The Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-05-22, Page 4mint • lE KNOW SENTINE'L toy E.RB.,ST. lt.E1-tFeNSY the work made. eael! by the equip - U's .• t'e the man's to say the word ment-instaReds , . Leaving all these conveniences to e4st wieese„t� up and follow, A come tes work in a Small shanty, with 'a good land we've come: to.all,,..xtnes to work.seeith, woUla, requireVuire'S Plenty 'here' for,. it'si not the homesickness that draws SC* Will "war: and to 'try to °Ver.* Come the hemesichness for ,the Old s tee like a, sWa But the one voice WorOso. theTame and home folk; *net have le. that lures mes with its :WOW • J .# n_ re err courageous. fighting's , " call, • s It% just herself l'srh e ewn* *Oleg.: „w„er.,e,..11.101:0 in stillnese . •oeu anJ no'osess: , Of the forest; with nothing to break 'Do you Mind'illet Sat -sPriiii:M°1`nini:•.t'"sl"ces'ibi4 her when you stitched the 'Wedding . husband's Jae .4.3 he :felled:the giants • ginvzi • • of the Jwveds.,,, The oaseitie .little , osstehoo, bone wonderful"atininlant , inMother, mother,. • ' • • '•and those :Pioneer' women; neer hopes Mit self deroat the ',broad. sea and: for .the feturewhrh-gayethemeour YOU la s age to fight back, any regrets they '‘, • • , might. have, 1214 for le; friends In former articles .We have been. and ...,honse across the sea. So, feel oenfining• on research to the lives justified; in 'attiring- they were fight - and histeTfy of the pioneer • they fated hardshipas, Anger and• Alice ,wilibbled her loaves Of bread, Privation, hilordee to ibuild'up hems, in this and of their adoptjon. Very little has been said about the pioneer Women, and We believe Onstheni tell the- more / pert pioneer life. In alMOSt. :Ivey home it was quite coznrnon to see nine, te4 or even *hie inenteife7Cii-'a rine: IOC Mina ...teen age to an , infant in the orailie.,-Thereforo, while the man 0..ith.e.;,.family Was -free to fo4e- 'ahead - • '..derances the :mother Was haineered the true:Pierer .spirit and kept al ' in Yatious Weiss' caring for the'fins- breast in the ,Mareh of civilization: • ily, •edPeciallY. the younger 'inenAera- They came :in beds or other furniture .thase.pioneep *omen were ri..ghts o se at sales. ed steads at that nc. readers will exc.' la*, irtime Were different, in make to the Ourpioneer gtendiffothers were quite s , clan -rind ones now in use. Some Of _petedul worrien, Nodoubt they were, tntem had round 'poles Perhaps 'tone ':' n .f• : ' ' An 0 five in.chis_thicksfee sides. These ahand-to-hand fight—for the poles had threaded' ends Which. scree,. , . • ed into threaded holes in the bed pest; se that who* the two 'joined, made a snug home for the bed bug family. Then the "goad wife" would rolls up her sleevee, and spend the morning Scrubbing and scouring- the old bedstead. But the bed-bng:femilY likes 44 go places in :the day time, and the chances were they were then peeking; doWn at her. frorn the hefted - ed Ceiling: • . fr :• and. the ether end of the rope fasten- securelie-With a tkk filled witic oat Ara* it made a fairly comfort- able' :bed to sleep on, pat if the rope sliekeer a kink Pr the Pole reed a bit and turned, the straw 'tick :would begin to collapse and work down to the floor; screlhat if two Persens oe 9Pied the bed, the. situation became .to say th a least,embarreeeings, .7:"Nhera were n� orgefientione fo WOnien. in ,the 'eerlY .daYiPh: such as theArtr. W'S's Or-Institnt and Severe. :weeks Might pass without seeing any s of yew 'neighbours: But 0 ,somet es happened that the housewife fer o to keep a start of