The Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-10-16, Page 4NGERS • Well g another week . rte. und, 2saa tiine again t9: Wing you =other edition =ler news. . ,• the'. r llo 4 quar'an.' ae. i beam .. ,tended tbrou gout this •week• I r'1W 'WM be bei. The exer'.ut= ave and squad leaders,. however, sr�eti meet eitilgi PrOVII1GteS frOM the htoe • Bock:les :these nonferenees o fer boy's - leaders who attend•-�u a alaenging discussions, vital experienee •of rsbip lr,spir-`. speakers, lasting fr-ier9rls11tps, ts, - if tier broadcast, THE .L K O1 * * s • S :NTI'N ei 7 , MArt 'We hope gang tt3 get slur :asieetm s ' ih :Grace Blake of Drumbia Vent going soon arsd well be' expecru J,he week -end �rdtth her , Mr - .S DU all out. Plan now w=hat you . 2.1ad mrs. 'Them.-'13Wrae- �a, ould , ute to 'o Teas aind be I� George -•d"'f'��fd 3'S3oT?iei3.' 3ie1i' S�' ', 1?'�':._ - , standing en,d a. clearer sense of re- n - oma. fell -r t,i te11 us at t�„T' st 'meet � _q e1 ,C 'h _ nt last .. week with Cr r, . daughter, °Mrs Cecil Johnston and r a - ., s ..• : M3 s Johnston .. • s A_na so #o These �Caza3da-a isie Confere: s . g sponsibility fo better• World r aa'1O'"h-}1�'T `�""A eek $"Cli,LT MT., .and •N1 Ernest . Blake t . Trail Rairgei repo^ ter siasis h---, name . Sanaay •.vas g tiaeiz daughter, Mttr-1 are. sposstred by amgi�car, Batzx�st : fel in Ta?>3dors Dec pie 's,va igelical, presby*teiaav, to 'editio*.3• • three of .? :ad Trail Bang . • mss . r lorfitin of Btratfcrd end mt:ed•. church and, the ' ;1+! C A 'er 'nom �:.. Mars e.1':Inddies. 1 31 ber.;parents,. Mi. - ��' of you ;T�i Ii.atig_ . t•-do�on:. - ,i► ' Y. ” . �. • Norinal spent #rhe week,enrl With! #.OSS C.E. NTRE tt d-• t N *�-ho mould . t'ae . wier .:. d ui a eYi K . #13 e c SL,e '� a ed� tt� ling a_ anti Mrs. Henry,; corse Qf at ithe •� Ander=- 0 e bee=r eek�s o�9r with 1'd 'te,r M;tirray. Mr ,nd Mrs. Charles P •soon •as . S. O 4,14 retie yo=. •4 Hopi ac . �. T .. y.. Clutton svenz the meek -end, ntrea _•o r' -a M. 2tt �- ? r ar •-- regist? tic,n- h? a d f er d ata g a 4 e home t�f t�lEx .. d Rtts : 'ta'tas- With; tllis. Peter'Mur�- T: 'Vi 1t, Bel t,211S: ,, Mone ",Z,f�4r�'idt:?OZ�t ��,•. t• n • w tn. M� .: anti. Mrs. • J Robb; nRc, . 5^s. P B dell • I u a_nd IWL eS'�' - are ,, Week's' cobs. �• 'i f' 'home x3i next •e mak,• e s . � a#`th ppear , ri . ryili Ceener*Beiloii, $err+ Son' , n# � scar e• e THU'RSPA.X, OGTOBEK .$$tb; I.A i T t c iia"? v d :eto3 ei. h fit foul: i?lease• 'l . _ :. . r• S; n arga-Tet 'Murray ,,. oron a..Qoaea4eh sp• ent the, bah at tb sure' t ' lysteh to the . . .attend ' lads• as ....there- xs.. much gm: � '. „Bep Traras.Can- ; Lenard '�i'us-sa�: u•3th"31di• •ansa .Ms, .•1onae. of Mr: and i11fr� Wi31• :Irvin.: aot311ant .business to be dealt 'WXt3I. d Mr 3 • � ,ad ' Conference broadcast Danae1 Iur_: as ; >tiin: an _ s: erome fiyS r + c c dY5C1Ct tlaS?e • of e-. .� SenooL lads is Mrs_ Jas. Nihau. Iter. and Mrs. Geo closed for p 7./4e sr pig aanac • • t week : CBL Toronto from ` 6 15' tv.:g _ fl Iz ;n., #Ile e d aanada e:Do t onfereom - :.. 1` Mrs. ,. r•am tW.h Church services we;•e . a~lso Mr H.eB D'_ rrs�•utn. with fliepsurw, rrienr:s: • o�r?n? to the e adt*,nac m Lucknow .�'_ mel :a'crersst3nt~�T�aixxinn �"o�, Dingman and Mr. T�...