The Lucknow Sentinel, 1941-02-20, Page 5• •TPIURA;IPA%i FEBRUARY 294 1-U41 Lyceum- Theatre WINGHAM P :Shaw Stars .at 8 g;m: Wept. Saturday,,Saturday night t aelli?.w>sat; 45_ and ;►.45 11.11x,-- . . - . Thursday, ..Friday, Saturday eb ;IE. t$PECI(it•,' Param.oynt Presents r r •R O IVE TRAVELS ",6a•A Full -Length Cartoon - %NTCHN/COLOR,5R� ti L. /0 Co • yrighl 1939,'aromoun PIdures.lnc: Also "March of Ti'iijie ' • • "Travelogue" "News" Matinee Sat; afternoon 2:30 "pm , Monday,. Tuesday:' Wednesday' WARNER BAXTER ALICE FAYE in. • ,I' Barricade" --A - hews .i0er man..ancL a teirl • Tice together during the invas ion of China. Alio "Crime Does Not Pay" "Andy' Clyde Coiuedy" aSpp ort-Sulnera" natta: 11 Aa the Dace's dreams of 'Empire are blasted by the British and .Greek forces, Canada prepares "for. ever- growing particlpat onin t'he war. Throughout the nine lir evinces, Iwhole heai'ted response is given appeal's. to':,,12uy : War .Savings '•Certificates and. that provide financial sinew Of war. • • -By. a..IVatlenal • Salvage driye„yw'a, to y � .is •to' bh _ cut down and materials of war service,' .conserved. . Additioniai units of- .the Active Army; arepreparing!. for overseas service. Units of the Reserve force are held -ed-•: "foe e� � v t r ie in i�eadrn ss for�'a�t di y ed 'on the Home Front. - ;Mr andMrs.; Gamble, . * s.'. Well- ington , Husk and Helen of Brantforc, were recent visitors at Mr.' and Mts. • "Fred Passmores'.. t _ . .ori , . R�•rinns r. an,1VIrs. H'ow�ard , d Bi eseillutnadny Shirley and nd p Swith Shirley `and 'Billie;: spent Sunday 'witl • Mr • .arid Mrs. T. De>tter of .'Par'arnonnt.. Mrs.:Dobe y rt • .of. Kansas City; TJ.. S 'A. who has4been.'at the. Purvis home since the death of her aunt,,: Miss S, Purvis returned to her honien slay. . Smith and Mrs: A. Ack- ert spent' the week -end .at the form, ef.ahome at Creemore and Mrs. Ada called on her uncle at •Col- •lingwood. .. .. , • Mr. and . Mrs: :Wesley Whytock and. Allan of Teeswater were recent vis - ', itor�s at Mr. Richard Elliott's. Mr, and Mrs. •Morris ,Hodgins am' family,. 10th C•dn., Mr. and Mrs. Per= cy ' Deyell of Wingham, kiss Mary Johnston of Kincardine,, Mr. aid. Mias Eddie Thompson spent . Sunday at Ma. Mark Johnston's. Mr. James. Parks who spent thepast•. 'two' months with his parents in Brit- islb, Columbia returned to.: Mr. Ernest Ackert's .on Saturday: ' First 'four -months military training period for recruits called' under Mo • biljzation Act 'opens March. 20. Date originally. announced was March 15. m.' Navy and Air Force are speeding up. Revised cost of the British Com- monwealth Air, Training plan •i placed" at• $1,000,000,000 • of (which. • Canada is to provide $583,000,000. The original estimate of , total. eost was''$600:,006,600: :About ^,36,000- ire .. Bruits for the Plan will be needed this year. T'Ht 1,UeKNOW S N` 'INEL- Y P. U. BANQUET HELD .AT ST:' li EN'S'. (ST. HELENS NEWS) Gay with its -hearts and cupids and red and white •streaa'riers, the ' base- ment of the United Church ,present, ed a-•lovel:y setting -for_ the alaaaal Banquet"of the Yaling, People's Union on Friday, Si. Valentines night .On'. the 'tables with;: their gleatning silver' and crystal, the,, candles 'flowers and. place cards carried • out' the 'idea of St. Valentine's.. Day • and the colol'- cl;< Reme of: red and 'white. ;After tthE' hundred or so:guests had done amt.: ice to the .supper the program was in tLroduced by ,Revs Ga \: Barnard, 'ag mastery of ceremonies, This 'included.' community singing, • after which the toast' to the King was proposed`by Mr. Barnard.and responded to bythe sing• , ing " of the. National :.Anthem. Thi toast to , Our ,Country .was •.proposed, by Mrs. ".Lorne Woods to which Mr. 