The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-09-07, Page 3t . THURS., SEPTEMBER 7th, 1944. .The. Luckuow Sentinel, Lucknow, O* taria, PAGE THEE Th ce the Guess; Out of ;a're Re -Lining jobs For CHEVROLET, FORD PLVMQ.U°TH, OLDSMOBILI PONTIAC, etc. 1..49 to 2.25 Set All Others In Proportion CANADIAN ,'fiIItE.. CO1P. ASSOCIATE STORE Ca:mplbeil's Garage • Wingham, 'Phone. 184 PURPLE GROVE Mr. John Fair,and Mr. James Pollock -spent a day in Toronto last week: ' A number from the Grove, at- tended. the ' carnival in Ripley on Thursday evening. • August 31 Red Cross Workers met in the basement of . the church. Two. quilts :were quilted. • A short business meeting;. was held presided over by, the- presi- dent, Mrs. John • Emerson and opened with devotions. Mrs. Ralph / Hill read . a portion ..of scripture. The ' roll call was ans-. of Riversdale and family visited with WEDDING BELLS KNOTT—MaeCUARLES A quiet wedding was solemn- • ized at the United Church' - Par- sonage, - Ripley', on Saturday, August 26th • when Sadie Ellen MacCharles, daughter of Mr. and• Mrs. Donald MacCharles became .the bride of William .Christopher Knott, • son of Mrs. Dawson. Knott and • the late Mr: Knott of Clarks- burg. Rev. •Eugerie Beech. per- formed the ceremony.' The bride wore a street -length dress. of deep blue Corduroy vel vet, with a calot of white •actors.. ter. corsage was • of • American Beauty roses with , ad.iantur'n fern. Immediately following the •cer- emony the couple. left on a motor trip •through •the Bruce Peninsula and 'Manitoulin Island. For trav- elling • the 'bride ' chose a 'printed 'silk • jersey dress • :with ginger .brown accessories., and wore the .groom's gift•af a gold locket. On thein .return they took up residence .on 'thegroom's farm, Clarksburg, Ontario. •o- 'a ald's off of of the young= Ripley's Teeth+co Get v "Look" Publicity That Ripley, has attained a spot in the sun and is -increasing in popularity, . ' due to flotirine de- posits in the soil and particularly fi the water which. it is claimed, acts as a preservative •of teeth in young and old, was evidenced' once more, when three men were sent here .from the Wartime' In- formation Board at Ottawa, to in- vestigate further, and ,to secure first hand knowledge. Ted Irwin," • science editor . of • "Look" :Magazine, New' York, with Harold Rhodenbaug, photo- grapher ;of 'the same magazirio and Robert Young o e •War- time: Information, .Bona arrived on the evening train, Thursday, and arranged with Dr. J. A: Mc- Donald, .' local ..dent'i'st, to•.,take kodachrome. colored pictures of many of those whose teeth, 'were• well preserved,• ranging in age from nine to ninety years. The following morning the pic- tures w "re taken •in Dr: McDon-' Letters of appreciation were re l s of c many y g= ceived from boys who had- receiv- . er children and the same proved ed gift boxes from the. unit. Miss highly satisfactory.. Among .those were: Audrey Ross, Shirley Pol- of material suitable for making lock, Billy Martyn, Bernice. Mar- children's clothing•,:Hostesses, for tYn, Douglas .McDonald, :Margaret the •meeting were :Mrs. Howard McDonald, :Donald McDonald, Thompson and Mrs: Ben Scott Robert McDonald.' Donnie Mc - who received: a vote of thanks.. Donald,' Isabel McDonald, Darwin. Mk. and Mrs. Kenneth Robert- `Pollock, .Caroline Lane; Lois +dos son of Zion .spent Sunday at Mr. sell and Billy `Kempton. Taken James Robertson's.' [singly and in groups were also Mrs. George S. Emerson receiv- those of''Mr, and Mrs: D: A.' Mc - ed alett'er from her brother, W. Donald and family, Philip Tesky,, J:. Bell, now confined in a 'hos- Miss .\Bella McKenzie and Mr: D. I`pital. 