•,t-M-. �d fi..�s..13.a.. old Con,g_ - Oettdber 17th to Nati-ember' 3f .. Tn 'Jar -Start I "fie hen, . on 'this. �-A T. n m..Cor :es1.,. r a Tralad. and Ennald F g • t dot. October it3ts3 o ver stat t,*i past couvie of u= u�- th • • ), • (ff. J ��.' s aalf ' '8Prlt� 'Was• ,�oTSi,3�: - •`� _ —•- •••:r..,., -gy bin West' -! apt: poT'ih � . • . • � _ . � . • • � .-�; -, --- . - Wawauo h To p. men We to a anuntrY , ;l -Last ea 's rubber tired tQ NEP PUDE at R•ECONP�IO ti ed iruffi the %na 1ATh C 3' Furniture Store- Also ;. St Ate. eritfi Allis Chalmers tractor, good as ne-w. the Mildmay reix airi Where . t' dab ed- 11 Its. Janies`i V>1ad - •new pianos, Hear them p1aY0d at t Schierl & Suns at. MildtnaY"'. CARD OF THANKS . Today Frosty has wed, ing four•,corners of farm land but there are • no stores nor hotels to 7a'rke spot.' story of. Pro perst9..Is t3'Iu• of nutty other ' Ply-. fix the b early u,�ayTheo 'a •parse � and ._.ugh ' Was: =tocarrying t. .tapable of .P + a tit - : diS,tance wittiot i � . . } ardship, the' ° small comrikuluties. ote]S„ flppiad..and • the; boomed. he from • the main mit d3StI3biIt3U73 stere ttt:ihocr iali v1lage helped to, ,.hrimg .eustimers• 'Rural mail:: de livery, :hadil'x started, and the farm- ers on the .• concesseens doubled up in getting the 1,0ii and groceries. in fact, . the general stere carried g from hairpins to „axle grease. Each 'csnnnotmity was Fros- pero with: , its own business. - -_ Prosperity, lite so many other srn�ll centres, suffered the hard blow rif `l aving. tL aasportation speeded up, The . first automobiles' tarried, the ,farther to . town. Competition crept fur many were employed . m devices w tate of the •said Clara.-;McNesoe, ,who ring: a country eustomex in AUCTION SALE of farm stock in to •tow. In many cases a head-a'-cltIti:irig a:•�t umber9. o'f.l06va„Ifulead died on or about the Twenty-eighth • • i -I'ay o37 3`94'1; are r�uired•*.� th'ho SALE—Beatty Washing �g �Wasiiing math- �ine with 2 tubs and tub stand. A.pf�Y at Sentinel Office. a •old register- Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Irwin► FOR SATE--T�'o-Year eg .. ish ,to acknowledge with heart-. ed Hereford bull and a number of I felt gratitude the kindness and sym- p ready wean Richard Baker, extended •them, by ..a host of Hoa• : :od pithy � fraealds-' in their bereavement.' Words VOR Masse .-Hastis . 2 -fur -.:are 'futile , in expressiing tlaetr ap- -' -' Y was .done. to - for all 'that ' •• t • n ve is 0 *w � •t�tactor ' plonie •and •,an ,Ola . pies .th i�r ' lijs8. ow, tractor •ploy , nevi, bargain comfort 'thern in e fu=r price; also 5• Cerds soft body' wood: 1 rick wish - -and M rs.. John Ki Lucknow.: M Kilpatrick, L l ?gal . ae� ods Pa • ie the Undersigned about .two weeks 'fr .. - . -' "to thank their. heightidrs. a, c} . thefor the many,• acts of kindness: shown them during Keith's illness. and for ' the =numerous gifts sent -to him. NOTICE TO..CREDITORS IN -THE- MATTER •-of-the Estate of'__ .' -C•laraa,,:.McN'eice,, late.of the Village of Lucknow in the County of Bruce;'-' spinster, deceased, • Notice is hereby given • pursuant to the'Statutes `in that behalf that all' . creditors: _and .others .having.. ''' claims