The Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-08-07, Page 4SY. NOTES
1xmo4.7ivEgrFuLD. res!-
�., MSrs., Henry Sylvester, form:
ciRubes. Densmore, . celebrated
her .1101st birthday. at Spokane; Id.
S. A:` recently. She one 'time 'resrded
on the farm now occupied by. John,
L.McDowell of Westfield. Mrs-
Sylvester ;is a great aunt' of ,Mrs.
Ed; Taylor, Mrs. John: Cowan and
the. McDowell's of Westfield..
TWO ..QLD TlillS: wha'Visited.
Walkerton recently were' Messrs.
John Elliott of London and, Charles
E. Pellow•.'of Detroit. Mr: Elliott.
won for years "aced with Jos.-
OttMoMyA-A teacher 'in :the
8E', .IS MUCll+.,co 'ecture as
tR' 4vhether His Royal Hil; . ess' the
D*e.:of. Sent will visit: air schools
in Huron 'County. It . is. felt ';that he -
Will be ,espec;all`y interested iii -the
R.A.F station at Port' Albert, but
° d etas.. an :fit spection there
fat 'it -14 -not -been -announced. The
Duke' is, presently in Western Can-
AW.AXENED by the smell of.
smoke, ' Mrs. Sadie .Curring, night
opeaator of . the ' Blyth Telephone
system,: investigated; and discover-
ed ;stno'ke coming frons the cellar
ofan adjoining barber shop..' The
owe acrid ef; pc+ � w°'ere .
ified and found; an overheatedme-
ta was lite cause;; and which. might
e resulte&, 7.111-.afire.
. D ''
ALILAN 'i owMAl+r, 1`1-year.old. 1NLOUGH
Little Jean 'Guest and -Balfour
MacLean underwent tonsil .opera-
tions. recently.
Mr, and Mrs. Perry Hodgins and
Mrs.' Win. '.Percy' visited 'Fric ay with
Mr. and Mrs. Neil • MacKay, Main-
Service in the Presbyterian
Church will be , at 3 p m. instead of
2 P.M. beginning. Sunday next.
• Little Mildred Pinnell'; is 'holiday
ing with relatives .at.Owen Sound-
: Messrs. " . Harold . Haldenby and
Perry' Bush` e1T were' home from Tor•-•
onto over the', week -end. "
Miss.' Iona 'Terry returned' to, hers
home near Toronto after spending
the ' past two 'weeks 4ith - Misses
Edna and May Boyle. •
''Mrs.: Art �.Haldenb'y and Kenneth
of Toronto are visiting with rela-
tives here.'' '
11'Mr. an ' taanley and fam-
ily have 'moved froth their �honse at
Westford to the farm recently Va-
cated by Mr...and Mrs. Harvey Hod=
gins who have gone too take up res-'
idence at North Bay..
Mr. and' Mrs. Karl • Boyle and'
employee m the AgneW. urpass -
shoe store in Goderich, admitted to
police the heft of over $90.00 and
several paieof shoes. He also con-
fessed that head wounds were self
inflicted. He previously had told
police that he had. been :sli;gged
and robbed by an unknown as-
sailant •
NA,TVRAL" GAS is the product'
that is being .sought on the Warner
'S•myth farm in Culross Township,'
where .egiupment;is being'placed
;preparation for well drilling which'
will commence shortly.
DEATH CAME instantly . to Viet-'
tor. White,- I3 -year-old, ;Flesherton.
ct youth, when he 'cyst TstruCk
by . lightning, while in' :the. act , of
removing the mail from the mall
bow at his' 'fainhome. ,
T)El[E TTNB-AL114c4hin
ney ' reunion was held at Goderich
`fast week :With : about 12:5: 'in•at
n • ance. aF e'p�riae for the -oldest.
.lady • present went to Mrs. J. Laing,
RR. 7, St. Marys eighty-five years
'of • age. The oldest gentleman pres-
• erit was , Richard McWhidney, 82,
of Nile, and the youngest person
present was Donald Rit•har4 Mc-
Whimsey; of Goderich. The, prize for..
the person • coming' thte greatest dis-
tance• was awarded to Mrs. 'George
frPontiia -Mich.' The hon-
orary presidents -are RekordMc-
Whinney, Sr.,. Alit: :J. Daugherty,.
