The Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-03-13, Page 8t O1 KNOW . SENTINEL THURSDAY,' MARCH .12th, 1941`. very (woman . who,''Wears house dresses wants MARTHA WASHING EXTRA 'QUALITY . itOOGER._IVAARING. . ROOM ,Y COMFORT HXTHA VALUE , ECONOMICAL MARTHA WASEJNGTON,DRESSES are 'anade , from 'extraawash at a;e inns. They stBt. !; fi� �esO'wearP ,Th werlimemShip ofthe .Best finita d .' .�: s r slid thg"ig�t •tr�lmmngs, :re„ioegl, , EVERTMARTHA : .•HA WASHIIV`GTON'"G'rAItMEN'I' IS• COLORS ARE GUARANTE,ED th r w .� sh Q- , a Dresses isses and Ladies sizes . � $i.• :. and $1:50 •. 1 f ALL • MAY. GO QN DAYLIGHT SAVING Present -indicate -tie ;are that to; iron, ,servepower for war ,industries.: day- light saving time will have to be gen.; orally adopted throrijrhout •Qntario &•; Quebec "ands possibly► for all '.Canada", Munition, Minister .Howe said :in a statement. When daylight "saving time wasextended last fall. it 'em-. braced only those; _inanici -alities..i p n Ontario and: •Quebec "which; had, ad- opted, it. for the ;dammer. months. UNITED CLIURCH LAUNCHES money. and then ' , y it will -be devoted to' WAR SAVINGS EFFORT ;° ,_ swiping off the deficit the '° Un - 1 ited,Church- iniitirred'. in the years of. The; United: ' ch- of `':Canada. depressionwhe ,'mis missionary a Shur . is � _ si ....ry was Caaa�; d t War Government-owned• Housing Company. formed' to • deal with'shortage of 'Irving,as commodation for war work - ars. Joseph M. Piggott; Hamilton, president designate of company. February b' M• and totalled' $19;019,249. . Thousands of Canadian. 'soldier' .and ;airmen arrive in Great -Britain Mar. encouraging: its ..,me -, `_' maintained . • face of reduced - Contracts. awarded during week ended e' ruary ' 21 ' Department : of Munitions., & Supply numbered 1524 herents to' participate. in a. Dominion ' revenue ;The siegan is,:'"A loan .to any Vide effort;promotin the.saie of Wa country -4 gift to church".. Plio- @' r my . . Savluge Certificates. United Church tographs. Show, John J. Gibson, chair.= mens► rs4 b`oi asked to register . man', of the.United Cliurwh War a portion . their, certificates ,in the .ings 'Coinmittee and 11frs. G. Ernest yY name • of y T ie ' United: Church of .Can- `Fo lbes,�vice-cb who- -is. direct- airman, Total of 'over' 90,000. vehicles for .mil-, itary purposes - sent , from : Canada to Empire; at war. • „Justice, M. B. Archibald, Supreme p Court of Nova Scoti'a', • • , appointed commissioner ''to ` inquire into the ads. Fer-seven and ' ond' half' . years • ing the . women's activities in. Gonne- causes of Tack of capacity. prodric- the Canadian Government will use -the ion with. the effort:; • • tion. ,in the coal mines in:the Minto- Chipman district, : New. Brunswick. Government Bill' ;before Comm' • makingr'pensions act of Great War •of .1914-18 applicable ' to' present war. 'YOU ARE INVITED TO..ATTEND . A .; MECHANIZED FARMING CONFERENCE FEATURING THE • FORDTRAcTOR FERGUSON SYSTEM' AND WHEEL -LESS IMPLEMENTS;AT' F Maros!' Motors, *INGHAM Wednesday, March I Lth • AT,, 1:36 . ° DON,'T MISS • THIS . PRESENTATION OF THE LATEST IM- PROV�EMENTS IN MODE RN : FARMING, :C Tallting Motion Pictures — Lectures — Dieepasione G. OSTRANDER FORD GARAME . LITCINDW. rLOCAL and -4 El Iran ltawlings. of Niagara »tlla was, a week -end visitor in town.. Dr. E.- B. Balfour spent the Week- end with.his another, • .Mia, J. D Bal- four of `London; : v Mr. Jelin ' i oQtii Parrish a h of Ashfield Yi'it= ed last week with Mrs. Parrish' .. ,at �ry X4O /fin �'�[= o"`y .'^I�`.ndM.