The Lucknow Sentinel, 1942-01-15, Page 556, TIIVIRSDAY, JANUARY 15th, 1942 .1, • • Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM - Two Shows Saturkay Night- . Thursday, Friday, Satur•day "tan. 15 -16 .i .1 'CARY GRANT ' IRENE DUNNE * * in '1; * • • Penny Seranade Also "Cartoon" &"News" Matinee Sat. afternoon at Tuesday, Wednesday Jan. .20, DOUBLE BILL, LEON ERROL • • •• LUPE 'VELEZ in Mexican Spitfire's '.Baby AND LLOYD NOLAN & 'CONSTANCE 1110-01tE in Buy Me That Town 1(11NLOUGH Mrs. 13iii Bushell and Ronnie and MrS-91We's Whyte returned to :heir homes London. atter spending the past week with their . father,, J. 13. 'llo.dgkinson. • t EckenSwillez of New Westrniester is vititing with her gi•andparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jac-• ') Eckenswiller and other relatives. Mr. Glen Pirinel went to Windsor' clbri ,the week where he • has Se-,• Cured a positibn. •• WI's. Alex Percy, Erlina, Jean and •Mariar. .spent. a few' clays with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sitanley west of Luck- novv. Mr-s.Viiyie, Sr.., .Mr. WeS Whyte, M. • r .and Mrs. C. Whyte i3f London, Mr, Will Hoc -kin and other relatiV.O's from Dutton motored here Tuesdalr to 'attend the funeral of the late-lqrs. James Hodgkinson. ' The:. Holyrood Wciinens , Institute' -metyon Wednesday_ at the,•horne :of Mrs'. 'Richard Elliott. 'Attcr the Op- .oniti4,t exercises the 'At HOnie". was' discussed. and' will take the form Of L1 s.upper to be held On .February 15 at 6.30, o'clock:. COrnmiyee for the games, Mrs: Raynard.Ackert . andMis. Mrs. tiariie, Hodgins. Everyone is L!!.i1(6.d to bring an article for a' ba-, Eileen Elliott, then 'sang a Solo. The motto was given, by Miss May Boyle:',. Mrs, -Raynard Ackert'.Sang a pleaSing solo. The topic was taken -7' by- Mrs'. Charlie HOdgins. The roll .COURR-1 E'S-COR-Nt -arisWered-by "Ak-need" • - . the COmmunityl'. Lunch was served - • bY.-Mrs:-Elliott- and-th-e cenunittee• • , A Victerioes New Year To All. Boxes,' are lo.be. packed for the sot- . . Mr. Bob,Farrish ,is visiting with: cfleri eVerseas and: .any donations friends in Toronto. • • ' Mr. Burt Johnston is assisting Mrn • 'James -Little who has beesuffer:- ing from a cold, We are glad 'to report that Mr.• are asked to be sent to the At Honie. AFticles frientiOnect are -condensed Milk, hiey; checolates gurn, . cigarettes,„ fruit cake, cookies, toilet seep. raior' blades or, anything suit,- Lorne..Faikrigh who has been, 41).: is able_ftrr_parkirrv.,.._ . _ . . ' • . ' •improVing slowlY.• • • • . , • • • , The • corrirnunity extends their • • • • • • Presbyterian Y.; P. S., • _ 3:11 el•i /4,_ th_e_L _ S. of Wie" Presbyterian: chureh , held January • l'2th,. 1.0,42; opened by singing hyrnn 697 after which' the 1_;iird's Prayer Was rePeated in uni: . Fit-rftscrrt -gave the 131:151T-• study .discusing 'the firat Chapter of John. Mr. D: Ross „then gaye an explanation of the yirst Cate- •Chism_ which was. followed by a' duet by. lielen and ;Bud On:: Mr. Jim. -fiencleVSOn gave .tlie topie' after sympathy_ta. Mrs'. • Frank Johnston their, teeent_berpaysf wrient .,• • • Mrs, Chas. McLean, Sr„ who is,in Wingham .hOspital is suffering with • 'blood poison inher hand. M-rrliin--Nelsonrivite Is, in-rinaiitt training in Kitchener', spent the we'ek-end with his parents'here. DONMYBROOK. . 