;and Mrs Maria McWhinney; Mrs.
Richard McWhinney :of Crewe nrw.
again themlanlintous choice • for
president. Mrs_ Alex' Bogie, was el-
ected firstvice-president and Mrs.'
Lorne Johnston second ,vice-pres-
ident The secretary for the ensuing
3 ear is Miss Marjory McWhinney
of Dungannon, and Hugh . McWhin-
ney of Ashfield • is, treasurer.
LIGHTNING .which struck, the
James Heffron. farm home on the
Biyt'h-Auburn road resulted in:, its
complete destruction by fire- Two
invalidoccupants.. of the home,
Messrs.: 'Shoebottom 'and . Stamley,
Were removedto safety by neigh -
Marylyn were e at the $ween -
ear Elliott wax.*
.. •. ng Saturday .at leen-'
Mr, . and M. . Wm . Bush ell' and
Ronnie and : Mr.• and Mrs. WeS
Whyte of London 'were recent, visi
Ors_ with _ their Parents,, Mr, and
Mrs. J. B. Hodgkinson, ,
III\ Mr. and, Mrs Wilbert Haldenby,
Eric and David Qf Toronto vete
Sunday visitors with Mr: and Mrs.
A. E. Haldenby.
Miss Jean; Orr visited Sunda
with Mr. and. Mrg~:..iarold Percy.
Therewill be no service in the'
'Anglican Church, on ' Sunday
'August' loth, ;Service; the following
S unday :August ' 17th at the „listial
hour, '9.30 a m
n .is
.-Miss Edna_- jtle ` ,vr�... ..g
with relatives at Lucan.
owned by Frank Irwin has pur-
chased the interests of the Dur-
ham Review and Durham now be-
comes a one -paper town. • With very
•few:eiteeptions; are tiorpapeWatik.'
to exist • financially now in even
the largest of towns.. • .
tered in a mixed doubles event at
Wirigam'last .week_ First Prize was
Won by Fred Steward and. Mies Ag-
nes Swanson with 3• , wins and a
Phis' of 24. Second prize went to.
Mr. and, Mrs. Austin Solomon with,
three Wins plus i8.
Migq • Alice liteid� of . Paramount,
was a visitor Sunday with Mrs.
W G. Reed. ' '
This -community . was shockedl to
hear of the death of Wilfred:. Mintz
• Seaforth ; Ilospital• • on . Monday
morning. To his Mother, formerly
Violet .Morrison and his two bro-
thers,• Clive and Glen, .we extend
Our sympathy. ' -
" Misses Donna and" Ruth Hps ey
of Evanston,• 111:, visited, a few days
TD.URSDAY, 4 VGUf T'• . th,.
Mass Marion Newman, nursein-'
training at St. Thomas General Hos-
pital is spending her vacation with
hien Parents; Rev. ,W. • P. and Mrs.
Newman at the parsonage. '
Visitorslast week with Mr .and
Mrs. Hugh Stewart- were Mr. and
*is. Draper, Palmer, Mass.,
six is:' Tom Richardson and
daughter; Mrs: Dave McIntosh, Sea=
Mr. Melville Reed, Toronto .pent
the week -end at his home 'here. •
Mas: John ;Blake . spent. last Sgt- London.
Miss: Bernice Blake visited Mr.
and Mrs Harold Webster; =Auburn',
on Tuesday. Ni -
. lin
' m aind•.._Mrs:. La`Yexne ".•�' en � _d
and daughter Pamela; .Detroit are
spending .e vacatiop,-With"her par,
eats, Rev. W. J. and Mrs:' Taylor
in 'their cottage; Port
Visitors with Mrs:. W. R. Andrew
eon Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Evans;' Jr. Mrs.. George • Hicks, Mrs.'
Wm. -Evans, Sr.; '• Kincardine; Mrs...
Abe : Evans returned home to Mrs.
Andrews, her sister, .after visiting
a week at Kincarduie.. .
