The Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-02-19, Page 4•
e r:;l
orld'sDay of Prayer is 'be-
inn held in, the Presbyterian church
on fir ` 20th, . All the ladies of
the coimmunity are invited • to be.
,I t-
. Clifford .nit -don ' from the
• *Minng school at. Galt spent the
week ;end with his parents, Mr. and
JO* John Pardon.
Miss Mildred McClenaghan spent
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Pollock, Fordwich.
M3, and Mn. Angus, Meit'y zed
fatuity" of India are coming
' home 'on'furlougb after being • there.
Air Seven yeats..They are supposed
to be on the way. We wish them a
safe; journey home: •
Mr;. James Jamies * and son.' or
Belgrave visited an Monday* with
hit, brother, Mr. John Ja aiieson.
Mr.. and Mrs, .Russel 'Farrier and.
.babe of Galt spent Sunday" With his
parents; Mr_*and' Mrs. W. Farrier
Avery suneesshd. Valentine social
was held in the United Chi.. last
Monday :night., A' good time was en=
7dyed- by n11. .
_ Mr. and Mss- len . of Wing-
ham spent Sunday afternoon with
.his Mather, 240•1. David Kennedy-
The W.M.S. met. in. 'the ' church
basement on Thursday `afternoon
with an attendance of ten. the pies -
Went,. Mrs. Campbell led the meet-
ing. Mrs. Jones read the scripture
lesson. Mrs. N. Thompson took.' the,
chapter in'the'study book and Mrs:
R. Cbarnney read the verses en-
titled ,.When I have tune", It was
decided to hold theme meetings in
homes during' the coming months.
A quilt was completed for the Red
A:large number of neighbors and
friends met on Wednesday evening
tri .the hall at St. Augustine in honor
of •Mr. 'and Mrs. Arnold Craig,.Dur-
lug ing; the evening , the young people
w.ere'tiresented with a sum'of mon-
ey. Cdr, . Theodore : Redmond read . an•
;address::. welcoriung•'Mrs. Craig to
the ,'community. and : expressingthe
good wishes of those assembled, and
the:.presentation :was made by ,Stuart
Chimney..Arnold.: made an approp-
riate reply, -The Misses lid and Betty
. Craig . of . Auburn contributed .duets
and local talent provided music for
3aneing: .
_--Mir. Ted- Thompson of
Wingham-was home over the week -end.
• Mrs. Olive Aliin of Gotlerieh spent
The Y`. P. 13. of Ashfield eniQyed
a skating party at.the arena, in Luek-
uow on Wednesday evening last.;
Harley and Ela Phillips' attended
a reception at Kintail on Friday
evening given in • honor. of Sgmn. Al-.
fred La Pointe and Mrs.. La Pointe?
(nee 13ertheeMurphy)-.
Mr. and Mrs.Jack Curran and.,'
fancily of Crewe visited on Satur-
day/ at his parents home.
The Y.P.S. held their meeting at
Henry Hortons on Friday evening
tend enjoyed a social tune. after-
-1 the week. -.end With—her sister Mrs.
R: Chamney.
TIM= .YOT NG.HEWM, about .3
Monts old were recently shipped
tolowa, U.S.A., by Willi= McKen-
ef Viand: _brought' returns
of S440 •for the three' head,
Miss' Doreen McClinchey has- re
turned to her ':home at 'Varna after
a visit at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs.
J. C. Robinson. ,
ted for
• re' .cam
. wilts Were p
1'`i q
the. tied Cross last • week: °
Mr: and Mrs. Chas. Pearce of Clin-
ton spent Saturday with her parents
Mr.. and l4rs. Thos. Anderson... •
Mr,; Thos. Anderson, has been 'laid•
up with a • cold the past week.
Lloyd" Saunders, and Harvey: Kit-
patrick were home Over 'the •aweek-
Mr. and Mrs: ' (len Campbell vis
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. ' Helm
on Sunday. •
Mr. and Mrs, Les Ritchie and-
ndAlvin spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Ar+drew Gaunt of Wawanosh.,
Miss Rena Hueter of 'Winghain
spent,, the week -end with her:, par
exits. • • ,
Mrs. Albex't,713elm .spent an after-
noon last • week with t Mrs. -Gordon
, Mrs. Ed Snaith of. Detroit, who has
been visiting with. her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. A_ Culbert, retuimed t~o'
ast • week.
