The Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-10-09, Page 8• .,4 . . , r. ' '• • ,,• -• • " . • • .• . • • 141 •• ' • • .• _ • . b T1-15 LUCki•,10W +SENTINEL .YOUR .OWN :orIMKET AVY• WOOL PLAID, or STRIPES for 4ackets. 54 inches wide „ .,„ . ... . -- $2.50 , .. ,..,... TARTANS in iltWoql,for Skirts. 54 in: wide. ,$2.28 r---* 'RAYON SPUN inisartans or Stripes. Yard ...... 89c & 98c • TO BE ,SNIART you must 7.11' 1. 'Jerkin. Plain materials in light• shades for these. 54 inches . -'.,;?,....1, ' . • . % , ' $1.35 _ jti. issigs,VANCY, PULLOVERS in. pure, wool. ' ' $1.25 ••„.., , 0 kiltDR,EN!S •PULLOVER---..et.'4 .' ....EIS. Pure wool' .......: 4„. 1"DiEt Service 'Weight SIL li-! 1 lc . , New Fall shadesS.'S. Pair, ... ' ' •'' ' ,f„. • - .• f.. .. „ . 79c ' S SILK' • WOOL Ho,,sg. Pair • - -• 1. • ...4.,,...".. ,..`.. 69c s.0 ..,,,... SSEil.'2:4•4: 1., material Pleated. $2.988; 8.49- , t• h.', , ..,.,..; .1/4 .,, . .`"'i , -'• ''"'-5••••.:-'''';-- bon.41 - - - NOW ENL,AR •,• esting ,Than CTORIAL • REVIEW .... ...with the Detroit Times la riniv vi.LArkgjp,, . 1110TO appealing than ever. It's `Migh- igen Own•Home 1Vtagazine"...% Packed*, with action pictures and stories of the world today a human interest itiagazirie forallthe family. Be surti --to-get--The---Detroit-Siimday- Times., this week and every week . that you Revie t MaitY ntliest-7c.X-CLUSIVE features. • Was Home On Leave Private Herb Carter of Ripley„. and formerly of Kinloss visited recently with his wife and family. Herb has Perth Regiment since early after the been a motor meehanic with the outbreak f havingbeen stet- . lolled at Stratford, Camp Borden & Hamilton. He recently .returned frOni taking a4Peoial-sevenw,eekcourpie at Fort Knox Kentuckey. Follow - IQUAR,ANTINE HAS BIEN COMPLETE .` The public have'retponded well to carrying out a' •complete veluntary quarantine, imposed. • last Friday morning after the Outbreak of two cases of polio within the Village. The Board of Health decided. that in closing the school at noon that day, that if there was any value in such aetion it should' apply to all public meetings and hence. all ,gath- erings were • banned, 'including church services and 'church meet- ings. . Since then there has been pract- ically :a complete absence of child- ren from the xnain,..street. Business has. been severely hit hy the epf- deinie, cOndtione are exii`ectecl to Soen return to normal, With hope- ful iedications that the scourge has nOw* rim its course. To the extent the quarantine has .been imposed and adhered to is borne •out by the cancellation of the South Bruce Institute rally to haVe been held here today:" the regular meeting of the Fire Company on • Monday night; a lodge meeting; ch'urch -services ..and all activities:: and a meeting Scheduled for Wed- nesday, at which P. V. Wilson, die, trict .organizer for the War Savings fall drivr, was to have spoken to a. email local group. As Well there has been a self im- posed social quarantine in general r' Weer •-' • RiPleY 11' -reflitneil-,-iiraiLER-To BE:LICENSE tO Carnp Borden, and .expects ere long to be detailed to an overseas I,. s n o cot- . ' THURSDAY, OCTODER Otb,, 11. . (LOCAL andGENERAL) Two',Lucknow'Old-Timets. Attend A, . ,,, T460E111:,11 tbilTAlfir 0 AliTLE visiting in. Hmiover this week. , :4(41 Church.Wedding And Reminisce The follow e OPPealled in in."-r.,.......g axtto Mrs. Wm. Schmid and Douglas are • , a . Mrs,. Al, •Gtise of st. Thorn4s vis.