The Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-10-02, Page 8PAO14 Etotylt 11 4 +.• • A.'" • "1"." z . „ .11 • • A•f- THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL OR YOU WHA. BE TOO LATE 'FDA O., Huron Plowing Matoh •Arrangements have 'been macle by the North. Huron • Plowniene As- sociation (Gordon IVIcGavin, Wal- ton, president, and L. E. Cardiff, M. P., Brussels, secretary) to hold their -18th annual Plowing Match on_Mon- day,' October fith on the farm of John Holt, 2 miles south of Ford- wich Howick Townshi.P. Presided At Meeting • J. V: J.oynt, viee-president of the Huron Fruit -Growers, presided at a meeting of the Association held -1-h- ' Clinton last week; at which it was ' decided to hold a fruit show in Nov- • ember to focus attention cei the high quality of friiitirewn, in the 'COWL- ty ' • SEAS XMAS GIETS. , Second WOOto October is the last Mail for Overseas. mailing in time tor'Ximas delivery. ' _. SPOTCH FINOERiNG TARN,' Paton -86-10,1dwin. Soft botani tin- -i-sh, preshrunk, ideal for socks, sweaters, urItti, helmeto. for *min service or home knitting..0z. !so THISTLEBLOOM TARN Po afghans, gl.overi:-SVreaterav mitts: Note 1 oz. ball. Bali ,,...,.4..,...., . ... . .; • ., • 20c ' FIZZY WUZXT.,14.1g.G010. forglovei or hatS.'Bill .,..,...',..., ........ . 49c .A1‘161011;ETTE. ideal for scarfs.' or fancy ,sFzeaters.' Ball ' 35c DAINKIRIK. YON. sufficient: fnc., line pair: a aocks,":iregnlitiion: 69c O. , & NEWTON Wheeling yarn. Mottled, grey, Cardinal, black, green Ot. white. Skein • . . . . ..• .... . . • .• 390 •-,.• • • HOW AMERICAN BOMBERS GET ' A FAMILY GATHERING To War Fronts.. See as shown in 3 .. • PICTURE PAGES . how . American bombing planes • For Britain 'and Russia! get to the scenes of .eon - bat, via Detreit. These EXCLUSIVE Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Nivins at Men- , .p otliS, plus, -many other highly M- 0set • The reunion brought together q.:;•„•,!•„._ .r. teresting-featin-es will be found in Mrs. Nivins, who celebrated her 80th - the -"ENLARGED 'More thtereothr .bitthdayonAmost,g,8*.)* ...datgh- Ulan .ever PICTORIAL REVEW ten; Mrs. Eliiabeth: Cunningham. Of with the October 5 issue of The! Seaforth, Mrs. John Foster of Port . Detroit Sunday Times. Be stare to Albert,: Mrs. Peter McCall of Luck, get The'Detrot. Sunday Times this now and her sons, Melvin Of Tor, week and every Week. • . nto, Jams Elmer of Clgary, WU- ,. : ford a Meneset; Harvey of Tor - The family of Mrs. Nivins and the late John F. Myna had a family union.:on Sunday lst4 the home •of • , • • Onto and Ernest Of Leamington. The. grandchildren present were Irwin France's, Record ' . Foster, of the R,C.A.F. in Wive Sco- , Despite what Darlan and Laval tia; Jack McCall, of LucknOW; Lor - think Of Britain, temaitia a feet een Donald; Patricia and James To Purehase Vamp Site, Property on the 'lake front near Hayfield is to be purchased by the Anglican church for a Summer camp site. Rev. J. H. Geoghegan of.Strath.- toy and Rev. John Grahain of Bay- field have been appointed the seej.i.re the property and suPetvg•e--/the building program. The cost is es- timated at $10,000. 'Previously Ang- lican summer camps have been held at Camp Kintail. • •• • 18,000 LETTERS IN ONE MONTH -4; THURSDAY, OCTOBE1C2nd, 1141 THUMBS UP: When you're down the high- way Mrs. R. Thompson spent a• few days the first of the week in Tor- In you coach or limousine onto. And you seebY the road or by -way, spent Sunday EsunrndesatyPwatitthersomrii .0fariAdubmurrns. Standing straight, erect and clean, A felloW dressed in -khaki, navy, or Cox. air' force blue Miss Doris 'Ritchie' of Stratford Just remember blue, he's wearing Hospital visited at -her home here that uniform for yolk the first of the week. •, ,•Don't debate about the danger " If you stop and give a lift, He will pay you for that ride, sir, ;With his blood and youth -a gift That you and yours, friend. driver, Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchie and Will"appreciate some day, family plan to move torlay from the If these Weren't her, the Nazis Sherriff house; tAhe r. Pater • wOuld ere this .hatre had then solk4e4ilen6e, 4.