The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-09-14, Page 50 TH1C7lQS., $E' TEM BER 14* IM "nor, 4 w z 0 R J T ° ,MORE ARY 'FYI " ,3oHic STSTHE DARK DA U runcafd i - 'The . funeral of Mr. John flanBlended Qucd i4 ' Y. le y. M held 'last Tburs- Reading ry'af the he day'aft tram the hozue of da the ber nth, 1883, was 4 ty ptem" rf his bro a 1r. 'James T. ,given 4 last Mr f lam : by � t� se. w Little for. ir' Lyons, Greenhill Cemetery wee -k's Sentinel, brought back' to . was - m es cif v Ki" i largely attended' s»rrow me ' emori • that e cuxtiul ` Y;tnsmen °'Club �i7sjs ices I. ing aiad symPath z zig � ods. end day. . neighbors. •" I was the teacher of the Bel- Mr. Il�lallough;• age 54, :died sud- fast school, and at noon w not- denly- at his hoarse, 0.6 Maple Ave, iced the peculiar appearance of . Ham lton; the. previous Saturday. ; the sky and a -;general darkening,: . tDs1'traaR+baba Born. at Dungannon, he ;was a coming. ,So•' alarming was the' t sash of the late David .and Mary sight that by two o'clock the p - - .Sinclair Mallough, whorwere res-: students were all dismissed with �t "J idents of Lueknow for..: many.' a ' strict charge, -which . was. I T � . � l� Biu% -' :. S � years, scarcely needed, to hurry- homy. a The regular monthly 'meeting j WE The funeral service was eon= 3 also hastened. to my owh horns• ' L£ 5 �` y of thr So�zir �inac71_. v -as s J , The deatrn of • �d� s Le,,. is. Ta -►_: �, ducted. -b Rev': C. H. MacDonald, on the 4-t. Helen..s road ' ixl 'f•ront.. heicl cin e irl _sdai : Septe:ni�¢r' R - y for of Ashfield �sc^ur_ a^ v. - who !tia at tr1F riama .ref I1Ixw. Alex •1Ttac- chose as'his text the ,passage' of the lfutlierford far*n. �,•� shocking, sudci,°'ri^G ::ti xi . T�/Y [a.'' s. ar vp �6 ifroa-11:Lke;_ •`Father into -Thy By four o'clock it, was, dark.. f L. -rid: I' infetf__t. members v.e. _ in * „ y dime Ho'sRi�l `err_ "1 a� =c a, ,r` 'afi; attendance': F hands I .commend' my .spirt':, ., He About five, o'clock William and � •• ' . . ,i+yrs. Douglas Gr,,. - week, -Q- ` �SPftiDA�i�NEN1l1� week, Mrs'". Ta}'.o:'. fr.)T-,r. i^ctm. }F- TJje5i a z , spr�ke _comic DO words to the Sam,uel'Sherwood stopped. at. dent. :;ass in •tti- r. tic l ea�ed and paid a fitting tri- d'opr as they tramped westward. 1''Iartha' $arveti , had undergone chair :and •the meeting- open;. ; ' }jute to, the departed .Three fav They had been ca ht in. the a major operation ' ar�ou?. tti r., t •hr sin�ina. ref a h��mn ioilovred. ancin from '9.3 p ug orate hymns Of Mr_ Nta11o'ugh ` darkness and "had' somewhercc' weeks prey iou�. h �G v. -as mal.ir.? �, nr �':' no r . Archiie els aiss were repeated: '.`T heard the voice borrowed a lantern to help. them a favorable recaver until strict:- tyre,'T�le secretary read the miul- •. p' p en•'with •a.severe. hem. drrhage that, .&tea of - Augu,t meetingand .ahs° of Jesus 'say,' come' until .11V1e, and to get home through the black. ADVANCEcaused her death. -withiii, an hour- the corr�sncntience. fine freasti�r �,. rest",''Rock of , Ages" . anal.. I night. 3 She was 49. y ears off age. ": of Ladies rl gave good r o> SALE kn.wA, not what th'e. future hath: 'thunder and 'rain .came later: � � e ? of marvel 'and surprise". .'