- ,lerairopmeass - a recent issue of the Beacon-Helaid: ited last week with h,er parents, Mt. , . I "Frank Todd and Son is a nam . A , • Thompson • . • • • est • the two n e a )3 y . ' c e m e t e r i e S . I ntSorhee4:dr t reckonhitoorcn4wc6ii3 It cattle, It liiebn, i ttanharead vi'1Sa°ttraelrdr4 ocnrfgepsw:lrini froni Tempt° last week where she Dekarr.:1:11:11' ell- 'Yht . • tives,, neighbors and kiwi mates and 'Mrs. P. a Johnston. We 'visited, with• prefound• inter-. , Mrs. A. E. McKim returned home Editor, Lucknow Sentinel • Where the gave a of several rela- til‘ioectii wwaltshiasAobne:tdeedenw-iAthngtre, polVlsor.. We want to let you know hoW, ourselves as We read the inscrip. • As abilities sualft thhee sbwliateakhebdr eeencloroeflycaotvt underwent an Operaticei. - are:found: What conversations with, Mrs. Gordon Fisher and Billieare pleased we were to return to Luck - tions, realizing that ,we are in our to purebred Aberdeen -Angus. Faun- .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nixon. . new, with two nieces, Mra. Andrew visiting in London tbis, week with • .. Allan vf Windsor •and. Mrs. John E. sunset days and that each: is. the ers of the Idistrict for the most part e iv andattend.. thesole survivor of 'a family of ten know the result Today, Frank Todd Charlie Webster And his unither,1 Wiegand o •.• Mrs . Richard . Webster visited for weddhig of Rev, William Alexander Cinn!'llirWhetWaharet.Inhuessein ratededIrs76onn a • few ;Jaye, 'last week at Toronto Henderson and Miss Margaret Mar- oftiiet.hislomrt4osArnt success g..cise;:r .tiendcluolgneedi fist,' iiiir and Oshatert. 1 '• • . , . - . - tin. MacDonald, two fine young peo- •Oolng how?.' While on earth did they. continent Cattle the •Todd farm Cq Pye, of 'like ancestral faithLuck- uestion that htitaan personality have taken sweepstake honors and DMcAlPine of the Bank , . ef .. survives the dissolution of the body'practically •"cleaned Up"... -,:for. many 1Vibirtree Staff ,is. on holidaYs , and; now !herself IS. to 'be congratulated Did they`have'acturate and reliable -• y.ears now. at the CFledian'Natianal with Mrs, MCAlpine,,- Donald. • and for Providing. the ' Setting. as :Well inforrnation regarding : life' after • Marilyn,.'is: visiting at Sande' and ' - • ' death. • "Is life a question 'without •stock e osition When the Royal is the two Weii-knovm fiunilies 'Of ExhibitiOn and ' the Chicago Live,: • . - • the contracting- parties... •47 ; • 1,, , .. . . , . itri ,. . • • , ,...: . • .' ..an answer, a. race without , a goal, Winter:Fair was operating, Todd cat, •,.', Bob ThOmpeon; telegraPhist on the . ' . • • • • • • The atriioePhere ot• the marriage battle7 without a ,victory?" kWhat ' ' '. ' • ' ' ' ' ' - . -.. . ''-- _ - happens to the soul of the believer Todd steers, Whiners of the blue a tle hkewise took. the honors there Corvette "Sudbury", and who has Gere throughout wee so beeorn a n. • . . - encased for years? Luke '28:43; Acts have been 'glorified- commercially, a ribbons at the various 'expoeitions. been. stationed ' at Kingston for a ing and charged with. such .a lite P; when it leaved the body that has short time, Paid' 'a brief week end . feeling' of joy anu. apiritual. rea es., 7.55 59. 2 Cor. 5.8 - . , • manifest hi, 'Cana • of palil.,..ee; :had 1 ' ' . • - , . Recognizing the desperate Condi.' •swankier •eating houses of . Canada • .- ._ . and sold at very -high figures at the visit, at his hOme here. : • . 