'Wilson replied: Mrs —E,: W dice -fav oured with a solo. .4r. Durnin Fhi1- lipsproposed the toast.. to the Church and Young People's •Ufion and `the president of the Union, ' Miss Winiiie Barnard, responded. Mr.. Geo. Stuart contributed" a . violin Bolo. The toast' to .the :Ladies wfhich Dick 'Weather- head..proposed 'iwas replied to by. Mrs. MclCenzie Webb. Rev. W. A. Bee- croft of the United, Church, Wing- hanaa, was' the guest speaker and he delighted his "listeners liy `']ijs rnios nteresti�� talk on. "The North", where Forty-five corvettes 'and ;thirteen, minesweepers 1•aurich'ed in Canadian •s4i.ipyards to :date . Fourteen,. mere corvettes and •eighteen aff4iti'onat minesweepers to: be • launched 'by ,May. Shipbuilding 'program from •its inception includes: 60 corvettes. for the ' Royal Canadian ' Navy and. 10 far the Royal Navy;'. , 38 mine . sweepers for the Royal Canadian Navy and 12' 'for the,•Royal Navy; :10: wooden • .niiiiesweehers for "the • Royal Navy.; 20 Fa.irmile 'boats* fol Mt. and Mrs. Charles Congiain avid • family. spent Friday evening with _Mi• a and'•M.rs;•• A..'Oulbert of •Dttni;annot•. who 'celebrated their: fifty-ninth wed= • ding ' anniversary. . • • •• Mrs. Passtin'ore,entertai1Tied• a num'' .•'bei of the • ladies at a quilting on Thursday. Mr. arid Mrs. Harvey Ackert., and • ,family of Lorne 'were Sunday visitors tit:' Mr. Ernest Ackert's: Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Jarn'Ieson of Paramount Miss Isabelle Jamieaon of 1 ondon, Mrs. Jdhn, Janieson'•of Luck- naW 7ifient "Sundlry-afterrioorraat Mr Thos • Parris,!.. . • Mr, •aiid Mrs. Oscar Keiffe'r aver Sunday afternoon visitors with. Mr, and . Mrs..: 'James Baker. . . ' the it..C.N.; '2U merchant vessels;, and a large -number of sthall craft.' Contracts awarded 'by. Department of ' Munit`ions and Supply. during week ended •Jannar•y. 31 numbered '2,390 Il � 7 032 OOd. :and tc>ta, eeL�2 , , French-speaking . Canada observes' Sunday, -Fe•hruar•y 9 as day'of'pray-, '•er..for. ,peace .and victpry:••:Votive high' •mass •cel'ehrated, •in .Notre • Dame. church Montreal.'by, Itis •Etn • inen.ce, Cardinal Villeneuve. • . , G. 1V. Spinney,., joint, general ..manager •'Dank '•of Montreal, appointed .ch'air- men°, executive committee, 'National L,om 'Committee, next :war; loan: LAMGM DE; NO. RT."!' . Mr, . aind • .Mrs. Archie MacKinnon ,spent: •Slater day in Teeslwater with Mrs. 'Murray. Mr: 'and ArIrs..Neil MacDonald, Mr.' and Mrs..Wm..MacDonald spent. Fri - .day 'evening with Mr: Fred Simpson; t6tlr .Cul°ross. • '• 'Mr. .Gordon' and Miss.'Hope visited on • Sunday with. Mr. and -Mrs.. ' • Airs. Dan T. •AlacK.innon' spent a few ,days h st• week .vvitly Mr. and Mrs. Iloy 44(rr•lham, Kitilough . 