'Melvin Craig. and • netli -Mason OfKitchcrier • spent tin', week -end at , their homes here.,... • fe-,Strafifirey-after- -a, .iiveck'd N;IS INVIttb-sher and Mrs.: 'man Thompson. . , . • . Sam Thompson- reported , last. erier train -in earl.> - • Mr.and Mrs: Graharn Chainney.pf ••• Winghani Spekit- last. Sunday with • his parentsi:Mr, and 'Mrs.' R. Cham-, 4 whien Mr,: Ross and Elva : favored with a musical bUniber. „Hymn 606, " -atipirra•, .f•d \vitt, prayer. • • THINGS TilAT NEVER HAPPEN IN' CH • • THE :LuvicNow ,pg14TDIgLi, LtIcKNow, oNTAK0 . URCU Ushers calling•, fer help • in carry- ing the .offerings. Ministers insisting thatethe peo ple attend Only one serVice eaeh Sundayin order to make' room'. for others: ' . A. dozen ki • th • for some really definite work to do during the, week. - • A dozen families. asking the ushers • people as ng e miistei THE LucKmow SENTINEL Published every Thursday ,•;niornng ..atl•,Luckriow, Ontaro. L. CAMPBELL THOMPSON Publisher and Proprietor . , • . • . THURSDAY, JANUARY oth, 1942 • SALVAGE IS VITAL: to place them an, the front seat. Everyone in the audience reaching for a hymn book, when the number is announced and then singing hert- iy. •• Every head reverently bowed dur ing prayer; • - • _ A choir that does Aot find a single ;thing to whisper about during; the service. • • The minister sayng, `1 have rush- ed from on d thing to another week .• I 'have' spent less than thre:e • -. . • hours in:revising this !old sermon . • which, is rather out of date, but 1 win endeavour, to make it fit'the. • AZ+ occasaiOrP. No Whispering or reading diking church. The Missionary Society' hoping that the preacher's' wife • will bring to the next meeting a long Efsf of things that Ought to be ,done ip the parsonage at orice. The "Old tiinre, graciously giv- ing way -to the "newcomers," con- identthat the nevvcemers be' The: inportance of the.salvage pro gram in _an all out war, effort can not betoo often repated..The in; effort Of -salvaging waste. paper, nwSpapers, magazines- and cardboard: cartons,. Seems to' beof little edhsequene, „but. In the -ag- gregate it. can provide'a volume •of, .w_Astethat will. be an 'iinPortant fa& totr' ip keeping war supplies rolling • to our fighting forces. Here re a few fact‘,..abot -p.apr sa1:va0-thatv!11•prthre and we, Ilene will IrouSe•vegy household to the :inportaee• of say- mgeVery: scrap ' • Salvage •pper is: .used 'bY some fine paper mills and all. beard mills. Part of it:. is reworked into. fine papers again, butby far the greater proportion is, made into steekter cartOns and tOrrugated boxes: 'Mr the preSent time,' the nails' Mking. sijoh 'Stocks are . swamped .with elerS destined to pack intinitionsand supplies • for overseas shipment. These cartons do not come -back,ad• -to-do -intrch-b-etter -vv-ork-s-th-antgL'rel?-re-ent:--2-dead_loss_of_fibrcins': they •have done. maerial. At the Same tiale, it 'is' almos,t--• linapiossible - --to- -import----the .., • . • .• , • ----1<ro one getting up or moving about 70,000 tons of,;aste paper annually or leaving. the ' room during the service : • '• • bretight into this :Country from the U.S.A.