The Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-05-08, Page 8rr *eclat a Is c Mai F� . S YOU KNOW H'..' G� T,. IEI , S 1B'1 REMFMB�EIi HES 'yi!ITI� THE .. •WOUI+thl .I4KKT . ' eerie 'Va' n ideal; gift • . WI APPRECIATE fine. Ing . n Rialto m a ,. .., g ... 91 LL APPRECIATE .' In.Yesta, Panteeer,Bloomers : i ht-Cownis: SHEER BLOUSES with fine 'tucks, tguch of lace or e rederY• Sizes•'to: 20 :, . , ..:.. , .....:,:. ... •$1.95 16. a :�. MOTHER has an- eye -for fine Y. so �Ifioof Phanttom in 79e`&':SL;9o; ourite. From ...'... ;.; a:. 50c up A ' MARTHA WASHINGTON DROSS. They arbt for wear 'arid` fit. properly: There .may: be "a•'rooaAin her Thome she ° would .104 new cu tains or a rug. A i a � 'STILL SPECULATING AS O' �MEMCRIAM � .. c�- ooi `SITE OF BOMBING SCH, 4 IN MEMORIAN. ' McDARMID- Iu, toeing mealdry of fWell drilling o erationsthat have - Douglas'.'lifeDiarmid, who departed', „been started in the •Centralia-Credi this life 'o5 May Lith 1939, ton area . renew speculation as to the At Heaven's gate He'll be waiting ' location of ` the ;,proposed. Air" Force Withthe.- same'sweet..loyirig smile, Gunnery and Bombing .School expect - or we are only.` parted ed to be built. in Huron'. County. w .f . a `little ;while. _ -_t _ 9,.:av b " curve --ed. "'"•'�ust. gr_ our loeintions have e been.• _ �' Sadly missed by Mother , and •. Dad: Including the above the. others are Grand Bend,''St. Joseph's. and Amber ley Recent reports -.intimated th t a _til e, Amberley location; was likely :to • be passedup due to the valuable build- ings : And farm lands involve* and at :that , time' specula't'ion` had it that. the' St. Joseph site might be selected. HARRY BOYLE JOINS BEACON -HERALD STAFF MEMORIAM St!F_RtW[1O1D-_in loving.' meemory pf; T. Mrs. Alfred Sherwood, who gassed away May 12th;' 1939 Two years' have Passed since Feat' sad :day, The one' : we loved Was called away; God took'' her home, it was His will; But in :our ,heartsshe liveth .still.,' 1Fondiy remembered by:Husband- . John Bell: ;loins John•. Bell, who has been teacher at SS. 6 Duron, near. Pine River, the past few' years, endedhis duties last Friday night and on Saturday report- ed for duty with. the I.C.A;F. Mrs. J. Harold- Pelloek. of Whitechurch will serve as teacher "'till the end of the aiming term. Passed, Away At` Goderich The death eath- occurred i Goderich on ,� n ' Thursday lass; , of >Georgh ,Stewart, widely • known .florist.; A native' of Beemillet, he was 81 . ears'of age. He -+is survived: by' three brothers and. three sisters. • Two of the survivingbrotbers, Charles, of Toronto and -Jas. of Allentown,'wre, former residents of Lucknow, and •'are ' remeiinbered here by '.older residents. 'Charles was former tailor in the Village. , • • - . UTILaE OFFEI COMMENCING SATURDAY; • MAY '10th And . continuing for two weeks Yam will, get a tin of° Utiles 1 and 'knell; value 550, - THE TWO voit..... 25c. We have a full 'assortment of PAINTS 'Jt VARNISHES FLOOR . CLEANER Get' 'a bottle of our, Floor Cleaner. ft • will surprise 'you how it will lift the old wax: Casein Paint We have . added a new line CASEIN PAINT -aa cold' water paint in .eight'beautiful'•0olors. It produces a hard,'smooth sur-. face and can be washed like ordinary paint.:A 5-1b. package twill cover 500 square feet. • FRESH CEMENT ONHAND WM. MURDIE & Son Phone 10 House Phone 83 WEDDING ' BELLS N'OR1,iIS 410GAN On Wednesday A•liril nth, ,`a very. pretty 'wedding 'Was solemnized in St. Joseph's Roman •Catholic Church, Ki18shr d..ge,when Rev.Father' Ford d united , in marriages his niece; 'Miss. Lorena Hogan and Mr, . Arthur .J, Norris of Markdale Req. John slogan and Rev: Father Quigley also In tte - r .The in a nd .the Sanctaa y wedding ., rants. were :Miss Irene'Hogan, sister of the bride and,Mr, Raymond $orris: brother of the groom: The 'bride was given in marriage by her father, She wore a • floor length dress of .white satin . and a , fingertip ':veil, arranged "' under . a' sweetheart halo.. She .car-' ried''a bouquet : of Talisman, roses, • sweet peas • and ':baby breath.".