'in England, informing her 1. A. McDonald, Ashfield. Sadie Pollock donated nine yards he is recuperating 'from wounds received.. in -France He is, pro- gressing favorably. . Mr. and Mrs. Morley.Pettiplace wed ' payment of dues: at Mr..Ben '.Scott's on Monday. THE CLANSMEN'SANNUAL 0 IN THE ARENA LILICKN 1 Thursday, Sept. lth ONITE] At 8.15 Sharp Admission To Arena ZSc — DOOR PRIZES" SENSATIONAL VAUDEVILLE SHOW THE WRATTEN SISTERS -Song and Dance Team. BOB LOGAN—Punch ' and Judy Show, Etc. BILL BANTON—The Singing Mountaineer. THE GREAT JACKSON --Sensational Novelty ac't. CARNIVAL GAMES PRIZE DRAWS DANCING To Royal Casino Orchestra Prize Draw at Midnite 1st. Bicycle 2nd.. Chest of Silver 3rd. Occasional .Chair - • 4th. 32, -Piece Breakfast Set Get Tickets From . Any Club - Member $42.50 27.50 • 15.00 9.35• It appears to ,be .the intention of the. Wartime Information Board to enter•upon an extensive campaign of .advertising through- out • the United States in •order 'to encourage 'tourist traffic . to 'this country, and the benefits :to be derived from flouring in''drinking, water, with its wonderful pre- servative qualities in connection with human teeth, ' which • has during the past few months been shown in moving` pictures 'from re You'll enjoy our. Orvnge pekoe Vend 1 'George McNai1-Gel;-------- on Saturday. evening at the horse • Government Post George'w1cIVali has .areceived the appointment, through.. the Provincial Government, • of In,- spector for., Commissioner of ,'Loans, Toronto and- •his duties I are on commence at once. • Mr. , McN•all's' territory covers the whole of , the Counties . of Huron and .Bruce. His appoint- ment will permit him to remain 'in Blyth, which is conveniently • ideated: in the centre of his, in-•• , speetorate. He has already pur- chased his' home ,here. -;Ni.th 'many, years' municipal experience .behind him, Mr. Mc - Nall is. well, qualified for his new appointment, 'For eight' years hp was reeve of the ' Municipality of Blyth, and while in attendance at County Council in Goderich served as chairman of the , Coun -ty; Home committee, the Agricul- • Lural ' Advisory corrimittee, and Was administrator of ,Old, Age Pensions in 'the municipalities of Blyth, Brussels, Dungannon, E:v Wawanosh, Morris and , gullet townships.. . ' Hee is a • veteran of the last . two wars: In World War I he ' served with distinction for .the entire 4. years, and was awarded the. Mili- tary Medal.In the present :con- flict he served 2% ' years, return: - 47g,, f rain-.-averseas•••service,. in 'Jan- uary, 1944, 'attaining the rank of Company Sergeant-Major.. LANGS.I•DE, coast to coast Should: have a stimulating, effect in, this direct - 'During the -past 'winter a simi- lar campaign of .research .by the dental' profession, with Dr.. J. A. - McDonald. assisted by Dr. D. "D, Carpento, physician, taking a leading .role, •secured wide pubL ii,city.. This'researcb' .willpai• fur- ther continued and who 'knows how much farther in. the, World the popularity of Ripley rrl'ay ex- tend.—Ripley Express. Mr. _'and Mrs. John Patsy, Kenneth 'and Donald.',Ha :•- 'es and Miss_.;Catherine Key, . ail of 'Detroit spent the holiday with. Mrs. R. Tiffin and. Charlie. During the . storm on Sunday. evening when; a loud clap o thunder ' occurred, Mr. Wraith went outside to' see. if any. damage was .done and while: standing on his porch a tree be- tween the. house and barn woo struck by lightning.' . Mr. and Mrs. H. Peppier. of Tavistock ;spent the holiday • w i' h Mr. and Mrs.' ' V. ' Emerson and with her sister,. Mrs. A. Etnerson. Mrs. 'John ' Richardson is now convalescing 'at her ,home. ' •Oa 'Sunday Mr. and• Mrs. George: Harkness .of Teeswater visited at the Richardson .home.. • o Mr.. ana Mrs. Wesiey' Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs- Fred .Tiffin. Mr: & Mrs. Russel Ritchie; Mr. and Mrs. V. Emerson and ..Mrs. A. Emer-' son, Mr. and Mrs., George. Tiffin xnd Colleen,•. Mr. and Mrs. Orvii,le' •WEDDING BELLS DONALD CAMERON. • Funeral service for .Donald Cameron. 