The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-09-07, Page 4t • W. WAWANO.SH SUBSCRIBED $300 TO HOSPITAL FUND• The fund to build .an addition to. the Wingham Hospital is still more than $20;000 shoat of the • estimated cost of $65;000 and a campaign is ' beinglaunched, to provide this amount. A total of $43,600 has been sub- scribed as follows: $5,,000; by the County, of Huron $1.5,000 .by the town .:of Winghain; ' $1,000_ .by- the Township of Turnberry; .$1;000 by the Township of Howick; $500 by the Township . of .Morris;. $500 by :the Township .of East Wawa - nosh; $300 'by the Village of Brussels; $300 by the : Township, of West -Wawanosh. • BSM. BERT. MITCHELL (Porky) • Suffered . a fractured, leg in France when a motorcycle lie was driV- ingwas in a: collisionwith a, truck: . C1lt•IOF , • JUST 'ARRIVED. Get Your'. Requirements Off tucknow Flour Mills • W. E. 'TRELEAV EN" • FERTILIZER The Lucknow Consumers Co -Operative WILL BE :1I1XING :fertilizer' as usual this falL WE '. CAN , MIX 2-12-6, 0-12-6 and any \grade you ..may . need for 'wheat. WE ALSO HAVE. plenty of material for mixing the above grades without filler for sow- ing in any ordinary seed drill along with the grain. ON ACCOUNT of the short- age of labor it is necessary_ that we receive orders early. II JOHN JAMIESON SON Manager egg 71_ LII rfOD • Mr. and „ Mrs, Harold .Harris, Margaret and Murray. of Toronto. and Mrs. Elizabeth Harris of Kin- cardine spent Friday evening at Wrn. Eadies'. Miss "Veroniea Murray is visit- ing isiting in Teeswater. Miss Doris Eadie spent an af- ternoon at Tom .Harris'. Visitors, with Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est Ackert ovef the week -end were, Mrs. Ackert', cousin Mrs. Frank 'Leslie and Mr. Leslie and four daughters '. of Kintore, Rev. Harold Ackert ot,.., Ruthven, Wm. Bouldirieg' froth Regina, Mr: and Pilrs.. Quest Dobson from Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ackert and family from Lorne, ' Mr. and Mrs. Raynard Ackert and • Ernest and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graham, Olive and, Lloyd. , Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith and family visited' Sunday at the. Pal- ace' Gardens, Formosa. Mr. {and Mrs. 'Sherwood Taylor and family and. Mrs. Annie Tay- for' of Galt spent''a,day last week With Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ackert:- Mr: and Mrs.. Harold Harris & Murray. Mr. and Mrs.. Ralph Fin- lay of ''Toronto and Mrs. Eliza- beth Harris of Kincardine were recentvisitors. at Tom 'Harris''' Mr. .and Mrs. Richard ;Elliott had . as : their visitors on Sunday, 'Mr..and -Mrs. Tom Robb,' Wilmer and:. Toward ..and, Mr. and 'Mrs.• Harvey Houston and family. Masters James and Wrn. Young have . been visiting ' With their uncle and aunt,,: Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Broom. ' Mr., andMrs.. Wm, Eadie and Doris. oris. Mrs. Rachel Culbert Eva and Lorrie , visited Sunday even Mg at McPherson's. ^ Mr. Ernest Ackert is spending a. few days at 'Manitoulin Island: Miss MacMurchy has commen- ced her `work as• teacher of Holy- rood' school and is staying with her cousin; Mrs..Raynard Ackert. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' Jamieson, Mrs. J. G. '.Splan and. Stewart of Goderich, ' Mr. and .Mrs. John Jamieson of Lucknow spent Sun= day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris. ' A BROTHER, of Senator J. J. Donnelly of Chepstow, Monsignor. John J. Donnelly died at Deriver, A native of Greenock, hep was or- dained ' into the ' priesthood 55 years ago and served chiefly in Colorado parishes. He was con- fined to a hospital the pastthree years as a result of injuries re- ceived in a motor ,accident. • THERE WERE ' 112 donors at Paisley's first. blood. clinic. Prev- • l iously Paisley residents had' been attending Walkerton clinics. Molasses and'QiIC,ake ORDER IT NOVA MILL FEEDS of All Kinds er 41,01, ' Iow, THURS., SEPTEMBER ..7th,. 1944 Mr. Wm. Gongram of Holyrood visited last week at the home of ,his 'daughter, Mrs. Mac .Lane. Mr. and. Mrs. John Bushell re- turned' home' after visiting in Toronto. • . Mrs, Jack Hill and Shirley are spending a while in Exeter with her sister, Mrs. Mervyn Cameron. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson,. Webster of Windsor, Mr: Ewart -Wegster of Kirkland. Lake and their moth- er, Mrs. Dave Alton. of Lucknow visited : Friday: with Mr: and Mrs. Mac Lane. • • • ' Mrs. Ben Logan and Lenore of Ripley- called. on friendshere on Wednesday. Congratulations to 'Mr. & Mrs. E. Somers (riee Ruth Guest) who were married recently. Mr. & Mrs. Roy Graham, non - rite. end Gary moved from the v ]gage on Thursday .last to -take up : residence :in Lucknow. • We regret losing the young couple from our . community.. Miss. Evelyn McLeaneturned to London after a weeps va ca - tion. 'Mrs: Jack Hedley and Al are- spending respending this week in Toronto. Miss -Veroni^a . Mutray' return- ed home from Preston where she vas. employedfor the 'summer' holidays. . r.• Mrs, Archie McKinnon is hos- tess to the Women's Institute ('to-' dav) . Thursday. : • Mr. and Mrs. .i Malcolm' Lane. attended the funeral of the late Mr., George Lane at Belfast. • We welcome Mr. Reg McBride and Ellen' to. our village . who' moved , on Friday to their new home there. I' P.Ir_ and Mrs. Melville Osborne; 1. Jean and Florence of Fenwick c r week-erid Visitors. with' Mr. end Mrs. Dan Mc arlan, 1r. Jim Boyle who re-3enfly purchased the service station. and 1-,?ar•1-Frnith.'shop from. Mn J.' B. Hodgkinson is having 'the 'shop -='modelled into a modern :garage and. also wired with hydro -,for electr. ictal '•work, Miss „Helen . MaI'colm returned. 'ri her teaching .duties at Toronto after enjoying` her vacation at the Malcolm home. • Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chadwick FOR SALE—Good feather tick. Apply to W. J. Little; Lucknow_ FOR SALE—Barred Rock pullets from , Bray Hatcheries, . ready to lay. Howard Robinson, Lucknow. PLEASE RETURN . Will the • party who has ' our .truck tire tester. please return. same to the Supertest Garage., WOOD FOR SALE ee EIm , body wood,'' 14", ,'16"farad 4 -foot lengths.. Apply to Wm. A. Humphrey, R: 2, Lucknow. • . " AUCTION SALE of household effects and property at the resi- dence of Miss Margaret Taylor, Lucknow, on Saturday, Septein-: ber 16th at 1.30 o'clock. See bills, terms cash. ' Margaret Taylor, Prop.; Well: Henderson, Auc. APPLICATIONS N p Applications for the position of collector of Taxes in the Towne ship of West Wawanosh will be received by the undersigned up to 2.00 p.m., on September 12th, 1944. The 'salary' has ' been set at $100... DURNIN PHILLIPS, • Clerk of West Wawanosh Lucknow,. Ont., R.R. No; 2. NOTICE The annual meeting of the' Lucknow Elevator Company, Ltd. will. be held at the office of G. H. Smith. on Saturday,. September 9th,. 1944 at 8• o'clock p.m Elect- ion of officers. and other regular business to. 'be transacted: J' - HACK4ETT,.. Pres. WANTED TO PURCHASE—Pul- lets eight.lveeks of age and older. . Barred Rocks, New Hampshires and White Leghorns.. Good prices'. paid. Write •Tweddle Chick Hat- cher les Limited, Fergus, Ont. , CLERK'S NOTICE , OF FIRST, POSTING VOTERS' LIST' Voters' List, 1944, Municipality of the Village of Lucknow .irk the County of Bruce: Notice is hereby .giver! that I. have„ complied with :Section 8 nf' the Voters' List. Act and .I have postedup at Office in the said.. Village .on the 18th day r f Augugt A.D. 1944. the list of ail -person.. entitled- An–vote–in- the: said :village .at , Muaicioal :Elect- ions' -ani. -that sash List remains there for inspection, ' • ' "And— I .hereby eal\l ' upon' all Voters, to take irnmediate pro- ceedings to..: have _an,y error_s or ornissiins corrected according to law,. the lust day for . avpeal be- ing the• 8th day of .September A.D. 1944. ' ' -r" Dated 'at Lucknow, Ontario, and. Phyllis. sir.. and: this 21st day of August A.D. 1944. ,vey Hodgins, Glen and . Kenneth JOSEPH AGNEW, of Windsor returned home after .Cleric of the Village of Lucknow. holi•daYin4 with Mr. 