• because they need it them - The middle Of the pews filledhrst. selves, • . : -. ' People handing names of strang- We are now faed.with ari etim- ers to the Preacher at the close 'of ated shortage of 'over 100,000 tons, the service. " , . which must be Made bp •by new . • Xae*arespeaking- to ti-re-j3erst•r .salvage- in -194g, Fel ling.tat.make- Up= next tb him and inviting hire to this shortage, The 7 board miI1S will Come again. -The Churehmn.' • have to use new pulp draWn froth • ' • the general pulp 'Marker' . • LETTER 1•0- EDIfOR' Even il-by sonie miracle of pio- ThernpsOn, Esq., duction, the mills can be kept sup-. plid'. with fibre, it i'S still in; the The' Sentinel, Lueknow, Ontari country's. interests , to increase sal- o.\vs gelciecai Ise - (a.,)_Evt., Dear Mr. -Thompson: ',- , pulp Saved means the releasing of May 1 take, this opportunity of forest' labour,coal,. chemicals and expressing my sincere appreciation power to war industry. (b) Adequate of the fine co:operation and assist- salvage might release pulp for ex- arrce extended12y your• publication pert to the U.S.A. whose chillers we . ' '' • , . in recent niontbs in supporting the o War Weapons Drive badly need.• :" Frorn every ViewPoini then it is One of the chief contributions to 8pparent that the :salvge d,of paper this phase of our- war effort•Inas-the-‘1s one of tht vital salvage jebs- viatti14actiasetz•virtatti•goninrsatitgolci:: Wat•OrWifirifir*-- il,,tir,itgiiiiim,"'-'1 Iotmerrp- of.space7provided by news tise and prpagate: • • . • • -papers. throuhout 'the Country for . • ' . . feature. artieles,ilex-lin . and ST.' HELENS.. . type -wanner. advertisements . • 1901 Review ..., 'h-nwpapers'have reriffered in- ,D.p.ring..the pat 'year; the .laie.s..v.aluable „help LG• . their editorial and. news Collin -ins and in no Small pleas-. tire; are responsible for the success already achieved by the, War Salt- ngs Movement: • : : . . . . yours very truly, ••••••i•-"------ - • . 7. •• J. L. Ilsley. • af the'.cornmunity 'have been aejVp n.wr "work.. v;ork.ing through. the Wmen'. Institute. Each ytieg Man ,who enlited redeived i. sweater an1 ii• pal r of sockS and the iix rnen who. ts' 'vrtt» etleh •a at ciiristmas.• The Hides have been forwardetl la the 41. Pei; niw, Red CtlOSS during 1941 9f 40. 34helmets, 40 • scarVes, 11 afghans • ntade by chool :children of SS: No..3 and SS. - No. 4. 234 har:llterchiefs, 61. towels. 8 girls ',s‘i'enters," '15 pair- pajamas, 0 sea•mans •sox,'' 8 •turtle neck \lt('1, 2 leeveles sweaters,- -11. ladies 1)1ottSes.4"pair logstoelcings. 4 mens Shirts.„4 steel 'helmet caps. .1, unit eittisising• ' of 4adies' • coat.; • to• $14 1.00. • . . Th January: meeting • of th6 %o- IBa:C-4 Institute hold. io the Com- munity hall With 16 'ladies .presn!. wing, t6 the tinfmairalik ‘vathy, aeil road conditions. 'Mrs. 13.01 pre- raham Moffat of tlie R.CA,F. hioci mid the .1,0.11 calI. vas 1\l'ovk Scotia spent .the Iasidlo thollaming of "a taid two••We'ekt at his .haine her. • „ • • lk 1 lav' readand it's- author". The .Y.P.S. held their sOcial • . • vas • donate $25:00 to • he ,t) toe ar s - t.1 • Thuraclae ir -evening at the: hom' CKNX W.,ueno‘.; VictimFundbri Mr and Mrs Paiish Moffat . drat', citv, T i • CREWE Mr. •Kertneth CaMpbell 'of' Novo • . Begti,a and •Miss- Jean Carenbell. nr • . Kitehener spent a 'day recently 'with. their aunt,- Mrs..Wni. Crozier; Mr. Lorne •Einmons has get work •With the: Good Roads Machine Co. • Goderich. • Mr. and .Mrs.' Berl); Stthrs, 11-1- •• en and Arnold visited recently wilt.. Mr. and Mrs.. Wilfred Drerinv, The Blake BrOtherS delivered• head of cattleto.Clinton oii Thurr,- ••day. • Mr. and Mrs:Sam Sherwood • . Mis. $40e Kilpatrick, Luekrow. were renewing old acquainancp: ' • . • this line on TtiesdaY. . , • ., " • , Mr, Cree Freeman' ;of 'veial, • spent •Tueday with hssister. Mr., Lorne Emmons.. LANGSIDEINORTH knic.kers. slacks. blouse and swet-, the if1 of. 50 quilts Ca.sh do,n- atiofl5, twilit:Rd Cross and. to tither 'Wil' Ax'ork orgahizatior',s .,timoun.tet • • Richardson, president: had charge ol it was (.1id,,i i„Iha.,.