'for 52 years • an engin- eer on Great Lakes. steamers of the Detroit -Cleveland Navigation Co:, was held at 10 'a.m.. Wed nesday,:• August_.30th at the Hat - Vey. A. Neely Funeral Home, De- troit; • Michigan. Burial was •in .A1-• vinston, Ontario: ' ' •Mr.. -Cameron died. Sunday, Au= gust 27th at the age' of 80. Born at.. Lochalsh, • Ontario. he was a Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Rod- erick Cameron and married Bar= bara Munro of Alvinston. who •predeceased him about .10. years ago. Mr. Cameron retired from service on the •Creat Lakes , in. 1940. • Five sisters and four brothers .sures ive. They' are'. • Mrs. Donald Gillies • (Anniel. ' • Mrs. Jennie Brown. Mrs. Peter ,.• Murdoch (Kate) of Detroit. Mrs. A. R. Tin- 1,aason (Mary) of Lueknow. Mrs. John' Murdoch (Belle). of Learh- ington.. Duncan 'and .lames of Lochalsh, Roderick 'C. of Palmer- ,stop and Donald of Granum. Al - berth. • Six nephews• acted as pallbear- ers. Those attending the sera; icc at AIv'inston from. Detr rit • v•.erc Mr rsrd ?,Tris. R. H. Hocking. N1'.:74. V. G. •F':'' ",it_?e A ono Tr sw•f. _.rs' 1.t. E ares Pry^ Gi::ie=. ;rt: -u: D�.ncan Carr.eroh of Luc'kr.00ty ar,- J: hn Mt'rdip:oh of Leo.mingt.,n, of Mrs. George Tiffin.' of Wing- • ;ham in honor of her daughter, Vivian, .a bride-to-be. , .Mr. and Mrs. Jiin H;endersOn and family of Brantford spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs: ,Wes- Mrs. es- Mrs. G. Montgornery and baby ;after spending 'a few weeks with Mrs"j. Taylor and. Charlie have;, gone to Toronto to visit with her ,mother, Mrs. ' A. Patterson. ' .Mr.. Sandy Murray 'of . Toronto, after' working for 13 weeks on the ' farm of Charlie Tiffin to gain ' an entrance certificate left on his bicycle on Thursday morning ,to wheel to Toronto. ' ST. 'HELENS" School.: re -opened on Tuesday with Miss• Beatrice 'McQuillin a gain 'in charge, and., With Doris.- Miller, Marvin McDonald, 'Archie • Mc.Quiilin and Bobby 'Aitchison :jn.. the - beginners' class: i . Mrs.',Durnin Phillips" is again • the teacher ,.at Fordyce, • .Miss Twamley at elfast and Miss ' Mun nirlgs :of Benmiller at No..3. • Mrs:: John McPherson of Pus-• finch is' a . visitor with her • bro- ther, Donald 'McDonald and 'Mrs: McDonald. ' Mr. L. G. Weatherhead, spent Saturday, . in Toronto. ' Mr.- Al . Martin.' and his bride, ''. formerly Miss Jean Thom of Tor- onto were week -end visitors with Mr. and' Mrs. E. ' J. Thom: :Mrs. • Martin ' remained for a longer, visit. Miss W. D. 'Rutherford, has re- turned to herduties on thestaff ofihe Kirkland Lake High school. Miss Ruth Ramage is teaching at Bancroft and Miss Norma Wea-. therhead is principal . of the Sehomburg school.' • ° Mrs. 'Agnes Leitch: Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bowden and son Jirnmy and Earl Cooper. of Detroit and Mr. Jim Leitch ' of Belgrave were re- cent .visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thom. Misses Mary and Elizabeth Sal- keld 'of Goderich' were visitors on Monday with Mrs. `Gordon and other relatives. Please note that this week the nursing class will . be held on. Friday night. Dr. Little of Luck - now was the . speaker at the class last Friday .night when. he gave a very interesting and helpful - talk on the care of the mouth and teeth: Practise work in bath- ing a bed patient and in making 'the bed wag done under the sup- ervision of Mrs. Stuart and Mrs. Tiffin ' attended a trous5eou. tea Ward. • Magic's Rich Prune BisCUiSvenins flour 4• tbsi: 4 is s sifted leder 6 tc. intik o 12 t stewed prunes, s, 'c tsps )bole reheat flour 's desired brown Saga! i c.grxte+d rind t levo" '.ee e,3ieacst Add whole le wirheeaathdour;rl n in d to snake , Sho t ening until ,xeil' Add thick, spread Shortening doegh Roll out opped prunes; sP in- cle with brown sugar• Roll as for i in'wcii- . k1e vv+t1-inses: stand on moderateell- Cur in 1 -inch Bake! Makes t5' oven• e 3 ; 5' .) ?bout 30 f n.. � ng an i e per :.. costs less ' •