dauisc*.ed : that i£ the enemy at.. or ' thro.r ,t `for example., . 0 ! _ °' - s "Ir •" , wLLslau.'y'ou• ., �� j��/' ' / - / /� / 'a I SCL'e11U0U5.- COUi'Sf. '' ::' .It' -iChica - �' �i tael:ed. ' Precsutions to he •tai en . The fot.ct Dict • hn't as irrele- �- -, against' making to.o much srnol.e", cant as it Might ser ,, fur .the In eac'Ir rase the recommends- ' AIR MARSHAL A. T. HARRIS, -O,' �b' • o , whicii would give away -the con- subject of'today's essay is- _offi- tion is made 'bi• the'man's corn . FIRELESS' CCbKER , . C , mandin ' officer who submits' the I I � � f . voy position in daytime: or against cera. Offices: all the tray .from f; In future when British •bombers A rich Illinois bachelor married .� J t r �_, drop then loads on the Reich: tits cools. That's reducing rite - ,�" �_ shorting lights, t•he flare of''x Lance-('orporal to Field ala,;dial. natneao file District Officer Coin• they'll be acting on orders of Air marital chance to a ininin,um. An- Cf" : ` careless match or the glare'of an You d:du.t Knott I,rutre=Corpor- m:trsdtni. .'If the latter concurs, . - M'arshal Harris whose appointment Il Aja .v' �. 1 _ ` • improperly shielded lamp. which ails, Were •offic•ers" ' Sure tliev are , the name is placed .•upon.. the as � commander=in=chief - of the other' newspaper paragrapher re--. �. • bi:ntbei command is ,announced. . marked -that he got a fireless ' ( ;�� would draw .ager at' night.., -and very important ones, too eligible list and in,du. cortins, a� . _ Smaller oints, 'too, which these To be -meticulous,, he is; .a Non- vacancies occur at the training • He -succeeds' Sir Richard Peirse, cooker:... '�= P i Air Marshal. 1-larris is, in Wash--. � -Chatham News �,, : ��__I sten of, experience recognize , as . Comniissioned officer, one cif the centre, the e'mbaTyo officer 'goes . ington now. - -o- ` being .important. The need for three types of.officer, to. he fodnd up for training. JAPS ACT A'S ONE / clu.niping rubbish overboard only in the individual aifiz'eii's ariuy Appointments to the rank of ' ry Let's face it; 80,000,000 Japs / at' certain dart: Fouts, so that no Another type is the officer tt ho Lance -Corporal and promotions to . Urges Balanced'Diet who think and -hate and act as one % r/ -"^ trail mar be'left on the sea's sur- holds ;lits :Majesty' conanrission higher non-cotnntissioned; ranks For FQlrm Children sari lick 130,000,000 people who' i� fr:ce to guide - ,the submarine's ranging iii• rank from Second are made 'by regimental eom' . _ which strike from below. . Care • Lieutenant to field Marshal. manders .upon the reconlmenda- .. I , wont pull together. • • . Detxoit Free Press that no slick of "oil be left Co pro- Ch+'re are more l,icutet rims that, tion of company or other officers.,. r . Prof. I':, W, McHenry,. of the / University of Toronto, 'recently -o- oto- . vide yet anofher trail. 1'ie:d Marshals! Warrant office -is, with the excep- told the Ontario Association of HEADACHE TABLETSI'll Carefully the captains , noted And there art :pore Lance -('or- tion of Regimental and Staff 3' A14 cultural Societies that Cada= There may be something in'the each point as it'wns made. Thee porals than Lieutenants. Su�eants-3iaj'or Whose warrents otos fanners pay marc attention theory that the modern income- ' �; . -,tear no ' unifornL�" and do not To get 'the record straight here are issued by the 4linister of Na - 'to the'diet -of their-livestock'than tax form was devised by`•the' mak- / , claim to he fighting men, but then. is the infantry list. I,auclipan •• the s Defend, ace promoted in. ' to that .of their children. ern of .headache tablets. - / are mem wise in •the w.a-ys of sea• oral, ('orpoial. Sergeant, Col ppani the same. way. i All necesitiesJ of a balanced -Ottawa Citizen F' warfare- and know the tricks of (�uaitt•rn,a<ter Sergeant, all these 0'f one thing you may be cer- nutritive diet are 'to be found' on . ' if �`�, cire.urnt•enting the enemy ars retic are Non-Conunt�sioned Uificer . rain --the man tt'ho leads your boy Gauadian farms, he said. Cana- as the art of fighting'him" if he \ext cnmca, C'omptny' 'SrLt;ear:t into. action, or your hog, when he liar, food is neither poor enough South African Sheep . - appear. To then, this study ei .Major, Itegiiiiental-Qu:crtcrrt-aster leads otlier-s into •action, will be is Heb Br><t>lsh Sailors r rotlrriaL�, Tato. Ina iroa.rt _ 2- f ��.F^ N�wEQ. convoy orders ,ryas not. an empt}� 5ergeari ,' rise inn ntal Su.rCgeant- tre'.I-u:rine.d asci thoroughly corrt- in itself to cause clisastet„'noi ]�, it good eo tau to prevent .Some. gesture, stated though repetition, Jla,ictr; these are tvarrarrt.ufticers. l:ettmt to und'rrta.kc his heavy types Int disease+. The skins of South African "You dance heavenly, Mr. KOO'" '� Ful' a, meetitag of t�c•ir hoard of ('o:rmissioned officers air, Second reslx.nsihilities. l 1 F1'e' urgcJ coiia•anr.pti.on of more . sheep are helping to save the lives eg&5, milk, cheese, meat, carrotil of shipwrecked British sailors. ' �a .- and other' vegetables, fruits and . Sheepskin • gloves, large and REG'LAR: FE,L,LEBS--7-COrir'eCtliR$' A Ml$talke By GENE BYRNES • 11 t especially tunurtoes for a higher warm, are naw included in a life standard of healtl, among Cana- ,iboat's equipment. Fine gloves - " * "� \ ; . 4 dians,. are got from each sheepskin and, YOU SEE. W+iAT THAT S1:G,N' SAYS, v,W, PHooSY� i'M T00 TI'REb WELL - PINHEAD '�I iRi'AIN Y �.ig'G1I6��1' % --- big quantities are being turned', ELt.,TAKE TO WALK /',1'M AONNA WAIT. ,'HA ' VF_f 84E.V K/14 � 6 a . out by the makers. t �• AT Kll DON TCk1A T" W11 Churchill Followed MY' ADVICE AW WANK/ , A RII�H t ROM '*14115 CAR YA fyOIN PINHI„AD P I ANTED AH RIDE y . They are also prdoucing a great' `COMIN •OOWM THE -ROAD N'OWr1. _ _ . Bbl.ix Bathe. On Map number of •other types of. gloves,1. ? ' - ' -mostly for the (loyal Air Force, - `. . > i' Prime bi'ipister Churchill) stand-' not to lriention -leather flying bel- Suit i4`a ^" i�tg lieforc a big IM6 of the Eng= inets at the rate .of a thousand a . ° Hjl(il•• WAY �, s �, 'fish Channel in the Admiralty war week. r �. �� roem, watched for, hours the un-: The Army is getting from thetiti - - 4 successful British 'naval -air battle gloves of ample size fop protecting Imo _ HITCH I -UK :: ` s 4; � , t �, ,1 J.. , .. 1�l.IGE u , with the escaping German war- then: at.�ayonet ptact cc and they - ALLOWED � I ` ships. . are also distributing quantities of 4_ `- ; A. V. Alexander, First Lord of b.o'xititi gloves to .the forces gen d r lie Admit`alty„watched beside. him . erall? - � ` "•\\� "�`4 - at itis` aides stead plotted the . e of rite Nazi war;9hips into The• Amazon RYver is' navi•gahlc'• . _ r�� , l ` . /^ torics , , ,J , . the North. Sea -and ai laAct temp- for ocean steamers for; 2,300 3`►f \\, 0 ���,. g rr. s. r.c ori,.. Nr sea,, ;,�.�., ;` ' . 'miles. '' ,the i saiF'tn. ,, a n . 1 . o r . ;,' ! 4 q 1. 11113 w , ossa , .11 111-_ - <.nnw°,:,. , six .t • . Q,y:•...y r"n"W e . , ✓'�'�'M1 tilSw: , d.."+uv„:.c' .ar:i`eiNw . w - , w.,v.•.Mn f..,x ,...E, � ... .l K-�,.tN,•4... . .. w�W :rwy- , ��':- L'frY M �PF#Y!',T. < °. .yt:'M,1+,^• w,: ,..:::r. ,w�i.'+^'.�•y..... «w1-_. ...s tr'u. Gw.ly.�•'."� . ....., i «...w,. ... ;:.:�. ...:: , . is •:.,.. �'- ..l .t i'*,u ;,. P. .,n..,; fF.... '.on4' Y "'•Li._..••.iA�':.M�YT:).•Sli,)Vy`,1iC`rxi.4V,'^w•b' , ., .. .-.. fi.d. fl.•'y'i'+'t�.�PTIfV' .`". :. .rkL`P,`f. , µ �+ '„•'�i,�.. �• ... .... V:tih1.. .'.,.. '�i\ 1�'...,.,«.y.. „ ' •' u' H .1 , .w�� 'A'M'P' .. .. . ,,-:....%„-y ..+ ,,. . - .-y w ay...W :,. i '..F :. •n '� .,.. !i. Y: .: •Aw� �Fr' .,:' 7 - ,. ... .. :.. - P4p.l.�M1"F�'.... '... :. c tl �T}M7'�• 1' C"Y)' � �"'j.A�i riw.4ve.3w.3er3B�v` ,'!A�k�, min r.. a:'.�a .YN- a M'�`-hCG^r. • .:. •,. ,..-• a .. ..'_„ :. .r ..,....vim .. ,t.ta."•!i 5 •.. .. .. .., .... ,