>Miss; Irene Hogan, sister of the bride,' wore a ,pink net dress and dainty 'hat to match; She carried a ouquet of roses and sweet peas. Afterthe' marriage. ceremony a dinner was served' at the Thome of 'the bride's parents. A a amber? of giftsand a purse of money were presented. to ' the bride' and. groom. They left in the afternoon for a motor trip t'o'' Quebec- On their 'return• they.; will reside in Markdale. RECEBTION-`OF .NEW MEMBERS HELD AT MORNING SERVICE The .Morning ervice in the United Church on Sunday was marked'by the. r °receptioir-•of-ten•�neuv-'�reitrbe 8;--sev--. en "by certificate and three by pro fesin faith, sb ' : of the latter be- j ing '.Lbrne Reid; Jiro Ferguson and I Ross Henderson.. Those received :by certificate were Mr. and Mrs. 3; H. Hall, Harvey, Eileen and Lloyd• .arid Mr: and 'Mrs. Harvey Houston. -A11^ were present for the ceremony; con- ducted 'by . Rev. R. 0:Todd, with the exception of Harvey. and Eileen Hall who are presently employed at Ham- wlton._andLGi elphmspectively. ;Harry,l Boyle,- who for .the: past. five . years has been on,'the staff • of CKNB, lakes over' a newposition, with the .Stratford Beacon -Herald ,on Monday next:. Harry 'i$ a native of St. Augustine and , attended Wingham . High Behold later graduating •from. St. Jerome Col- lege; ' . Waterloo. For a time he 'was connected with the London Free Press and the •Goderich Signal -Star .prior to joining the CKNX. staff. His. wife, : foraiierly Marion ' McCaf- fere',• taught_''school- at St. Auguetine r-ior to her marriage and she and baby, Patricia'. wall .,go to Stratford a .bout the• first' of; June; • COMMENCE WEEKLY DRAWS Merchants of Wingham have again this year adopted, the Bank Nita plan of awarding weekly cash prizes to lucky shoppers; ' and the villages. of Blyth and Teeswater are adopting similar inducements. Teeswater is likely le,, follow a plan ' of weekly raws intieh the same -as -they carried out ' last year...In Blyth the weekly draw is• a ° new venture this year, ,which , commenced on Monday- with eche support- of practically every stere in the. village.. • Plan For .Anniversary . , , The Women's Missionary Society • of the Ashfield United: Churches are planning for' their 40th . anniversary celebration on Friday; :May. 30th in Hacicett's church, when Miss' Dorothy Douglas of'4!'ommesis to he the guest speaker. ,BORN McLEOD-ln Kincardine Hospital or Friday, May 2nd, to Mr. and •Mrs. Johnston McLeod, :Con.. 6, Kinloss, .a daughter. MILLER -In Wingham . on' Sunday, -April 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Miller, 'a son. ' Limit On Perch This season perch, fishermen will not be allowed to pull: them out• by the bag fur The limit is 25 perch per 'day in s' district. On Manitoul- in Isalnd the limit has been further pared to 15 a day. The trout' season Aliened last Thursday,' May tat, and several fishermen, have :been so far well satisfied with their catches of the speckled , beauties.. LETTER OF .SYMPATHY FROM KING'°ANDQUEEN'', Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bowers, of Dungannon, whose son, Pte. William Allan' Bowers, was accidentally; killed