The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-10-05, Page 9THURS., SEPTEMBER 28th; 1914 The Lucknow Sentinel, Luchnow, Ontario iLUITH THE TROOPS al= /1 In France In Two Months Mrs. Tyndal Robinson of town has received word from her son Charles in France. It is only two months since Charlie left Canada. He has been transfered to the Calgary Scottish Regiment. LICpl. • Roy Finlayson is now in Belgium with the Canadian Ordnance Corps, accordihg to latest word received by Mrs. Fin- layson. While in France the only / • , Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Reed had [as their guests on Sunday, Mrs. Alex Emerson of Langside, Mr. and Mrs.. Elmer Alton, Russell and Miss Elmira Alton of Ma - eking. Mr., Mand Mrs. Victor Emerson 'of Langside were visitors on Sun- day with Mr. "'and Mrs. Ralph Nixon. Mrs. Robert Andrew has gone to visit friends in Midland, Mich. Mr. Wm. Humphrey of St. HO - ens has been assisting Mr. Frarik Ritchie to erect, a new silo. ZION We are pleased to ,report that Miss ilsie Ritchie who had an 1 operation in Toronto a week ago is progressing favorably arid was Lucknow boys. whom Roy saw (-) were, Phillip-. McMillan and Jim Chin. Jim isnow in Belgium also. DUNGANNON MrS: Minnie , Jones is leaving this week to visit her, sister, Mrs. Harry Cowell of Pickford, Mich. Mrs. R. A. McKenzie of Wing - ham was here for the‘ fair and visiting her daughter, Mrs. Otto Popp. Visitors with Misses Nettie. and Rebina Sproul were at the week- end, Miss Clara Sproul. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hesson, Stratford, Mrs. Ada Wilson, Mr. and 'Mrs. Robt."' Wilson, Mr: and Mrs.' Chas. Wil- son, Goderich and Miss Ida Why- ard of New York City, the latter who is remaining for a while. Mr. 'and Mrs. Harvey Alton & little daughter Eleanor Irene spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Durnin. St.. Helens. . . • Visitor with Mrs. Gladys Ri‘' .ett last' Week were her uncle,.Mr. Peter Steele. Toronto apd• her nieee., , Miss Hazel :Steele,..Bran- dnii;. Manitoba Mr: W. A. Culbert is this week attending the annual,..Russell - Grey -' Douglas shorthorn sale & the annual Deacon.:. -Beath - Mur- phy ..-- shorthorn .sale. both • at Unionville. * ..• . .Visitors With Mrs. WR. ' An- .dre.ws on Sunday ' were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scrimgeour. of Palmer- ston. .. • .• o .. Mrs. Abe . Culbert Spent last Friday afternoon with her friend, Mrs. Wrn.• Sproul. ' Mrs,. W. R.. Andrews 'has • re-. . ceived wrird of the death Of, her sister-in-law. . Mrs. Hugh Rose .ef Vancouver, 'formerly Miss, Maude 'Tewsley of the 8th 'Concession of ColborneToWnshiP. .She passed away on 'September '19th ..in 'her : 59th year. leaving besides her husband, three son arid one dau, 'ghter. Her daughter. resides in • VancouveA.I.One . son is in ,the. Navy, one • in Calgary and 'the. other in t dmonton. / • Mr. Hugh co - 'Rose. her bereft husband. is ,' -a ative .of this district.' a son 'of 1 he late Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rose. •' utial took :place in Vancouver.: .. Miss Audrey Feagan of Ben - miller was a guest with her, schoolchurn. Miss Doris Reed .for the week -end. Both young ladies are attending, Goderich Colleg- iate. InstitUte. ...Mr. Lead St ingel •Is• in- Goder- ich Hospital yecove'ring:from cuts and bruises and a fractured rib ....s. when a ,truck :.tri into him at the Nile as it was ,leaving the highway to travel east: Leroi was travelling from Goclerich to Dun- gannon abotr 5.30 p.m. His. car 0• was quite badly darnzigecl: Kairshea To Park Boxes The ladies in charge of packing overseas boxes from the Kair- shea Club Would like all cookies to be in by Saturday. October 7th as the boxes are being packed able to leave the hospital on Wednesday but is not expected horde for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Elmer Wall of Teeswater spent last week with Mrs., Will Ritchie while Mr: Ritchie visited with Mr. Wall of Teeswater. Mrs. Ivan Papernick of Goder- ich visited , Saturday with Mrs. Will Ritchie. Baby -Francis Jean Papernick returned home %with her mother after spending a few days with her grandmother here. Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw of Wawanosh. Messrs. Geo. and Wm. Hunter have installed .new cement stabl- ing and water bowls with Mr. COultice of Whitechurcli doing the work. Mr. Fred Anderson also has his cement stabling and 04,61E NINE. water system ahriost completed. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horton of 'Mafeking visited •Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland on Sunday last. Quite a .number from this burg attended the Teeswater fair and •report the usual good time, , Mr. Keith Ritchie of Ripley visited friends on the line'Sunday afternoon. Sunday.. school will be held at 11. a.m. on Sunday next. BOUNDARY EAST Corn bees, wood: bees and fall fairs are the order of the day: Mr. .Ancl Mrs: George Fisher and family and- Mr. D. S. Car- ruthers and Mrs. John Carruth - erg' spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Jantzi of Milverton: Miss Helen Cringle of Detroit spent last week with her grand- mother, 'Mrs: D. Gillies and Jack. Mrs. Merrill Cantelon of wing - ham was a week -end guest of her brother, Mr. Alfred Patterson. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mr. James "ForSter, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson spent Sunday at Palmerston with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Forster. Miss Gretta Hzdson was hos-, tess to a Red Cross quilting on Friday. • Sunday , Visitors at Mr. John MacMillan's were Mrs. ,Morrison & family and Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Rettinger and family of Wing - ham, Mrs. Milas McMillan and Mrs. Hughes. 4 nnouncement c a e Spirits ation .'•• EFFECTIVE • OCTOBER 2nd, 1944 • COMMENCING October 2nd, 1944, and until further •notice, everOndividual permit- holder will be permitted to purchase monthly one bottle of spirits (25 or 26 ounces) or two iialf bottles as available. As a result of the restrictions imposed by the Dominion Government under the Wartime Alcoholic Beverages Order P.C.11374, it :was necessary to reduce the monthly ration of ipirits,to 13 ounces to assure adequate supplies of spirits until the end of the year. In increasing the ration it should be • explained to the public that unless the restrictions imposed by the Dominion Government are removed a similar restric- tion will be necessary again next year, although the Board, except for the DominionilRestriction, would be able to make available, for distribution stocks of spirits in excess of the present ration. In any event, however, the ration becoming effective on October 2nd can be maintained throughout the winter months, so it is, hoped that the -public will 'co-operate- by not buying in excess of actual requirements. OCTOBER 2, 194. LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD' OF ONTARIO Victor T Gokgiil CHIEF COMMISSIONER, c.cosaceimmoinc,00n...m.,ioncoassoolci mencicocia it....raftactowstecacr•_ -That evehrag*. • 1 .1" —fr