(,th,t, d:my. f„,.. the deVOtional .part of 'the program. 'ow hampol, of •;1.01jic, dootmod ..by, after rhich a number of contests m Kpnrwiii conwoon.ii, tho Luck; on. and a soeial hour .spent,• .• ,, I''')\\* Al:9'4'1114111111 .SocitAY 'Pl'a3". . were conduted. Lunch was serve,1 Jntmy 16111: A record of all tick- ' .MiSs Katherine IV.In•el)1w1W"; I'L'' i ets 'sold intiSt he 'handed in b6fore joi.L.tmedho. duties. orN.Tuesday.. • illyal date.' i•irs. 1.o.rOv'Wood: vitas in; 'Our conifitunity received a ghocli • ' 6,4' rt•atl. 'by' N1r, lliee and. an art- We the brotherS. and. Sister:.791.41t11' ..,;('1"i.1)1;1‘1:1•:.: iWI(.11171\t';'i(11.1tfra.tl\i7iils...°Cf .16;:si.. • , We with to 0xtend out. N i :‘ : -1 : • • A social .eVeningwas held in UT ‘(ritli,,,isi i.011(1 ;.1 1)(1(ii., !9.001„...t.wi. Were played and lunch seryeti a ter M rs. • • Ph i I I i Ps fa vOrecl with- a '• . . hall on Friday, January .9th. Cards • it .,.. .thoo of the .c.A.r. were present...1 vocal sol. A. pleasant social time ..bv t Ir liostosses. Mts.' Chester:fy-. (11:11.11t! 1he 'subj0 and a paper on Tursday,on learning of fi • s"--- on ."11:ive yon an educated licartl' den passing of Mrs. John Eras,- ' - • • which Graham Mbffat and Jim Wor s1(T and Hic'e with. ed with wrist watches. . si'mt l"iw"vas sisr"ed • • The Mission fland en °cling was lor Mrq Elwood Ilatiioo .and Mrs, held at the home of Mrs:Wm. Brawl., • on Saturday. Donald lionaldsongave • James Aiphismi.". the scripture readir.g and tarl CrONV- ' 111(' ndems: 1)" will. l • " Thermily afternoon tton led in prayer. Clarence CroW- i.hcs 1'41 "t, Jan Stnc1 ean14len Ifionaldson recei'ved tiary 22nd. ' • •, 1rll rldn priies for attendane: Ardyss arov,IAl I) Vierisnog , gve the Mission story. Mrs. , • ion with the National Steel Co.• • Vfoffa4 ld in the closing prayer. Servicr was .caoclled„ in the Un • Sott' presided at the, it'd Stlid:1T ow Mg t, Organ,. wcat „ . P••• P • • • • • • • • her d road cnditons. "Personally .1 never stay out' late at night'.: • • • •• • •, • '"Why; don't late hours agree with • • • ' • •. -No, 61d boy; it's not the late hours . that upset. 'me so Much As the excitement when I get home!" THE PICTURE GALLERY •. ;". WHO IS M • Last .week'S picture waS that ,of DR: A. M. ' SPENCE. who fo'i inore thanthirty years was a popular physician Of the Village, and proprietor of a drug stor.; Born on a farm in Peel, he 'first taught 5c1461, before entering Trin- ity Uniersitt i Toronto • from which .11e graduated as a doctor 'in 1 F99. lie first practised 'in Ford-: virk11 and came to Ludlthow in 1902. Dr. and -Mrs: Spence havenow both paSsect on. Members of the family of two sans and:two daugh- ters row live elsewhere and acouple of years age the •Spenee ;home on Compltell passcrr into • other (Continued from '!as t Week' .."•• • • •-• AMMO • • • ' Harry Prest, his?Ist year, Was laid to rest With full military honorq. at Stamfo•rd ,near Niagra. Fails. • • VAird received, from overseas that -grardson---OMrs7thos:- Reid of Lucknow, 'as making fay-. orable :recovery •after suffering •a' broken back in, -a 'motorcycle • acci- dent.. .