last fall while on military service have receiveda letter ofsympathy from King .George , and '.Queen Elizabeth. Pte. Bowers lost liis life when an army transport in which' he was ing ,on the, return. journey to :Camp Borden was ditched near . Fergus. ' T he nessage • from Their Majesties, .addressed. to Mrs: Bowers, 'is as fol- lows: ' The Queen and I, offer you our heartfelt sympathy in your great sor- row. - We. pray that your country's gratitude for • a life •so nobly given in His Majesty's service may 'brin'g you some measure of consolation": (Signed) GEORGE: R. L CLOCAL and GENERAL Mrs. 'Manuel' Taylor of':Sarnia is visiting with her parents, • Mr, and. Mrs. B. Pearlman. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Carter spent Sunday in Barrie visiting with the foriner's mother and brother. Miss. :Arabelle Cameron of t7lencoe, rvisitor wi - . was' a :week said with he • i par- ents,' Mr. And. Mrs: R. ' J. Cameron; . Mrs. , A. G. Elliott has . retured to th .villa a after visitingin :Strath-: e g roy with Mr-, and .Mrs. !Ian MacRae.• • N. • 'H. Hedley -and Wm " Lloyd > are; among local residents who are, Ties, ;confined to their homes.. Ther Village Couneil and Clerk at tended, hi a: -body, the -fu neral of Mr :Robert Johnston of ;Goderich on Wed- iesday' afternoon,' Mrs. •Chas' , Webster who recently underwent _ an appendix. operation • in: Goder eh -Hospital', returned to hes* home- here .on Saturday. • -S-ABOTAGE/ Siinster-Chall'einge_ To Scientific Crime Detection. How plots. of:- foreign , agents against,. our de- fense .industries•.'have intensified -the. ,alertness of our . investigators. and how science's .'newest devices help checkmatealien criminals, is revealed by the Federal Bureau of Investiga- tion in The American Weekly with the May, 1,1 issue of The Detroit , Sunday Times. Be sure to get, your copy 'of The' Detroit Sunday Times, this week and every' week.. • Every shell fired across eta 'Eng- lish Channel is said to cost $3,004. PAISLEY MERCHANTS, DO 'THEIR OWN NIGHT POLICING A , series of burglaries throughout Bruce County, have" led provincial and county'police to seek theco-oper- ation of:every evedry municipality in an ef- fort to end the crime wave, and. are suggesting the inauguration of a sys- tem of night' policing. • As a temporary solution, Paisley Council has called on local business-. men, to volunteer , to take turns as night ,watchmen; and fifteen •volun- teers • offered to take their turn for a night. •. f It is apparent even/to the sponsor of the idea that this plan will be satisfact'ery only for,. a short period, and inthe meantime some other -sys- tem will have ' to be' worked out that will not 'prove too costly to Paisley taxpayers. • G.UITUARY 'PATRICK: M SULI IVAN'. The last day 'of April brought to a close .t4e. long' and exemplary iife •f . THURSDAY, MAY •.8th, 1941. APRIL RED CROSS `SH I PMI,ENT � mo Another, splendid sref- hip en: t f one snore rugged pioneer' of the tdivn ogee clothing and Red Cross supplies ' •� a '„ V ship. of Ashfield. Patrick' M. Sullivan, was made b y the Lucknow and ic- inity Branch, as follows: Refugee. Clothing-!- -13 quilts, 6 crib, afgh.ans,Complete layettes, 3 boys' _. ,3 p caas,t .-8 P"irls' .sweater's, 30 pair boys' pants, 10 boys blazers, 5 girls' pyjas. mas, b girls' coats, 1 pair mitts. • Soldiers' Comforts 90 pair socks, 19, pa _r, 'tts, pair gloves., 6sleeve- less sweaters. 6 .scarves. ' Comforts -13 turtle n.nec • , - Sailors ' k sweaters; '2 pair gloves; 3 sleeveless e S 'an. tuar.y, s weaters, 10 helmets, �0 pair mitts; were: also' ,prgselq�. in the _ Fathers A. J.' n , of •Sinicoe, s.:. J 2b scarves,• .8 seamen's long • stock ' McDonald ;.of Clinton, J. Uyen• of • Del- ings.: , e' Cross.. Un i ... . � ' : :.