or demands against the ,Es - go, a dark red, 3--year-Old heif theirt and calf . ' Anyone knowing whereabouts ':please - communicate wit -_Mgrs• Graeel.onyr,,_R. 3, Luck - now, 'Phone.' -SS -r-15, :Dungannon. . At VTION SALE of farin • stock .:&. implements, at Lot 7, Con. '12, Ash field on Thursday° October 23rd • at one o'clock. Seee bills. Terms Cash. Mrs. Grace Wig, Prop„ Donald Blue; Avec. . ' ,n•, usehold,. • would have •prefer- of young • cattle,: brobd sow, number on or before the Twenty-fifth :day. of young pig's;• at Lot.. 9, , Con. 12 n or before th T41 ty send ay dam- at--hs� mut the- r :.: : - enjoyed the small excitement create- ed in the ;urger ' tows.. Prosperity t Ashfield on, :Tuesday:.Octobe3�Lt3th �o to the un at 1.30. W. T. -Gardner di Suns, Prop.; I post prepaid, or deliver, . de=signed, Executors of •the last Will an9sl,ed, not idiro any lath of 1421. ai Gaynor Aut* --Id Te its otaa rent of the said deceased, w n; but simply because of their nacres, addresses and descrap- -•_ NOTICE tions, the full particulars • of their, rho, ping conditions. :. There are stili memories of Preis A final warning iS given to all 'claims, and the nature of the se- perit. For e; ample, the store be- boys in • possession of B -B or air curities (if any)- held by then duly came 'aa garage ' on the Hamilton guns'. ' t any further daiiiage cans- verified by affidavit, ,,oie_-,aL.,he hQm was moved ed by these guns,' willresult. in them And take: notice that after succi .cin_ biTfiScated by~the 1eea Polar,e ;t••-naentiuned.-4ate the aa�d' Exe- o oy f °$-fie' Kt this. in in nd the716 want: to cutors"wil1 pceed-to"distrihute-the---•-•---• #ourtli coat ession of land that keep yowl assets of the said deceased among , . . oncg• framed the site 'of •Prosperity th;e parties entitled thereto, having• became farming. land regard only to' the claims of Which mmu-. they shall then have , notice,' and «« . The story. of the small co ST. H E:L ENS ties of West Wawanosh in iiuron that, the said executors ;will not be. 'County is typical ofwhat took place Holiday visitors n the community 'fable for the said :assets or any in. Other townships. ?n. Western On- ' included:. Mrs. Rootage of Holstein; part thereof to any ,person or per- tario...Oii a tzinth?:augh West Wa- ems 8 image. Huntsville;. itlliss. sons of. whose claims notice snail wanosh Pull 'find man.) eununun-. Irene Woods of Waterlod: Miss. An- not have been received by therm at itie3 that retain only a name t;., •bear .'na Stuart of ' Toronto; Mass Dorothy the time of such distribution. ' °Dated. this Thirtieth dayof witness to the fact that. they were .Webb of Toronto; Russell ;Webb. and Sep- rk.Mt u1Rn,.nf.. am lton, Cor i ember.. A... Ll_ PO - . .9 1. c:s fi:�tB.v�., �.__ w...`r,� Cyd.,. nt Joon' QPlwaei�lr ° nrr TCL`l1 7Sr Todd'O'f Strac _ AS ALWAYS MADE LY ONE MOTQRFUEL .4:40' At,i •^+».,cs..��,:by,�.rrsm.:§..'ekiY."•„"inYAt r-+r....xrc',,'%"llt..�. u-,:,,.., is now W. SM-I'TH-, Central Garag Lucknow, • Me". Will is,.4 earner, pe? ed T'0l .the top of • a h from which on a .clear day you ca see: Lake Kuron quite distinctly; in spite of the. fact. that' it .is twelve' miles' distant..Bek fast.' named by` a hardy Irish pat- - . r of .in.. the. early days,. has: lost its flotirisbing., hotels and. retains .a ser.