• ,••• ' • Presentation 'made' to Miss Dciris: Ritchie before • entering Stratford Hospital as a Student 'nurse, • The Village:Cot:men Purchased the Geddes Ibuilding. Maitland Presbytery accepted re-. signation. of Rev.. John Pollock of Whitechurch neeesSitated .by. • ill ' - Kaake died, in Toronto frolii: injuries received . when pinned to: the ground by, a tree ..he and his son were 'felling. Rv, P. H. Rickard; fOrper. Ang- lican curate...died- suddenly. at Port • Rowan.- • • Jarnes drainage by-law Served in. Kinloss replacing Archibald by-law. which was repealed by, a divided vote of the Board. • • • • . • . Seven residents.. Of .Whitechurn each have ,passed their 85th birth-. day. . • Trail Rangers staged a successful Father and Son bang -pet. • Village isolated by road and rail fgom,Sincley.to-Weflnesday in wOrst storrn in 3cears. , Mrs. James Webster suffered dis. located hip; Mrs. Thernas Roach el kinloss a fractured arin end Mrs. Charles Robb, Con. .42 'Oilfield • fractured hip. li Miss Ada, Burns onbied at mis- cellaneous shower. Jack Morton, Allan Matheson and Miss' Ida Crawfoi•d• walked -from Illackhorse to Lucknow over anoW blocked raads. Miss Crawford near ehaustionafter mare than six hopl• Huron adopted policy of Cash Or produce to pt Wa. Serviees Drive' .over in splendid fashion. • Seven Port Albert airinei lost lives as two planes crashed. in mid- air near Rarrie. • • • ing, Earle , Hodgins, re-lected Connty Master. of West 13r•-ce. • Pipe Band placed •• •, ith Scot- land firm, for new ki. arid plaids Local Hydro System received 13th Power Bill, representing a credit of $867.35, Me. and Mrs. William Robinson were honored on their 56th wedding anniversary, celebrated at the home of -Mr. and Mrs, John Kilatrick. Jean Graham, nurse in i large hospital in England, sent cable of congratulations to: her parent„Mr. and Mrs. Angus Graham cm the oc eaSion of their 31st wedding anniver- sary , DEATHS -Mrs. Arthur MacDon- ald; .1131m4Drennan, native of Asti. - Reid; Cecil Treleaven, bungam-ion: John Laidlaw, Whitechurch; Wm. Crawford; Port Albert; 'George: Orr; 1: Mrs. Wim K j'plinston, Exeter;' Mary Courtne, Kingsbridge; David • Stroud, Un,deyWood; Duncan •Me- KAY-, #Cintai'f.natjve; Dr. A. A. .T. • 'Simpaori, Kintail; Peter .1-locigkinson, Kinlough. • • • (Continued next Week) .AWay to Serve. anda.Way to; KE • , IN THESE DAYS" we ar• e. all anxibUs to serve our' country's best intersts. Bkt we are..,all inereasingly. .con- sclotis, tee, • that .-riioncy makes, the 'mare go". So it'.3 •Mighty pleasing and • tant, too, to find a way 't • serve, and at the same tim break :i -hare: than.even. Here's one. way, "made to • • 'order": Fill all the brooder • space" you have with early, hicks. the hest you,tan . • • - These huge: .133-itishrdf,: oreggs at a prie„rani between., 28.79e 'and .32.12c • per doz., Grade A -Large, at Canadian seaboard, and the Dominion government sub- • sidy of 3c per dozen on •--Graclel4A-Largebeught for expert, have put a definite TRML RANGERS • Hey gang, :were back. again in an attempt re -organize the Old.etib. We hope you will' all be, with us andrake the atteMpt successful arid.. really yotrout•--rre-xtWe& • nesclay evening,8 atthe Chief's home.. • • - • • George was reading to his Wife ari exciting newSpaper report •of a• fire; "And, mY dear.," he cried, "on'. pool woman ad to escape down • a waterpipe: at • the back of the house". • , • ,'"Oh!" sighed his wfe, "how splen- didto • be as thin at 'that", • , , . Decisfon made to. close C.N.R. line. from Clinton to Wingbarn. • Mrgnd lMrs. Wall of Cul', hands., . • • ross - celebrated their golden 'wedd- • . • . . , • ,, 1 .P0.,T.,:•orr•!'