�angsld . Red 2 g hi ::and M. bT Sullivan, ngphety: of -the ,, Red pair Unit -#.2 s• 8 deceased, 'who . preetched.alie'•:funeral •coats, _ � sus®iter; '2 pa>�r gloves,. sermon—.front. .the text •..¶f . any` man pair mitts,. 10 pair : pants, 1 .scarf, '8" Would be slay,' 'disciple: let hini' •deny -pair socks. Donated: 1 quilt by Pres himself and take up his cross daily +byterian Women's Missionary Soo, after a ten month .illness resulting' • from an,accident, passed.away peace fully at.his home;haVeinga been fort- -if -- - las -rites ef:,-the Church i. led b3� --•el►e. t^'... . ., , that he had'attended, so, faitsfully daring the' eighty-one Years of his lace f ', St. Jos - His funeral took A ,roan ,- eph'.s • Church, - Kingsbridge. • whew Requiem High Mass was sung by thepastor; Rev. 'John: R, Quiglsy. There and follow me". iety, Langside: -' The funeral was very largely at- Kairshea 'Club-lO pair. mitts, 8 pr.. t • nded both bb life long neighbors =' socks; 1 seaman's stocking, 1 suit. e x =and-ffiends --and acquaintances of liis .pyjamas, .1 sweater, ' 3 pair pants, 2 Roy Black is 'improving ' slowly 1 dirge . family residing at: distant having'been' confined to. "his home •paints. 1 for a' lengthy period. since disioeating The bereaved' family were all pros his hipin s. ,falling down stairs. mit. and.' included hesides his ,Wife, ,, Jack McCall has been in '; orento the . former' , Margaret O'Callaghan, P for the pest month' and ,is 'presently John P. of 'Bolton;'. Marie' (Mrs. 'Jas. ern `lp.o d at a service 'station. near Morrison) of Dublin, Joseph of De - the .Stock .yards: " troit; Marguerite (Mrs: Thomas': Joy) • M I of Detroit; Leon athome and the . " •ss: -xeor itr' ks- emir ed"rot r- daiighrs in reiigion, Eileen: from' spending two weeks in Toronto.. ,(Sister M. Dionysia), Patricia ('Sia - Mrs: Shirley ;makes her home' here with her. daughter; Mrss.• Harvey' Web - Reeve ' N. E. Bushell, accompanied 'by Mjr. Richard Webster, attended .the honorary.banquet tendered: the Pais- ley Sunocos in. their, home town last Friday evening.. • Mr. ' and '..Mrs.,'Gomer• Gibbons of Elmira• spent Sunday ,wi relatives in Lu no and Ripley ad on their n � ry return' were: accompanied by Mrs. Wm. Ferris who is 'visiting in El- mira. U Passes O.A.C. Exanis 25th at her' home in • Frank MacKenzie' of town was a= morig.the successful students secur- ing his first-year degree at the On tario Agricultural College, . Guelph., Spent . Week=End. Here ter M". Denise); Madeline (Sister M. Dolorosa) and Rufina (Siiter M.M • ar= guerite.) all of. the•Sacred Heart Con- vent Conimunity of •St. Joseph, Lon;' don, Ont. • Of the large family to which Mr. Sullivan belonged one sister alone survives; Mrs. M. J; -O'Conner (Ne1Fie-) of Kingsbridge. ' , Most of the'•'nineteen'•grandchildren of the deceased werea si o „'resent to help,dd -final honor to a truly :vener- able and beloved patriarch. ' MRS', THOMAS McKEITH • • The death :'occurred early ' Friday Hazenmore, Saskatchewan,: of 'Mary Catherine Barnby, beloved wife of Thomas A. •.McKeith and sister .of Rev. R. H. Barnby of London. - Mrs: McKeith, familiarly known to •"Buster” Whitby of the Highland her Ashfield friends as "Mary Kitty" Light Infantry . spent a week -end wasr 7 'in he year. Shehad been leave • at the home' 'of his'parents..: 4t h y ill trace late in November • of last "Buster" expects' to leave shortly' to year She was 'a ' daughter of the late join •the battalion in training it Deb- r, and `Mrs. Thomas Barnby.of Con, M ert, Nova Scotia.' Walter McFarlan, cession. 