1 • ,•that one, felt that an Invisible Guest, . . M. and Mrs: Tom Gagen and been invited and. was present. fion of the world. today is not this .daughter Patsy of Lendon, and Miss I • , and 'the United •States.' Arabelle Cameron of Glencoe were-' Only those who have Igcl like ex- a time when 'menneed, a visit to God, and "Last Saturday we paid Sunday', visitors with Mr. and Mrs. , , periences can understand the feel-. decisions regarding our eternal des- . . paid R. J. Cameron. ' • . I . . Legs of • Rev. Mr. • MacDonald, the. tiny? Fear stalks the ',palace and , .. Frank Todd and he showed us some of his stock.. He has not been ex- Misses• Winnifred and Olive Far-. , brides • father, who performed; the the. 'hut, the city' and the hanilet. hibitirig at ..district •fairs this year, eereniOnY, : without the Is there -e• remedy ' for fear? Your • ,except at Lucknow, but he expects er of Toronto spent the week end presence- of his 'beloved wife.' The 'Old Timers would respectfully. rec- with their parents. 'Mr.. ,and Mra. 4V-toulilit was present; with deep sym- ; o'rnmerid the study of Ps. 27 and . to show also at the Teeowater . Fair ri W. R..•Farriet, West Wawanosh' and pathy,lp everionekbeart. The day . may all your 'readers have the; ex • .this fall. The stables at the Torkrit, attended theLEarrier-Gillespie-wed,',.. a1after,teddi,ng,,yag_disel osed, p eYise-e of David mentioned. farm - or rather we should say ding on Saturdythat before leaving town andaftier,Ver3rtierelhdf"iii-Ty son Tom operate around' 400 acres 1 d--T•e-in tarrns,.,becails_e XrAnkieild, and . his Mr. and] Mrs, ' Burton Roach .'of shaking-eff the-ptirsuit-of perfect nr_d_M",_He has had visithcilhmothe'grave and • • • Making Recnvery David Stewart,' of Huron TOwns- hip is making satisfactory recovery following an appendix op- eratjon in KinCardine Hospital. A ..a.p.pen.dixcaOtedlier. con- -•dition te-he-seriouslor-a-tiree.- -Mrs. Kennet,h. McKay Of ' Ripley, • *ter of 1/1.i.a. Wilfred ;Ilaickett of 't°14 Belfast was also a recent patient -----iii-Kineardine-Where-she-underwent an' OPeration, .MEMBER. SENDS LOCAL PAPERS TO FORCES. OVERSEAS unit , RECREATION GROUNDS FOR Pop,T ALBERT AIR SCHOOL, • Nine. acres of land on the shore of _Lake7Hurltie y_west Of the Port, Albert Air Navigation School; have heen made available to the school through the generosity of the owner of the property, Dr. W.•.Math- ews of DearbornTIlfebtrilrb used for recreationaP purposes. It is ph:Posed to have softball, base - 'ball and possibly cricket grounds, • p "li which will ' lud dressing rooms and a canteen. The Every per o ; pa p, Poration selling or handling food products, feeds, clothing, niillinery, footwear or furs will be required: . . to obtain a 'license froth.. the War - +,e Prices- and 'Trade Board Under the recently announced nation-wide ' - , Past th-ree-Aelightftil-towe-to4Thich-okl-timer-s-question-of -holidayi-441d--hours-of---hoon-long-Ilard„ones.for-Frankiredd, , .......--.::_. . . toan announcement -made underwent an operation: He will comfortable homes, well -paved town. The by4aW Provideathat alrfar as the Ab-drafeir"-Amitirbreedis , II by the Board, Will be distributed not yet 'resume, hie duties as Post -t streets, well -kept dependable stores, stores of the 'town will chiseon Sat-. early in October. When Completed master however. I, . • 'including a Bible and Gospel Book urday nights at 10.30 o'clock, except . . hy,the-applicantrthese -ferins are te.,.. . • ._-_,,_ ' ---•- , shon; that rightly divides the Word during the rnmiths of July, August ing, OttaWa. The tecOrds division of .' WEDDING BELLS churches and school; your Mannerly hours will be ll• o'cleek. The hours a year, which is about