- • vice. station arida honie. Older folks ' recall the days when Lucknow was .. the centre of the grain trade. Team - vices Ilecognked Mrs. Ramage who was home from her' school' near Holstein for the week -end was honored at the ,con- elusion' of the :church . -service. on Sunday morning.; Rev. C. A: Bain - ard..._read.,.ar1'.address, of appreciation. of Mrs.,1•i•amage's work in the church and community and she -was made the recipient of a wardrobe case and handbag. Mrs. Ramage who .Was stern stopped on bitter, frosty Morn: sof pletely 'taken -by surprise made Ings , at Bea f ast to refresh their hot- ses -apd incidentally themselves - before continuing oYi • their trip. to the canny, Scotch town ,of Lucknow. G.aing'east from Belfask. the trav- eller comes to .St. Helen s. Centred, in' a prosperous farming community' this' village has stood the • test 'of •tile comparatively • well.. On • the northeast corner the • John •Joynt Memorial Hall, helps in keeping the drinutunity life 'knitted together. Is- aac Miller's store 'is, - like all country stores: • the centre , of activity. St. Augustine still stands, the 'past twenty. years making a few changes in it. Forty years ,ago it, too. flour- ished with wood -working :shops, an' hotel, Johnny Craig's sawxiull, and otherenterpris* ineuiin'g •thee gen eral store: Toda my the store re- mains. The St. Augustine Church. and -the schogl have felt the loss of '. many members. :the yoting then and• girls n'iov-ing to the ' city. . a fitting reply. ' ' The :vi•eekly meeting of the' Y. P. U. was 'held in, the church on Sunday evening with Stanley Todd ' in the chair. Mrs. Earl. Durbin read the' Scripture 'lesson: and .the topic , on "State Medicine was .taken :,y Dick Weatherhead. Mr. andMrs.' E. W. Rike'favoured with a duet.' .....--. . Mr. Goidwin'Purvis has been con- fined to bed as -a result of a car accident. near Exeter on . Friday , •t i a.' collision' with', a truck GoldWin' suffered several cracked ribs, a scala, , wound and had his car badly damn. aged. - Rev. John and' Mrs. 'Barnard and children • of • Courtright arid Miss Winnie Barnard of St_ Thomas were. visitors at the 'manse for Thanks• . Mrs. Ward Shickluna of Port Col- borne is, spending the, week . with her. mother.' Mrs. Jas, Gaunt. BELFAST - . i Going eastward On the 6th con- • , cksion of West Wawanosh, you come Misses Melda and Winnie Lane - to Donnybrook. The vert- n :tnrne ex-, of Orillia spent the 'holiday week - 'cites memories of other and gayer end With their. parent's Mr. and Mrs. days. Donnybrook Was at one , time George. Lane.'' • .11'liss Doris Johnston visited with Mrs. cliff Hackett .,on Monday. - iioi-thern part • Of the Huron Tract. Mr• Aieit in Hackett 'of Mitchell visited this week -end with Mr. and • Do' ' y brook had its wood -working . mrs. Alex Hackett. ,shops. and hotels' and stores. The Nit. 