'Tr. •;l.:ul Ws. Bert Moffat. spena s't ndoy s}t,'tl'ie home .af ATr,"atid,' Maa Wilson. Wall. • ' LUCKNOW*-�; SENTINEL- Published every_ Thursday .morning at . Lucknow, Ontario. .Y1r•s. 'A- 'Tl- Ma •Kenzle---iar'opriet•, g he had spent nine .happy years, Mrs Andrew Gaunt favouiredwith a solo andthe singing of a group of the new 'patriotic songs brought a de lighttaLevening., to a Mr. George MeQuillin of the R. C. A. F. who has .been training at Tor- onto paid a: short visit to his home Miss Ethel McKen'ie,teac4her at SSS. No., '3, ',Was '‘a week -end guest';itis Rev. G. A, `Barnard' Murray Taylor 'was home from God- erieh ; for the week -end•:" • ' The regular meeting-'- f -t TJ.washlthe President, - . _.e dWith resident Misr. Winnie' Barnard in the chair. The scripture' lesson was read by .`Isobel Miller; and, the topic was • '"Living Epistles .in Korea". •. Mrs. Earl •Dui - of the lif ' of. Miss Mc'Kira lin'read he life non and Mr: blitz—lin of •that 'of Miss T{.im missionaries in Korea: Dorothy 'Milier. and, Earl Durnin favoured with a .. duet. •(wing to mild weather, the skating party planned in. co-operation with' Dungannon"and Aslifield circuit for last Wednesday had to be cancelled. However; the Young People had their. ;leigli `. ride ,ending up at the Manse where games'wre played and a social hoar :spent, The skating party. at the. T:ucknaw Arena is:scheduled .for, Wed- nesdaa :of .this week.' • A buck .in the bar i �H'brth ten or the .bookfi when Vie bank .draft blowy in.". KINLOSS _'ENTRE. .1%1r. and Mrs.. Thornton 'of • Teel?- water, Mr. and Mrs.• Moffat of •Ctll. sass were recent Vis'tors • with Mr and Mrs. Smith. • Miss Eileen Va1ad rotl.n•.ned horn' rft'ni vi ifitur Mr. and Mrs Norma' Srbuett of Cargill, 1•Ill. , S n!T . M"' • fry p r ••• Tln' f ff ' wr r Sands, visitors with gr.., and Mt— James. Baker. Mrs. nrihei't'r left Stitui•dav for her Borrie in Kansas City, after 'snefirline the past fes 'weeks at the TTolvrno-' •stare. 1V1;rs. Doherty is a •n'ece of tht' later Susan Purvis. Rece,rit visitors with Mr•. ,sort M, ,tarnt��i Vaod 'ere 'Mr. an1',Mrs. Wni ITere at , and '. Pob,•i,e of " Si6:cn". ClK,wr; Mrs. fotlihrt' Thoninmon o¢ Tayekna,.. Misses Isabelle O'Hagan, Willeniear Caskiixlytte of kineardine. . ' ;Campbell Thomp^ion—i itblisher l0I'f�T[tSDAY, FERtiI1A __20th 19411 .W E...M U S::f-; TOO . • an talking. to Cauadi ns° from Iron don , recently, Si?. IF„Dbert . Kindersley, gave,tjgs country startling infornla-, tian about• the way Great Britain •has carried out...a W tr 'Savo gs,,1�rggram 'sance the sta;l't of the war.,fifteen. months ago: The President of.: t' e' ,Rational • Savings ffoniin ttee rii`Eng land• stated tliat,.in ilhese fifteen las saved rnont'hs 'the '5111�?li., !man has a through saving certificates, defence, '. sa41n"-s b'in]cs• and a few odds. _bonds,., g, 4 and • ends, the.sum of six h.imdred.mil= lion pounds,---.