..11-4•••,...r6.64. .4..,,-.41,....) ..-.1.- .. ,•.... , .: . • '. .,•• ....14 , ;• „.:.; '} •-',..., -... „f/ artt7,147Magi;,•);,....,(4r.:7':',5'k, I, ..'] 01,%..,'''., '''.:*..,,e71,..V ,•., ' .",;,..,;•••,, • .... 'i.'" • • qicix-'' underCanadian eg.g.. ' prices.- -Unless we Miss our guess by a mighty wide mrgin, Winter- & 'Spring • eggpriCS,''this- will hold :at least. 7c, and. pro ,--:•-•,-ably--.--10e•--Jper • .40ebo ' •.'• . those • of a year ago: Thats. • a :Raying -difference, , and it • • appears likely to continue. • We don't' Suggest. overex-r, pariding,, • 'oyerlodirig; , or' overCroding. . That's had • business. 'But •we do suggest KEY that you should Use all tbe Poultry. equipment you have; to the limit. Start all the good chicks You. have accomodation for, early juit as soon as .you can get your 'brooder ,house cleaned up, tightened up, and ready. Both thcr egg' and broiler' 'makets look.so •proMising that you • can't afford to overlook this. really extra- pecial profit possibiliy; & ther's practical patriotism in it, as well as psrefit . . • Natuta.11y, • when you're •:,ehoosing yoiir good chicks, we would like to have you • corisider13ray Chicks. They- 're good chicks. Theyve • dcae .a realprofit-making • job ' for Others. They ought to de your, order :in early. EXTRA INCOME • Could you use some ex- traincomeL10to-12weeks from now? You can get it easily • enough if you • have brooder room for some extra Bray "90%!' • Cockerels. Check up the price of brilers, and you'll scion see'whatwe mean, in dollars & cents. • BRAY CHICK-HATC}IERT • (FRED W. BRAY, LIMITED) •' • FINLAYSQN 13R.OS., Luckpow,A.gent or John 'St.. North, Harn lton, Give me the ready band athei .Earnestness is enthusiasm temper than the ready tongtie,---Gaibldi., 'ed by..reason-Pascal. ASTI. lianas is a"irale,63,41..siiat ituate•rial% e • Wc• it illior it aixal ...O'L WI: C.il0:: • '''' -',7-- ---7-• 'Canada eees it. --needs it badln---neeas it 110Vi• V apei %step •* &eton. s ' land " kbe c ell'q cliute l 12,01‘11;1,: 1:taxge o es io ra:i1. • Place . .. . Is used .tot wadding in. cartekages. Tbese Oe onbj a iets at OA atect Vape•sboaTa cettons at tbe vacst itavpitaut tHat uses a Waste pape.t. sbipping containots or, tbis continent. The, • ae,raaae otoSUste Upel. Sbells, gas uasIrs,, sauaSons, tield -elepoes, shell casings, tooa, Clotbilig a; otber .tsaieial are sbipped. t09 e, cases. '•thol.A.so.as crihera Oust. be Inade, ana tuaae quickly. . This etlev...inceUsiUg dentanS VI cxdoc.5.0c. acute shottaga of viasi:e apes. Us a slacdf. age vibicb 10.0, can Ove•ccOnie `i a%"ii.0 evetv saap ot paper and giving it Or CP.11411.1 to •yo.l.z SalVage Conosittee• '.itely, Titovide tbe sbi•pying caSe0 :i-telp. get tbe tools ' C to bUtcbilll Start , -- . Oaa. cn. DON'T HROW IT AWAY THROW IT AT HITLER! FOR COLLECTION -TELEPHONE 35 Asemeatiarmammusim=x0=#ezmaimeW- Deprbr • t w asimistosmorsaaw. -^•F" • .e cr Services Hein ralsle 1. T ,Ther.tin ,