yeast, or. perhaps what she kept became toe Sour, so Vane". end sineerity, an is "W- ing to Win S-Onle had a 'great influence for good on the liceS of the Pioneers of, West Wawanonle His earnest ap- peal to hie hearers, to serve The:Mas- ter Made 4 almost imsloasible for the • The evening meal wdfild be served earlier than usualsSte Jet the caller home- for chores. The meal wonld..con- alit of home-made bread and butter and beset' with xnaple syrup, of Jwhich s , :were was always an abundant •sup; plics Anyone who has not fixated bread Made Sfroni flour greued . with the r stones, 414 Vetted' with hap iyeast, ..has Missed one of the treats .4 a •lifetinuie There IS a nutty flavor to that cermet he obtained. With all the s • s •'inetl,ern 'etiniPMent-new used.It : was then thne-to return hem, :-and\-after farewells invitations to visit. had been exChanged, CarrYing .squirrels stole ber cookies, ants work- ed warinto her .sugar, weasles killed her chickens, skunks suckeirthe • "th eggs, rats pulled e small ducks down into .their holes. and .if they. • caught 'the housewifenapping, they. worked .tavertime., .Another pest she hadstcrefightewasetherbed-buge-fersno. matterhow scrupulously clean the shanty er' log hods' e wa.!3 kl)Pto,•the :einvitable bed bug and family were there. -.They•-• seemed- possessed -with eileaiy±.,,oae legion. The majority of theae 'girtar- front thesOld Land had ,been servants in large ..mansiens or Olstret; k.11,„*Ilieh each one had his or her own stecifie Weifs and Where the: number of.,persons:. employed might -40ge fromt twentyto: thirty : or tome caged trkere.TWo or three .girls *mild be engaged' in the laundry;, the eikik had her assistants; the dairy • 'maid had girls to help in the dairy. /*re - Was a butler, a groomsman 014',e4elliaili, a special boy for :the Selathan, and a .maid frik the lady of the house. • meant,a Walle.tn the nearest neigh bour. . • ' . . . . . using hop yeast, One midi al. ways keep eut_lt _ start for the next baking, about a cupful. So, carrying a small pitcher, she Would start oft, leaving the younger children in the • tare of the . elder ones. •She might 'have a mile' or more to walk, before coming to the next clearing,and a walk through the _forest along juit a foot -path or wagon trails is some- --things-nevenste.she_eorgettens-Giant trees with their, branches interlaced Overhead, ;splashes of • sunlight on green moss, verdure of all descript- ion grOvring•-•along 91e,..Sitlea of ,the with, erows cawing, thousands of birds singing, squirrels chattering.— all 'making a melody only heard in the deep., forest. She might see a partridge leading, her Young across the path. But in •a twinkling they 1 her pitcher with its precious "start",she would reanine her walk thiouTib- the forest. The birds that gang in the noontide heat, wonlci .be silent now in 'the evening. But- the thrushes away down in swampwouldehiming their , matthless melodies with trills and cadences. And as she walk' home her step was lighter, her: spirit stronger: ,The worries. that seemed iike mountains had, lost -their nsireight and the Old 'world atter all seeined saegood-placesto..livesins-Thaschildeen. and dog would run tO livelcorne her, and she would return their greeting with loving hand} and voice. There is • a*i. eiernent: in the make-up of us all, where the witchery of conapitnionship is essential. • And now; having introduced the pioneer Woman of West, Wawanosh,. or any other. Township,' for that mat- ter, for they Were all very• simth alike we shill resume our research sef4he o d picineer