The Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-07-03, Page 4(e. s awano The cottage beside J.. R. Webster's was the home of one Donald Mac- Denald. • The hone and lotowned by • Frank Weatherhead and EinilY waS. ' first07a740: by. David TOdd, r.,' to wheree he *ought his ?beide, Grace chingliter of Donald Mac- Donald: (Sir Allea)::, The: home . of . Mrs. G. Phillips was built • on the site •.where a former'Ottege etood..which waS erected by ' George,Srnith,. but 'was Mimed .deNVii: T. Phillips also had • a iblacksmith'shep and.'fot Wile Years, a • brick and tile plant. A tavern aed hoarding house, run by Mrs. Rather - ford and, Atritily, steed` where the ° Anglican; church 'stands; The house new owned by J. Hyde was first oc- cupied - by G. McAllister. The house • noAnwiked by Stanley Todd was first - owned, by Pat Doyle: The next house . now owned by • d.• W JOynt was the- ' home of the Fergueene. TV%) of the •daughters . were echoed teachers, one . _ of them being the first lady teacher • at- •St. Helen's 'sehool., . JOlin Rutherford was • the first and a guilty conscience. When the affair woe brought to light, .n114t •happened I i,tan not tit a. Position to relate. I •sinaplY quote the •Diooe , Poem. • • "Jest what dat ol man said, .Et ees.. beat yen' should not know". I aan.11.1debted.,t9 Mr. arid: Mite Arch- ie Anderadte for informetion received, aslo' to Mrs., Thomas: Philips. Por some time, I. have been trying interest the 'people of :Or con .menity With regard to the rection of a moutunent to the memory -of the We -leers of NISTe0'''iNrawanosh:Jrhe'y all agree it (*NOW be aline thing to do, bat:the difficulty to ..make start. I always had in My mind that .the. essentials to a monument were stone, cement, and a bronze tablet. But a, Writer in the "Canadian Countryman" .Match 22 thre vita new light on the subjeat, under the. heading of, "A Rural Project". The writer, S. Garrett goes oil to :Say, in Lobo Tewnship, Middlesex County, they have abeau- .•tifej. park -hi .meinery of their .heios of the Great War. And also the ded- ication af a landmark in memory• Of its pioneers, who transformed ;the unbroken: Wilderness into one of old 'TOstitarietle-linesh-TOWnslgpe,A mOntl- ment was started with this object in view: The result was one of the best old time log hOuseS Was purchased and inoved to .the park property. THE (UCKNOW SENTINEL - :PVNGA14140ti.. Mrs. Wm. Kelly, Wilton, visited Sunday with her 'parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Jos: A. Kilough, IVLise Mary Hall, Brantford, hai. arrived at the home of Mrs. W. R. Andrew to spend the stinionee with her biother, • Mr. Godfrey Hall. The Jubilee Services.; which marked 95 37:e.ers Of .worship in the Dungan- non Methodist church vete held, Sun- day in the *emelt edifice. The con- gregation WAS, fortunate in being able to -have Rev. o. H. Dickinson; Beek Steward, to 'Oliver the ormorts, Rev'. Dickinson, in hit Onistry before' his present• position' 'had. been pastor of the Ashfield cir- cuit. °The, large Crowd who assembled Were 3:rerY much impressed with the blackemith. The slam was burned down two years. ago. It stood 'where gydszefic shop . nom Istang John Rotherford,,ple_AW • the. nine :tree that luta grown to such a magnificient size in the yatd. A hotel, eon hY, one, Herlihy, 'stood on the lot now owned by Alf• Webh. The home of Donald lota-e•Donald (Sir, Anew) oleo Stood on that lot On the corner south of Where •the.' chopping mill stands there 'was house first awned by George Ash - via* but .was used.later as the, first public: library. The house now, Ovened •by. Alf TIVehio was built for Robert orritrWIRT-wasea-commissionar ' the early (Nye. afterwardtused part of the house for a general store and postoffice. the corner of the 'land now' owned by Mrs. R. S: Woods witi. shop Mid house owned by a •sitegon maker, , McElroy. The house Iitid lot owned 'hy Mrs. R. J'•:. Woods :was the property of Peter clerk, blacksmiths The house across the street WIN the -home Of Charles Dur - Ain. The house and lot :awned new by Htigh Deyle, A small tog,. house west of the stream was the Imme of • onee,MacDionald, who was a tallo by trade. A building used for Potash • stead where. the home of W. Chen- , born' is. The house and lot now oC- cupied by Hank Irwin was the home of George Bryon. there was a **use teti the let now ownedlay Frank Wea- therhead, the home of Mts. Donald Rutherford and family., The house and lot now owned by Mrs." E. Balls Livaa.'