the same are tormentors, the young couple Lueknow attended the Wedding in Dungannon on, Saturday ,of their had laid a beautiful bettquet of --------- niece Miss' Einity McGratton to Mr flowers upon.it, "Unless I had believed". CordialW, • John Fraser MacKenzie. John Donald Murray. Harry Masecar of Delhi. Mr. and „. Mrs. Masecar will reside in Delhi. Further, Mr. Editor, your • Old TimerS desire to; express grateful • • SETTLE. CLOSING HOURS Mr. ,Hartiey Lindsay returned thanks to the people -Of LUCIE/IOW for ' several of the younger cattle in the. • .• stable at the present time fitting themfor the show. ring. There's plenty of work connected with ,the • building tip, of 'a herd of show -cat- tle but the prestige gained in the ring makes the herd of higher corn-, ° „where_hehas_lieenior_the building and maintaining midi a Wiarton Council has settled the menial value. The last 20 years have frorn London the first of the week, • —License-application-forinaraceorc17,--v,,T.eeks_and_during.-Which time he May re*rn_. with_pride. Your good closing of business placks in that ,but today he stands. at the top as • • concerned." The Washington government trees ; be mailed to the Director of Lioens-I " • ' " of Truth, together with your fine and December, when the c o ing ahout--four=:rnilliorr-tons of -paper the Wartime Prices and Trade well-dressed ehildren -- all --------------- on week' clays will be six amount ai -used bY Ottaw4lidging Board will make a permanent rec- '" things sang lopdly in Our blood as o'clock . except on nights before a by the 'amount of sniff whish reach- niCHARDS—BARTLETT Ord of the license, and .return to id fi ti the applicant a license enfi ca o beach offers facilitiea for bathing, ps p • ' day afternoon,„-_Septerabeu-.22,,,when=, E-insrwhinhAkene=,* ive looked - back upon "the myself holiday, and on Wednesdays at 1200 es our wastepaper baSket.-;•Chesley A pretty wedding was solemnized f esterd.ay" In three short days nOon, except dtning' July, August Enterprise. Ylived ears to manhood ever and December and on the Wednes- ' at the Bervie Parsonage on' Satur- we „ „ megthers ef, the Canadian•for- ,aml_the-; • as, eat ot d.dT card. together with a window l4e- 'Aikkl.'7"'*'"W".''''Fl4=ee4114.1,U,W441=1,brt*1415,i3SVIL,61"iiiitligt1WIM5 ienstotranstesm.TheNlitmwerittwitalierro „ : • 0•1: Tre i7PWItc,P YAW -gee sbsrieno elr.br-newsPaPer-fen7the7thirati if the. War,'-throughan arrangement' „, -made With publishers in the -con: stituencY by Honourable W. Earl Rowe, P,4 C., M. P. for the riding. Several hundred:. - subscriptions L.haea1ready been taken 'mit, 'and, grateful letters from 'men and wo- men serving overseas 'give striking • evidence that they are glad to get the home town news. • , • • • 71 , • .. • •" ' -1) cl th window transfer is to 1".6• - tiS MO ot. old friends -again- inctuatng, • „ recent- booster- lor-tneir---sati-- . • -Tke round: iihinadect over to the sehool for'. the duration of e war and six Months thereafter, at the nominal rental Of one dollar a year. —Signal -Star. ' ' : nCrewe Folk, Win: Quilts • At the k‘all Fair Concert at Dun- gannon on Friday night, draws were made for two fancy quilts donated by Mrs. RozTutledge and Mrs. John • Mose. The 'rulers were Miss Mur- . • , With 'Anti -Tank. Unit When the •98th Battery,.R.C.A.., at Port Elgin went active service; there were eighteen recruits frem Kincardine jOined the unit ' which is nolo apart of the 4th Anti -Tank Reghhent Included' in the Kincar- dine grenpare two brothers, Harold and'liercy