settlers.. , These 'old: beds were tricky pieces of furnitere, The Pole sides had, knob - 'by headed pins along.'the's! length: A rope was fastenedl on the lcnob at the head of the bed, then pass - There was always a spirit of gaiety ed round each knob, back and forth Stiltr IlletTilneat in places where so :continuouslY, Until it reached .the foot ThanY young people rt-rirrked together, Wren it was strung backin the samd Where commodities were plentiful and way until the headswas reached again • . „ ,'Were out of sight and to search for the% 'would-be a 'vain' quest. As she enteked the neighboifir s clearing, the dog op at the shanty would give, a • Warning yp, or. the Children 'fun in to. say, "Ma,. Mrs. Brown is coming just at the edge of the clearing". 'Then the crumbs would he swept up off the floor, the hearth brushed, the soiled apecin pulled off, and the plant one kept for emergencies' like this taken down,from the convient. nail beside the door, and on, and Mrs. Jonek Was ready for her guest. Afier the greetings were o've, ,r „ „ and the welfare of the families discussed, hits of news, was exchanged; Marne. - less gossip was indulged in, and per haps the Welcome news that services were to be held in the log school, -Mae, the follOWing Sunday and the joir'siould be enhanced it the speaker was the Rev'. Peter Curry. This manse THEEIGJITH DECENNIAL • ft.- une:2, 'THE Census is the stock -taking of the nation -- of its men, women, and chilclren;., its agriculture, trade, and industry; its housing, and general social condition. By it; all Govennnents, — Dominion, Provincial and Muni- cipal—are enabled to work more effectively and econ- (shiftily in the interest Of every resident of the Dominion. • DTI these days' �f increasing Govern - v .ment responsibili- ties, no 4overument — can. give the best U.. Service 'unless it has detailed and . accu- - rite knowledge of the people and their •y.arying circum- stances. That is why we request the co-operation of alI Canadian citizens in the taking of the,. . C..ensus. • When the Crovernment's Enumerator calls‚at year door, re- -calve him courteosly and give him all •.the „information for which' he &ski • Remember that he is in your ser- vice. Accuracy and .despatch in your • replies will prornote good adininistra- tioa in your country, now under stress of War And *facing crucial post-war reconstruction. ALL INFORMATION HELD STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL • You can place absolute trust in the official , Enumerator, who is sWorn- to secrecy. ' the informa;i6 which you 'provide will be • held in strictest confidence both by him and ' the Dorainion Bureau of Statistics,' and can never be used affainst you by any toa-col- kctinfi, militrvry, or other agency, or,in any cowl of ' • It is coUtpuisorp by law to answerthe questions, but you will 'be assisting yeti, Government in these difficult times by gtv. , ing the information readily And aectretitelo in the Erpirit Of 'good cItizenshiP. feinted bylauthoritY of The . Honourable; JAMES ,A. ,MaeKINNOR, titer. • DOMINION BUREAU OF STATISTICS .; DEPT. OF *RADE AND- COMIVIEROE • - lee • 7,11, • : THURSDAt MAY 220, 1041 • Mothers'. Day service will be- held on Sunday, May. 25th, at 11 itaq' ' Mr. Fred Anderson, Mrs. Will .Rit- chie, MrS. Will Gardnerattenfed the -feueralsat trueefieidsofAin o! -their John 1VicNaughton, on Monday. Miss Martha 'Chiffon; ..Mrs. Will Gardner :attended Mrs. Albert Sand= erson's funeral at on Tues- • day. - • • RECEIVE FIVE CENTS, ,A NAME. Unders oath• to seek truthful, ans- wers. fret), mullions of Canadians,- nearly 17,000'een5ue ennmeraters will set out on their- appointed rounds on Jane 2nd..ti,-take the ten-year Count of the Dominion's ' people and. their -resources: Nine -bulky.