-the, _home of _ one, _Petersen, e' sehool•teacher. He was s fairly _well • qualified teacher, but was • possessed • of a very uncertain -temper 'which got him in =cog with the children. 'He .had several ways of punishment* • besides the use „of the ruler. One was . consigning the culprit to a dark hole at 'his feet under 'his desk. To the - timid child.,%tbis puni,shment was a sort of purpatory: Or ec.- he had Hugh- • ie Anderson (Auld ruehie's' Hughie) in but the dark hp' % had no terrors for Hughie. He am. eti himself and the ether pupils by waggl:ng hs fin- ger through a knot hole in the front • of the desk. After a while he began tok sdine-ath" • time and began feeliricr around With his hands in the d k. His hand tbuched a parcel. ..vrapPer.1 , in paper and like 'Jack 'Verner, he get in his thumb Mid r Bed out ••-i'-ilethirig that tasted good . So he ',aid, "What a lucky boy I am." was the master's dinner. To ti hungry boy *who had an • early breakfast the temptation was too strong and piece by piece there was soon nothing left but the pager speaker,, sPeCiel Mask hy the Choir s :TRAIL RANGERS) ,.•(By Willard Thotapion) Well gang,. anether Trail 'Ranger - season ever. 1 * * • • ' •e. Last:Wedneaday'e orieeting wounoup , our activities, for the. year which Preyed a really suecessftil one; I think, for:Members, Patriotic funds, eta. lt else brought to a atose three years :of leaderihip under our. men: - tor,' Rev. R. C. Todd. ,• - * *it * * He has been afeally swell leader and although he ni• leaving, his name will 'ever be reMembered in 'local• and solos 'from two roiling men cif Port Albert R.A.F.' The church was lavishly decorated_ every where, with ferns;• roses,: peonies, crimson ramb- ler -and lovely large floral tributes of lilies 8c carnations in'inemery of rel- atives from Mrs'. R. E. ,Willis, De- troit and Mrs. Frei* Johnstim, Osh- awa. The-praceeds at the Services' mounted to $325 and from the gar- den party Tuesday night the receipts •would in additioe make the figures altogether amount to $500. As well; as the financial success, a great spir- itual andeformer . Was .erta .joyed through the .hornecoming of former membera' to .which invitations had been sent. Miss Betty Elliott, through a seem: hope evr:iter will pardon Ole for 'quoting *me of the paragraphs InglY allshaP, has been • in the article. "A considerable natilber feting a great deal from being stung of 'the farrners and villagers delight: by The swelling and pain was intense a hornet last. week on her :hood. .9•• THE COMMONWEALTH AIR .TRAINING PLAN . By Hugh TemOlin This is the first of a series of art- icles about the R.C.A..r. and. the •CoMe trionw,ealth Air Training Plan.; vtrit- ten for members of the C.W.N.A: by Hugh Templin of the Fergus News - Record. • • '*'••••01 •• . • • It twos a quiet April Sunday here in ,Ontario,, but over in Europe, the _War had boiled over. in a new lelitections As Usual, Hitler had • chosen the be- ginning of a new Week and the time Of the full :moon to lounge another attiick; The radio was pouring out bite of 'news at regular interval's. At: tutalhe there wasn't much' to tell yet, • and most of the bulletins were made up of what some government thought. or what anther •statesman had Said: It seemed that most Of Europe • was being heard frenl-Londoro: • Vichy, Berlin, Role,/ Athens, lloscrlw• and Washington. • • • ' • • • There was no official comment Ivor the Government of Canada, and yet there was one to be heard, even loud- er than the voices on the radio. Every few minutest there *as the sound of a plane passing Over our (village -the loud toar of a Harvard trhinir or the TIIIIRSOAT's, • JULY .11rdt 1941, • jiiviatioadm,sArsvogatamsamm....WA;,44:•z FOUND -A fountain, pen •& pencil Enetiiire at :Sentinel Office • • POR SAlLE-2. 1,DUrhant cows, t freshen soOn. Dtni Maclutyre, R. -LuoknoW. • • FOR S412.-Ab.61.4 150.ree6% !ix boya' work as the founder .a.nd or- izer of' the . Ibucknew. "SepOy" •duller• sound of tire:twin mo o s an Airro-Anson bonaber.