The Lucknow Sentinel, 1944-08-03, Page 4• rAGE FOUR e Lu ow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario L,ISTEN: TO "Ocess" $elf Polishing' $ quid Wax & Paste Floor Wain On Every Friday- Morning At . '10.15 , 37 Prizes Awarded Each Broadcast FROM C K N X WINGHAM-920.-on Your Dial For Sale At All Grocery and Hardwar Stores iteniace. •.those worn Shock Absorbers Protect your car and tires againstexcessive wear HIGHEST QUALITY AEROPLANE ` TYRE Brand ..3 '49 original New „equipment CANADIAN -TIRE- - CORP: ASSOCIATE STORE • Campbell's Garage �Vingliar," 'Phone 184 PARAMOUN' Recent visitors with Mr. .and i :Mrs. R. Richards were Sgt. Wm,•, 'Melville,- Camp Borden and Mrs.', 'Wn. Melville and 13etti Ann, Mr. ! and Mrs: -Clair 'MacDougall and- son Roddie and Mr. and' Mrs: Jim R•ehards Flesherton wry Mr. Mrs. Kinsli and of Dun- i das visited with their. daughter, Mrs. Bob Reid and Mr. Reid. Miss . Viola' Cook . is assisting Tier sister, Mrs. II. MacKenzie. Mr. and' Mrs. Jack Henderson and Eileen motored to Stratford on Saturday. Eileen cirnmenced. her • training on .,Monday. There are seventeen girls in the class. Miss Lillian Raynard is visiting. with her grandparents at Loth- ian. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mullin of Listowel visited with \ Mr. and Mrs: N. Raynard on Sunday: Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ketchabaw of Galt spent a week -end with Mrs. A: Ketchabaw. • George Richards is spending his .holidays. 'with his grandpar- ents,. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Man - Donald, Lochalsh. • Miss Dorothy Raynard is spen- ding her holidays with relatives in Godericlr. Pte. Carmen Hamilton of God- erich air port is 'spending his furlough at his home. TWO MONTHS AGO aa cow on the farm of Harvey Ackert. north • of Kincardine; gave birth to a calf. Last week this same cow gave :birthto a second calf. t BOUNDARY EAST Miss Betty Twamley: and 'Miss `` Elsie May of London wheeled to 1 Mr: Wm. MacDonald's: von .-Mon- day Mon-day 'to'spend,the week. Mr. Peter McNay, Mt., and Mrs. Kelso MeNay and • €amily, spent Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald.. Mr. Jack Button-- df Wiggins, Sask., spent -the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Purves. Miss Marjorie Edgar of Culross also visited with Mrs. Purves last .: week_ ____ Mr. hand Mrs. Harold Dawson and Donnie of Toronto are spend- ing this week at Mr. J. Dawson's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dawson and Miss Margaret Sheppard of . Tor- onto' were week-encl guests, at Mr: Dawson's. Mrs. Duncan MacDonald of St: Helens was a week -end visitor with . Mrs. D. Gillies . Mr. 'and' Mrs. John Patterson: and �� babe of London spent the week -end with Mr. Alfred Pat- terson. Mr. 'and Mrs. James. Forster. visited with relatives at Inver= huron On. Friday. Friday evening, Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Phillips James_ Forster, and Mr.and Mrs: and babe spent the past week R. E. Forster attended the.. pres -': with Mr and Mrs J R. Lint: entation and dance held in No. 11 school, East . Wawanosh for and Mrs. Alex , Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson spent Sunday with" IIr. and Mrs. Forster. Mrs. Harry McQuillin and Mrs. Verna Meyers visited -with Mrs. Ed McQuillin on Thursday. , ' -Mr, and Mrs. Ed McQuillin and Grant spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McQuillin.' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacDonald and Miss Shirley Twamley atten- ded the Mahood -Savage wedding in the Anglican church, Kincar- dine on Saturday, Miss Vivian Fisher is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Eldon Lowry of near , Ripley this week. s , New Size Pictorial Review ..With New Features More interesting than ever! The Pit; torial Review, starting with this Sunday's (August 6) issue of" The Detroit Sunday Times, will be in trevr, handy forth, t4-rth fas- ,! cinating new features—war fea- tures, short story, fun features. a wealth of intriguing attractions! Get the Detroit Sunday Times this Sunday and every . Sunday. for the N,w Size Pictorial Re- I view. KINLOUGH Friends from here attended the funerals during the week of the. infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hodgins, Mrs. James J6hn-4 stone at Kincardine, Mrs. Herb Pettipiece of Langside and Mrs. Jas. Hodgins of, Stratford whose remains were brought to South Kinloss Cemetery. Sympathy 'is extended of the bereaved famil- ies. Mr. Jack Button .from the West is visiting with 'Mr. and Mrs.. John Darr. •. Mrs. Wm. Percy visited recent- ly withn-her sister, Mrs.. Neil 'Mc- Kay, . Glamis. ` • Miss Mary Common of Galt is' a 'guest at the Malcohii. home. Dr. Wm, Malcolm',and his daughter, Mrs. Pierson, returned to New York. . Mr.. and Mrs. '.Bert Wise and John visited, Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Karl Boyle, Glen Wise re- turning to Clinton after spending twoweeks here. • -Mrs. Duncan—MacKenzie -and- Mr. Fred'Boyle returned, to Moose Jaw, Sask., after spending the past month with relatives here. Mr. & Mrs. Willis Lapp, Doug- las and Betty . visited Sunday with Mr.` and I.Mrs. Stanley Craw- ford, Goderich. ' Congratulations to Mr. &. Mrs, Lloyd McNall (nee Mabel John- ston) who were married on Tues- day last. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Muire.. and, Lovell of Olivet, Mrs.- Jack Robb and Mrs. Cliff Robb' visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Harry =Mrs.' (Dr.) ,Quinn, returned missionary, will be the guest speaker at ' the Presbyterianaj_ church 'a week. from. Sundat the 'regular service. Mr. Sam Moulton and Frank of Kingarf visited Sunday. With the 'foriner's sister; Mrs. William Kaake. Mr.. Harold Coursey, Mr. Ar- thur Simpson and Bill and Mr. Dick Neil of Clandeboye visited. Sunday with Mr. _and Mrs. Wes- ley Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pinnel>.. M'r. and Mrs. Glen Pinnell and Bobby spent the week -end with Mr. and 1 Mrs. Mervyn Camenori. .Exeter: T SDAT, AUGUST 3rd, 1944 r. John . Farrish speh le of days.last week at LOQ and ' Woodstock. r. and Mrs: Harold Button' two sons of Dundas are ! a. g•:' at $ruce Beach PRIVATE SALE of Household` fu>rngure' including piano: also 1 wagon, a quantity of new limber,. some spring.wire, 'forks; . shovels, ete.; all, outside' buildings inclutid-.: ing barn. Apply on, premises, Lot 2, Con. 9, Huron Township. •any time up until 'Monday; August e n +•a HOUSE FOR SALE — '6-roomed frame cottage, modern conven- iences andfurnace. Prefer to .sell furnished; including piano, elec-. tric asher, electric `heater, pp.toast r. Call any week day, ex- cepti. g Friday 6 p. to Satur da3r & -p.m Miss R. Woods, Lucknow.. CQMI NG EVENTSr DANCING, A PARAMOUNT Every Friday evening. Car- ruthers' popular' orchestra. Door prize. { CARD OF THANKS AC2. Cliff McNali wishes to thank the Lucknow Fire Com- pany for the pen' he recently re- ceived. It was'much appreciated. The Ladies. (Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion wishes to sin- cerely -thaT_k the. merchants and. all Who in any way assisted in . akng_. thea eq.tertainra nt... a 4, Ju15 26th. such a splendid site - cess. P. SituartMacKen-zie BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Walkerton, Ontario.. IN. LUCK NOW Each Wednesday OFFICE ice_.': THE LEGION` gtILDD G PUPS FOR SALE—Scotch Col= lies, . parents . excellent workers, sired by imported male. Para- mount Kennels, 'Phone •63-r-6, Dungannon. -. Dr. John H. 