12,. W.D';: Ashfield and resided' formerly of •'St. Helena, is also 'a in Ashfield 'until March • of 1912 when member ' of the, H:, L. '1. she moved. with • her husband • and Receives Sergeant's Stripe children to what is now known as Bdr. Hugh -Cuming has been pro- Hazenmore; Sask. • moted to a Lance -Sergeant and re She leaves to Mouton her loss, be- ceived his stripe last Friday,' Hugh sides her husband, two daughters, is I 'member of the signal section Mrs. Joe :E. Steptoe,, (Ethel W.),. _of . the '7th , Army. Field Regiment; Edmore, 'Sask.; Mrs: Richard G, Blake. Royal "Canadian: 'Artillery, at Peta- i (Olive R.)3 Hazenmore; 'Sask., and Wawa. He expects to he home: -for' le -three -sons; Ewart 'D. MoKeith,,--•Van- week -end leave :this week.; couver, B. 'C.; Robert . T. MaKeith, Home On cave eRidgedale, Sask., and John T. •Mc Stewart Cameron visited with his Keith;. Hazenmore, Sask. There' are 'e,__ areata; Mr. -arid; Mrs. R: -,T: Comer -I als- o fife t' gra ngrand�ldren and one and her dear, be on last week while on a brief leave great' son; • y before depart ing for the West Coast: Stewart, is ,as member of the Argyle and Sutherland ' Infantry regiment. loved brother in ''London, who was un'=. able to face' the fatigue of the long journey that he 'might see her and whose unfailing love and kindness,. We understand;. that Stewart Russell, h h formerly of Lucknow, and Geo. Carr..! t roue' all her'lite; had' ever been a brother of Mrs'. Norman Wilson,' 'a comfort and tower of strength to are attached' to the same wait. i heg. • HU -children all succeeded' In visit - American !hotels lose over $10,000,= ing her , d ring her illness, ., thereby, '600 a year ti�rough. pilfering of bran- adding materially to her joy and Join • kets, silver,.etc. fort. The pallbearers were Metiers. Win. Campbell, David McKenzie, Samuel' ,Byrnes, Harry Cook, Wallace Ander= son and Mark Lovely. 1, - Funar'el services' were held at •the. residence on April 26th, conducted by her pastor, Rev: , F. A. Clare; and at the United Church, of which she was a member, Rev. Mr. Clare kindly assisted by Rev,: W. Brown, ' of St. James Church, Hazenmore: Interment was in .Hazenmore Cemetery. • The floral tributes were lieautiful, and rich~ in their abundance, both at the time of burial, and during- her prolonged illness, for which` the fam- ily wish to tender, to all their friends; their appreciation, and most grate- ful thanks.' 'THE. 'UNITED' CHURCH LUCKNOW SUNDAY' • MAY llth Go To Church ..:on.... Mother's Day Services -41 a.m. arid '7 p.m: Church Schopl-40 a.m. • In the, good old days . the man mho saved money was ' a miser. Now 'he's a wonder. • :blazers. 2 dozen and. nine khitki hand- kerchiefs.Donated: 3 quilts. Hackett's Wonien's Missionary, Soc- iety=6' pair pants, 3 refugee'sweat- ers,. 1' pair mitts, 1: sleeveless sweat- er, "'7 scarves, 2- pair' mitts, • 4'• pair socks. Donated.: 2'' quilts.. Junior: Red Cross -2 refugee sweat- girt. u -s': .�..,Kirilou n:�:,--:,I.ii�ti:...1e.,.......4.� : gh�W d u :blazers,: 4..pair ; 'mitts, 1 pair sticks, ,1 :turtle neck sweater: Donated: two quilts. • Zion Workers: --8 pair socks, .8 pair mitts, .3:• girls' eats; '6 pair pants Donated: 1 quilt, 1• blanket, ''1 lay- ette. Kintail Women's' Institute-2'dozen gauze handkerchiefs, 1 dozen towels, 1 dozen .khaki handkerchiefs, 17 , pair socks, 6 pair mitts,: 4 turtleneck swear Thera., PK, Sat. MAY 8, 9, 19: The Funniest Man in the World., GEORGI FORMBY •' jn.