`It was Can , ed with the idea, worked with real enthusiasm and in a cinnparatively short space of time the large :heavy building: a • been taken devarrmeven- the intervening distance of seviffir miles, re -built and thoroughly ren- ovated. The structure no* has a. con- -crete foundation, and is equipped with hydro. When the building was being moved thevarious woolen% organiza- tions Served meals and did everything possible to help. The great timbers are as sound as .When heeted in the Lobo bush and the way they are real- • ly dovetailed at the ends so as to fit • together at the cornets of the build,: N ample 'proof of the skill re- ' f 1 IT 15 DANGEROUS to drive Wit4. Poor tires in, het iweitthers Get (Plenty and _still sov,c, by making your nur- eheses at The Canadian re orpor ation Store, Wieghein Ont. ' : • cables else' good, tisett'elab rhe Imcknoet Contnahr.'" eYliriders Pastmeger.., •Medel 4-57-$.1„ment tell of W,etit Wowanosh Town- 0COURT 0:161RCEvElsio: FOR SAIX--eltuick automo • Court of RevisiOn on the asaese- Geo. H., Smith, Lucknow.. ' in., eigendid condition. (Cheap at $700- : ship *vviII be held ' at the Totvlull4 Trail Ranger Camp, the •first local roup of its kind. • • * •* 111• * , Last week's meeting was featured by the -presentation of 'a book and cover to Rev: Tadd ftem all the gang -in,,Appreciatien_of what he has done for us. ' -•••••-•" for a few days andmight have been more serious.' . • Mr. and Mrs. Geo.- Brazier and. the atter's lita.---Dalbse-formerly -Rosa Brazier of Dungannon; now or BeowInevillee. Visited Tuesday with: Mrs: Robert Durnin and Mr. Robert Moore and renewed% other' =Main. tances. • Mr. and Mrs. II. A. McCauley: of Fiesherton visited Mr.' and Mrs. ti A. Fowler last Saturday. •• Mi. Wilfred Quaid befell a nasty accident last Thurilday, wben pulling a hay fcisrk rope on a load of hay the rope gave away and through his fall off the lead he received four broken -ribs. He As at Goderich Hos- pital, and after precaution that pneu- monia, might set in, we are grad inch has been warded off and that he may soon be on the road to recovery. quired in early day •architecture." • This is a new idea and could be worked out in any comnpunity. The park .ancl building could • he used for community. picnics and part of the building could be. devoted to a mus: etun. This 'could be carried • mit in 'Other presenations were badgei to the following: Alati McKim, Bill Johnsteth Richard Tincher, •Gordon Midlin, Jim Fergpeon; and Serviee Chevrons to .Ivtur Lloyd,: Richard Turner, Gordan Mullin, Ronald Joint. • stria, Bill Alibi, Joe Agnew, •Jeluiston, Jim Fergoson; Alan Stew- art, Alan McKim, Stanley Prest, Reg. Fergasone-Bect-err;-W-illatdjhemoe son, • George •Chin, 'Jack Treleaven,. Roy • Aitchison and George Taylor.' These. presentations were made by the Mentor: any • doiritniuiiity. ada's answer to HAIM% Some time before that, Hon. C. G. Power, Minister of National Defence fbr Air, had put•it into words. From one of 'his speeches in Parliament, quote :jtiet. one paragraph: - -• "Canada has a !responsibility to •bear. We are the senior partner in the toinniciiiiiedalthriutside-Great-Bri- tain. We are not; as was the case in. the last war, siMply making a contri- bution to the common pot; we are in the war as a partner. It patent to all the people of the world : that event- ttal Sueceas tattnat .los won, until we first achieve air equality and then, gain such air supremacy as -will per- mit us to take the Offensive 'without which, no War can be wen. In this. respect. the. Dorninion-of Canada has A fat' greater responsibility than Was ever dreanied of during the last con- -flict-.L-We-areAheHmabistay_and_right arm of'Great-Britain. In-so...far-ea:the Joint Air Training Plan is concerned, we 'believe that we have reached the point where we can Predict the suc- cess of the plan and the attainhaent of our ,common object. In Order to do this, we need the help, the advice and the support of all the .people of Can- ,ada. I ,do believe that we will receive it". • FOR SALE. OR, RENT-Furniehed 'cottage,' late ••Dr:."Spenee'S, Point Clark:- open: for AnspeetiOn.' Write Box 1k. Oshawa, Ontario: ' .WOOD FOR SALE --Maple. :beech, Soft maple, ash: and soft wood, slabs. We keipt. them separate and cut them any length. Special • priges to those who call• for them. We can truck them , anywhere. The Lucknow Sawniill .Company.; Phones 57 & 79: Here's a simple way you can help Canada's war iffort-e.. tell your_ United States 'friends -that there's rib _pass- port required to visit Canada. Thus you twill help stimulate. the how .3f American visitors to our many' beau- ty spots and great recreational cen- tres. What might seem a co -incidence, iF that at about the same time that _ afternoon it was- learned that Mr. Jacob Reid; living nearby also took the stone kind of a fall, hut was fixelcY escape injury more- than 'Shaking -tip. 1: ' * * • ' • rec-Ognition, Of hi Achievement and Proficiency in all phases of Trail Ranger work, Gordon•Mullin, Al lad for the year, was awarded the bronze Trail 'Ranger medal. • • * *le * * Not only does the club lose' out • ELECT ION CARDS. .r.t ELECTORS OF Two !J 111 y:p4OR LucliNow: COLIN CROZIER of 'Crewe has been engaged is principal of Wing - ham Ptiblic School, succeeding Gor- don Kidd. Mies Doroth3i Howell -of Branchton takes Miss Myra Mac - Donald's place 'On the staff. , • PRESENTATION of a walnut cot - tee table to Miss Myra MacDonald, and of an occasional chair to -Gard Kidd, was made by.the staff of Wing- hara Public .School The ,Decoration :and Memorial Ser- vice will be held Sunday afternoon, July 6th at 4 p.m. at Dungannon cem- etery.. Rev. W. P. •Newman is the minister who will deliver the sermon being assisted by the other local clergyman. A union choir is.eicpected to sing as on other occasions. The remains �f little Jimmy Mc- Intyre, .7 -year' -01d son of Mr. and Mrs. Rithard McIntyre was laid to .rest in Dungannon cemetery • last ThursdaY after a -large gathering for the! service at, the Nile church. The tittleti net his death from being run over by a gravel truck on the • f Mentor but -also one .of Our meinbers, Roy• Aitchison, who has just moved Tommy, Doreey, Kay Kyser, Bunny Gpodman and Eddie DU*, four of America's leading radio dance bands in popularity polls in both Canada and the United States, are under op- tion to appear in the giant Dance Pavilion at the Canadian National •Exhibition. ' _ Jams and Jelliei Set Perfectly • Taste Better . Cost Less •eittlett..-1A6V-.For making jem with C.erto you g,iweonly aoneeninine to two -Minute tug rolling boil- for jelly.a half -minute to a minute, . SCONOMICAL-So little juice bag time to .boil away that you get up toloAe half ' more jam otjelly from the same 1,•• aunt ' of fruit. • , IFILISH TASTI-NATWAL COLOUlt- In die ouick Cern) boil *jams and jellies hook io 7, ' retain both the fresh taste and the nit- • '.- - oral colour of the fruits tested rteeipes SPIANOID ItOULtS,-- 'With every , under label a/ of Certo you get tested reeities. Follow them exdctiy, You'll get gciod results every CERT° •,..alWayt.1 ,* guide •••. obi CERTO IS PECTIN EXTRACTED FROM FRUIT to Hest:def. Good luck, Roy, and may • Hall on Tuesday, July Ilth at 3 °Nolo& . • DURNIN dkk. •W• MEMORIAM HUSTON-In loving inemor.y Of Dav-: „ • Id 'Huston, who passed' away July 7, 190, • . •-•••:. • 1 -lis weary .hours and -days or Pooh .His troubled .nights .are past; And in:out aching ..hearts 'ive know He has 'found sweet reit at last. Lovingly •remenibered .by. Wife and .. Family, In appreciation of the afileridtd-s•OB-: pert I received in electing me as a ritemlier at the Village Council for the balance of :the year 1941, it will be my aim to serve the Village: Of Lucknovi to the best of ability. Yours truly, W. A. SOLOMON, To pm ELECTORS OF THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW: —11faiii-ethanks for---electing.,me aF your representatiVe7t11rte-Teouneil I twill endeavour • to merit the trust reposed in me. you ever live up to the 'Club code and promise • t� ; "Seek Truth, Cherish Health, Loittirathi and Help :Others". * * * • * And to you,' Rev. 