-; forms wilt: •he The deal with population, how- ing,.'merchandising and service esab:: Bailments,. general farm agriculture, d: fruits anvegetable; abandoned 'or idle farms, animals, animal products, fruit, gardens and so fOrth not on fariTnitse'.re also ice a stipplement,al'sched- tile for ,the htind ancEdeaf )nutes and an individual fonn'to be ieft:for those-. • wha nutY be out of reach when the enumerator calls. Before be ,starts ...thessenunierater-swilLreceiyesdeteiled instructions from census commission- ers. For each living person he reeords he will receive in allowance .of five eeete.„ At -every tenth bowie visited he will make detailed enquiries as to length' or renitence, rentals, repairs, equipment and rnortages, and will be rewarded with eight cents for each forin completed in this category. and such -like, thet would otherwise r, Y. • FOR•RENT--Oifiee buil ng in -Joint Block„ shiteble for .s.ve 1 apartment. -Apply to .J. W. Jar FOR SAL-EL-Beick nut ()Mobile, Chtlit cylinder, 5 passenger. Wide 8,-.5/41.. In Splendid condition. Cheap at $7.00.. Gee. H. Settle Lircknow. • . .Po# 30 t54:, in.f.tood• repair; also Y.Ork sow, du June 1st: skeply te Mrs. ‘Geotee Books, 11. es ...Lucknow. • • BULLS ..F0Er'SALELS old RAN* bred Slior I yes: May be inspected at field. S. B. Stothera. MANWANTED for 800 eiih •Nat.& . Permanent hustler. Write Rawleigh' 211423,E,- Monteral, , na al Month - :ix buli lfl 14 Ash - • TETENDERSkt • TowN§ine O xiNto,s5 SEALED TENDERS will be received 2 ,b'eloek . in • th, 1941, for repair• cit.,Vb in, Maris and • seen at •the the • office of t .- r, ,'"Wellkerton, gee for I.o% each tender. IV the riadereigned i p t 'the afterneon of Iv14 the coriatisction • an Ackert D specificetiens• May Clerk's Office, 0.1" at Frtd B: 'Seines; e gin Oritarie. A , mar d' ch 'of cender to ac oturran Lowest or ally ender net necessarily. accepted.' ' • . „ 4. R. LANE, Clerl5 Kinloss, R, R. 2, Holyrood. • • • ' • 114 'w . .: NOTICE T�CREDlTOR- yo,u're • • • • ' ' • • )ept eira. .„.....TAKE. NOTICE • that el; persona .baVt.. ' • • inie. 'claims. agithist the estate .of Mrs. m Catherine IC. Re.late. of theyillage of Iscreknow: in the C.ounty. f Bruce., Widow; deceased,, Whiz( died on Or es bout :the 18th day' • 1:/ece -ibex!: A.D.,. 1940sare liefebsenoti d t send their (Seim% duly. verified. y declaration. to' the . undersigned: ex ,tor for :the.. estate :on oi before th 24hday ..of. Irity7-rDS-114717—'"` a. • IF BACKACHES are sloCri take RUMACAPS., Pains Are relieved after the ,fir KIM'S DRUG STORE. POR SALFe-Number of kik 'freshened; Sompigs just *eaned W. L e d .1-gO'..Ss'eM °1.•11C1111e: 1tid1s d .- bung cowe to freehen ersets.-yeatee. fertile Par- amount. RABI! .CilICK,S—Barred. Rock rthickS , . . • . from blood tested flecks Mated with 0,B.S. eOckerels: We 'keeP. all.chici -dasii. yo_.. lot of. 'works. • 300 or • mere' delivered. ...Livability guaranteed: 'Phone Riplei:71-20. Jobe J. Cityler,' 2 miles ivest of Blaelchoree. • XII,N-L-C)SS-7LGENTRE . . , . ' Mr. Angus •Macentegh had the mite fortune of.being kicked by a horse while.leading it to pasinle,, and is not ,es,' wen. as. might be expected. • Misses Eileen Valad 'arid Isabelle Onagen of Kincardihe were Week end guests* at Stratfordiille.. , Miss Evelyn:4m %1n, Ki'ardinesWas a recent guest with Mr. 