#Ilmast. three. billion , ol- laaS in Canadair' money. And Sir B„obert made an interesting colTlper:son , Nit/len be revealed that subscriptions to ,large loans during that,, period .of fifteen •months was eight hundred and seventy-f�ive'miilion pounds: • ' Neighbor: "What's thenew baby' at ydur' house, Jimmie, a boy or. ', a. ,girl''," • Jiniinie ' (disgustedly),: "Aw, it's a earl. I saw •'ern putting powder on it". (EfMAN' FOR SERViCEMKa: 1•\ hrn, _('an adl a troop ; n 1 t )1''1'iVt in Gelmanytn start `mopaiin p" operations, a good many„of'th"•• • ai,ll' be able to converse 'n lvords th, N (zi understand. ' So great has been the demand of men. on active; service to , study . con . ': ernational and military German 'un Or. the Canadian- Legion War :Ser vices'• edtr'eatioti pi;ogram that", the Legion has published 'a 'pocket -'size handbook on that language.. Entitled •`Fel'rilail for . Sel:viremen"� then 9' n�n''e hanilhpnl< has heel -anode .avail Erre. to. ,se Mrs. •soldicl•s and ah•. e+irollecl as strdent • ;"ith th region. . • f,'.b'•ao A^,`rhe ho•ir- is not only •' ^•• i <{ • tl•1' .111"11 111 `"t'Tfl,•1.1r• '7"- -„ u . • mei,":11 eti natl•.n , rn •"r. I 11 1p t''ern a11a-ae - • •iffy K'I N.LOU GH .': • Gni. Harold ' Smith :of. Petawawa Training Camp spent the week -end •w•th friends here. v • . •• Mrs.• Dan: T. M'eltinnon, • Con, 3, spent a., fern days Iwith• Mr. and Mrs. 'R'oy. Graham oast week. Mr.: and •Mrs. Neil MacKay return- ed to., Glamis after visiting• with ,,her' lister Mrs:. Wmi. Percy.. . Mi4.s Kat111een' •'Graham spent the "w,; weelav with Mr,: atal , ?1fi•; T .Tnhn^tone, Listowel, , .. ' . ,•. Tt.e .Church' Society'took, the .for , -r Valentine'' Social on' Monday ev- 'ling last Mr. Geerge•Haldenbv pre,' sided. Hymn 599 "O"God of 'Bethel" and piayex' by Rev: ll. B. Hamilton pend, the :meett'ng. Mrs Perry Hod: tins read and explained the Scripture. • '•i "n the:' Beat*i*„des I z'.ly.. i - n„^• . a -.ran erl' .t'.• 1, .'�- .+- ,n• .” 'Pr,.lnh .,...• ;ir..,. 'l •. • r-, :ii • rill that ,,lo s” Gin -ea_ ' nal'•p'lrt of the. aa, "saa • ^f ;be '•„e^in' • ' and the roll called - �r • -- •T'nd .m • led an ii te'•estin on on, "Can a'. Nation .11e b+'ilr • hy• love. or 'force". Mildred.. Pia '1! inti^,• a Valentine song. Mrs. leer! •"(ale n^ then c'ontilieted c^rte•t after v•hirh tf+e' National -Anthem and "a"er closed the Meeting. launch whit :$rved arida social chat enjoyed; The '-"t meeting will he held March'13rd. •-aait•*eo ?fi^q MSV• Boyle. Mr.7John • In . other words, the wage earners of old: England are contributing 'a to- tal, mighty close to 'thea total loaned by citizens of. means and corporations. Even after discounting the vast dif ference . 'betwieeri • tile' population • of Canada and the population,.• of •Great •Britain, Canada's..attempt ,''to • secure 'one.hundred and• 'twenty : million• in, • •,a year .from 'War • certificate loans Su Pers- by=-'ee nparison - True, the )lasses :of people in.T'ng- land.• have• a•deep incentive • to provide every..1aet available Shillong for the (Misr• effort,. Over, there; they fully y ealize ..the:. tfhreat,' that °hangs• over their freedom anis; tia their: hotnes. • • Any lt.y y •o•f 'NEW • EGU LAT I.01 . . • • Z. inafrief tit THE BANI(" That can be said :.roudly b hundreds p . Y Y of thousands of Canadians, who rein- .1atrly deposit . a part of their income • ; : •. .in a' savings account at the. Bank of Montreal. It•isa mark of character and distinc i"on, indicating thrift, persistence • and a degree .of. success:. Vide' believe ®n~ the encouragement .of .xhri>fr, is .a fundamental of indiv tiidal and national cliaracter, that is Why we:, heartily welcome the small ;new ac counts vt h,ich re-,-opened:daily-at our—' , 500 brandies. You are invited, to start and maintain your savings account at 'one of our branches. ' "A SANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS, ARE WELCOME" Lucknow Branc : V. N. PREST, Manager 'v1ODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE.: a. the` Outcome of. 123 .Years''Successful Operation 112 • 'Canadians to an ideal, and the loy. I='GRADING O#� ECHO•,, alty of an Englishman •to :the same ,.. : ideal,is• odious.