'Todd, the gang extend wishes for everything' of the best in the years to come, Good Luck 'and God's Speed, and His 4richest blessings:'' in Our Great Went. • Monday evening pretnoOs. e gri achievement were awarded to a num- stricken parents arid little sister have the sincere sympathy of t munity. Rev. G. Hazelgrove in his address spoke feelingly and the pall - 'bearers Were school chunks, Gordon Sproule, Gordon Mathews, Percy Me - Dwain, Stanley McPhee, Gordon Wat- son and his cousin, Ronald Dickson. Other school- boys and girls carried ilielevely floral -tributes, feeling very sad. Canada's Greatest Enterprise • The British Commonwealth Ab trebling- Plan has been called "Can- ada's greatest' single 'enterpliise". It is our ,country's outstanding effort to help Britain to hold out at battle and later to strike back so hard that the war it certain to he twonI attracts the attention of inueh of the world, Canada has placed at the disposal of Great Britain and the Empire her vast area in which to train student pilots unmolested, . and has also as - slimed the responsibility for much of the- cost 'of the plan, and supplying inost of the young men who will be• come the members of the air crews and the ground • .crews. As :te the _suitability of Canada at training ground ,'• there ems: be -no doubt There is plenty of room; the sites for•landitig :fields and the huild• ings for training schools . are avail able. The tInited States is nearby to 'supply certain types of planes and large number of extra instructors. The total cost of the :Prbjeat was originally estimated at $600,00(0;000 of which Canada was to pay some what more than balf. But as the pace of .the war , has accelerated, the cost of the plan has mounted. It is now re - to $824,000000; of which Cali - Until next week. then, this is 'Your Trail Ranger Correspondent, Willard Thompson, saying so long. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Shirt' Bowers of Rip- ley announce' the engagement of their daughter, Annie Louise, to Mr. Wal- ter B. Culbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Culbert of Ripley. The • -. Yours very' Sincerely, • „ J. W. JOYNT TO THE ELECTORS OF THE ' VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW: • . "Please accept my sincere thankt for the voluntary and very fine sup port you gave me at the, polls on Friday. Yours sincerelY, . THOMAS BOYES ada is to pay $531,000;000. , mareiage• will take pl•ace stuly fifth. • The men come front various , part5 -,I of the Enipire-England and Scot - HOME PLANNING and Achievelland, Australia land New Zealand ment Day mercies were held at with a sprinkling'from the Argentine Clinton. on:Feidsay„ in charge of Miss the far-off Straits- Settlements, the for •Hurcin County. Certificates of-and-jminerous_othei Pieta Durnin, Home Economics coaat--.14siteti'. trFeite in charge of the traininge:. .StatesBet the Royal Cantediau Air mid four out df five of the recruits are Canadians. .Every one of theiu seems determined to become a pilot and to follow in the footsteps of Bish- op, Celishaw, Barker , and the rest - hut of that, more later: With such a great and important task on our hands, it seems :strange that Canadians don't know the story of the pritish Commonwealth Ail Training Plan. They have read about it again and again, twithout fealizing what it -.really meanss;-- •Early in May; the editors of Weekly newspapers in Ontario and Quebec had an opportunity to visit One of the. Bombing and Gunnery Schots meat Lake Erie, More than one expressed surprise at the magnitude and effi- ciency of the camp. Yet this is but one of. 83 training camps and school; which will be used in the eompletee Olen. TENDERS ASIIFIELD:TON•VNSHIP ' Bridge tenders-wented or the con- etre:let:hip of a go. ft. span' conceete .. • bridge .0n Con..2; .E.13. -Ashfield. Ten:- ders t� •be opened, July .14th, at 3 p.M. Plana and specificatiOne may be seet with the Read.Sujit.,.Herbert C. Cur- ran, Luek'nevi RR. 7, • • - •-• • • • • A -marked cheque for ten per emit to acaorepany tinder. • C. E. McDONAGH,.Clerk SUR -ANC LIFE, ACCIDENT, -CAR; • WEATHER Get ,our fire rates on Village ' and Farm Properties. Jack Farrislis • 'Phone Dangannon- 32 ring 13 HURON OLD BOYS MADE PRESEN'rATION AT OAKVILLE Several anto loads of menibers of- -Huron Old Boys Association motored to Oakville one evening recently to at- tend Divine servite in Oakville Pres- • byterian Clairch, Rev. Dr. R. C. Mc- Dermid, formerly of Goderich and for several years past