• Friday
of l ,
ho e• on
e m
.1Vfx. anri . Mrs. Jake Hunter` spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr., and Mrs:
John Campbell of - Belfaste ,'. '
• 'li"r and• Mir! Gerd ori'•Ritelii:e'spent
an. .evening With .Mr:..nd Mrs: Jphin
McDonald. • •
Mr. Andrew Ritchie who has been
• laid .up with an attack of Influenza,
for the, past, week '.is recovering.
their birthdays together on Wed
nesday, FebruaryL. 18th. Pi"iy'llis will
Visit 'with Mr: ,and Mrs. H. 11offat
of ' Watford before returning home.
' The W.M.S. will hold, their •meet-
ing .at Ml's. Trios.. -Blake's ,.on. Friday.
p.m. and observe, the' World Day of
. Prayer.. ' • •
' The'Y', -P_ U. are .not meeting, this
. week in the absence of the ' presi =
dent: _
Mrs, Rev, G. Howse of Lucknow
spent a few- days at Mrs. Thomas
Blake's. ••
Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd Hunter of
Waw_anosh:spent Sunday_with__I Ir -
and Mrs. Herb' Curran. •
Mr,; and Mrs. E. Blake and Phyllis
made a trip to Lc ndon bn' Saturday.
They were• accompanied by Mrs.
-. Will Irwin and George. Saunders.
Phyllis' remainedto spend a few
days with her sister Muriel of Vit-
tbria Hospital. ' They will celebrate -
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Foster and
daughter of ;Huron spent Sunday at
Mr: George 'Colw:ell's.
We, . are . pleased to report that
Mary McMillan is recovering nicely
from her ear trouble and expects
to be back to school next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt Baird and Mar-
jory, South `Lime, 'ere recent vis-.
itors at Mrs, A. Ackert's. , •
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor and
Merton of Pinkerton were Sunday
visitors . at Mr. Harvey Houston's.
Mr .and Mrs. Percy Deyeli of.
Winghani spent Sunday at Mr,' .M°ark-
Johnston's. .
Mr. Ricllard Baker returnedhome
from Kincardine' Hospital on Sun-
day where he was undergoing treat-
ment ,for strained ligarnents in his
leg. Mr. Baker hadthe rnisfortune
.to „be ;knocked down by a pig about
a week" . ago. ; v
Mr, Noel of Walkerton spent Sun-
" day at Mr.' Victor ` Langs.
Mr. °' and ' Mrs.: Rayrtard Ackert
were Sunday' visiiters , at .Mr.. John
•Reid's. of Reids Corners.
Mr. Currie Colwell who enlisted
some time ago received word to re-
port 'on Thursday, .
Mr: and Mrs.• Howard Harris and
��LL. oorrr•aine,-Mrs..Thos Harris and Earl
Spent Friday evening at Mr. Wm.
Jack McDonald returned to,school
Can Monday having- spent the past
week at home,` with ear trouble..
PINKY -WHITE DIMPLES; a button of a nose;
wee, slender . fingers clutching. at yo-ar
coveilet—what kind of a 'world is this to •
which you will awake? •
Your life, we hope, will ybe • rich in love
and laughter. God forbid that your Canada
should• ever conte under the heel of a ruth-
less barbarism, where babies are born, to be
the future. shock troops, or the mothers of ^ a
bit to , military race. •
We promise that you shall inherit a Canal
blessed with tiie'liberty our fathers bequeathed .
to us. You shall be free as we ;are free:
Sc we gladly lend our money to our country •
in this -crisis.- We will buy Victory Bpnds to
the very limit. We must and we will make
sure that the threat of a brutal `way of life
is banished forever. &
HOW 10 BUY --Give your order to the
Victory Loan salesman who calls on you.
Qrplace it in the hsnris of any branch of
any bank, or give it to any trust company.
Or send it to 'your local Victory Loan
Headquarters. Ot,you can authorize your
employer to start a -regular payroll.
tan foro>i-
sav- Botids may be bought
in denominations of $50, $100, $500, $1,000
and larger. Salesman, bank, trust corri-
pany or your local Victory Loan Head-
quarters will be glad to give yoti every
assistance in reeking otit your order form.