° and we waited or the morning. � yrs. Taylor was bora at Ripley. ,on t� :���� � �� � µ , Tidy -As !t:. She - spent her ri�ilftood at -tion, T. ,bil' ca A'wealth of floral tributes that The stein had �!c1eIed the air -vuas' :well sesp.>�rna3- Spokane,. but upon :lie; N.eath;.'of: edto,u;ith a` -v -erne corn theme ' Webster s Restaurant banked ' •the casket, mar cid the; but t was a •dirty:'1oo ixtg eou:�- her parents, came, to Ashfield to esteem in in which 1VIr. Mallougli' trysde.p' containing the wordtrx�th .11dIMOW make her home with..- her aim#,.Dune - _ was. held. Zrrternient was' in.' mervjlle sliovved us'_`' D can _ 'homa� So un Grahim zead �- A next day a bottle -full C!t' what mix. (,'ristn�nhnr ��tirlrr,x{ZT1�' niri4iii mail a3'iil',vi Y �.lr� Greenhill �Ceinetery ° with . three 3' "The funeral, sere-lcQ was held -7 —Leod looked : like ink, but it was rang; lie. the sto and - h sins, ?Bert Greer, W. J. Stoth- ' ,' at. Mrs. Taylor's .late• .residence ,VlanaUom.' of ens.,. Will .Stewart and Wellingt water a down -the same. c er that had . come in e ,; r1 Con-12,'Ashfield' on Triday, after_ . M,(t Kau an . A±chie . rZ�ityf�' NES HIGJGr S iMcCoy, Dirk ,1UlcQuaig and Wes. 'night. My,'neighbor $ugh 1171 liuston acting as . pallbearers. Crostie later' found in h Wield iioan . conducted b Dr... U..sang a pleasing duet. �. b N D� NCAN—Nfll3� SCHOOL ' c a partly y b Rfioad of ` Shfield Presbyterian D,.arJ ten gave the sturdy book' : ` Relatives attended the • funer'a]• p • 3' ,�:irned grocer �: 3�i11 from Din Michigan store: which had come'' Church': utermeurt .was in Green- Dritash Guiana. A short •��ioir- , from Saskatoon, Gocderich Duii- cmg Mrs.. •Chambers, .Principal Of over in the storm. still Geinetery. .a Ibearer'; were arY rjuiz 'vm zthen s,onducted fol- �annon, Owen .Sound; 3�syth; , 'Elliott Sandy, James F-orri;sii, R_ ; lowed a 'poem email 0 Dungannon school reports ail en Tara, and. Hain on. I. wonder ' how many .nlyd time. �Y rollment of .•eight pupils in 'Grade Besides his bereauecl widows, . school pupils reirien3�er their '9 auat, J a,,,,i1,, �irly Finlayson. A• gaper, on ,art -a . • Gr aek Mrintr3s 9, 26k .pupils ane Senior room formerly Elizabeth Lyons, . one burry Home from school. -that 'ter' Thomson and 1'einon n. iel�s taken fromlatl,,iding ' fi7lrs 'Tavlor is survived' her was -read an 3-5 under Miss Mia red An- : b' other . , at I of Saskatoon ` .sur= , rif3'ing ' j; ' _Den �Nir i ern nn o vi�ves":but was unable to attend Jam':FT.T TG3'T.' �i and; .. C' pl. Lewis fiaylor -w: ming r ased yvit}a - dersoi' in the .Junior room. , Be is ' With . the . CRn � in ; - .:r'nm �, 'of lig mn 597. War: Win•. the funeral. 'Two, brother -s, Sin �v �'�" ens .are Worthy McNee, "Grant forces' in 'ranaYe, and ?ave . s;oms;, noun :the ii tinrri. lm w ildclntyJCe . ltrlTb nisei � r1au, and $roan zireadeceased him,., a;� ., �___ 7 , Ton; a..z�.a.s� •-+•,.�•_._._. s t UII%71 ..'I.1�t' 1.i �yAti -i17nr,f-., OrsEr .Margaret Anders 1Ylur- - c On WG-ednesopy. of last wed etungt ' ?'