'and Mrs. ••Hareld.Congram. • Mr: and :Mrs. Jack Jetnstori Of El- ' mire spent Sendai at the stem.; Mr: • an, Mrs. George White and family df Belgrave spent, Sunc1a3; e'vith .Mr.. Mid Ales. Michael • Gamble. , Mrs. Aliner Ackert spells Sunda6 ;at Mr. and Mrs. jaines;Baker'e, • Mrs and Mrs. Harold cengsain Ni,er( recent guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. Morles Bell of Corrie. • • •,-EirsTST-fnilehed instchandsteehandefight: •' Walking among the angry- men wit • "Wisht, wisht now", and a hand o the Shoulder of the fighter, 'seeXne to subdue the fiery teener Laid re store. peace. . • One the :sideroad,,' the farm pis owned Archie Aitchison wa • cleared by Admit Wilson. The 10 house now dismantled was the hen of Sain Coulter and Miss Coulte 'The corner .fann DOW owned b Joynt'ewas cleared by Coulters. Th next hundred acre :teem was deire • by Donald Rutherford. This farm' i new incorporated in the .1031nt PrOP exty, as is also the neitfarm whic • wps cleared by Robert Wilson. -Th -nosy awned byMid Humphre was cleared by his grandfather, W Humphrey. The farm now clowned_ is Davie •Todd. Was settled by Wen. Got don. A frame house situated •bac of where the Hall stands was, th home Of Tom Lott. A log' building on the corner was the -first. atora, Wm Gorden being the proprietchs In lit • years it was used as a post office -3essie-iuneron-being post, _mistress Further 'eleven the, east side of the street' there was an eshrey run by a man !levied Whalen, Who: also 'kept stere on the west side abhut Where Jim' Hytles blacksmith shop -• now stan s--.G.drdon see in the ash - business too.I On one °real* Whalen. was going over to the States with,a Car load Of ashes 'which he had coh• leeted at. Goderieh: Wm:. Gordon, thinking it a good chance, shipped hle also in ,the eare of. Whalen. But neither Whalen nor 'the moneyever returned.. Further down the • village street on the east side was. s r4sina1l frame building, the :Hall" :used for voting or other public bushier. Fels • titer on was a house erected by one, Welsh_ We are unable to . find xruch of their history. His wife's name was Naney. She was 4. very stout and one .day she 'Was walking abut uPstairs, sleeking the board ceiling cepak, when her, husband shouted, "Nancy, be careful or you'll rine through and break the stove". • The. farm north Of the village which Toni Todd owna was cleared by- John Gordoe. Th house on the Corner of he lot now occupied by Harold Gaunt was b,uilt by Hug)) Anderson. Ile worked atound Withthe • farmers. principallY ditching: 'On this income e raised eleven of a family, edueitt- d them, and sent thorn mit in the world with a sincere regard for hon. sty and upeightness. Taking- the 10th and nth Concess siOns, Peter lhitherfOrst was the pion- eer, settler on the l farm now owned by James' ritirnin. The corner .farni. now owned by, David Todd was clear- ed*.WM. Gordon.. This :includes Mil- ler's ,Genertil, Store and geOunCia, Mrsi. Gordon's residence and the Clierch and Manse property; The next 'fere e mit on. the 1.0th .Concession, was Cleared by 'Phillip. Phailen, now in - :eluded in the joynt :property. The next. farm now owned by Mrs. R. J. lireoda. and Wilson Woods , was first owned by one, yhey also 'dryn the., lieitt hinidre.d eat farm seleared. by •John. Wileen. Tom and David' Todd clearedside- road iaowttroWttedby YfaF. Grr4the at Todd. • farm east of the eideread was cleared by :Janes Raniage.:Beith:eithe side. 'Sad the fared .owned .by ,the Purvis family was cleared bysThornas and David Todd. East of the Ramage faren; new ovvitie,d by.Mrsi, J.:-Irtteods and Wilson W."Oisds was cleared by T. Breslin, T. Glasgow was the pioneer ssettlersenthestarressed Jeer'. 