Mr. Ronald Pentland, London,
spent the .week -end with his moth-
er, Mrs. A B. 'Pentland.'
We regret to report Mrs, C. C.
Brown is confined to bed anfi under
the doctor's are for awhile. Mrs
Rebecca Caldwell is in. attendance.
We are ,anxious for her speedy re -
last week .with thew grandmother;
Mrs. MacKenzie and Mary.
Among' those who spent • the
week -end at . their homes • were,
Frank McNa21 and .his :usii; Lola-'
Craig b'f Windsor, Jim and Clifford
McNall of Hamilton, .Lloyd of Lon.
don, Bill Reid of Beniniller; 'Mr.
and Mrs Ben Brown andtwo chil-
dren'. of Port. Albert,; Mr. and 'Mrs. ,
!: Andy Culbert and two children, of
Let Your Car .:Wear Proudly 'This Patriotic Sticker!
Go to - your friendly neighbourhood • service
station or your -laced garageman today. A
surprise awaits you. He has changed. .He'
will be as courteous and thoughtful as ever
la+*i tet_ O,O Yalu_ --c oasiolts .to_ do_ ctnYthing
cmd everything he Icon. ,to help you. But he
is 'no longer a gasoline salesman. . He is a
gasoline .SAVER.. He will urge you . to. buy
less instead cif more. 'He will point out ways
and means of saving gasoline. '
He will tell 'you qll about the "50/50" Pledge
to cut your gas consuinption by fifty per cent.
Be will invite ?you to sign. This proud and
'patriotic sticker for your car *ill niton you
as a member of the wise. and thoughtful band
•of car owners co-operating •with the Govern-
mentto save gasoline. 4 •
This is entirely a voluntary movement It
not rationing.' This :the Government' hopes to
avert- But we are faced vvitli1a critical short-
age of gasoline due to the diversion of tankers
for overseas service and to the growing needs
of our Fighting Forces: • "
There is no call( br panic—no need for cklarn,
—but this'. war is being fought with gasoline
mid we 'ate fighti'ig for our very lives. ,.Sign
the Pledge today and continue tis save fifty
per cent: of -your gasoline consumption.
It is .aLso vitally important that you reduce
the 'use' of donzest ic and corn mer% cart' ue1,Uif..
REMEMBER t The sloirer you driveo
the nu» a you salve
The Government of the
Actirg__tlrrough' .
'THE flasot'R t of E C. 6. HOVE, G. R CO.rrREttr,•. -
Minister, of Muriiluins and Supply Oil Controller Jar Canada,.
easy ways towards' a
(Approved by Automobile Experts)
Reduce driving speed from SA, to 40 on the open road.'
Avoid jack -rabbit 'starts.
-Avoid useless or non-essential driving.
Turn motor off When not in use: 'de not leave idling.
Don't race your engine: Iet it warm up' slowly.
Dont strain your engin; change gears.
Keep carburetor -cleaned and properly adjuatati. `
Tune up motor. timing. etc.
' Keep spark plugs and valves clean.
Check coaling system: overheating wastes gasoline.
?Maintain tires at right pressure..
Lubricate efficiently; worn engines wattle gasoline.
Drive in groups to and from wojtk.
using cars alternate days.
For golf. picnics, and, other outings,
use one car instead of four.
Take those short' shopping trips ON FOOT. .
and carry parcels home.
Walk to and from the movies,
Boat owners, too, can }yelp by reducing speed.
Your 'regulgt service station 'man will ,gladly explain
MOP ertd other ways of saving gasoline. Consult him.
��O'�sd•.• .
• Mrs:,: George Hamilton moved, last
week to the house Qwned - by • Ma
Allan, Reid'' I.
.... Mr: --and. ....M . °: rl .:Thompson.:
(nee Bernadine Rivett),. Tillson-
burg, newlyweds, spent the week-
end with. her parent Mr. and :Mrs.
George Rivett. • • .. "
Mrs. Roy ;Rutledge had; • for the
week -end' her : I rother, Mr: James
Gibson and cousin, Mrs. Herb Gib-
son and three boys, Toronto. 'Miss
'Jeune Ruttenge..xeturnedb the-tion.:'•Heintzuian &=.-Co.,, 242
for two weeks: •Dundas St:; London.