'and Mrs. Richard Reid of stores anal hotels have t anisbed, and .Port Albert spent 'Monday with Mr. ere are few signs that •a village and Mrs. George Lane and. Mr, and' ever existed there. George .Wallace., Mrs Rey Alton. whose, farm ';comes up to the corn- 1\ 'r, and Mrs, Mason Robinson. of •,' will tell you :,in detail an inter- B'eigrave visited' Monday- . evening ` `esting history ..of Donnybrook. w•itli Mr: and •Mrs. '1' ,A. Cameron:, , • Donny=brook Chtarr-h 'is served ,by, M and Mrs. Ewart 1�ItaePhe son Bev. 4... H: Wilson. of •Auburn., Don • and child.re.ti of Wingham were rybrook school, has been closed be- week -end visitors with Mr. and .Mrs. cause' of the fact, that it wag not Ralph Cameron, - very busy with. early settlers taking it' as the jumping off pbirit for the feasible to operate it for the small number of pupils in attendance. Going :bot -i and on the Division Line between'Eastt and West the Ten Wawa - tion with Four . Wawa - nosh, . you'l1 come to the intersec- tion Concesfiaon: >+ Doti corners 'are all that remain of For- dyce, It. too, lived and died, because of tie changing conditions. This column is not written for the purpose of sounding; the death knell of small communities. The fail- "' ire of the smell community to sur- - vire is merely a. trend' „because) Of the fact that .people iiaye• di-itted 4' • it 'T. -Dime Hodgins R.R. 2, Holyrood; Ont, Executors. T ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST, • IN LUCKNOW EACH WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 1 ;$0 to' 6 o'clock: ' AT' WM. SCH31111YS STOit$ Licensed Auctioneer • DONALD B. BLUE Annbeeley R.R. 1; ,'Kincardine, Ontario. 'Phone 30-2.1, Ril1ey. ' l to the Cities ,.... -the.y've looked forbrighter lights. But there aro many Aeople *ho' still pin their hopes to the small •community. They know, that people were ncviir int6nded to cluster in igloos of cancretell and steel.• ' There's a friendliness .,and •neigh-• borliy ess', about' a small place that eanrnot be - achieved in a large city: Green fields and open spaces see=n to be mire condtic'iv~e to the vh-taus of friendliness *than concrete' and steel; igloos. - tl Men of 30, 40;50 . PEP. VIM, 'RIGOR. & hearth t?, Want normal pep; rim. vim. idwiwt 'Try Oatrea Tonic Tabiata.' . CONYI tonics, stimulants, oysteir e1 �I, eta to normal pep a 10. 40.0t 10. AAP.- Get as ;medal introductory 1112ss for •o&1 Et al117110 dttgaaa.stiboe.'M, 'ZION Sgt. 'Sidney , Smith -�of St_ Thomas was a visitor at Zion over the week- end. ' Mr. and Mrs: 'Boden Ritchie, and . Mr. Walter Ritchie of , Walkerville and Mrs, Ronald-Titniris of Detraxt were week -end visitors here 'and • on Monday attended' the funeral of Mrs. Harry. Logan., Teeswater. Mr. and Mts. ,Richard Gardnetr • Mr. :and .Mrs, Henry • Gardner spent Sunday, witty Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hainilttan,' Winghain: . . • T r: and Mrs.'•tErnest Gardner, CO - if. and Marion were recent 'visitors with M'r, and Mrs: Wnt. ,Russ of ; Amber1ey- - 1 •' Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Gardner ani ' !tavola, Mrs. W: `G, Minter visited this wc'k with Mr. a'tnd Mrs. Joseph - t"ruennim Colbottie T rtiship Mr, and ' Mrs. Samuel Reid; Mil, (- vi'rt and t;.orit spent a day With friends in Goderieh. ' Visitors with Mi'. and Mrs. Rich- •ird- G -'dtnrr Durr' the holiday were 'Mr. and Mrs,' Ips. Barkley of Echo Bay, Mrq, t'ittigerald'and,Mis• Bark - 1,3,ottr, Miss' Ada t� v of Dungannon and .Y.1RWt••tlaSJn • li.C�+M tMAnhI1N5�� snss?Ml.f