The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-08-10, Page 6PAGE SIX The Lucknow Sentinel. Lucknow, Ontario ST. HELENS Mrs Duncan Gillies and Miss Bessie Murray of Buffalo have been Vnsiting with. their cousin, Miss „Mary Murray. Mr. Robert McGuire . of Lon- don ,renewed old acquaintances 'here, over the week -end 'as the guest of Mr. and Mrs: E. J. Thom. Mrs. Gordon McIntyre .of Ot- tawa is spending, a two weeks' Vacation with her• parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. I. Miller. Miss Caroline Wellwood, 'afor- mer resident of this .community, wlio has retired after many years as a missionary in China, will be the guest speaker at the: W M, S. Thankoffer-ing in the 'United church next Sunday morning at 11,30. At the nursing :class held' last week many of the members prac- tised bed makingunder the' dir- ection of Mrs. James Wilson. Scrubbing was completed under the supervision ,of Mrs. Stuart, and the taking of pulse, tempera- ture and respiration was carried out with Mrs. Stuart, Mrs. Ward and Miss Bessie Murray of Buf- falo as supervisors. Miss Murray gave an interesting talk on the curative power of the new„ wond- er drug, .penicillion, as she had seen it used. Mr. and Mrs. Mac; Lane and THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1944 family of Kinlough, also 'Mrs. O. G. Anderson, Misses Merle and Bernice .and Mr. Graeme Ander- son of •Belgxave ,were . recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will ttutherford, The August meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held in the ,Community Hall ivith Mrs. Har- old Gaunt presiding. The roll call was responded to by the naming of the first owner of your farm or, home. The topic was taken by Miss Mary Murray who gave an interesting paper :on, the origin of the Women's Institute. Mrs. John Cameron. gave . a reading, "Take Your Time" . and Mrs. E. W. Rice favored with 'a piano, solo. Friday, August 18th was the date set for the quilting, , A BOMB FRAGMENT has re- sulted in Pte. Stuart C.. Henry losing the sight of both eyes. He enlisted in the Kent Regi- ment in 1940. and has been over- seass _since May of 1943. Pte. Henry's parents live "at Ethel and his' wife •resides in Wingham. Had Tonsils Removed Ross .:McDonagh, son of .Mr: and Mrs. Jack McDonagh ,of Ashfield had his tonsils removed on ' Fri; - day. • TO PREVENT IMFLAT0Qq -Mow ..AND pEFtAf10N .. LATER COSTS WAGES PRICES Controlled prices, wages, costs. prO,fits mean security PROFITS ESSESSENTIAL TO KEEP DOW COST OF rt IS VITALHAVE CEILINGSAT YOU 'TO PREVENT ONF FARM PRICES,. -- DEFLATION AND DEPRESSION INFLATION U Ol7TLOUTLOOK FOR STABILITY IS LATER. CEILINGS IS ' FAVOURABLE ON TOP AND .F �ABZE ;_ FLOORS BENEAT$, GOVERNMENT OF CANADA. WAGES PRICES PROFITS If one breaks through ... BrjD L DL0/? K`oUL ET REN I'DLNr QUZCP "azz4,-8 S:=OU W E9 DO, CsS0lir'1.14')? �1.9 •s, 0 R. N-U T7 �EE frre lLDFo R N�h1• s7,HEN fi8,FA�ON OUT 4i, 42: LESSANDoULPROLS CYUb R v 'KeEivr es NG CONTROLS AND PROFITS This is the tenth of a series beinitissued by the Government of Canada; to emphasize the irnpc►rfanca7of• prcventing-rfsother increases-' in the cost of; living, naverdnd• deflatidCrR:Jester McWHINNEY CAN HELJP PICNI"C The McWhinney clan, 80 strong, held I its annual picnic Tuesday of last week at Harbor Park, God- erich, where a'. very „enjoyable time was spent. A- varied pro- gram of sports •was carried out under the direction of Mrs. Lorne Johnston and Robert C. McWhin- ney. Special prizes were awarded as follows: oldest person ,present, Wm. J. Watson, Auburn; young- est person present; Nancy Rob- inson, Goderich; persons- from longest 'distance, Mrs' •Pearl- Con- nell . and daughter, Mrs. Belton, Guelph; most recently married couple,' -'Mr. and. Mrs. Bert Craw- ford, Port Albert. A farewell message was spoken to Mrs: John Doherty of Norfolk, Va., who was 'leaving that .day for Virginia. A picnic supper was served at the long tables in the park 'pavilion. With the president, Mrs. R. Mc- Whinney, , Dungannon, presiding, the following slate of officers was re-elected for the ensuing'. year: president, Mrs. R. McWhin- ney, Dungannon; secretary,_' Miss Mary Bogie, Port Albert; treas., Hugh McWhinney, Dungannon; conveners of sports committee, Mrs. Lorne Johnston and Robert C.' McWhinney, Dungannon; re- freshments committee conveners, Mrs. Pearl Watson' and Mrs. Bert McWhinney; convener of the re- freshments committee, Mrs. Jas. McWhinney, Dungannon. Seven members of the clan are on active . service overseas: One has returned anal 10 others ares-- in resin training in Canada - The 'history of the. McWhinney - clan in Canada dates back to 1840, 104 ,years ago, when John Robert McWhinney, a' linen weaver, born on Christmas Day, 1814, at Saintfield, .ninemiles from Belfast, Ireland, a son' ` of William McWhinney and his wife Nancy •McIlw ain McWhinney, came to this country. On April 18, 1840, in company with his wife, Isabella Kirkpatrick Mc- Whinney and young son, Andrew, he sailed for Canada, coming by way of the St. Lawrence River to Hamilton, and, by wagon to Goderich. The • journey frori Ire- land to Goderich covered a per- iod of 72 days. For a short time they resided with a brother-in- law; -William Johnston of Goder- ich Township, and soon a claim Was, filed on lot 11, concession 1, Ashfield Township, then' a dense forest but where a concession line had been surveyed. Two years later the McWhinney .fam- ily Moved to their new home car- rying , their household effe•.ts over a blazed trail of half a mile. Here Mr -and Mrs. McWhinney labored to clear • the forest land and establish a comfortable home (famed for its hospitality.' ' The farm now owned by Harold Mc- Whinney has been in continuous f. possession of a McWhinney. They carried their butter:and eggs nine,; Miles to Goderich .-and traded- them radedthem for groceries. They al -.40 walked this same road -to church. This pioneer 'died in June; 1913, aged 98 years and 6 months. rAtJRICE SHOPIRO of th•, Tecswater firm of, Hughes and Shopiro•, was buried in Toronta •on Monday of last week. Serious- ly ill for three Weeks: he •pass -d away in Wingbarn Hospital. He -1 r;Tas• in his 69th year and is sur - i ved hl: -h- w fe, two Sons a n d two 'daughters in Toronto, • Born 1.in Ru5si.z. of Jewish docent. h,-, Illy -lied at Nev York' la.tnr r.tirni,,.7 to Canada and Bruce C' in'y