0: Arnold .Weects. The Barbour, farm was cleared by WM. Barbour Si; now owned by his.,:granClson, Owen sBarbour. The:farm aceith oh the side - road ' was cleared :.by John' Barbour. sAss.rssaritesthesnames-ciesen--it-hr-in • to 'My. Memory; :Mrs.' jobri Barbeur tellinkine about .the -first cominanion held in the old. Presbyterian church at pt: Helens. .There were eleven; Pres.ent-.he end slier husband, Hugh land John Rxitherferd, Robert Mur- ray: John Murdoch and Mrs. Mur- dOele 'Jiieeph WiIsOn and' Mfg, iliqlsoil;! David 2,MtAllister and Mrs.: MC:Allie ster.: Those, as 'far' as I can reinem- bet, were the few who gathered to: getlietsto commemorate the Last Supper., • ' • 2 • ' Across' the eideroed, the farm now owned by GeorgePhillips was first Owned by Robert teckhard., The cor- ner farm novY'' awned by Lloyd Phil.: • lips Was firs t settled by Neil Smith. • George Webster, was the first set- tler on the fatting now ownedby Mrs. John Webster and Wm. Webster. A • Rintoul cleared the eerrier farm. This brings u$ to the Division Line, The farm now owned hy Mrs. Rintoal, and family was cleared, by Wm. Rin- toul. Wm. Welwood pioneered on the farrit'now owned by A. Martin,. The fates now owned by Cairns Aitchison was also cleared by the Welwoods. Matt Teller was the pioneer settler on the farin owned by Wm. litreingler. • Mr to Who cleared .the flint north of Wm. Wringler is open for dtbate. ais we can traces -no fuelher back than • one, ,MeQuillin. This 'farm afterwards -wee evened by Charles Taylor. The cerner tarns on the north west, now owned by. James' Aitchison, was clear- ed by John Taylors who with Bob Wilf400 °Petalled the first threshing machitie in the district. The Taylors were always prominent eXhibitors of heavy horses in the ehOw ring. ,The •farm now owned by Chester Taylor Was cleared :by W. J. Perrier, also • the fifty-itere farm -new occupied by the Woods Brothers. The wept fifty actees was cleared by T. .loynt. The stoenee farm wee settled by Wesley Perrier. - • Thede" Perrier Brothers 'were called 'the .apeacemakers" and many a Bine they prevented triarkels aniong the hali intoxicated ma at logging 'bees th 'e Across the road, the farm new awn: ed by F. G. Todd was eleared by Wm. Allen. A sniall Muse down near the .1 stream was occupied by Mary Lowe, weaver. Thomas Todd cleared the homestead Where F. G. Todd . now lives, lie also ran the Ativimill, -The f house now owned 'by Robinson Woe& was built by the etentteniti for the purpose ef having a 'doctor in the district. Dr. .provoe practised in the district fen. gonfee Years. The next • , house was erected by Tom Lett. Sey. • Oral frame houses were hunt by G. d & D. Todd for men, employed in the sawmill. • The • house now °series] by w S. it Webster was fornterly oeetipied by' George Ashworth. Airs. Aslivvorth it was decter; nurse and housekeeper in eases of sickness. All the youngsters ih St.: Relehil; distriet Were ushered d into the world With first aid front is good lady; and g „Jbusy ptition OLOYEt .61- • iv fu ' - met V.M.S. . The ladies of en- W. M. S. hel 'their. monthly meeting in the churc ens Wednesday - arterifoim;:-.11TSy- let .ent. After a • short business. period 'with:About nieeteen. o..tembers • pres • Mary MeGeire • read the scripture Th'e, de.v.otional period was taken be the eonvener, 'Sires Jos, Black.. Mrs W J.Rtrulsten , eaves_ a- "very goo. synopsis of.Seetional :Meetine-.. in Kin cardine, alsc: ,she read about- the Pres byterial 'held' in