The Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-07-10, Page 8• mon mow fl-•{ LUC:KNOW SENTINEL 41.1 04 THURSDAY,: .JULY 10th, 1941- \. l -ter n, Fn. cn I►�w�1..1kig ; Salk, LINEN WEFT TEA TOWELLING, 2,0 inches wide. The firm weave of this .purelinen •weft towelling makes .it a cloth '•that will stand up to everyday use Yard e• . 35c PURE .LINEN:TEA TOWELLING. A axiality you will find ahnost ° • impossible to get, -.with linen so scarce. 20 iuchtes• Wide. Yd..: 51 • "DRI -;RITE" TOWELLING. Here is. real teiWeilitia special and y. .one that will give utmost satisfaction. Yard' , ,.:........... . .. 30c' FANCY BATH : TOWELS .in. Plain. • colors...Eacli . 75c •FA' CY BATH TOWELS: ;Extra lar "e, atte edborders. Ea. 79c, IMTH TOWELS for the • beach' or 'swimming pool.:Each 29c ENGLISH RATII. TOWELS, 22 inches by 46 inches. Each' ..'. 50c one 12 Wer a ot e Table Oil Cloth quarea ew Linoleum Rugs New C'ongoIe v Rugs New FeIt�l Rugs, Mats at t'h'e old LOW Prices INCREASED DEMAND FOR _1V1D1 : IN R: E:l: F: -,..._.. Young Canada has. taken wings., Te - day in the many. flying training schools '.scattered' across the 'contin- ent from Atlantic' to Pacific, . young :•inert -rare• ••ha-rd--at•--works••--the..modern counterparts- of those earlier Canad- ians rninio . tans who i veered theDeminion. The _ P A entitheibm. with :which- ,tr'rey' have come forward: in thousands, the keen- ness' with which 'they: have carried Mit their. training;, has demonstrated that. .the heart of . young. Canadian manhood is as 'sound as; it was when' their fathers answered • the `call ' for the first Great War., However,, there is .a place. among them for 'others, -many others.There.-is-aaeedyforxhou yandsemor-e-who•-believein-the ;Gama,- dian .Way of living: The Royal, Can- adian' Air Force needs 'those men. T.he. age' limits `for: pilots 'are 18 to '. a elusive, and, observers and Wirer less =erators (air• gunners) 18 to' 32, `inclusive. The ' educational . standard for 'pilots; and observers"' is Junior Matriculation or , its equivalent. ,The wireless'operatore (air gunners) must' have successfully cpinpleted two years High School. . There is also .. .urgent need ' for tradesmen which include the follow- ing:aero' engine tnechanics, air frame mechanics, instrument makers. (wateh makers),' fabric workers (upholster- ers); cooks (those experienced and those who • have ' the :willingness to be trained f `this, Week), service' police,. electricians,- clerk accountants, ' eier,•k stenographer's; nursing orderlies, tel- ,ephone operators, teleprinter opera-: torsphotographers. , !' The age'Irmit• for the tradesmen is 18 tq 50. There is also an increas i ee ng ,zi d for • men to serve as -general duties 'and' general duty guards. The educational requirement for this work is High School entrance, except where. otherwise 'specified in • the attached list: All applicants . must provide proof of age and proof .of education. Letters of reference 'ere no longer required Married applicants are required` to Provide their .marriage certificates proof of age of children where ap- plicable. The R,C.A.F. Recruiting Centre • nearest your 'borne' is `located in' the •'OId Post, Office Building on Rich- mond .. Street, . London, Ontario. OBITUARY R • MRS. ARCHIE HARPER The -'ate- Mrs. -Archie Harper, whe. was forlong a resident of this comp iniunity, passed .,away 'Sunday, June' 29th in her 94th year.' The funeral ;took . . ce •2 rani her late .eeaidence,.. Lot 15, Concession 10, West Wawa- nosh on Tuesday, July 1st. Mrs. Har- .per. was.: a member of Lticknow Pres- byterian' church and her pastor;• Rev, C. H. MacDonald conducted :the sere vices... •Interment was, in , Greenhill Cemetery. '• .- Mrs, .. Harper came . to . (;anada •;with her parents, ' Mr. and 'Mrs. D:irncer. Graham ,iii 1852. She was married- to lvlr.:Archie .Harper .on July 9th,. 1884,,. and • has lived..in„ .this district ever since. her• husband predeceased :her 26 years -ago; also . three' brother$ and: •one -sister, 'Duncan, D&i ald and Alex and • one'sister,--Mrs.-Johne, -Graham- ('Tena). Surviving are' three sisters, _ Mrs atherine Campbell; tucknew; Mrs.1izzte Brumpton; . Port Stanley and Mrs. 'John Andrew, Mayorthorpe, Alta. and one son, Brown ' and • one d ht H 1 ' d' the h me - a ug. er, e.en rest • mg on e o stead._ Mrs. Harpers .chief 'interest was her home.She was. of a'kind and =