Hyde, • formerly of. St. • • • : • iel Quinn, teacher of Crewe School and. Orville Durnin of. Crewe. Pro- ceeds"firtiM the two quilts amounted to almost $40. • ' Conference Pr4sident • Clarence McClenaghan. of White- church was elected president of the London Conference Young People's Ueloir which convened at St. Mary's Helens. over 'the week -end, HYDRO POWER INTERIWPTION . W CONNECTION WITH THE CHANGE IN TRANSMISSION :VOLTAGE FROM 22,000 to 18,000. VOLTS THERE WILL BE 'A HYDRO SERVICE INTERRUPTION IN LUCKNOW ON: 17 Sunday, October 12 7 a. m. to 11 am. 12430 pL.'m -to 5 p. m. 111 r ; er, united,l'hIpasnage by her fath-1 • -6'. ed old ates as Ifai • tixed-to-the_glass,e e -a door of his place of business . or to . er . ar • s, o o r. Amateu : `Are. these hollyhocks to be hell on October 2nd and 3rd". window adjoining the main door- and Richards of -Fairview - Alexwhom McDonaghwehad noatndseePnatinHolixatn; quick kruwers. _ • Too. bad we can't go, as it sounds . a • _t r -r• -7trr.et us nof forgeisnirArthur r Each licensee will be required to carry his license number on all, in- voicesjobl3ers' sales slips and orders for mereandise. Any person or firm tubjecrtti 'this licensing order sVill • • • years. Near ,Port Albert, when we Salesman: I should say. so; you like a real "hot tune.--Teeswater Alberta. • News: •The bride who was given in mai- picked up. an air force trainee-- jest plant the seeds and jump clear!" riage by her mother, wore a street who was "showing us the, waY ti), length dress iii hyacinth blue crepe, .Goderich" we were greeted with: smart hat, accessories of soldier blue the ,caw of a black crow, a descend- ,I not be permitted to buy goods for • ant of that contentious old fellow and corsage of pink roseS. Miss Ag, resale unless he has secured his lie- nes -Bartlett. who Was her sister's who scolded us so soundly in our ense. , attendant wore aadress of rose crepe old seeond•readere. • with hat and, aecesseries to match, Luckily we passed through Dun - Thirty 'Years Married . corsage of roses. Mr, 'Archy Brown, gannon.i' • of Bervie was the groomsman.. I•n daylight, but we werent • - Mr. and Mrs. :Ernie Wilkins of .•unmindful .of these ghosts of other Paisley were married 30 ,years on • Mrs. ?toss Ciimniings played the., by -gone days, that annoyed tray- ' September 22nd. They have a fam- wedding music and the ceremony ellers with their elickity-clack and ily -of five daughters and three sons took place in o the living room hich - w sudden appearances around that in - and have lived in Paisley since 1916. was beautifully decorated with flow- ,fested Dungannon hill. However He represents the Toronto Globe-- ers indf°F.ns... • 1 ' I when checked on the speed limit Mail in this district. ' The bride's ;mother received.in , and found it ' was fifteen miles an , ,_ powder bIueecrepe with_bat to math hour we concludedthe spooks- tra- 1 and wore a corsage of roses. • I ditiori still persist and that the city ° TWO CASES, of infantile Paralysis Luncheon was served in the din- fathers provide ample time for their • are receiving treatment in Walker- ing .room which ,was done in pink safe 'getaway. ton Hospital. One of the little 'vie- and white decorations, with flow-- -;-... we visited the Fall Shim in the • tims is Jean Harris of Carrick Town- ers In silver ;holders. ,Mr, .A.