The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-09-07, Page 25 PAGE TWO THE LUCKNOW SENTL NEL 1,rCOW, area. Established 1073 Published Each Thsday lkilorning , Oubscript ion Rate -- $2.60 A. Year In Advance Single •Copley 5c . To II "ted States $/50 � W. N. A. Member of The L. Thompson, -Publisher and. Proprietor :C_ THURSDAY, AUGUST 31st; 1944 The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, GO BACK TO SCHOOL! Parents ' and educational authorities are concernet with the problem of inducing High School youths to join the back -to -school move- ment, with a.' view to continuing their second- ary education. • .School days are never glamorous to the average youth 'and this attitude isaggravated to the point of being a national problem by the high wages earned with comparative ease by these young students, as a result solely of ' • the war -time manpower shortages. This easy eared big rnoiey - has lured .many studentt; om'returning to their :studies. In the U'nitodt :States. there . has been a drop ' of one million in high:school , attendance .since Pearl Harbor. Canada's student : "casualty list" EDITORI TIME'' TO PLAN CHRISTMAS PARCELS ""Do not open imtil Christmas'. That ex- citing phrase should soon be °makingits ap- pearance on parcel Heal/ despite tha fact 'that . 'in Canada are just ecovering x�tiy •ptae - fo the .hottest spell on record_ . P`ostrnaster . General William P. Mtoek add that , it is tiztte to„make gams for .Christmas gift Parcels to members of the Wined Forces Overseas. The period this' Year is Septem- ber rg pe ber 15th' to October 25th- atl`Y .parte sent to those serving ixu the more r to theatres of war should be sem' the- ear S Suggested "deadline'' mail- ing dates a e: ...all. 0 September tfi__-The • far East, Ceylon, ,etc: • October .5—The Middle East Ira, Iraq, Syria, eta • October l a emtrali Mediterranean Forces. • October 2. The .'CJ'ni ted Kingdomaxed. Erazr yeas' of the rapid progress of the war tT'sese� ca+tesghf possibly be 'subject to change. a,. Burma, area :Et. Las christmas season over' 12,000,6i* lbs, pa irk Malone were despatched. to the 4circes Overseas.. from Canada -This, year a ;e• is expected: Therefore, eves greater vo 0908; 54 no no 4 lion l0 n - is necessary to enable Postal . fs .• �u'...ciipe.. 1 out arrangenter its' f r tranaportatien on t'aius and sus: Remember tlsat cargo space is stall. a . premium- Hear in mind this year the conditions of .itTiat; time mTail�Iii.' mus travel greater distances--- of , .--ail! dif- ferent our' troops are farther afield fer�st fronts fighting wader be a- rnob a warfare plenty of time mus't 'owed betvcreeia mailing and .delivery. Picture the enacts ' if everyone abCot kt wait tilt the Taff t to> mail:—.Postal fifties would he be roviditg • dally nil. Only in Ontario, has. this party won faced' vaitI .else impossible task of p favor with the electors. aboard. the last ships leaving ,� �, • sufficient 'Space - +�. * • in time to ensure' Christmas delivery. The re- Government injunctions. to conserve .ga50- snit Would mean a cheerless. fhristrr�•as Day. . fcr• non-essential driving of forward eagerly, to line. by' curtailing tT�.ousauds overseas looking. motor vehicles is no idle talk: as there exists . getting their Christmas � iia. tm�:e. 1 h tage in the A suggestions to further help • our boys and girls 'on Active Service receive their gifts frog . home' is to: voluntarily cut dower as far as posstbie,- on the size of the package, even. • ,ugh the mai. suxrx weight at the special per pound is 1I pounds. s rate of �� cents will enable authorities td ship a greater rami - .her of parcels in the cargo`. space available. The bitter disappointment caused by late arrival of Christmas giftscan bei spared :our Fighting Services too if citizens will give the most careful attention to correct addressing and proper packing.' Last Christmas season thousands of parcels v ere received at' the Base Post Office in a damaged Condition. They had to •be set aside for repair • or readdressing in, order that . they slight . be safely sent on to destination. This caused' delay and extra. work will no doubt be of similar proportions, coni- parative1Y- •• . "boys There is little purpose in "driving and girls to school. ,But they will de well to rents and go ba,k heed the advise of.' their parents will come when to scEiaaT_ If not,.the day will bemoan thousands . of our,. young people ' the fact that . they Tek the educations that the post-war years will demand.. of there. $, .. • •* ENCO GING 'TOS THE GRITS Liberal victory . in New,. The sweepimsg � t spot ori the Bii •n5 tck last week was a bright. p Dominion political horizon for the' MacKenzie King adaninistratiam The New Brunswick gov- ernuient was returned to power with. 36 seats, or seven more than in the 1939 election. The Progressive - Conservative Party,' which was pinning its Dominion hopes . on this Maritime arid. the'C.C.F. vote, elected ,oilyi 12. members,. lure a single seat. i party failed to cap' factor . . •The N. H vote may be the deciding ' :in 'Prime Minister MacKeniie 'King's decision as to when he will ge ' to the people. We look for' it this fall, because of last week's 'prestige- ,� building. victory.