The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-09-21, Page 6- PAGE .E Sul . town The Lucliznow Sentinel. Lucknow, Ontario Tams., SEP'FENBER 21st; 911 • Refus� Disposal IN VIEW OF the fly menace, which is at its height at pres- ent, householders are requir- ed to practise the careful dis- posal of al/ refuse. preferabIy bY making ,use • of the Mi, ii- cipal Garbage Collection Sys:- tern. ys=tem are required to' Aiipose of all discarded fruit and vegetables by 7 burning, or by 7A., lr.,I aw_ the dollect m sy - IT IS IMPORTANT, grit so far as possible, all such breed- ing grounds be elfr ated, 'IOI(TR CO-OPERATION IS REQUESTED_ .m krr w Bdard of Hem % w_ Johnst6n,M.O.I. EAST WAWANOSH LADY IS SISI OF MURDER VICTIM Private It win State,. I8 -year- old Ontario youth was in Toronto on and Changed with the .murder of 7 6rC' G• a ^ 13a, a of Detroit Mrs. was shot is the back by a marauder who gained. entrance to her summer at Port F -aa,• Zr.P'ar Camp - by sIr g ascceen y,: rLWLE. d I�si^ Since 'died m- stoutl y tie dd. a4 za• was COM— . fly �;:., a -y morning, and the diScowry was made by y.vs ,443 If 41 IT.0 •i so Iii on. Monday ;to spend a few days at the co aa;.. _ Mrs, Smith, who was 47 y; — of age. .a T. rt ti "2, Ala as-sa a as ASIIFIELD y , BORN --In •Goderich. Hospital,. September 9th to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh-. • MacKenzie, .a son. MissJean Bissett was home . a few days last week on account of Mr. and Mrs, Norgard of Chi- eago are spending their vacation at the' home of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. MacDonald The pupils in the rural schools are . busy gathering milkweed pods_ This will help the war ef- fort_ • The ITernIock City quilting group met 'fast Tuesday evening and quilted two quilts. Before parting Mts... John Cowan read a short . a Qia V,,.a 'Mrs: C_ Shaw & Mi' . Sadie Johnston; 'RN_ pres- ented her with a gift:. on " behalf of the members_ of the group,.' Mrs. Shaw, although completely taken by surprise made a neat, reply anrthanked the ladies for their kindness to her. The ,Shaw faaii1y leave in the near future 'for. their new home near Wing - i OBITUARY WCL J. O'NEIIi When he failed to report for, rlinrner on Thursday search 'was made for William Joseph O'Neil.., Ashfield' Township ,farrer of long standing His l feless "body was found in the mow of the bairn where he bad been .forking hay when y stricken with a heart He was in his 69th year;' sort of the .late Mr.. and Mfrs_ Thomas O'NP� _ He was a baehellor and was l ighTy regard- ed fn the 'Rin ridge commiun-- 'The-.Only .-immediate .-relative, living is 'a brother, ThomAs, ..of 1?Y. To Preach Al-Nj1e + - • Rev_ Currie of Benm er will occupy the pulpit of the United on Sunday, While Rev, Vaasa, tura was a sister of Mrs Levi Good [ Stewart conducts anniversary of East Wa tush services at Nie:. PRODUCTION MEN—keepirq constant touch .with sources of raw materi- als,suppliers of govt and mili- tary 'THE ARMED FORCES—w►irb. sponsibil tyfor trig > nd supply, for troop movements, for opera- tions on land, air and ocean battlefront GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS— touch 'riga every phase of our production and military program -with. foreign governments = wi h national and international war agentirs- YOU—depending on your, telephone for quick, es entiai corn- munitation at work and c"-= at home. telephone lines can carry this wai truce load only if we all use existing facilities sparingly, and keep our calls just as short and business -like as we can. Additional equipment is severely Iiniite•d by material shortages: co-operation must take the place of construction if essential calif are to go through promptly. &o r ofer€ gr re tvrce''irry arrow 10 its rot Burrito RAT; ON. AGAIN TO BE STRETCHED The Prices . Board has served notice on Canadian housewivcs that they will have til get' along with less butter than\ they ex- pected between now and the end of the .year. For the fourth time this, year the board offered postponement of the validity of butter coupons. The order affects two pairs of coupons. Those numbered 80 and 81,. which ordinarily would have become good. October 5, will not. be valid until Octo. r 12 and coupons 88 and 89 ha a been ad- vanced to . December lq Under the revised upon dates biittea: bought Septeinber 21 with coupons 78 and 79 must do the consuanei; • for . three . weeks,,' until October 12.. Butter boaht Nov- ember .ber 23 with coupons 86 and' 87 4nust 'also last for three weeks.. Butter coupons, leach good kir 8. ounces,normally became valid every two weeks - WEDDING BELLS R MAGE-LPEASE The marriage of Miss Vivian Pease of Chicago and Mr_ A.. Cuv- ler.: Ramage' of • St_ . Helens ' was soIelamiz.ed on Saturday, 'Septen- her 2nd. 