— Your•Seats Please' 'Keep you will _Laugh ---And: we mean`. L- .�U-G-H added -RA�I�RH-BELL�1lM tt, t, : N 'S L ER E EL Y PENTHOUSE MYSTERY" And Cha;„,, No. 3, Serial • "WILD BILL HICKOCK” • incar ne • 1 -scarf_' nnnated: 1 layette i • quilt. ' St. Helen's - Women's Institute -8 pair girls' pyjamas, • 6 khaki . handker- chiefs, 2 helmets, 2 pair mitts, eight scarves, 1 refugee sweeter, 1 pair seaman's stockings; 15 'Pair socks, 1 turtle neck sweater, 2 afghans -SS. No. 4; 2 afghans -SS. No. 3: Dona-- - 2 quilts: • • Paramount' Women's. Institute- 1 pair mitts. , Donated; 1, layette, 1 knit- ted afghan, by pupils of Lochalsh . Donated: 'I large knitted blanket., by Miss Annie. MacLennan.' PUBLIC. URGED. To DECORATE DURING WAR LOAN' CAMPAIGN Premier Hepburn is' ranging him- self' wholeheartedly behind the Dom- inion.•.War Loan. Campaign. which is, expected' to commence on June 2nd. Ile: declared that the' seriousness of. the war to Canada' cannot 'beover- •emphasized.'and . it is: the duty of 'everyone" to • lend kis' full support to the ratting . of money necessary . to provide planes, tanks, ships, immune tion and most important:of all to back' up to :the limits- the efforts of those who -are -fighting 'our -battle. Mr: Hepburn asks the: mayors of Ontario to issue - proclamations urging the public to. decorate their homes' aneoffices with -flags during the Domin- ion War Loan Campaign. Mon., . Tees., Wed. May 12, 13, 14 Lew Ayres Lionel Barrymore "DR. KILDAIRE'S. STRANGE' CASE" .and' - Lana Turner , Joan Mondel Two Girls on Broadway" a Presbyterian Y. W. A. n of the Y. W A:•', The Aprilmeets g , . • ..was held at the„Manse, The meeti g .o ened.by.sngin€ YdKe _ 590after ..: which the scripture lesson was read, , and Miss Marian McDougall . led in prayer. er. Mrs. Philip ,Stewart sang .,a solo; and the_ Bible study, and dis- •eus `ion was taken by Mies'11!Iary 'Me. Leod..Mrs.'Elmer Johnston gave the .1 topic from our Goforth . study ?book and Miss Katherine •MeDougall'' and Mrs. J.:.'E. Little sang a duet..A read- ing was ead :ing.._was 'given. by Miss ,.Marg Mac- Kenzie and Mrs Ross gave us some current events on our . missionary work. Mrs. Canter closed the meet- ing' with prayer.. RIPLEY CHAMPS AGAIN ENTER Ripley Juniors will again 'this year be .represented in the Bruce League. Decisioh to enter wad made at a rec- ent '• meeting when . the . following. of- ficera were elected! president, David McLay; bice -president,; Duncan Mac Arthur; secretary treasurer, Jack Bowers.;'manager and coach,',Donald McLeod: Ripley .won the :league last year, and as well were Browned champions. in' their. class.:; Several Lucknoyw boys were 'members of the team. Music Teachers . r , TORONTO' CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC MIDSUMMER' EXAMINATIONS • Practical -Tuns'• nna' Jofy Theory -Juba 13th, .13th acid 14th Application. and fees must react *5. Conaarvatucr not large than MAY 15th: 194i 135 College., Street, Toronto ° NOtice Re • Accounts DUE TO A CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP, ALL ' AC- COUNTS OWING THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ` UP • TOG APRIL 30th, MUST BE PAID BY MAY. 31st, 1941'. , THIS ALLOWS FOUR WEEKS FOR THE PAYMENT OF ALL -OUTSTANDING SUBSCRIPTION, ADVER- TISING AND JOB PRINTING ACCOUNTS. IF YOU ARE INDEBTED TO 'THE SENTINEL, WE • ASK YOUR CO-OPERATION ' IN tilAKING AN EARLY' SETTLEMENT. ' • CAMPBELL , TH OMPSO N PUBLISHER. • LUCkflg.W • Curtain Materials Draperies, setons, `Ticker gs � Y�oW Cottons,' Sheeting&u, Bleached Cottons • We Have Thesis and,' , 4t The Old Attractive Prices