Mrs. •A: B. Pentland'' and .da�'ugli-
ters. , Margaret and Clare returned'
from an enjoyable motor trip spent,
around New 1. skeapd, staying two
weeks and :visited other places of
interest. ° .
Miss Clare: Pentland is spending
a. few days at London before .re-
turning to nursing at Toronto.. -
CAR FOR SALE-1926'Chev. coupe
in:good running condition- Apply to
Harvey .Brooks, R. 3, Luclinoyv.
FOR SALE -18 young pigs . read/
to wearf. a Oliver McCharles, R. 'I,
Luckuov►• t .
K house in Lucknow,, modern., eonven
tenses.. Apply at Sentinel Office.
FOR .SALE—Black Shetland '!pony,
7 Years cid• with cart; cutter • and
harness.., Perfectly ,quiet: Apply too
J. ' C. 'Alton; Dungannon. .. :
SURE! 'You canget tires 'as "cheap
as the Siiperlastic: But price isnot;
everything. Get -quality -as -w -ell -and._
Pay no, more. Buy your tires at
Campbell's Garage; Canadian • Tire
Corporation Store, Wingham. -
FARM FOR: SALE -50 acres,' E.H.
of W.H. of Lot 1, Con: 11, Ashfield.
Hotthe and barn, good spring ' well,
all in grass, well fenced, 5',at;res. of
bush. Seed drill for sale also.. Ap-
ply to Mrs. Margaret Moran, R. 7,
Any purchaser of broom' •corn.
sp=r�Yig-:of75�; frorsl�'tYte•
Ontario Pioneer Broom Corn Co.,
which seeddid not . grow, 'is asked
to please call at The Sentinel . O
flee: -
PIANOS, at summer prices. Such
well-known makes. • as ' Heintzrnan,
Nordheimer,' Mason. & Risch, etc.
All reconditioned, 'aemothed, etc ,
and guaranteed. Reasonable terns.
Write • for list of• prices. leo 'obliga-
Mrs. J. D. Richardson, sons Hugh
and Billy, Aylmer,' returned „'last
week after' a visit with :Mrs. Annie
Culbert. Miss June isremaining for
a lar! is holiday.
• Mrs. Irlinnie -Tones liad as visitors
last Friday her cousins, Rev. W.
•Maines : and -.two children,•. Tilbury.
and are staying a .while at their.'
cottage at Saitford. '
Mrs. B. F. Rice returned to .De-
troit 'after a visit with her sister,
Mrs. Minnie Jones. Mr. Rice is re -
manning for a month • longer and
is assisting with the•. harvest, being
very welcomedue to' -the shortage
.of labor. He is a veteran of -the
last ,war. • •
Mrs. 'A. B. Pentland,: returning
from a trip up North was surprised
after leaving her sons through
wheat threshing here tofind up
there around New Liskeard they
were only haying . and the grain
crops still green and growing. Plen=
ty of Moisture -Was evident and thus
the harvest 'was much later. It was
promising to be bountiful.
The Dungannon 'Women's Insti-
tute met Thursday at the home of
Mi•s: Wm. McConnell: Mrs. George
Hodge the president" was in the
chair. The' rola' call was !answered}
by. "An experience in Berry Pick-
ing":' Mrs. Wilbur Brown. gave . a
paper on canning fruit,. It was de-
cided to hold another community
quilting in Augutissqt. Mrs. Ivers gave
a paper on "Out. Flag" followed
by the singing of "We'll never let
• the Old Flag Fall" in unison. Mrs.
John Blake remained in longest in.
a geography snatch. The ladies who
took the St. John's • Ambulance
cturse • of first aid work at Lucknow
recently have a book in •circulation
among the Institute of. the „course.
Miss Beth McConnell gave a read-
! ing called the "Riders.of the Plains'.
i i'he National Anthem was then sang
to close the meeting.