°� men ' _. andIa Bl anti Arn- :..y.... .. .._._._... ... �._. ...... ,� .. ... ....... ......,.........................nM:..e._....,.s. n.. ....,:, ..,.• r".. ......•.....re • n. . _1..• w.."....v ,.... •_,•.., ... ..,f ... a, n..,� .w. ....,.... .. ray Popp, 'Donald 11 ole, and dam= Heid Gln . a nal a George ei r%ri �7Ir�. ? oid�at ioYiae 'ire lives :" bm't " mie Beed Daisy and Vialet Hilton, the, at •a -trousseau a , at filer' home m'' yvho ire keit, navth ie range ' � u tea in a : . -Mrs: T. M. Durnin is the teach famous:. Siamese -Twin reveal, honor. v�, tier r�ughter; 'Vivian ,'..from, a to .15. Surviviul, a� , > er ch of :S.S: 1a7a.. l6 ash in flue American Weekly with: bride -elect , this nnnfih. The tea are a brother' Alex J3arv� of 'D 7' in charge tl y .3n . �' table was ornamented _1n nnnrlc: field (Crewe? ; Mrs. . A. Stew this Sundays Detroit Times, what, ljmk 1W eAnn and z.' sister Mleanor � to w3>nn hnfl .'w:lmme 3ram art. is -the 'teacher at SS. NO. fi, they encountered, when they': -white •centred �iw a -bevvl -of i?pk yron mall 'nf � ardine .et a:meal, as hotel Jinrd -rim y �'n Ashfield (nth Coii.) 11�s: Ca, , a ! -were taken to Europe .aril haw' and White dioli ,anti • ink ran �� ate fl� tli-op who was- with her meter a� .ice each r! a:. Farrier is teaching at U:S.S-No..�they were held' in virtual • slavery ; ales in silver. holders. whose Vie-; her illness. '' -ent sdwdule uf, hnu� -in e°z- . 7 7.. West Wawanosh and Ashfield; although 'their salary' at, a Berlin 'ceiving with 'Mrs. Giffin vele, ` oraanity with' . 49 -.hour ' v eek• a Miss. Alma inderson at Fort Al -.'theatre was S3,a:�0 a. week. 'Get' Nips. II Bert Math+ers, • Mrs. Jack. ' Died: ��cm �a>pnd regulations. berg: Mrs.:. Hugh?,Bepn�n at S -$- I the September 17 issue of The Gillespie, of Whitechurch. Mins James • 71iicGee; _ e n of .fi'lr. and No. 17; Ashfield.. Detroit Sunday Tinmzs.. Marion Simpson and .Mas cOG.,. yrs. L. McGee. Last �awauios':, T.eeves: Pouring .tea' were lUfzs. .A 3KEL UdAIN � f" ¢ died din Wingi�ain hospital Tues-' �'-: Farrier• -off Whitechurch and uation facing 'Tara reside as W'- J. rfreer. . -Wingham Ad-' day from a 32 calibre butte: �o}ir_ 3seed. proprietor of .-thaw ` e -Mmes. .round Below:. } ifi ; ea.rL- His _m- :- village's only, dairy-.: is d:�con- a :ition was' repo -tel .as fair fo:- tinuffig his business the exld of • Before you ble me m� ��ip ��a lowing nis a*�,:�- i'or. 'The acre t±ae, monrt :. 14"LT.;� eic1 ilio not havre• dent oecu_rreo or. tiie lar_ -.z of a pastel"rizi,� plant, .and -;so � £tet Ti► E6,vanosh Council has a li31r e� l fOle .. Charles , ShieL. when the - rifle j,�. .dropping auf` ,of the b 3opted a .motion .including all ' school sections in the,Township ovvnship discharged as McGee was- Clea!?- nets- . Itr in t-L—srhool scheme. 'r ` i=iausly, 'some tons had ' been . ` P4`as - the , furimi wher. hE released from 'inclusion in site BE i IQ1' '�-CARS Stared in . broke cry the the Gild ' arena �L Sound era:ri neve' s�*stem. '�urioi�' Why, tank" -tiff were, destroyed : f;- that raze:z hie 11119 a n3d 7fl I it bnn to e. -T TILANK BiD�T of Walkerton has the building on Saturday. -Ttwright distinguished,. himself by win- cars were, awned by . p��err � ming they lawn bowling ' .singles a's e -ire'- cruise on trie Steamer • Cara 3o::. T . AI= FWD O_N, znatiager championship of. Ontario, He wen: ten straight tames to finally cope.' of. the A: �.t act L>stov], -Ave !CSG-rE�'.A=9_N'bT Jam been -q reed oto the nosh �ngtneers ,designccd! 