* L. fine new arena with Much ,interest ship and the other is 1Vlary LouiseHamilton poured tea while Misses and although we have seen larger George If Walkerton: Both girls are Margaret Jean and Betty Alexander, ' displays, we never appreciated the • ' '• reported to be recovering, Various Andrei, Armstrong, andWilind Bar, I "carry on" spirit of any .managers • cases are report& in Bruce County tle# assisted in serving. including a case at Southampton The bride and groom le . more than that of your enterprising ft by motor leaders. :When we 'spied the glam- . where schools were closed. for a wedding -trip, and will live in Hamilton.. 41 TRIBUTE was paid the memory of Orville Page in the United church, Presbyterian W. M. S. • Wiarton, on Sunday, September 28, which date marked his 22nd birth- The regular o October mechurch eting of the W. M ''daY. Stoker Page lost his life when I- with Mrs. . S. was held in the 1 corvette'Levis was ' 94 PorteoiiiesidifPsaIm the Canadian s was sung, Mrs. Porteous read the uhk by a torpedo. scripture and Mrs. MacLeod led in , prayer. The •Bible study was taken • ' • by Mrs, W. flUston and Glad Tid- LEIGH H. SNIDER, Wiarton barri, ings prayer giVen by Mrs. W. D'oug•• ster and Conservative candidate in las. Plans were made for the Thank - Bruce at the last Dominion elect- ' offering Meeting. Current events ion, . left on Saturday for Trenton were taken by Miss Mary MacLeod. to take a course of instruction in , Mrs. A. P. Stewart gave a reading adMinistration, •Mr. Snider, who was I and the topic from the study ' book with, the air force in the last wat,. was given by Mrs. Dr. Little. Miss was, recently appointed:to a com- ! Hutlburt played 'a piano solo. Hymn mission in the R.C.A.F. with the t-141 was sung and tm he eeting closed paosut•risseblvyesp,.1,.1ttinkthe future in debt to rank of Flying Offider.. : with prayer. ----- ourously browned loaves of bread, after an early breakfast we thought every loaf there deserved" a first prize. But the first prize Fall wheat, • even after we put on our glasses, did not eompare in color and sie with the wheat our old time farm ers used to raise. We made- no- die! pargying remarks to kindly James Hackett who shOwed tit around for • maybe the sunlight wasn't as good as in our day. Upon the whole we were greatly pleased With your town and what yOu have done. May your good' work continue, and we would say to the rising generation in Luck - now *hat the late Lord Tweedsmuir Said to the York Bible Class in Tor• onto "Remember that the only way in which we an paro.zt debt to, the • 0 ALL FARMERS A Shortage of CREAM CANS ilteatens -Canada's Dairy Industry . . Steel Is Rationed In Canada ToDay STEEL "PRIORITIES" have stopped the purchase Of steel in Canada for all but essential war industries. THIS MEANS that cream cans will become almost impossible to secure. Already there is talk of an impending shortage, and prices have advanced sharply. • A GENERAL APPEAL is being made tilis week throughout Ontario to have all extra cream cans (Whether dantaged or rusty) returned to the ceamery. These will be ,repaired and [dinned if necessary and put to their proper us. Good cans ake urgently needed*of course. - WE MAKE the appeal to ALL FARMERS to give your best eii-opration in restoring these cream cans to grneral circul- ation again. • Silverwood Dairies Ltd. LUCKNOW, ONT. 101021.54.110.10,1,111,12.1921.., • New FaH Merchandise In All Departments NEW WARM UNDERGARMENTS ° NEW WARM HOSIERY FOR MN, NEW KNITTING WOOLS AND NEW FLANNEL AND WOOLEN FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE WOMEN AND CRIELDREN.YARNS BLANKETS. FAMILY. 1447 , • 1",-"i"114 siroR.E, Lucknow 41 • " • ,i,44#/..4.L=0.1*.4:•:14"4 g.,."-y".4"4"tirLetc;.1541.1*.f