I! Mrs. B. J. Crawford :with her,
housekeeper Mrs. Rose . Knight has
returned from the cottage at Port
1 Albert'. Still remaining at cottages
r are Mr". and Mrs. R. E. Willis, Mr,
and Mrs. -R. McMullin and son Bob -
''by, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beals and
MrS. W. Peterson end daughters,
' Lucille, Helen and Dorothy, e-
' trait. -Visitors with Mrs. Crawford
• Since coming home were Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Bowers, Mr. and Mrs,
Turner .and baby, Ingersoll On Mon-
lon-, day and Mrs. Fowler, Mrs. Will
McEwen and Mrs, Charlie Saund-
ers, Goderich. 1
The July meeting of the United
Church W. M. S. was in the form
of entertaining the. Mission Band
and the Baby Band and. Mothers.
Mrs. Arthur Elliott presided and
Mrs Iiev, Newman gave . the scrip:
ture lesson in story farm, for the
` children., The roll call and
utes were read and adopted. Mr3.
Reed gave 'a topic ' .of interest, es-
pedially for the children: Duets
were given by' Bertha Popp and
• June Rutledge. Jean Newman fav-
} cured with a .reading. Betty Rut-
ledge a solo, Several contests were
TENDERS WANTED -marked ten-
ders will be received by. the under-
signed up to Tuesday, August 12th,
fpr transporting pupils • of , S.S. II No.
6, Township. of''.Kinloss, to and from
Grey, Ox School and Lucknow Pub-
lic School, during the school term.
September 1941- to June 1942. Low-
est or .any. tender 'not iiecesaril:y
accepted., .
• Sec:-Treas.,`fi. 5, Lucknow.
enjoyed led by 1Virs. RE -d. -The s-
sion. Band ' sang the closing hymn
and the president ,pronounced the
benediction. Refreshments were
then served.' • '.
• Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Smyth and
daughters Shirley' and -Sheila, Tor-
onto spent the week -end with his
brother, Brown and sister Bessie
on the 6th Con. West . Wawanosh,.
also spending some time with bro-
ther Abe Smyth ,at'Byronl. Sanitar-
ium, London, . and reports his con-
dition improving:
'Mr. and'eivirs. Robt. Smyth's ,son
Robert, Jr., 'who is with, the First
Canadian Tanks ,has cabled of his
safe arrival in England.
The McAllister picnic was held.
Saturday afternoon at Harbor Park
in special honor pf. Pte. Robert Mc-
Allister who is on .two weeks leave
.from training at Hamilton. Present
were about fifty aunts, uncles and
cousins and presented him with ,
a lovely Schaefer 'fountain pen,
stationery and other ' writing sup-
-plies; as- birthday giftsprevious of
his birthday August 19th.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Anderson,
'Detroit spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Anderson,
Miss. Mary• Anderson, Kincardine
spent the week -end at her home
Lucknow, July 31st, 1941.
To the Citizens. of Lucknow:
It has 'come to my ;attention that
there is a:difference of opinion de-
velo .pell on certain .m 'u�cipal t -
ars , a:ndit has been deemed ad-
visable that as a past municipal of-
ficer :.and a. servant of a public .
company, that•rny interests and that
of the Company I • represent, would
�: served;b me. strictly re- .,
• cite_ . _ .. ... _
fraining •from municipal affairs.
. No doubt there has been many
things said on 'both ,sides, .which
would have been better ;unsaid, but
in retiring from: .. municipal. affairs,
- I -wish it: to -=be -known --that 1 do not
bear any ill will towards any mem-
ber pf the .elected' Council.
Mrs.- Robt. MacDonald and fam-
ily spent an afternoonrecently with
Mrs: John Barr° of Kinlough: .
Mr. - and Mrs: Gordon Jamieson
of Pararnount, Misses Isabelle Jam-
ieson and Aileen Pullen of London,
Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Co*: loth Con.,
Miss Eileen Peterbough and Mas-
ter Donald Peterbpugh, South Line,
Mr and Mrs. Wm. Eadie and Doris
were .recent visitors at Mr: Thos.
