The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-10-19, Page 10• . • • "%lox TEN - --- 7,•;-*" , eteett - • tete . . • • - "" • The 41c,know Sentinel, Lucia/Lim, Ontaric,0 Winter Comes .sionsmommaina— are you prepared?. COMBINATIONS., Fleece -lined, heavy enall/Y, for men whore work keeps them met in cold weather. Cotton jer- sey cloth, fleeced with thickest inside surface, finished with button front style. Sizes 34-44. 52.00 FLEECED SHIRTS & DRAWERS --Made of same quality' combinations. Size 36-46.. 51.06 BRUSHED corrom'smins & DRAWERS. The shirts are made pullover style with round neck and tong sleeves. Size 36e10. Garment 51.39 Pennian's 95 WOOL COMBINATIONS --- Unskrinkable, one of the 'finest garnients you can buy in Canada; finished with smooth flat seam for comfort- Salt $4.98 IHENS SHIRTS & DRAWFXS, same quality and finial as combinations. . PENMAN'S MERINO CONIBENATIONS or Shilts & Draw- ers. Medirms winter *eight, knit on a close even fiat WW1, natural shade. emplcton& C�. Tomo SUNDAY OBSERVED "Youth" Sunday wars celeerat- ed at a service in Ste Peter' Anglican Church_ The Sunday School pupils attended in a bdy. • The scripture lesson wa.s read by Ivan Lloyd_ Newly elected of- ficers of the A..Y.PA. were in- stalled by Rev. J.. W. Donaldson as follows: Peesident„ Miss Helen Sakeld; vice, - president, Ivan Lloyd; secretary, Ilifiss Mary Mar- shall; treasiurer„ ilEss Maury Sea - held. ' IFREE! FREE! 2 Baskets of Groceries Wor A LtMeited Tie Only„ We are gig away a lucky dirtily ticket with the parehase ot arse pound, of Crews Tea, at thereice. T. the liteld- rees of the first two tickets drawl,. wilt go the two bask - els of graceerie- s, nitdispfay in our BUY "CROWN TEA" NOW T THOMPSON'S, Lb.. 76c LAST CALL FOR OVERSEAS BOXES We are accepting orders for war Pee e Packed OVemeas Baas sada OeL 2Ist ardy— So tarty and order a box now. Don't 4W:rival-at them Over, RAKE IT a tindy Merry Xmas far than. Orders for witigley-s Guar and Aylmer Gilt Boxes taken way OEM.. Order them often, ,•••••••••••••%••• THOMPSON'S 'PHONE 12 WE DELIVER South Kieloss W.. M. S. ANNIVERSARY .....t.:-.teteezettereettereetteitettiterteteteette;,-,t-t THURSDAY,OCTOBER 19, 1944 7 PANS TRIBUTE TO MEMORY 411111111111111.111111111111e op AN OLD FRIEND MARKED SUNDAY• From Nei/ Graham, . a native i ; Anniversary services were held of Kinlese Township, Mr. and in Lucknow United Church op Mrs. Duncen McConnell have re] -Sunday marking the 59th anni- celved the following tribute to versary of the building of the thememory of Miv Dan McLeect. church. Favored with ideal wea- I, Ferry Command,it there large congregations heard.- Dibblie Construction Co., timing messages delivered by •, Dorval, Quebec.. Rev. C. H. Dickinson, Book Ste- October 11, 1944. ward of the United Church of Dear Dunet 'Canada, and who was pastor on 1 • It was , with absOlute • sincere. Ashfield Circuit two decades ago. I regret that:I heard of the passing of Dee McLeod, one of the un- Fleivers that were unusually lovely for mid-October adome swig pioneers of • the Dominion the church, and special m was rendered by ttr choir with Mrs.. W. Yoynt presiding at the organ. Eldon Henderson was soloist in the morning anthem and George Joynt, Harold Alli and Eldon Henderson rendered, a trio number. In the evening Mrs. T. A_ Leishman was guest solo- ist. Service in the Presbyterian Church was withdrawn in the evening, and greeting,s were cOn-- veyed by Rev. Stewart from Rev. The regular mirmontld meeting IC. MacDonald, who took ad -- 1.11 of South Kinloss W.M.S. was held Vantage of the opportunity of Thursday, Octo r 12th at the home of Mrs. Dan McIntyre. Fif- teen remembers were in ,ten ce to.• 01..1M hearing his son-in-law, Rev. Wm. Henderson, preach for the first time. Mr. Henderson was the" an- of Canada. My favoiite adage, that nice people always do nice things, certainly did apply to . both he and Maggie. No doubt Kinloss has produced some s6 -called wonderful men, approved by 'church and society, but few with such unselfish principles as to material gain as Dan McLeod., Sincerely, Neil Graham_ prosper- by them he said. Pleas- ure and liberty. has a very :defin- ite place in our lives, but not a major place, the .speaker added. True peace. will originate with - and the meeting was etpenutad . ;fir' niversary speaker at Wingham - Ihrt our own lives. •it is the- gift the presi t,, Mrs_ Douglas Gra- on, Sunday_ with the sin - g ref hymn a Far his evening address Rev,..i Jesus gives to all w accept and •obey• him. One we know this liwnis4nLfDlijlw MissithDeane