minister of Se Paul's Presbyterian Church, Toronto, is the newly appointed minister at Knox Church; Oakville. After the set. - vice s sociai. hour wee ilpent in the basement of the church where re. freshments were. served by the ladies of Knox Church. The members of the Association presented Dr. and Mrs. MaDermid with a :walnut coffee table 'arid an altdress was read by the 'wee- ident, A. �. Smith, while the Immed- iate past president, Dr: J. Gs Foe gusop , -made the presentation. Sheet addresses tWere.also given by Messrs. Bert McCreath, W. A. Buchanan and 3. A. MaLtirete tr. MeDermid msde a fitting reply. , The• next getheting of the Hiiron Old Boys Assodatiot of Toronto will be their armind Picnic whihwill he -held inSeetion 2 at the Exhibition Grounds Mt ,Wednesday -- June 18th commencing at 4 -n'ikeks ber of girls who. had completed two units, including Mildred :Moore, Jeen Wellwood, Eileen MCCIenaghan, Maty Catition, Ardyss „Brown and Kathleen Mowbray of Whitechurell• and Lang - side. :Miss Agnes Gillespie was chosen a ,member of the team, to represent Huron County at the National Ex- hibitions - THE COUNTY :COURT actioh of Omar Broeks; farmer, of Colhotne townehip; against Edward Johnston thresher, of the village of Lucknew set down for the ,,Tune seOsiOn"uf. County Court and postponed to June 13, witi reported settled out oh court when Judge Clement arrived here last Friday to hear the case. Brooks claim- ed. $328.30, balance owing for tett-act- or, supplied, in the operation of a threshing outfit owned by Johnston. The defendant counter-:clairried ' hat $350.• Particulare of the gettletneht weret not arillotinced.-doderich Sipe nal -Star. IT 19 RETORTED that a bill to provide tor natioinivn'tle daylight stet, - shortly be introduced by the Government at Ottawa as a necessary ,war measure. One of the purposes of the bills it is said; is to conserve el. ectrie power for war production. REPLA011r THE RISRDJ, of cattle at the Bruce eounty Hose of Refurti. that, had to be disposen of when they ;ore Pound to be tuberculous, an etc - Credited; herd was purchase:a through the Holstein Fresian Association. The House of Refugee committee informed the Ounty council' last week tlicit infected herd was sold for $000. beat of the new herd, which will emirply Canadian 'Air Force IS domgwith , Telu1r6mer°'fbr a saPervised When the offieers (1t, the Canadian NEXT WEEK in the herd was $1,300. • VVee.kly NeWSpapers Aimed/Wen neti TENDERS Tenders for the Purchase and re- moval of the weigh scales.building it DungannOn will be received by the Undersigned up to; July ith, 1941. Tender's not necessarily accepted 11 not approximate value , of building DURNIN PHILLIPS, , Clerk of 'Weht Wawanosh Twp. Lucknow, .R.R. 2. Another Ontario editor recently spent an afternoon in, a great neat .bog the high tableland of South western Ontario. It is a flat country- side .where there is nothing to ob- struct, the view Tor miles and no seum except the %occamonal bird. He win amazed at the continual proeeseion of planes high overhead. It, seenied ttho before one was mit of eight and hear; ing, another would be rotting ovei the horizon, .most of them ,bombinp, planes which had travelled , man Oack tante that night, h( stayed Outside for an hour to watch more. bombers eating across the sky though all he could see each, time twat . one :more %tar, tlietinguishable on13 laleause it moved 'and :was sometime: red or green. Ife was filled with ; great curiosity about how these mee are trained, , The First ' of • a Series. This is the first of • tt • wales ef articles about the Ah• Training Plan and the R.C.A.F. -They are being writ: ten for the readers of Ontario's,' weekly newsp*apers • to °answer sinni, of the -questions 'so often aski;d,• one to tell Canadians tettat t,beir Royal • T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST . IN LUCKNOW EACH WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON .1:30 to 6 o'clock • AT WM. SCHMID'S STORE Unemployment Insurance • Becomes Effective' July lst Unemployment Insurance becomes an 'actuality in Canada from July •lst. For the workers who are subject to periods of enentPloyment through no fault of their own it will mean the clifferenee between being