�.t:'• ," Mrs 'W E; Henderson ,returned' fiend'Toronto Saturday• mght,:havin spent the . pastten days in the city Fred'';; Davison' of Acton is vis- iting 'With • his sister TMrs.: George kairgesa, He; is . recovering from a' 'INFLUEI(CE OF "FAITH. HEALER' RLA'iII;D 'Ii WOMAN'S DEATII ,An inquest was' held at Hanover 'oat .v eeh'to inquire' into thedeath of Mrs. Henry Luedke 44, .of •Normanby: Towhip. Mrs Luedke'a •;death was One to obstruction 'and strangulation o .;tle liovel� .the jery -decided, and added' a ,ruder to their verdict to, the effect. that hid thedvle .a ce of . she' physician ` :been, followed .her life might• • have been 'saved: -The 'jury g f ou' nd that'': medical advice was not heeded on account. of -the influence, of Mr. Trachsell,'and also :that Mr.' lenedke; was. uxswilling to .co-operate with the doctor. Relent Traebsell,• upon taking the - witness stand, . galea his occupation as that of farmer and ;'stated he liv :ed near Shakespeare. Rn response to questioning .he stated that. hey was endowed with. healing poster "thru' any faith , in God and _ .prayer", • and he has "felt"• this power since 'he was seven 'years of'':age.'He.,aolemnly"'de- Glared.•that he ;believe* he suns a" per= tion of Jeeue 'dirket'', power of heal- ft, . ing . the sick; and. just as; aolemraly or.. assured the: incredulous crown attor- c= '=nay: -`thatbe wast yoking." After 'determined questioning he admitted he bad ,assured. Mr, Luedke -by :tele-. f phone that' his wife ,"%would get 'all serious illness. Mrs: ' Pearlman has just returrte from a 'buying . trip to Toronto ..with a wide variety of new .Spring Dresses and Chats.. 1 Lieut. R W. Andrew if 1?etawawa and Mies Flora . Andrew of . London spent the'week-end with their par- ents, Mr: and Mrs.' W. G: -Andrew: Miss: Doris Ritchie,. a. member •of the local 'Bell Telephone ho P ne staff, , le on. Monday for Stratford to train •f new -relief -operator 1,6-fiii wile va ancy. • • Raymond Richards; youngest soli o R, A:' Richards, of Paramount,"who' has' enlisted with the, Royal Canadian Air Force, and is. now in: train g at Toronto, spent the week -end' a 'his home' here: • Miss. Eunice' Carter, is assisting at Roy �McCreight's. during Mrs. Mac- Creight's absence' hi Vancouver. Mrs.' ' Church; Brussels, when, in . the ab MacCreight : having been_called there owing to the serious :illness of her, right". PRESBYTERY ACCEPTS REV. 'POLLOCK'S RESIGNATION • ThePresbytery of Maitland of the • Presbyterian thatch met' in 'Melville mother: Mrs... David '•. Ferri who snakees,jier home : with her daughter Mrs. 'Joh D. Ross, and wile has been. spending the 'winter . with her three: sisters in and around Blyth 'returned to 'Luck- Luck - now on Saturday. Of 200,000 enlistments since t.pening n present •war, i.p,829 ' discharged as medically# unfit: Meansadopted to tighten medical examination' of re- s • settee of the' moderator, Rev. S. M. Scott, ' of Kincardine, the chair was taken • by Rev. J. D. Wilkie of 'Tees - water. The applications of 'two mini- •steraof'sisterchurches to be received into the' ministry • of the Presbyterian, church were received and dealt with. 1 The Presibytery of' Maitland mania- a �; 111 Q►RAI agAGIC' ,DIALS by Lowell `Thomas Lowell . Thomas,. • the well ..known, radio comenie_ntator nd' author, a__ h hells' the 'story of radio, 'from its birth • in: 1920 to a ,major and str' i u . y _n 1940. Be tells it with si cl to wain' enthusiasm. glowing n ism• and' such a Wealth of .interestin d. $' e tail � that it •ail 1 make your daily en- joyment of the radioo-keener and more understanding: Ile calls to , his 'aid Antgn Bruehl,. whose photographs, nearly-siiity in all and s'ixteen of `them .. in,:gorgeous colors, are a pure: delight. :The pictures show not only the *tech- nical tech- ni al c ,apparatus in all its vast •tom= plenty blit also the broadcasting stu- dios and. the • popular stars.of. today at work in the' studios. • Lowell Thomas calls radio the Cin- derella of Modern industries. And. when 'you consider that: in .two: short decades, the growth of this industry is •comparable to the progress the automotive industry required . forty years to achieve, you, will think his remark` justified:'` This is;by . no means a technical book to bore, the unscientific - reader. He goes back to the . earliest . diseov. erien of ':pure scientists and' :gives i gives n human non-technical and' , at . • times humorous account of the first fumbl-' ing' experiments,- of the -;many inven- tors'and their inventions which made possible' the first wireless telegraph, rewrite . Code ` messages, .of: the' efforts which followed 'to make the.wireless a -telephone as 'wel • as h, 1 a� telegraph, and. of the'' era when the experiments of boyish am�ateura, showed the'tech nicians the way, to modern. radio lsreaadi astmg. .. Don't miss reading this book—it. is s .interesting : as any novel. end the photographs are marvelous.; This is e ook for the boys• and . girls as swell. s for' the'grown-ups., Again ri say; on't overlook:'it. . • , —reviewed by; ' Marjorie Johnston. a •b ' Mass Dorothy MacGuire daughter of Wm. S. MacGuire of 2nd Conces-' ion, Kinloss, who has been in Strat- eruits.' ford for the past year has' .given up her position to enter Grace Hospital '.Coronto, to .train for -a nurses - . Elwood &Al i en•'of the, Canadian warships arrive hoiiie• after ten months service in wararea: Nett revenue: from tourist . traffic, in 1040 estimated at $82,000,000, opo, at: Toronto until •his• transfer to' -St: Thomas, spent the week -end at ,his, home here..; Elwood . recently •won months period of fiscal year (April Thomas training centre. Its—` `rra'ndtnotlierd'' Day" -'-at . the March meeting of the Women's In- stitute to' be .held in the Town Hall on Friday March" 14th. Roil call, "Why who had dbeentraining at Manning Income tax collections during eleven a boxing tournament at the St. 1,..1940 to February 28,:1941) total.- -led $231;179,48u' ; ieti -indreaseof "$103,627,839 over, corresponding 11 months of previous fiscal year. • Munitions and `supply contracts a= �I -liked_. o visit__my-...grandmother".' Don warded from July 14, 1939, to Nov- Dontforget, the . picture gallery. ated Rev. Kenneth McLean, of: Wing-,. ham, for moderator of the :Synod of Hamilton and London. It also nomin- ated Rev. Archie Thompson of Elora, for the position:. of general secretary of the board of Sunday_. school -and young, people's work. The 'resignation Of Rev. John Pol lock of Whitechurch,• was presented to presbytery. Mr.: Pollock has been . in failing health and has been ordered by his• doctor to take a complete rest for some time. The presbytery 'accepted the _resignation and members -spoke: of. Mr. Pollock and his work in terms of highest praise. •Mr.. ' McLean of Winghant was appointed interiml d- erator of. thevacant' charge. ember30, 1940, totalled $1;204,695,-i Grandmothers • cordially. invited.: 32L Total : includes both Canadian and U. K. accounts; also orders for Canadian civil aviation division. Sixty-three mills treated 1,016,430 • tons of ore~ from Ontario mine8 January; creating •ail -time, monthly record for gold ore milling in Ont- ario. Special 'committeee of Commons ap pointed to review, Defence of Can- ada regulations ''with law relating to deportation and ;naturalization. A