The Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-07-03, Page 6• ••. � (No. 15) GARDEN FEATURES • It frequently happens; that an ordinary house can be ade' most m attractive by careful treatment • of ds. ou ;the, grounds. When garden fur nttu4 is bought ready made, .two-thirds of the purchase ;price '•covers trans- portation,. labor, marketing ,.and profit. ' The other,• third represents .,cost of, Materials:.— if =the hom§'. • owner is 'willing to use simple de signs 'and to ' do the" necessary ' ' carpentry and `: •painting he. ,.can build any ;of these pieces .at abpnt' one-third. the average ready -bit :r cost by ,•pure)aasing- the emateriale at local .:building • material , yards. Outdoor structural ,items which • every home should have need not be exclusively ornamental♦ Arbors; • for si p,•porting .clambering flowers,' or grape s, lattice trellisea around 'doorwaysandbay wins - lows . have definite, •;uses., .. Per- golas and. colonnades in the gar- den or as part' of a front or side ;porch' make a .'home more s com- piete; latticed •garden"'houses, or • tea platforms on, the lawn with bright painted .:'septa, latticed,,, en= closures for • sleeping 'por;ches, or. lattice ; screens., fox privacy . are ' . also "very useful.; F ences elle T r Trellis fences enclosing kitchen a. yards- or other service areas are practicalin that they ;separate, the outdoor living part of the yard from the service sections. Light; -lurcher is . Used almostex-. • i usrveiy iii' e e c tra'• ti€n of. garden ;furniture In nearly all cases the •material. is dressed on four sides and may.,; be obtained in : the ' exact 'dimensions required, in almost any short or long length needed. ` Paints -Ideas A `good, rule for painting ' .the garden . furniture, whether one 'in - ,'tends toi�e• stain or lead and oil paras, � 1' a coat .on the ts apply lumber 'es 'soon as it is delivered, .to the: "house, painting one coat on' all sides and edges and not for-: getting to' paint theends thor- oughly. This keeps undue, mois- ture" 'froth ois-ture"'from ,penetrating. and :'re- -tards`:`check ;cracks" in thegum-. ber.' When the' painted -ens are trimmed oft'. •to •tTeir finish size, the '.wood should immediately be repainted. • eedig Your dung Calves Precautions • Are • Necessary in. Preparing Their Diet sUND4Y fps _ LESSON 1 FO THE . GOSPEL, iIN S TAKEN , . EUROPE Acts t5:36 -,--15a1 PRINTED TEXT,. Acts ,16: 645 :GOLDEN '• TEXT. --Come over • Into Maeedooia, and help. us. Acts THE LESSON 1N ` 1TS• . SETf ING Time- There,'is much differ-' ence: of opinion '.among bcholara .in regard to ,the eat dates •fop the- .different.' events of Paul's life. • btit we can• assume.. with ,:some degree of accuracy. ! events of this lesson "aceurited' bee tweep_ .A.D.. 51 and: 54 place. ---Antioch was feasted is the northern part 61 Syria; Derbe .arid Ly_stra were in the great area we now know as Asia Minor, with Troas on the'western oast of this then , .flourishing .partOf. the Roman •Empire. ' The cities . of Philippi, Thessalenica, and Berea were in northern . Greece. known as Macedonia. ,Athens and Cor- • .]nth were located. in Greece ere - per. south of these cities .just named. • "In this lesson we find a won- . derful illustration of a man who, • h was continual, __day_,aud_._n_.g t: ,..._ . ..,. .__Y.,S occupied with the glorious "work . of • bringing Christ" to the .vast multitudes of men` end' !Women in -- the great cities of the Roman Em- Aire. To. accomplish •whets; Paul here ta achieves, rt. is necessary for cite" be11 . •aYC in -the g. -tiro . '�e' E v human heart for the gospel which ,he is preaching,to: have an ex- perience• of. the redeeming power 'of this gospel, and to be yielded' .in gee's personal life to, the will of God. Paultss-GreateMlerkeeillegies How,' long.Paul;•remained in, the city of Antioch •at the closeof. his first missionary journey.: we donot know. Dur' lesson opens with the Apostle beginning pre- parations for, the •second' great missionary journey of his Iife.• He desired to revisit the churches he bad founded on• his 'previous journey. ;