Harris'. ' •
Congratulations to Miss Lillian
Carruthers who passed her Grade
TX Piano and .Theory exam' tried
at Clinton recently.; li
Mrs. Wm. Ekliott is Visiting with
her sister, Mrs. Hudie at Clinton ,I
at preseint.
Mr. and' Mrs, Victor Lang and
babe, Miss May McGuire spent the
, week=end With Mr. Lang's, parents
at Walkerton. '
°Mrs: Nat . Bell of California was
a recent visitor at Mrs, • A. Ack-
Men' .of . 30,'40; 50
. P.EP, Vim, VIGOR, Subnormal!,
Want normal • pep, vim, vigor, vital!ty t
Try ;Ostrea, Tonic., Tablets. Contains
tonics, .'.atimulanted oyster .,elements
olds to .normal pep atter 80. •40 or 50. •
Get a' special, Introductory Sze for only
. 35¢. Try this aid to, normal.pep and elm
today.. For sale at, ail good` drug stores::;
Mr: and Mrs. Ernest Ackert, Win-
nifred a and Lloyd ,Mr. and. Mrs.'
Rayriard Ackert spent Su'nd'ay with
Mrs. Reynolds of Cape Rich.'
Miss Florence and 'Master Jack
MacDonald . are holidaying with
their grandmother, Mrs. Turnbull
1 of Underwood. '
Mr. Joe Elliott of Windsor Miss-
es . Phylis and Muriel 1Vleisnei of
Hamilton were recent,' visitors at
Mrs. A tletkerres.
-- AM SR_O
1:30 to 6 o'clock •:
Oklet "Where then'*
WO" briefly outlines'the
changes recently made; in do . .
law of the Province of Ono
:ado as it effects persons fly.
ing without Wills.,•
e• Changing lioancfat. conditiotto;. .
— - ongitid� 1'awa
• Changing amily, business and
social relationshipi— • •
NecessitateChangesin One's'�'INiII,
O6r'eepeiience in t'he ddi tinistrd
tion of E,Ttdtes maY be of 'valve
to you to -day.
Miss May cGuire: of TTitchener.
spent a few ays recently with her
sister, Mrs. Victor Lang. -
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin a Hedley and'
family of Glamis were Sunday vis-
itors at Mr. George 'Colwell's.
•Mr. and- Mrs.. Wesley Whytock
and Allan of Teeswater spent Sun-
day at ' Mr. Richard Elliott's. Har-
old Elliott returned with thein for
the week:
Mr. 'and Mrs. Charles Robb and
Gordon, Miss •Culbert of Dungan-
non . spent' Sunday evening at Mr.
Richard Elliott's.
Miss. Dorothy Elscon and Mr.
John Carruthers of Brampton, Mr.
and, ' Mrs. George Fisher and' fam-
ily of •Whitechurch, Mr. and Mrs.
Eldon Lowrey arid family and Mr.
Earl •.Nelson of Clark's, Mr. and'
Mrs. David 'Carruthers and Mari-
lyn were week -end visitors at Mrs.
Eva Carruthers, 6th Concession,
d •
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Culbert and
children of Windsor visited with
Mr. Culbert's parents over the
week -end. _ '
Mr. and, Mrs. B. Gibson returned
to Detroit. after spending Some
weeks with their friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hogan and
children of Toronto are visiting
with Mr.'Hogan's parents and bra-
ther Basil ' present.
• Mr. and Mrs. 'Ed. MacKenzie of
London spent a day with her 'fath-
er, C. E. McDonagh last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hunter and Mr.
and Mrs, Will Hunter and .family
visited With Mr. and' • Mrs. John
McKinnon of .Tiverton on Sunday.
Mr: and Mrs, Les Ritehie aid
Alvin and Mr. and Mrs. Andy
Gaunt and Murray spent Sunday
at Point Clark. '
Mr. trod Mrs.' Eastman and. fam-
ily -satiated -to their . home at- Port
Hope after a 'vacation with their
friends tri' Ashfield
"Is the doctor'', • in?a
' "No, sit"
"Do you know when • he'll be '
back?' ,'
"I dtfn't know, sir " he Went outi
. y cos
on an eternit T
e. -