negro mammy had a family of well-behaved boys: One day her mist- ress asked; Sally; how 'do you raise you kiys so well? Ah tell'. (you, inies- us", answered Sally,. "Ab raise dent Wid a barrevstave, an'.Ah raises.'em frequent" • Jerry 1lathwell arid 'Charlie. Web - stet accompanied Russell Crooks 'to .Toronto'wtere they spent the . week- end. • Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Decker, Billie and Norman of Kitdhiener .spent, the 'week -end with, Mr: and Mrs. Conrad Decker.. • • . • Bill Hewitt spent the week -end here, returning to. Toronto. Sunday evening, .where :he is coininencing a , course • in induatrlal chemistry Miss Ida • Crawford, stenographer - at the' Maple Leaf Aircraft' Corpora- tion spent the, 'week=end at her home in Owen Sound. • Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacLagan and children and llstrold Ritchie of Lon- don' ondon' and Mrs..Wesley Tw,antley and Chester • of Woodstock Were Sunday visitors.With _Mr. and Mrs. James•. Ritchie.. • , • THE UNITED CHURCH LUCKINOW 'SUNDAY • MARCH 16th, r 1 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. Speaker -I -Miss Pearl -Render- eon 3 p:m.—Church School. 7 p.m. -Evening Worship. - Speaker—_ Mr. H. Hopper, Wing- ' ham. e • • KILLED . HIS ARTISTE WIFE TO SPARE HER MISERIES OF WAIL. Read: .in The American Weekly •With, Thugs, Fri..Sat; Mart 13, 14, 15 Jane Withers "SHOOTI G ;1GHQ" 1plas:� .... ,., ' EXCF.LL'EN►R. GOMEIDYL Horne ' moon'• s Over. Stuart,riwi .',M eaver : n ` M;. W, CAPJTOL incardeine Tues., • Wed. Mar. 17, r CgCK-EYED •COMEDY. "MEXI�CAN� SPITFIRE . .OUT'• LUPE piELEZ . I' .1;,01‘1, L' EONE • BABY .SANDY • '"SANDY. IS' .A • LA:D: • SNUFF- B1e' THE :T� S And N -Fl o•, u Among Its English Mak- : g ers in 1001 Years. Hundreds of tons of snuff: are: still being sent overseas'from:. Great Bri- tain every.twelve months.. In the last year of peace the: quantity was '662 'tons, but most of it was' used for `kill- ing insects: Of the whole amount six tona• 'only. Was for human. beings,. and not'all, • of=that--for-sru'ffing—MTjeli. was, ip a moist form for, ;applying between the gums .'• and' cheek. Gone are:the days'' when the'galr. lent, . with a courtly bow, proffered snuff from a',lewelled box To -day the snuff ` holder is of polished' wood or papier Attache, or more often the work-, ink' man just *fries it in a small• tin in. his waisf at, pocket. • • The Canadian: 'luniiberjack still snuffs a lot; so do the'$candinavian population of Wisconsin -:;Minn- seta, and the negroes. of the South. The pebple of U S: A. are, in fact' the iworld's -: - .. greatest' snuffers today. They . sniff up 20,000` tons of it a the March 16 issue' of The, Detroit • Sunday Times. :how a famous Eng- lish 'language expert was too stip- 'tamely happy to endure the. sight. -of war's horrors, so he broke under 'the. s train: of his •':own imagination • and clew the woman- he, loved„ befog Nazis could. Be sure to get this Sun- day's' Detroit Times. Year.. The. claim that snuff is a germ kill- er .is, borne out by ,one of' the biggest English manufacturers: They haye e teen making it for more than a. hut - red years, and in all that time not ne of , their workers has ever had the. Glen Stanley, whoclosed his gar- . b age for the' winter has. ,opened up again for business, in the same stand '• d on .Station street • formerly occupied ° by G. eorge ' MacInnes. 'flu The New SPRING DRESSE$ Ft COATS Have JUst4fljye4 Arrived:. WE INVITE YOU TO CALL IN :AND SEE THEM 8. PEAR L M AN LUCKNOW, ONT. 'PHONE'' There !s A Big List Of Very Special Bargains. This Week -End Litekopw,, HojflellJ One •