Notional War 1~inanCe CortOttawa, r Condo
FIGS FOR .SALE—Apply to Wilfred
Drennan, Phone 78-r•-8, Dungalinon•
FOR SALE OR RENT— 100 acre
farm, ,lot 28, Con. '7, Kinloss Twp.
Apply to Jas. A. McDonald, Tees -
water, Phone 38-r-4.
LOST—a :Collie _pup, black with
white markings, long tail. ;Any ne
knowing of: its whereabouts pie e
notify The Sentinel Office.
FOR SALE' ---1. model T Coach,- ex
cellent :tires, $30,00; one ,.new ' pair
skis eoinplete with harness • and ski
poles; $5.75; ••orie'• modern Westing-
house battery radio,: longand short
wave, $15.00...1, C, Stewart. , •_
WANTED—Man for farm work. We
also •h'ave a -young Shorthorn' 'bull
for• sale, ten months old, sired by
O.A.C. Ransom 22nd. S. B. Stothers.
Arthur, •Ontario.
CHICKS -This .is not a new :hatch-
ery, we have been in business .for
12 years. All our. breeders are blood
tested .and males are from •
stock. ,The Hybrids, are B., B.R. hens
and New Hampshire cockerels.. We;
keep -all' our .chicks ..for 4 days. JYbu
-haus-no-papers _ a fuss`with.-and:.all
._chicks , .ere • feeding__ when _,you..,..of
thein. 'We- deliver chicks •up' •till . May
iter: •John-J��uyler.,.R.,..4;.IKin.cai•d,inst:
Two miles 'west of Silver 'Lake, -
Phone .Ripley 70�20• 'c'oll6et...
I -wish to acknowledge with. thanks
tothe ladies ,of the' Red Cross Sac- .
i fy,, Lucknow and the ladies, of the
Women's Institute of St. Helens for
the lovely parcels they sent to me
for Christmas; also _tu the Clansmen
and all others who so thoughtfully ,
•sent•'•me Mi6kes. 1 'thank .each and
all: I remain. d
Pte. Alex Purves,
. Somewhere Overseas:
TENDERS will'be received by the
undersigned clerk.until 4 p..m. March
9th, 1942, for supplying '.8000 yards
',or -more of crushed gravel and. 'de-
Mering'same • on -TO -wits -hip 7roads, •
Marked"' cheque:for 10= per: cent et-
amount of tender':' to accompany
tender; • Lowest or. any tender .not
.necessarily accepted. •,
•Herbert, C. Ctirran., Road Supt.,' .
' R.R.• 7, Lucknow, Ont:
:•C. E. McDonagh, Clerk, •
R.R. 3, Lucknow; Ont.
Miss Minnie Dickson, R.N. of Godo
erich Hospital staff, spent • Sunday
at the -home of her parent's, Mr. -and
the\ -past -•^tail. weeks •arrioi^rg-fr•iendsa -
in this district, returned to her home
at Belmore on Sunday.. .
Miss Clara Sproul; Mi and Mrs. Finlayson - Bros._
;Jssanw::vis.>ted-Sun- —
day with Mrs. D. Sproul who has
S,l ratford, -
been sick in bed •for a few weeks. i
We are glad to'"know s -he is able -to
sit up a little now. •
Miss L. Taylor at the 4th of Ash-
field school, ,spent the week -end et
her home in Wingham.
Mr. 'Wm. McClure- visited -:his dau-
ghter, Mrs. Sam Widcombe, Wind-
sor, one day this week. • ,
Mr. Thos. Wheeler° and sou Sgt.-
Observer., Geo. Wheeler, Wingham,
visited Mr. and Mrs. John Blake'one
day last week; -
Miss Verne- Robb, ,Torente, has
been spending the past two weeks.
with her mother who has been quite
ill, but is now sofnewhat better.
Pte. Carmen Haines, Camp Bord-
en, is on leave, „and visiting his
father, Mr: Gillies Haines.
Miss Winnifred Swan; Ripley and
Miss 'Thelma. Johnston, Goderich,
visited 'for the week -end with Mrs.