•.for Abe -Liberal ,.Pa r-..'... provincial elections irnay or may not serve to indicate the national . trend, but on the basis • of results of the six provincial elections during the past, Year, the Doininiori election will be question of returning the King • pretty much: a 4 Gouerranexnt or turning to socialism Under the C.C.F. If the provincial elections have . been any criterion,. they' would .indicate' that the glances of the Progressive -Conservative Party ing elected to power at •Ottawa 'are practi- P„ 5IS1 ''fit", 044a Local and General Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Hornell vis- r. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leith of ited last week at. Toronto. Hamilton M st Chased t week Stewarwith Miss Margaret Selby of Tor, onto0spent the week -end with ,Mr..,� and Mrs. Gerald Rathwell, Magistrate and Mrs. Ian ' Mc - Mr. Sant Carnochan of Seaforth visited.. with,iends here. Mr. Milt. McMullin and Mrs. Hev,at were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Davison. 0. Rae .of • Strathroy spent their va to d Udy of cation at Southampton Beac . Mr. and Mrs. Y deft. I•Iamilton were visitors last week Miss Dorothy Martins =withllfir. and Mrs. N. E. Bushell.. Wednesday morning to • take a Position . in London. Camero• n Finlayson 'of Toronto Webster • visited with his mother, Mrs. A. ` and Mrs, Percy ii ; R. Finlayson. Miss Doris•Ritchie of Stratfprd General Hospital seen. the week- end at her home • Miss Jap to rart' returned to Toronto this week after spending two weeks with her parents at The 'Parsonage. . Miss Jessie . Henderson. and Mrs. Eunice Tasrlor returned to Toronto•• on Monday after vaca- tioning .here. so$*1 0A - Ra Mr:' and Mrs.: Austin 'Solomon have had as their "guests, Mrs. Annie Solomon. of. Stratford and Missanks of Windsor. ` Mr. and Mrs., Harvey Hodgins and family of Windsor visited the • past week with relatives in the community. , • and. Shirley of . Kitchener spent the week -end here. ,. . morn - `Soloists at the Sunday 'morn- ing., service in the' Presbyterian Church ere Miss Lloyd Stewa`rthryn Ag- new and Miss Kathryn .Agnew returned to Stratford. on Monday where she 'is training as a nurse in the General Hospital there. • critics shortage 'light of war neces for the Postal Corps. The lodger the distance a parcel rriust travel under, wartime conditions to 'reach, its destination: at a battle front, the more imperative � is careful packing. \ • Each parcel should 'be carefully packed in Patents, or wife, orsister;, street and town, ; the contents•Village, or country lane;. against the day corrugated. shtick proof containers, compact' so that ,they will riot shake. louse and That may not 'come, God willing, and yet may. break out of the 'package• Then 'e parcels Now for a while all is accomplished,' save' • slow, ancient task. of 'being heave. should be wrapped in :several layers of wrap- ----- rap The .long; a' -� eatest sties. It is well to know that Canada's greatest source of c'r'ude oil, the Alberta Turner Valley field, is producing 4000 barrels less daily than a year, ago. Sixty percent of our imported crude oil= has to .come by ocean tanker. The needs of for example, jumped from • '5.5 ' aviation gas, • million gallons in 1939 to 176 million gallons for the .year ending March, 1944. ' Our Royal Canadian Navy uses 2 mullion gallons .of .oil a week; it takes 10,000 gallons to move an arm- oured, corps five miles, and .on top of this, just • realize the needs of industry, and agriculture; truly a staggering amount when totalled. So plain joy riding 'is not justified. c . * _ • Tonight its The: Clansmen's annual darn- ' ival: Proceeds• of all activities by this service club' are Used for war work, civic imprpvernents • and welfare work. r � OV KIN Che next of kin-�•�-theiar names' are taken down; Florence May.Irwin returned home the.,end of `tate week after spending a: holiday with friends in Loudon. Miss. Helen Thompson returned last, week from a two weeks' va- cation • with relatives at: Nobel and Toronto,duties fore at Tianover.g her teaching . Mr. and -Mrs. Fred Clark spent their. holidays the past week at their Lakewood, Beach cottage .et Amherestburg. Miss .lar'y Helen. White of Tor- onto spent the week -end here With •.her, father,. Dr. John H: White: o Miss., Alma Solomon left the first. of the ' week' four London. where ' she is taking • a . business course. Mr. Joseph Agnew returned on' Tuesday . after spending , two. Weeks at his cottage. at Spruce - dale. -Miss Alma - Alton and. Miss Flora Andrew returned. to Lon- don, . Ontario, 'on. Monday to re-_ f, surae their teaching duties. Miss Isobel ,Douglas who has 'been -vacationing- .at. -her ....home., .. ,..... here returned co Kitchener on tjonday.. Mr. and :Mrs, Ole n Moore of Hamilton spent • the week N. - , end with her. mother, Mrs, E. N. ' Hod gins. -Misses • Pearl. Henderson and Phoebe Pinnell who. have bele • Miss Doris • Durnin . of Kitchen- er 'and Mrs. Harold Durnin of Pittsburg visited here last week 'With” �!'i aher,: Durbin., . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Webster and children, 'Kathleen and Kenneth of . London . and Mrs. James. T. Web"ster.. of • Varna . spent - the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McNain: Lav r�erice Bower returned to at Rest -. A - Whi his home in Kirkland Lake on holidaying' returned home on August 3Ist. '1Vir. '. W. J. Bower { Bruce Beach, accompanied him as far as Tor-tWednesday. • onto and spent the .week -end in Mrs. John. Thomson and child - the .city ren: Donald and Keith,' visited for the past month with relatives iir "aper, an secure y iecl'wi farewell, the first to take On no account should ..shoe boxusedes be' The Iasi to say noel' or ill, shall break. containers.. --they easily crush and ;break. Whatever tidings, g high, their l-brea still for"Christrnas to, Their courage holding Persons. who mail. early •, . candle at a window sill-- the Armed Forces Overseas .can rest "asSured an hone 'sgrolI let these be written: in first' the authorities will do e•veryt°h.ing possible on time. ' With light. across each.' nage, the next of kin. tt make .delivery The September meeting ' of the Women's Institute. will be held on Friday •at 2.30 ' in the Tawn Hall..Auction• sale of articles do- nated by members. Misses Joan' and Aileen Stitt of Toronto were week -end guests of Miss Jean Nelson at • the. hone of her parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Nelson of Ashfield. Jean, who had been on holidays, returned to the city With them. . Miss Hilda Twarnley commenc- ed her new duties on the Wing:- ham ing,ham Public School staff on Tues - da. Hilda taught at Belfast for four years, where . she is • suc- ceeded by her. sister Elva, ' who formerly taught at Lanes. ' • �a- here. John, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thomson. is. overseas' With the R.C.A.F. Mr. and Mrs. Al 'Martin (nee Jean ,Thom) spent the week -end with Mr. and, Mrs: L. C:. Thomp- son: Mrs. Martin remained for a few days' visit • with her parents at St. Helens. Mrs..Harold Mitchell and two children of Hamilton accompan- ied by Mrs. • MitchelYs mother, .Mrs.. Currie of Winghain. spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Henderson. Mrs. Joe Leslie of Granton and. Mr. and Mrs, -Henry Carter oil, Clinton and Cfn. P. A- Durnin, • home on . furlough from • Wain- %dr- wright, Alberta, spent the week f end together . at their home here. • Mr. Earl Begley of Fort Wil- liam was .a recent visitor with relatives. 'While here. Earl and. Mrs. M - Sproul Sproul visited at Leant- ington and Grand Rapids with their brother Will Begley and their sister.; Mrs: Rosel. Mr. ` and . Mrs. • Alex Murdie and son Bobby of Toronto are, ,_ �,,; holidaying at Point Clark: Alexi is having an enforced holiday due to a heart I condition which confined him to the hospital' for a time this surnmer: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lattner mov- ed to Kitchener on Wednesday last. Roy has been a- draftsman for the Maple Leaf 'Aircraft since corning to Lucknow and has re- sided in part 1 of the Misses Hen- derson's home on• Ilaitelock St. Mr. and , Mrs. John F. Ross and son Earl • of Detroit spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Rod= •erick Ross of Lochalsh. Earl is remaining for a couple'of Weeks. as his 'school in Detroit is not opening on schedule due to . a serious infantile .paralysis epi- .deriric in -.Detroit and Michigan. Vis\itors with .Donald and Mary MacLean of Ashfield were Mary Catherine Sarah Janeall Dr. -,'qtr a:n ]mss-.-iolar-vvieganri; - -'- Fraser MacLean of Evanston Ii,.. , -Mir. and Mrs. Frank Terrace and Wrn. Cressy of Columbus. Ohio Miss Betty Wiegand. all of De= and Mrs. Jack Wiegand, Bettv troit , and Dr. „Fraser MacLean ' Wiegand and Mrs. Terras .of De. and .sisters `Misses Mary Cath- troit. 'They all returned to the i arine and' Sarah Janie . also Bill States on Labor Day. Dr. Mac-' Cressee of Chicago sptit the past .: ,e week at Bruce • Beacft returning to their respective homes on 'Monday last. , Lean who has signed up with th• American Army dental `corps will repot't at Idaho. •