'ilte 'zntmt7r the ' championship' .which v ' piece � your 'teltphone 'to give played in Toronto_ � Wbite of Seafortia Prevented a ,pan's Stare .alt Waterloo. ' lair: , �' • best results $t one-quarter ,of drowning accident in. the Lim s a native cd ��itechurch, inch °from .tLe lips. , Vhen .your ° . pool last week,, vvher an airman I overseas wAh the • Canadian —• lips are •faithec away •:than ,"- sGot*r;eetion from Desordnto ,got beyond his ; forces but , rer-eived his. 'disehkr _ your voice ..is tiansmitted less Last taveel� we referred to Dun depth. $e ika< u:icoras: ious waken •some -time ago due -to a loxrwe.ting stroneiy _ - -less clearly I can MacRae as primal of Cull- removed fKmn the wafer. , of his medical rategoiw . n Tailure 'to remember &ere ingwood public sr_hoolr Duncan is � � simple •fads accounts for the principal id the 'Collegiate Inti-. �� o - .great :majority ' of `.trouble" tote. repoMs_ Help avoid needless service �. lQUys Ta ?dear .Langside ]rt those -von talk •hear' 'Charles + of : til • check�ups,.anrl at fhr• same ,- - El'1 s ` � e and ! I yon Ila. . t _ without strain. Just remember:, formerly of Dungannon. has, bought a 50 -acre fair e2ii of TaU clearly., norwi%Uy, directly u$ - amo this tclephane, i� your Langs. e,, and � ill :note thein dips just one-quarter of an " r from The `mo•;ttlspu ce. ( ,� y _ &V Al rue Welt-� r , A quiet • wetddiiig took place at .2 caps sib asrr 4'i . Wim. , Victoria street :Jetted• Church �4 s .s,� arsonage "in Goderich on Tues-' gP, I`er 1 a l� , � 3xtitt_ salt Ica dd afternoon. SeptOmber nth: at .I' •• -p�� 2' o'clock. when 'Viola. Lucille Tichborne. daughter of Mr. and � S�i � Cur .in firs•. Arthur �__�•nwil Il, �Ariti roti- L. �Tichdiaid ne. dzaii - erieh township. was. united• :in in • . rnaarriage to Frederick Wallace �Aryll -big a.r- iag� �d add mili�.m e •derir Rev,'. L. �� *0 3tsst S Bi G .. - —r. Plate':, un .yeti _ _ .. _ cz Black. kJtfl'[51II,�., z ..i�.i _ r.. r 'a yon ' 'tali: tt+3q epi call set For d at aoi3e- ... __.. Bike in oven r � � °lYiaie :feed m otne to you - ca�se i:stnr�ed 1£ yon •• aczt►3a t Itr sit so* tfr yem freetransznrss� " recet+tinn. it also re2c3� ` _. • bu ta4.is: lipsate dzrec#tq F rcvent3 gnur de5i.• ytn nota in 'frozzt of azul• acs'X. •tciep�cine ;3w?.,-��•-�y .�Y�w ��•s•••S - �F - . the confiffAre 711 Ytiitt�C 3:17. , hold -v z zsof at mouth - mouthpiece di- the. telephone in close to fhe mouttr uP , ,r ti �«_._S .. C� , s _r, :a._. e c { thecae. Don't ' •tail 1 or - rgctl� to front' cdrzcst ptf3rilips tltr iioz J y, of tile II ' close LO the tips atrosS iznnta j705tf10Fl. d ,.- ... .... ... _ ...._...Y. _-__:_. -. h ,yrp,a�..,s..:..:.,. ...," - .'..._y_"f ...n-. "-."=_... _...__ •... ,.. 1..'...�9+.^.......•.�.,.i...d.:-••....w.r+r.,•....tivr" i e