Harvey Mole. Mrs.' Archie Johnston.
her grandmother from Lanes, is vis-
iting for an indefinite time''
' Mr, and Mrs., A. N. Atkinson am
Miss Margarer Elliott, Goderich, vis
ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Ar -
thin. Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. John. Blake visited
recently withMr. and Mts. H. Hon -
per, . Winghain. •
Miss Marietta Stingel returned.
home .from the Goderich Hospital The scholars enjoyed a Valentine .r.,:isee•
last Friday. after being. a patient party at the school Friday.
for neatly nine weeks, recovering Mrs. "Doc" Stewart and little new
from burns which necessitiated skin son Barry Winston visited with re-
latives here Sunday. • '
• Licensed .Auctioneer
•• Arnberley
R. ••R. 1, Kincardine, :Ontario.
'Phone 30-24, 'Ripley M
Boiler Fireman Wanted -
With Third or Fourth Class
Certificate. • ,
Apply to:
Circle Bar Knittin
:g Co. Ltd:.
Kincardine-AntariQ.- .
1:30. to 6 o'clock
Why write lettere and Bend money
Other thkike
Faa6b:arc - ; xli.tatte
Mere of • 30040; 50
PEP, VIM, VIGOR, ' Subnormal?
Want- 'normal --pep; % vim, vigor, vitailtyt
Try Ostrex Tonic, Tablets.'' .Contains
tonics, stimulants, oyster elements—
lementsaids to normal pep after 80. 40 or 50.
Get a special 'introductory size for own'
ssat. Try this .aid to normal pep_and viten,
today. For sale at all good drug stores.
On Saturday evening••while.corn-
- ing down "Quality Hill' in town Mr.
W. G. Reed had a very narrow es
cape with a parked car on each side
of the • pavement and the rutty and
slippery condition of the road,
car turned- completely around 'and,
stopped on• the edge bf the .gully
just below the Lindsay home. The
wheels left. the ground hilt carne.
back again. It 'would be safer for
others if the cars were parked on
the one side of the road.
Mrs. Garfield.MacDonald is teach'
ing in this•week for
Mr. Jim McN il. Jim. is improviftg �.
slowly after having pneumonia. �'
Little Allan McQuillin is better.
too. '
grafting a• month ago. •
..Message From -the Kling
Many heard with interest the
special message from the King over
CKNX on Saturday. Valentine's Day
for Mr. anti Mrs. Abram Culbert.
theoccasion being their diamond
wedding anniversary. They also re-
ceived many niessages- by phoneend
correspondence of congratulations &
best wishes. The United'church of
which' Mr. and Mrs. Culbert ars
valued members was beautifully de.
resfdent'of Dungannon for the past
corated for Sunday morning service, 18 years. Until his failing health
with their lovely gifts of plants and this last while, his favorite passtime
bouquets of carnations, roses, lilies Was a gains of , cheolters with
daffodils; snapdragon, and etc. Wr
, wish , them' both many more year,
of health and. happiness.
91st Birthday •
Mr,. Jbhn Moss, on -Sunday, Feb-
ruary 15th'' quietly observed his 91st
birthday et his home here, havint
a number of callers through the day
Birthday messages and gifts of flow:
ere from friends. Mr. Moss, who is
well known and highly respected
carne' to West Wawarlosir with:''hic
parents Mr. and Mrs. John Mors
froth near Thorold, when only an
infant and settled -an the farm •home•-
stead, where his .younger • brother,
Fred Moss lives. He was one of four
sons and six daughters. Fre has been'
a successful farmer and has lived
retired quite a long time, being a
Save paper and when you get a
bundle otthe green kind,' bul' . War
Savings Certificates.
OLDEST RESIDENT of Kincardine,
Mrs. Caroline Rinker, observed her. •
99th birthday on February 7th. Ex-
cept for failing eyesight, Mrs. Rink-
er continues to enjoy good health.. -!"•
friends, His failing sight and hear-
-leg has dulled him for :much social
^ontact with friends, andahe spends
most of his time in bed. We con-
gratulate hilt for his longevity to
be the 'oldest member of the Dun-
cannon United church and the•dldest' •
man in West Wawanosl. • •
Mrs. Latiretta Treleaven spent the
week -end in Toronto':,
Mr. Ronald •Pentland, a traveller'
for llarber Supplies, spent the •week-
end here with ,relattye5,•
•IMr, end Mrs, H. McCauley, Mrs.
W. Henry, Flesherton, Mr: and Mt ..
G. • W. Kennedy„ Dundalk visited
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Powler Sunday.
Miss Melba Fowler is spehding a
while with friends at Flesherton and'
Du`ndaik, .