Issekeow. We :wets favoured Pray", by Rts Walden; 'Sim COB hy a solo '``Teach„ me is ing gave .a ,veryinteresting talk .01 •Ternp_erstricesi_Mrs., Colltog. toqk- 411-'e study /soak. chapter. •,which. was "veey helpful.' Our meeting, was brought to close with Mrs. W. S. McGuire lead- ' ;Ng' inspreyer. The :convener for this mOnth' was Mrs: J. Black \eh() wa, assisted. by . her helm rs, • Mrs. M. Coll. ing, Mrs. W. S. McGuire, Mrs: W. n. •Walden, Mrs. Jos. Coiling arid Mrs. W. itoulstonS. Next month, Mre. N. Itaynard will be our g(i.nvener,' ulth her 'helpers, Mrs, J. ItIrIntosh, •Mrs. 0, McCharles; Mrs. -11.• \'ogan and 'Orel C. • N. McKenzie: During, tbt. business peeiod ,it was derided Ben we: are again at ,thesseasen of, 'the year 'when We -try to pro de *flower. for the Sueday. service's arid it wa left that this. month 'anyon(J'whh could. supply:, flowers for .Sundaye should phone our . president, Mre.,W. J. Bettie stn -5ometime on SaturdayM The W., M. 8. ladies' were: invited IA; Clerk' Chureh, the .Tir.st "Sunday or Jorie join with them :when they iarend hay - frig the. pleasure of; hearing Snarling, e, miesionare ,honse on fete °ugh and . Who: „ewe fit ildiektiow Presbyterial., he' Was:: Parnilics then conhi,td,M. of rote eight to tselve And, it, somAinres happened. Bret while boxy sit onr. ome 'sopteOU' c • (min th nevi, vritivr1;. lOrl'i,vetild entiR, , to bpg, cot Filt,501.• vides there. But W:(r.-art, told iivtf, mu, ourig niotreee ')t th sI5 ri rid Was .horn under a. free hi flit; eep; dark, forest. gr.r.m4 1.6 moth. hadgone in Sornerville?'s infli end as seturn'ing home carryinir (hinds of floul., when uho w 1nItpn 1. Rut beither Who hhoeih.r.' tr('h IhF Jr. as any wilne tor.t.hp s far as we earn learn the Votingeter idn't•even .have tho sniffh7s. • FURTHER TAKE NOTICk that Immediately after t e said date the aesets of the estate '11 be, distributed havmg. regard' only,' to ,e/al s which liave been properly, filed. , DATED at' Liickri* 0tita,io,thi5 . 2nd day of May, A.D. 194i: •• • 1013,ERT RAE, -Lucknow, Ontarioi!'• • Executor of .the Estate • :of :Catherine K. Rem. Men of 30 40, 50, PEP, VIM, VIGOR, Subnormal? , . , Want normal pep, vim, vigor, vitality? . Try ostrex Tonic Tablets. Contains tonics, stimulants, oyster elements -- aids to normal pep after 80, 40 or 50. Get a special introductory size for only 350, Try this aid to normal pep andsvira today. For saie at all good drug stores. . ' NOTICE RE ACCOUNTS • Subieription statements have been, or' arebeing sent, to all • subscribers whose 'Sentinel is •not now paid In advance. Due • to th recent change of wrier - ship of this business it is ; purlaut that alt accounts. in • eluding- as well; 'job- printing-- • and advertising, be..pakt at an • 'early date. • Your' co-operatien in this re- gard IS requested. . • (CONTNUED NEXT W410. — • Order Bray Chicks now, and be• . "lucky", when egg pries climb next Fall. See' me, or phone me, • right away. Personal attention,. Trorapt delivery.• -• Finlayson 'BroS. L'UCKNOW T. E. Convay . BARRI,STER,• SOLICITOR Kincardine, Ontario., Prima, Office In The Spence • ItIoek, laieknow, East of. the Bank .of MOntreel. Will Be. •Luchnotv Each Wednesday Morning it. After- noon & each Friday Afternoon. • • F. T.. ARMSTRONG° • OPTOMETRIST • IN LOCKNOW • , EACH' WEDNESDAY <, AFTERNOON • 13O to 6 o'clock AT -WM: SCHMID'S STORE . it Yawn, • SEE_D:thed. 19N6scijOsT!, • • , . .W1SCONSIN 606 ' • , . ___,...•..i4a.......,,....-Y...64.4.45•••••• WE S1411 41, 411AVE Some Cer' tilled Cobbler. Potatoes left at ;ter bag - • $11.4 .11