• Cana'a' as, s a' n.1 Whil • a greater demand fol' Can rind will show thatit is ready to' sac•,;I adian eggs as, 'at •result of improved iifice all for the retention_ of free c • amlit• y was built •up. un.:''i the.•cgr dern:oeracy. But it. might not be out E regulations as opet�ate;1 since 1.92:3 of the.• . way toy observe .that 'if ,Can •; these ,wits: still strum •f ;r `i'urtl?er ins :'diaris at •the.iireseht',.thoinent'were roveiilent in quality, ;)articularly feeling the, 'Thocic: of ti\rar as English,.g. = i Broil ;ls -vhe i• at dui nthe sumnie men are ny►w„ those in'iarrthoritj+ w -c Id. times. :eggs• .of.. ind•fferent quality for' i•egi.stration are • known.. They are ,be...setting - War Savings.::. objective r •ei wayt mn ket Tilos! thea''passed.", fo nd th i o that, all graders must' havet much ' higher than `one ••.hundred and • he curtiiiilnient ,of row .u:aption, pi o_• Departmental test; the grading equip twenty million dollars•a Year. • • SUI+';FEREI). TRA( 7li,RED MP • • 'nuclei. constituted; a commercial low ••' •1y" .the eZ:tabli'tshrnentof the register...! egg grad ng stations, grading will e permif.reclf_aily •t these st.atiYiais vias the exeelition of produces whr. may .grades their owls eggs,frfr .whole ' ••ale or retail sale. At these stations” eggs .;•ill be graded. only' by .qualifies; • persons and only in places 'ahere pl;o-• per equipment is,,.•previded,, as nrara, ae' `und'erstood when the };g nuire,lllent;:' eggs available ,In the locality: % When 'a'station is notilecated in hi* town Pr district; the producer, may' -end his . eggs t"o a' "first receiver'; . • At tlie,noon'lre,ur• on Saturday, •l ell • ruary 8th, after a•etLI1'alin ' to' the kitchen •' from ,• the .rear, Brier of • her heme,Where she Was tlipo;ring crumb$i. to.. the b"irds; lVIits: Jrr :elrh• ;(-ulbert, 011 Rile , accidently- 'slipped and fell p to:, Y: the floor.' On summoning Medicalaid• it Was fouraa she was sia fairing from, a' fracture of • the, riga hip. Slle was removed tot•J(incardine General Hos- . ••• where .she •is iesting at present. ,lucei•s.•did not' reap the full'. benefit dent' must be satisfactory;;'the'egg' of their' • labours, and .at the :.same :rooins,•nirist be so arranged as to pei- trine consumers did not 'receive 'that'. lilt' proper handi' ng• the r•oom.s must high uniform •, quality ,'.which would • • ' stimulate' ' the highest demand' for eggs. and bring'furthe: pi•osperity to the.poultry...industry:.Under the new regulations with, the establishment of, Registered Egg Grading Stations, thci consequent' --improvement i�T ;radiiig,. andlthe ha'aid1ing of eggs .