`ell the' hi4". Members of: the ,Luckno* 1.• are requested to , •attend' a special .meeting' this Friday at 2:30 to range for the district rally. 7'.'"--7-7-----titarFramelpsi°16-13gitain-46.-erritai7y—Eri;est • -at Waterloo andto.Germany in 1870, and the only major victory it has. • recorded for years was when Bri- • tain and the United States supported HAVE INCORRECT ADDRESSES A recent annouriceinent by the Post Office Department advises the Miss Jean thorn of Toronto spent e week -end -at- the bona -of her sister, Mrs.. ;L. C. •Thompson. Mr' 'and Mrs. Oscar keiffet were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. •Jerome Schinidt, Formosa; also with Mrs. Pauline W'aechter, 'Formosa.: Mrs. T. S. Reid of Orillia is vis- iting with :her sister - Mrs. • G. A. Newton and Dr. Newton of town, with whom she plans to spend the Yes, the uniform hers Wiaring:, Is 'poof that hes no. shirker; So, brother,' don't start swearing, • He's no ordinary thmb-jerker. Put your. brakes onMr. Driver, and open up ' your door, • And let this fellow -know that you're at keit Worth fighting for. BRITAIN'S IRON .EIPATION ONTARIO LEADS IN HOG PRODUCTION Over $30,000 In Subsidies Paid Bruce And Wren Farmers Since May 6110•016.66666r, ' More hog carcasses have been gra- ded in Ontario than in any other province for the first eight .months of 1941, L. E. O'Neill, •director of the Live Stock Branch, Ont. Dept': •of Agriculture, Toronto, announces According to records compiled at Ottawa, Ontario has had 1,288,901 carcasses graded as compared With 901,590 Carcasses graded in Alberta.. This ,is 'an increase for Ontario of 82,69.6 'carcasses Compared with the same perioa year ago: Britain's civilian population -has' been provided With an iron ration winter.. ... . . . . . •for the first in history. .Thous- . . . ands of tons of it have been stored D. L. 1VlacDiartnia Of Janiestowii,. 14... Y. and D. R. IViaaDiaimid a .iP depotsfroin One end of the coun, Cleveland, Ohio , are Visiting thig try to . the other.. • . . • .. • . .•• . Week with., their • father, Mr: Alex The ration is. a dry .wheaten bis- , • - • • • mit scientifically balanced, and os- 1VIr. W. S.. Reid and Misses Ida. • Sibility of an.....invas ion, • holding, up. and Fern 'Reid hatre • been visiting : the •normal baking of . bread: Bread at Dtiparqtiet, Quebec,. with their 1 stales: rapidly because Of its high' sister; Mrs:" MayIVIacLeod and Mr. moisture content . The .iron ration MacLeod.. • - . . . • • MacDiarrro loss -of -consiclerable• meil- from Can- -- +has....been-producecLagairist the • Wilford Nivins. Her daughters -in,,, law,l3ora Of Calgary and Rena of Leamington were.. with the family. Mrs.. Lola Bryan of Toronto and • it in 1914-18. Now it has again been Miss Margaret Hall of • Waterloo, • defeated-Chesley Enterprise.• friends of th-fnnly--also-welein- •••.• the gatheting.-SignalStar. •• ada, ettronte Overseas, due to enemy action. • The, bulletin finther says: "While loss of mail through enemy' action is a serious factor, one of the great- est reasons .for delay or non-delivery of mail is failure on the part of, the public to properly address and pro- perly pack their Overseas military mail. As has already been Mention,.. ed .in.oieMonth alone, over 18000 letters arrived'at the lfairt56it fice in1We-dr 13ritainrintoirectly-ad-= dressed --thus • necessitating the searching of volutnindus records to provide redirectory service. .