LardMeie©d's PraYer:1 Diekhls°St(. Luklera leh9:glelse his text imm peace„ we want others to possess Mrs.: Graham were 'appointed to known, even thou, at least in •this he concluded. ftliOst r, "•1f -11463151 hadst and it radiates from ottr.lwes take Aire of the devotional 1thy y, the things which heeling The theme of Rev. Dickinson's portion of Autumn Rally on Oct- ease thy peace! but now they are her lathe It was announced that: hid from thine eyes". the _ November meeting wild be .no, „tette said es, nfeTeirmetwp Tningt held at the home a lairs. Allister mrsmantyre ree primarily , he in the heeets and flu:ieS. . ported en the bale and erre_ Gra_ Etiitit# of lteoPle, else (Wants of on the Mission Bared_ Cards just.tice, leagues of nations eir ofl thenhe for fruit sent white tenlatimal gwaice frwres eamic4 were read from several menbers„ 1111P'kP it a iasting also, lettere eeefieefee fer sem_ Scene of the tidings that bellopg pa from• ed Ineneeeree to peace the speaker stated as 1 The treasurer, Mine Archie Mee hehlg, world776"dP1111°:m4 good Intyre„ gave her report ad_ wills the developing of the 'seri- eised that septemeer efferine gs ous thoughtfuheets of the things were 51317 with our allocation for -the year nearly reaehed_ Mrs. Win. McIntyre read the scripture leen,, also e selection Leta Glad 11 -Ro11 call was answered • a verse fermi the Bible with the watt/ -Thanksghteing in it_ Rev, Mir Dann and Mrs. - favor - with a pleasing duet. Prayer circle was conducted and mere= bers taking paart were Mrs.. Alex McLeod; Mrs.. k C.. MacIvot„ Mrs. W.. Y.. MacDonald Mrs.. Arch- ie McIntyre_ Mrs.. -Beery Lavis read fire= the study baok on Bri- tish Guiana_ 'Business matters were disused and then henna 552 was sung_ Rev_ Mr. Date heir the benediction and lunch was sired the October aftrectors, Mrs.. Buckten dared Mrs. Ted ColIllyeir iiiI ots\ Confined To Home• '. Mire. Wm.. Scelingeour has heel confined to her home for some time with a orscsr.:10Tedigg fciirow_ iffmg a case of poison oak carteract- ed alt the Fake Her many Itieads will hope the condition will soon clear upshe will he ant and -Imo; ebtatut in clue itime.—Palraterston Obserter. that matter in life, the spirit of sacrifice, the shearing and distri- buting wisely and justly of goods services an lastly, butt a . forming flis acts of healing it iportane„ our religions atti- tude towards life_. AMU! morning sermon was "Omer Con - milted ideas of God". He illustrat- ed how in our selfishness and egotism we conceive of• a parties ular type of God to suit our WA ideas_ it is this selfishness and egotism that leads tirfsh*e in our individual lives because we in- sist on what we ut, et ter oar rights and our opinions being ac - 'P ceeted- rel, The speaker called for the el- imination of egotism in our lives eed inour ationship with God pointing out that the Spirit of God was one of humility. In per - Dickinson paned out that we are stiME very frivolons„ very intemperate and give much time and money to the things that fritter etthay.. hese things do not anake for peace and we shall not UNITED CHURCH LUCKI4OW 'Rev. J. W. Stewart, B.A., BD. Paster SUNDAY, OCTOBER 221d n a.m.--Christ's "Go Ye".. Story: "The Bell and Six • Ears of Corn". Junior Church. 3 pen.---Surulay SehooL 7 pare—"Negleeting • SEPOY Theatre SATURDAY, Mond HUMPHREY. BOGART J. CARROLL NAISH BRUCE BENNETT • * * * "SAHARA" • How many shows have you seen in your life that didn't have one female „in it? wen' here's one that we can posi- tively guarantee has no Wil/1- min in it—not .one. Its about men, a magnificent •drama equally as good as "So proud- ly We imir. Don't miss it. It plays Saturday and , Monday O -N -L -Y. • - SHORT" SUBJECTS LATEST NEWS NEXT FRIDAY, SAT., MON. Fred Astaire Joan Le.slie in "The Sky's The Limit" COMING Friday, Sate, Mon. • NOVEMBER 3, 4, & • Your. special favorite Donaid O'Coenor in "TOP MAN" Corning Wednesday, Thursday NOVEMBER gth, 9th Bob Hope, _Betty Hutton • "LET'S FACE IT" Smack the blues on the button 11111111111.11111111111111111r was not a question of worthiness, but heed. "We are downright selfish creatures and are in dang- er of missing the secret of the Christian rife", Rev. • Dickinsert concluded. SHOES by Sisman SISMAN OXFORDS for Boys in black Or brown. SISMAN WORK SHOES for boys and men, SISMAN SCAMPERS. for Men, Boys & Girls. SISMAN POLICE SHOES for Men. • FOR .VALUE AND WEAR,. ASK FOR SISMAN SHOES. S. C. Rathwell B Son New Sweaters and Sweater Coats • for Men, Women and Ciiildren The Store With The Stock.. r ET STORE Lucknow )\ • et.