\under tubi" :conditions during warm weather;, this desirable , qualjty':•may ,be 'brought a- bout, to the:benefit•of all concerned. Just 'how this, ,till . be done is self - Elbow grease is the best polish •evident. In the pest, anyone was per be separated from any ;oilier busi-' nese which might be harmful, to eggs; •• and the rooms' must be' kept cool dor- ing ,warm weather.. • • • - The regulations do not placeon- , tral in ,the 'hands' of large' dealers be= 'cense the business'' is not adaptable to lar,•ge :centralized control and •,most •of . the stations at country 'points r; gill. be operated by small 'private or co -:t (nl,dbably the local inerchariit) who e�'•i-_:deriti:y each farmer's eggs to the rc,•t•i•-tr_red station. The returns'fron, the station will :come •back . from the, station to the first receiver who •veil Make a.'settlement with Elie producer; ,' .•. r When a .producer •grades,his-eggs fo. • ale to 'retailers or consumers, he is required to 'put his name and address on the grade tag .of the container This is to prgteet himself and the con- sumer against egg peddlers. •who,, pos- :ng as . -producers, offer eggs of doubt- ful • grade. The whole process or regi: t:tr',ition is meeting a real emergency at ;the:' present .time,` both in raising the. -high quality'of Canadian eggs, for home .consumption and in helping to Chip eggs • of ,the best quality to ` the: United--Kingdom-da ring_X941. • .The moving picture• • usherette was' in the dentist's` chair. ' "Now, •miss", asked -the +4dentist, "which tooth is •giving you all the trouble?" ' •• . • "Second from the left, in 'the bal.: cony,". she••replied. - , operative , interests. Tbere is no.. re- .t. stricti'on as to tthe.•number of regist- to. apply to the dear -knob of 'Op= mitted to grade eggs, andggs grad- .eyed egg grading. stations, the..nulnber, portunity: ed'by an inexperief ced or inequipped, being based entirely on •the'volume of • '�rh'ch. 'the 1 e^,•i'On ;feels , c(infidela. ' 'vill be of , coir"icleralrle value from a 'iirl"1tary 'stnntll)oii1t. It ...is realized thtlt;.•aliart from being 'of great •valae .-hen ilia• :t:inie tames, fol a victoriotr• ••aaall i,lto- Cerra a,ny,'ogee, ions .1r'itl i•' i' who Caimans, w9l ?56. piclre' "TV we nt•i",opera anrl,irt 'n;eh times. •••a,• "i'1.' l; no ledar., o" their l^nm••a „•v.• l'1•'i4Ye inlinor+an"e.t pe" 1tieeially if ;Irt, ititellig"ence officer cati not 'be' found ((trickly. • • -r. • • • 440, r • ' •11 '''61 117 .1 • t 41'( r ''' • ', . • !1'• ;f. fY w wre'"C ,are leach ihir" ' ' • -u - nr ..ilii Mils. t:Tilton Wait li r . r,:,. •l n,.� tl;'i rift" the weelt. , to V'ini' ".191 n,1 .`VnfIiin", 47 Irt ?i: • o' T`•n•htii' ' '1'1nrt1P" ^„.Y ari-el. of. ltiiir'ardine 'visited. Monday I, at the former's • home here. ' ' • I A ctiO1n/ The enormous total of 32,000,000 lbs. of these and other vital war materials already shipped to . Britain, South Africa, Australia and the Canadian -Goverment is -Dominion >lsx•n. •-Dam�>ti-oa. •fiextile.'s• record since the war started. .11,200 of this company's 13,960 employees buy,' War Savings Certificates regularly. TARPAULIN, NIIAVV DUCK VO* - , TINT* DRiLLIRIRTINO YARN FOR WEB INWIPMENT • • .SIMMER SATTLT Ones KERS oAB'MASK CLOTH.' DUCK Po -• BAN DOLE ERS, /AMNIA POR OR IND SHEETS AND PALL MILLI_ Our* P.01* *cr IMO. BLANKETS ;TOWELS Etc. SUMMER BS(TTLE ORESS FOR TROOPS KHAKI FLANNEL FOR SN,rkTINO H'EA'VY DOCK rt* •GUN, c-OVEnt S •4 . • •