• • • Teaciiing At Ripley Duncan MacKay of Ifshfield: is • acting principal of Ripley Public • ObserverBirthaay • Vance Statia, fornier editor df the tmort.c,pgrrt•TPAMAP,4-. mosogoessOIMIN.M.M. The Ontario govermident susidy' of $1 on, Grade "A'‘careasser end 50 Cents on "B' 1" carcasses` went into effect On May 5th,list. UP until August 31,•$243,326:50 has been' paid in subsidies by the Ontario goverh- ment direct to the farmer. -Mr. O'- Neill stted, on a total of 567,696 hogs. Applications for subsidy from May 5 to Augnst 314 Was made on 8230 cacasss. Mrs. McMahon is Spending a few days hee, haVing came up from Tor- onto where' She is nhaking her home With her daugher Mae, Mrs. K. • "Over twothirds of all the hogs marketed in Ontario since May .5th have been approved for subsidy". said Mr. O'Neill. "Twenty-two coun- ties show over 84 per cent "A" and "B 1" carcasses marketed and sb. counties over 90 per cent. This is a record of whih Ontario farmers, may -•well be Proud. It shows that thV-Enenost-carefu14n- matketirw their hogs at proper weights \ and that fundamentally the type of hog from Whitechurch. Calvin coligre- • in Central and Westetn Ontario is gation Also pesented theta With good., Grading records justify the sum of money and I4angside gave Policy- of the Live Stock Branch in them a fine Bible and hymn book. sponsoring Bacon Hog Clubs in Mr. and Mrs. 'Pollock both spoke South -Western & Eastern crntario" their -thanks in kind words of ap- Since the Subsily.ws introduc--„d prciation, after which lunch was in May there have been 2,919 appli_ served and a Social hour spent. Mt Bridges • biscuit has only. 31/2 percent of moisture and it 'keeps indefinitely • Its actual ingredients are Whole- wheat,' fat and ingar.:, Its vitamin content is unimpaired by baking. The wbolewheat giVes the biscuit vitamin RI and if Contains proteins, TO-NIGHT4E1MS-, OCT. Zod KINCARDINE LEGION SHOW GEORGE FORMBY "IT'S IN THE AIR! in cardine FRIDAY, SATURDAY -OT. 3,4 Paiti'llrian Constance Bennett • "SUBMARINE ;ONE" and • Jack Oak*, • Kay Frairis •io, Louisa M. A.lcotes 1:1LITTLE MEN" BID FAREWELL TO PASTOR AND WIFE (WHITECHITRCH NEWS) • • The basement of the Presbyterian Church was filled on Wednesday • evening when a. farewell social. Was held for Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Pollock, After a short programme of. music and recitations, Mr. and Mrs. F.01 loek were called to the front anity; presented with a puree :of .mOney certificate • the w g. to Mrs: Icalaele A...., • cations apprevecl in 'Bruce County and Mrs. Pollock are going to Wing- - 7-Mig'.."-IVIeeluskeyratt--oetagenarian harn to reside. . • , on a total of 20,82 hogs, Of this on last week for an X-ray ashe • quite ill dining the past week,. but•• s . , al-perentage.of' ttAz: Annie _May Carrick, we are -resident-of--'-the-Villeget . has-been. errboriVehrer-fit, inerlmatt ----nuram-t0mtot. andlib-fe lot -an eniergeticydiet--- Ind--"B1"Itogswa 89 16 with sorry to report, was ta en to ' It compares well With bread cal- , haVing 405 Calories per hundred gramms against bread's • total Subsidy paid of $13,783.50, - In Huron County 3,31,1 applica-' tibia have been approved On a tate! cil-26.7046-hogsv-The-perceritage_OL . and "B 1" hogs wag 89.45 :and the amount Of the subsidy was thoug• • • h still still confined to tied. has not been so well lately. ;: . Mrs. ROy McInnes and children is now considerably improved; al - are spending a few days with her 4InfOrtriatrwas,alSo-recently4e-- • .lei•--tiitchisonTwho-is-witli,-the-'-254. • • ceived that from January 1st, 1941, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals.at • _ The iron ration is also being '5- celsp or en ,spent the week end sued th theCivirbefence forces, 'to to August 31st, 1941, .sonie 4012 par- c d , reached the Army Base Post Office Canada ---fat short Of -their overseas destination --400 badly School in the absence of David •Mc-''reeswater News, celebrated his 75th damaged to be sent on. Of this num- ' htetholeal,at,,,,tjaejimae, ber it was possible to put some 348/1 The 1VIeCall .inoved last atWing with his parents, Mr. end Mrs. Herace Aithiosn, return - hg on TuesdaY. Air Raid Precaution and Auxiliary Fire Service personnel. HEFT Or A WATCH that was to eon 140.04kr.laan " X" elhornm agatelArsaidefauttesmfWzonft: week4.0,....theamfinsilAtlannon..reSi-Arbe presented to a Tata soldier; cans - It .cart„Tain-eilylangitp-a19'Mtral-,4 4tatit,:4411. • , rt. 7 '• lad, . Mraraelmed- 'iteareinntnertiormaastomekvaira l'eivstiymowiwAlze ""•nrIt.