on relief or charity and the self-respect of hav- ing provided for -their own welfare through s_plan of insurance savings.. The plan is one of co-operation be- tween the employer, the -employee, and the. Government. Each makes a contribution based on the : *weekly, Wages earned by the employee. To ' the amount contributed by the em- ployer and the amount deducted from' . the emPloyee'S wages, the Govern- ment adds one-fifth of the total', and pays for the cost of operation. These contributions are similar to insur- ance, premiums, and accumulate a- gainst the day when. the worker, eith- er male or female, becomes unemploy. ed. Then, .in a very short time the, worker begins to re-ceive weekly cheques which will continue for a litn- "ited period of unemploYment. MIAs, belefly, is •ther Unemployment Insurance Plan which- hecomee-st of Canada, lila as it has been•a law in Great Britain for more than thir. tt-yelftS: With the experience of the . British net as well as the examples of other countries to draw upon, the Unemployment Ineurance Commiiisaitin ' has created a Ulan which should op - rate with the least inconvenience to employer and to the greatest pos. 3ible benefit to the markers. _•• A unique and simple system' of making cootaibutiorts to the Fund •hrough the employer • purchasing apecial stamps from the Post, Office end affixing them each meek In a -book designed , for the parpotte, isth 'eon] of each worker's contribution es well as the employer's. In this way e.very worker can find out exaetly at any time where he or she stands in respect to Unemployment Insur- ance. t There are some ,classes of workers who • are not eligible for Unemploy- ment Insurances and there are certain, looditions which affeet all workers. Both employers and employees should ramiliarize themselves with the terms of the plan which will be made avail- vble pcistmaster in the locality you' live. ARTHUR• JOHNSTON of Brant township •near Duniold used. a shot gun . to take his own life recently The first. shot .nearly severed his.left arm, but the 31-year-old.man secure( 'another shell, reloaded.the gun an fired the shot. into :his kide; causinp instant death. s • DR. A. H. TAYLOR of Godericl has closed,- his •office and repertec last .,week for service ,vgith. the R. C A. M2 C. 13r. Taylori served with th( medical corps in, the last war also W. HUME CLUTTON, Colborn( Township, sold a ourebred Holsteir cow at $205 to Erb, & Co. of Penn sylvanite the animal being shippei this week with a carload purchasei in Western Ontario. at Ottarea recently, there was mud discussion Shout what their paper: could do to help the war effort. It wet suggested that one editor be chose: to write about the Mr Force. Th( fullest co-operation was freely °Here( by the Department of Public -Inform ation, not only the matter of ar • ranging visits to the. various camp: and schools,,but in supplying *tine - to go with them. was chosen he that interesting task. Already have visited several cell tres: I. the hest few weeks, I wil ' le geine to' teeny others. • Already, ' ean testify to the chuttcey and. Wahl' weleorne from all !whom I have met . •Questions have been. freely aneweret and."( have been Shown all esked see. The only J.-estriction is its to du norabl;rs gradriating and going to tie Motherland.••The, need for secrecy ir ayrarml; iinyone. But already i'• has been announced ,ite Parliamete thet over. 50,0001 01114 CaiquillaW }VW, enlisted in the 12,(1.A.P.t-enougV to trialt,e• up three' divisions, of in, fantry. ' • R.C.A.F. ' A part Of the, plan iio the opening of EmpleYtnent Offices throughout rlanada where workers may seek j los ira end employers can seek work s. These offices will be opened as rap - ly as possible to % facilitate the most ,ffeetive utilization of Canadt's„lab- mr foree during the mar and in prep- iroticm for the return or W6r4erg to neadetimg employment after ' war work 1i ceased. RiLL. GROVES Of Wingham Who. starring on the monild for Han- over this season, has adeetted a pos- ition in the latter town. . • 'PRANK COltDICE, one of the Psisley Sunoco' aees this past win- ek7 is also a member of the HalieVer hall team ..this year. Ile played for,, Tittmlns V4hi1e in the North 00nntils . . •