'at 10.311 ' a.m_ in the Marcy . Center Chapel in Chicago. R.evi. Raymond 'Laury of St.:, Pauls Methodist . Church officiate& tie bride Was given iia - riage by her father, Frank : -1 Pease. The bride. wore a dotted vel -ray gown over satin and a finger-tip length veil and carried a colonial .bouquet of sweetheart roses. Tie bridesmaid, • Miss Maarde P•oinoroy, ... a. Methodist missionary , nurse, ,wore a? gown of blue jersey, and a pink veil decoratedwith blue sequins: She too carried a t,coloniall bouquet of roses with pink . sweet peas_ Mr. Ronald McCrostie of St. Helens accompanied the grooni to Chi- - cago to act. as groomsman. The bride's mother wore a black 'and white Checked. two-piece dins and a corsage.of tea roses_ The groom's mother wore a blue lace dress and also a corsage of tea Tile wedding party left Chicago that evening, the bride wearing an orchid suit, black.and white ail ri ssories and an orchid corsage_, The bride and groom motored through Central Ontario to the Muskoka Lakes, returning , a week later to Lucknow where I they have taken'up residPns� , II A Mr. and °Mrs. Alan McAuley of Ripley visited • with ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie on Sunday. • Sunday School. will be held at ill alto_ Sunday with' Rally . See - vice held _Sunday p -m; Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Elber of Crediton spent the . week -end with Mr. 'and Mrs.' .Fred Ander- nurnbirfroa this community attended the funeral in Lucknow of the late Miss Agnes Lindsay on .Saturday. The..many . friends <of .Mrs..' Ed- gar-. Riitchie were pleased- to •hear of her return home on Saturday after • spending • the past,. few weells.'at Byron, Ont. -She is anaieh •improved in health. Mr. Bert Alton is 'busy silo- filling in this burg. • Mrs_ Sidney Gardner visited friends in London last week. Mr,. Keith Hackett. spent the week -end ^ at hos home. here. SCARCITY . OF NURSES makes it impossible to inaugurate this year the school nursing plan in Huron County_ JOHN:'.&STRONG, grand old than of C ih-oss, celebrated. his. 92nd birthday at the home of his nephew, Cor i nark Armstrong. BONAR JARVIS Offered a bad- ly crushed left foot recently. !when a tree rolled on it The ac- }cident happened on Brock Mc Kenzie's farm. Approve lillninnun Salary The filth general council of the United ,Church of Canada in ses- sion in London ' last week voted that all ministers -receive a mini- mum of $1,800 a year_ Council also decided that if a rongregal tidn could not posssi-b1y finance this . amount, the needed sum should be taken from the Mis- sionary and Maintenance Fund of the United Church_ Forty-six per cent of United Church ministers are affected by this decision, it was announced_ It happened in a maternity hos- pital A nervous husband paced before .the admission. desk wait - ling ' to :regist his• •.. wife= for -im j�mediate entrance...1 He fumbled and fidgeted. Florally he turned to the mother -to -be and - asked earnestly. "Darling,. are you sure you. wan to go through with tom!" Hijackine ' The Help Nina Wily Putnam,' writing in The American Weekly whir this Sundays (September 2-I 9 is - sup • of The Detrnit Sunday Thinks. tells how the influx of domestic help intra War industries has er- a to i a business of ,service snatch- ing which has bccorne a raclst, ' carried on in, the stiyes r+f ev:ery Targe American Pity. Get Th{ Dc trait Sunday Tines. Year ,Round Car. - .BEAUTY AND' ' -PROTECTION �� e- * .cs: .. .420 'r, a$et fist Maui ssz 'atst.-]trister Quick A▪ gi dews. au4 1psissiter • Gsaaa3rae dam• .ash cUths . 24 r PeliSb .75 ear draw* CANADIAN TIRE CORP. ASSOCIATE -STORE Cm: .bell's Garage Wingharn, ' 'Phone 1S4• BORN' MacKENEIE—In Godericb Hos- pital on Saturday, September- 9, to Mr. and Mri. Hugh MacKer7 m of Ashfield, a sones . 48-HOIJR flan re- sulted in Clinton ,A,A;.-rchaants de-` ;calling to_remain .elk ; all day each-. Wednesday . except the month. of December. . DUN'DAL K MERCHANTS are observing the 48-hour week by opening 9 O'clock;, closing all day Thursday, • and remaining open on Wednesday and Satur- da '.;nights A not :..a Clinic This Morning The 14th Reed. Cross • ' Btood Donor Clinic ' is being, held id Lucknow this . (Thursday) morn- ing- 1 3 O BROTHERS: "'t 't. Ernest .',er, and Fit: Lt. Drogi•ras •Hen- ry. sons r;.f 'Mr. ani l' .` E. , _'I e'cry of Kincardine have eaf.h v. -or. . the Distinguished Flying I Cross. A third brother. Ralph, brit F his lift-- or. coastal patrol duty. Duiagaminon LL FAIR eptember 28 13 29 SPEED EVENTS 50 HARNESS RACE, 224 PACE OR TROT, PURSE $75. RUNNING RACE, PURSE $16. Gr DOING EVERY MINUTE SPECIAL • ATTRACTIONS Sporting Tandem by the Jo a a a Horses; Oke ' Riding Stables Display; Best Square Dan ce,, and a o tear Highland Fling .Contests; The Lucknow Pipe Band; Musical Chairs On Horseback; Hurdle Jumping; Potato Race; Calf Race; Half - Mile Foot Race and Many Other . Attractions,. The Fair will be officially opened. 'tgJ: W. Hanna, M.P.P. The events of the afternoon will • be capably handled by Tory Gregg with a good iniad speaking system. Be on hand at 130 for the Parade. AH children taking part in it,. admitted. free. • A Booth will be on the grow idai2' Grand Concert :At night,' isill consist of such artists as Marjorie "halters, Nancy McQuaig.. etc- ' DANCE Will be held after the concert. • Wilfred Drennan, Pres_ T. M. Durnin. ,)•