- . '"Vt''ir init to GenetalAlospitaL,wberg tempi, The con -tents Avere'• b-atay-elainagW:i 0., atpresent awaiting a call. oerwefl :e • •• it '10 It .;24. 6 -1,11W ReT; --ernployear4Ora*orne-ti'm.P..,...hy-a*„.: ebb_pear :Anent ord the senders ad'v'ised. • • mi c Era ittited Tweltibs • Mr-. Charles Svianson iithe rni -afteAknotrawl patents7--Mr--a: nedy. • Mr, and Mrs.. Gibbs and family have moved to Wingham. ' ' And Mrs. McGregor and• • • , John Thom of Wingham spent Sun day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson. WA -APPSM'APALT • frc, ,t1:1` t , alley„--200--frieads weregittiered-W-the-haPPe:Nean-,13.atlic....Nas, ye -packing of .parcels all takes up Mi. and Mrs.' Jack Spanner of and•many. of the guests were caused Toronto were week -end 'viitors the embarrassment of being search - the time •Sovereign Finishes' MADE BY Canada Varnish Company Limited of Correctly prepared mail matter." •. • Three Monthrteourse The Non. COmmissioned Officers who enlisted with the 99th; Wing - ham Battery, R.C.A. (A.F.) will un- dergo three months training prior to returning to their unit. Tbe firSt • part of the Course, three weeks, will, • be .at Megantic, Quebec Province, lines from the Baltic to' the Black and the balance of the instruction Sea, Magian guerilla bands have will be at Petawawa. Megantic is a struck blow On blow at Nazi corn, town of 3500 of a propitiation situated municationsiestfoying bridges, at - about 183 miles east of Montreal tacking isolated units, leaving to near the 'Maine border, It is chiefly German columns nothing but tlie a lumbering centre but is also -a devastation of a scorched earth. noted place for summer tourists.- In 'furtherance of their campaign, Advance -Tires.•• members of the giterilla hands, ac- • cording to Russian papers, have tk- WORK WAS. HALTED en this pledge of death before sur- render. onto where she is hot enjoying good This Was done. but before the put - health.• chase Was Made the lieitt day, the stolen watch was fotind in the cab- bage patch where it had evidently been hurriedly disposed Of., ater. Fair held esterday, "This re-addresing Of letters and , . • presentation. Police were sumrnone here, 1VIrs. Spanner is a sister of ed, but without results and finally should legitimately the time Of Canadian Postal Corps workers who Mrs. Sadie Armstrong, whconceived of the guests o • is at ' the idea Was be engaged in exPediting the de - present making her home in Tot- sulaCribifirg towaid another watch. sisting his_daughter, Agnes who was , *as cifficially opened by Mr. Rus - recently married, to- get Settled. I-le•Fsell T. Kelly 'Of HatniltOn,• and a fell off a platform, the impact of . protninent business man of *that 'city. the fall breaking his ribs-Witigham Mr. Kelly was born and raised in _Advance -Times. •.• the .Teeswater district. RUSSIAN:GUERILLAS':. PLEDGE OF DEATH Operating . behind the German UnbeataVe Value • Special Price 190 • 32 oz. size 32 oz, size THESE FINISHES HAVE GAINED GREAT POPULARITY \BECAUSE OF HIGH QUA LITY. In spite of rising Costs' every- where, this popular line of Paints, Varnishes and Enamels is offered at a -remarkably lo w price. Owing to the demand of Sovereign, we were fortun ate in procuring 1000 cans only, so Mock up for all your retro irements. SOVEREIGN • SOVEREIGN Floor Enamel Varnish and 5 Colors . Varnish Stain • • 3 Colors SOVEREIGN Quick Drying Colors SOVEREIGN ••SOVEREIGN Fiat Wall Paint • Velvet Finish 3 Colors • 3 Colors "I SOVEREIGN ' House Paint • 5 Colors JUST ARRIVED --CAR LOAD OF D. S. LUMP WILDFIRE ALBERTA COAL • Rae and Porteous Bargains for Everyone • KEN LITEBECK, 23 -year-old Chesely youth was that town's first war cas; ualty.. He has been in England since April with the RC.A.F. and for three months has been in command of a bombing plane. "Kiltedin action", was the brief telegram received by his parents. . • • . . DEBTS d .........!....?.. The Editor of . the Harriston Re- view warns against debt. He • writes "A minister in :a neighboting chinch delivered a forceful sermon reent- ly. 