'and • .Mrs: Fred Hodgins .and Mr. and Mrs. Ez. Stanley.. , Teachers ' 'and pupils returned, to ;their dr sks on Tuesday Morn- ing: after an enjoyable summer holiday! Mr Jack Blackwell to our school, Miss ' G. Robb to the Tenth. School and Miss '.ElIen. Mc- Bride c= Bride'.to the. Nee:dhain' school in Kincardine Township ,and Mrs ,Arthur Graham to Westford. Plusses Betty Gillespie ' and Iri- rna Hodgins returned home from holidaying at St. Catharines.. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Moore • of Hamilton and Mrs. E. N., Hod- gins visited Sunday. with' Mr. and Mrs. Dan McFarlan, Mr. & ,Mrs. Archie McFarlan and Mr. Will McFarlan. et3NA! NG. EVENTS DANCLNG AT PARAMOUNT: Every Friday ..evening. Car- ruthers' pannier . orchestra. Door prize: • Mrs. Rov • Sweeney ' and Miss Frances Elliott of London .spent the week -end with • Mr. and Mrs. Karl Boyle. Ivan and . Wiirnifred McFarlan were visitors over the week -end with 'their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs:' Dan McFarlaan. . Mrs. Jack Thompson, Donalda and Keith• wetit to London dur- ing the week to visit with . her sister, Mrs.. Edgar Lovat and then return to Kirkland. Lake to their home. •. . Members of the Stanley family here gathered at Silver ,Lake on Sunday afternoon last for their annual family' reunion. , Forty- seven enjoyed a • lovely' . picnic lunch before returning• to their homes. . Remember' The . Clansmen Carnival Tonight. Lorne MacLennan, .'Phone 77-w • Mr. and Mrs. John Barr and ,family • visited an • evening .last week with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Mr, and Mrs. Allan Wall visit- ed Sunday: with Mr. , and Mrs. Wm: Wall. . Mr. Ivan Lloyd and Doris Lloyd of Lucknow visited otrer the week -end with relatiires here. P. Stuart MacKenzie. • BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Walkerton, ' Ontario.' t� .LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN THE LEGION WILDING 'Prof.' A. W. Anderton Will Resume Tuitions In Piano, 'Singing and Theory IN'.. LUC'KNOW . On Friday, September 7th .' At The Residence Of A, C. AGNEW _INSURANCE . SOVEREIGN LIFE. CAR, FIRE & CASUALTY Free Advise on all Insurance Matters. District ;ReprOse tatiee PHILIP S. STE`JVAR'F 'PHONE 8 LUCK.NOW North . American Life A MUTUAL COMPANY A. ' Grant MacLennan District Representative Ripley, Ont. • Phone 28-r-8. 1 F. T. ARIVISTR'ONG OPTOMETRIST IN LUCI&NOW r . FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH FROM • 10 a.m. to 6 pan. ft AT WM. SCIII%1ID'S.. STORE spent the week -end with Mrs. W. Jackson,; Kincardine. Mr. Jack Walsh of Ripley and Miss Marion. Walsh, Kincardne, spent Sunday at the home of their parents, . Mr. and Mrs, Milton Walsh. - Mr. & Mrs. John Bushell spent a few days in Toronto. ' ' Misses Mabel and Aisla Bush- ell visited over the week -end at their. home, Aisle is remaining home for a week before entering the Grace Hospital 'to train for a nurse. PARAMOUNT School has opened with • Miss Eilleen Elliott as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dome, Norman and Kenneth.o'f Elmstead and Mr. Walter Dueharme of Te- cumseh visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. Cline. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wylds of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver MacCharles. . Stratford spent the week -end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hamilton and babe of Hamilton spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamilton. , ' Bessie Reavie who has been under the doctor's care is able to be out. again. Mr. :Grant MacDiarmid spent the first part of the week at Manitoulin Island, with Mr. E. Ackert of Holyrood. • Miss Isobel Hamilton of Lon- don, Misses Betty and Frances of Hemlock City . visited with Mr. and. Mrs. Robt. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton of Detroit, Jack MacKenzie & John Ross, Detroit, visited: with Mrs. Jas. MacDonald. Mr. J6hn D. Martin has assum- ed hit . duties as principal at Maple Hill school hear Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McNay :and family have moved to Lucknow. They will get possession of their home the first of October, Which •� in. x7 sd s cs; .rri�bwm�.