'He said, in part, as follows: Debt Work on the installation of un- , "I, al citizen, of the great is like a prison, easy to get in but , derground telephone cable to the t Siet U• PA/meted :bombing grounds south of nion, 'a faithful sett of (name of. hard to get out. Debt subjects a man ' Amberley Was stopped on Tuesday Republic), swear that I will not lay to' all.kinds of indignities. It makes pending the settlement of the exact down my ,weapns until the last a manoltWmalakketithhimhiws 4eikyesononbathcke location of the site to be: served. Fascist in our land is destroYed. I ground in his hat,. and_ holes in his_• Land agents • for the Government swear to obey the orders of my streets and alleys like a hunted cri- :. and the farmers Saud; of Anhherle.y-commanders and to keep strict mil- MinalIt puts wrinkles in a man's : ' • are said to be 'at Ioggerhea:13e, five dol- merciful revS, over itaty discipline. I Swear to take un from his .pil- _ face. It takes sleep L n oour the rental figure, said to enge for •the destruc„ low. It puts the voice of terror in b , Goderich Signal -Star lars per acre per year for the dura- tiOf towns and villages _ tion ThGoverment fer ' for ell. •ii: man may have a ' , the door - • to veetnet with .a flofat refusal.- is thaid__ t e ea of' h-ld , tar thhole, • tortures, violence and htimiliation L shoes, and his coat may be thread- • inflicted upon my people. BINA bare,but if le-is-free4rom debt, he. is a son of' liberty. 'A 'man jnclebt SERIOUSLY • INJURED IN JUNE, Must be repaid by blood ancrdeath is a man of slavery". Now that is - • by death I sWear to assist' the 'Red rather bard to believe, for we know NO HAS PARALYSIS I • Army in every possible way, to d °me people who Owe us • money, Little Sean Harris, daughter of stroy the enemy ' without spari g Mrs. Geo. Polfuss •of Carrick Town- my efforts or even my life..1 swear and they walk along the ;steet as if they had a Million, dollars, and ship, is in Walkerton Hospital with that I would rather die than iur • infantile paralysis. Only lest June render to the enemy and that I will diln t owepenny. the little six -year -1d girl suffered not let my people be enslaved by ' _E ROOF ofthe Dundalk ,_ ' terrible injuries when struON THE by a the bloodthirsty Fascists. Should I, car. Her injuries included a fract- through weakness, cowardice or evil arena the name "Dundalk" has been red letters 15 feet high , n • ured. skull, two broken legs and a designs break this solemn oath and ainted in • fractured arm and for some time betray the interests of my people, and 8 feet thick. The name of the little hope washeld that she would who mayoose their bearings. may I die a shameful death. at the village will be an, aid to airmen,. survive. • • hands of my Comrades". ' Month End Sale . • ' N APPEAL TO ALL FARMERS A Shortage -91 CREAM CANS Threatens Canada's Dairy Industry . . .. Steel 11 , • Rationed in Canada To -Day. • STEEL "PRIORITIES" • have stopped the purchase of steel in . Canada for all but essential war industries. •• „ , • 'nap MEANS that cream cans will become almost hnporsible to secure. Already there is talk of an impending shortage, and, • prices have advanced sharply. • A GENElEiAL APPEAL is being made this week throughout Ontario to have ill extra cream cans-, (Whether damaged or rusty) returned to the creamery. These will be repaired and 4; • retinned if necessary and put to their proper use. Good cans are urgently -needed, of course. • • • • WE MAKE the appeal to ALL FARMERS to give your beat • co-operation in restoring these cream cans to general circul- ation again. Canada Needs Those Cans Silverwood Dairies Ltd. LUCKNOWI ONT. • ....... • StOlU DID NOT GEE YOUR SALE BILL IN YOUR MAIL, ASK FOR ONE AT Tilt STORE: • • ,P "Ar*2"°'-'' " .• • ••