'White,' B. A, P,hysie'ian �rand . Surgeon "' Will Open A Practise IN : THE JOHNSTON BLOCK LUCKNOW TUESDAY, AUGUST' 1st Telephone 93 INSURANCE SOVEREIGN LIFE CAR, FIRE & CASUALTY Free Advise on all Insurance matters. No . Ohligation Enquiries Welcomed PHILIP S. STEWART 'PHONE $ : " LUCKNOW North American Life.-. A MUTUAL COMPANY A. Grant MacLennan , _4District Representative Ripley, Oa. ,. Phone 28-r-8. F. T. ARMSTRONG ro OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOW FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH FROM 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. AT WM. SCHMID'S STORE ST. HELENS bridge where they will spend • ru in part of their three:: weeks' v aca- Glen is on his et nt t to Hal- ifax where he reports to A R.C..F. r headquarters. . • Mr. Fred Haldenby who was quite ill was moved to Walkerton Hospital His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. . Miss 'Ada Stanley is " nursing P017.- ,Wesley_ Boyle Who. hasm. been ill with .pneuonia. Sunday next is Comrnuno-a i service at the Anglican chthrch at the regular hour. The follow- ing Sunday Canon W. A: To;� r,s- he: ped. r sr --. Health and .e Sickness was - sunject for, the Nu smg Course :,ns n irsdas- night. _ n :--..ttere was 5_ven :, y IMrs, James v�:ssn and she and �. Stuart. u-.-^ o.^_ .ed the ne7aking of a :ped. Sot :re--embers the classoraensed tr _s under e .%1per. yr is-- r. > M.'s ()the. o' t SC w -/. was done w: . Mrs. Star. Mrs. ROn- al d P,.rl .'� el and ': ter_ T F Vii: ° - • hend will be the special speaker.; 1.47 Mr. "and Mrs: Chester B k- *y: rr; was : -.•. -r. .. �Ja. -well and Roy calf in here during the week. i °r.r esi .l,. ' , .: se: . Now Is The Time To Order Your MOLASSES, OIL . CAKE and CONCENTRATES Complete Line Of: ' Mill Feed, Concentrates, • Pure Cod Liver Oil, Remedies for All Diseases in Cattle, Hogs, -and Poultry. Bring ,Your Poultry In Any Day WE PAY TOP PRICES Lorne MacLennan, 'Phone 77-w Mr. and Mrs. 'Viii; Cox. Mrs Mfr .S'..... -, : r.f Cox. Re:'. Bergson Cox. Mrs D --/''J. .. ..',: '141acKenzie and Mr'Fred Br, ; • ' R were visitor's Sada a' 'h M & /= I M -s Jack sr,r,,- e li's't yn 6 rj' � i' i r.. ,i v ' K:.r.ni,n of Tivr•rton are visit - The Kinlol a , sx tees -,f ✓ at, - ,r•e the•ir•grandparents at present. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunter. tion. • Two new telephone lines were installed last week and the pat- rons on Iines 42, 44 and 45 are now on five lines much to the confusion of 'everyone. The 'best 'way to entertain a person is to start him talking about himself and then pretend to listen. - •ASl-HFIELD . NOTES , 'Mr. and M , ' Clifford Vlenary w Luckno• 4 ..nt Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs, Jake Hunter. , Mr. and Mrs. Will Helm ,-'and family spent a day in, C1irttor.re= ee.ntly. "� ''Ti•s'JFan and; Master.lan Mass - Women's .Iii LrJ..Gr. r- .e sr the Pres r)y r: a :- -er i7;01 -i their artr s a.i ..,ser:riffs-,,' ii .. -ray I rneeti.r:g in tya sr ,''':a ; - -.w f:afterno'-n. r'i"-se°''.�.7..; -r'•. f1✓'.i'. ,."s-e'JCiri•Ck. Mrs.rt. : r •i - ` . iii •r I-1-isE.ryrar;' , f -- ..'es f- Yi:. :' 7,---,r. .. IJobs:. Ynd a. J:s_ r.`' ast M M- r. as - dress ! r Qii,r- ,,.: f- .. rw., 1f.c LillyAri ria i -. k.. ...s.' 'r.. !I. ACry ....E (l!', i:.i..l ".....i „ •d'. r' I r g-,--.,-.! t':seg., r.. = set es - f . � - . :' . J L. wRa,/.r• g.a. ' ,se- *. 4/ t : r .+.. -sic S % i' r- es, .' . rr, 4 r.. :Vaster Murray Mcpona gh had t. tr.,- misfortune to cut his foot,. r(-quir(d several stitches • '.,r,';'• . the gash. • Mr Elmer Foran and vIr s. ffrfl ta•r visited Niles. Jake ff'Jr.ver,r,ne= clay utast weeks & :'�Ir.;. Will Hunter, L.-RLs , L✓,rr,a ',p'.nt Sunday with. a ar.'i Mri. Rrihert . Bete at . o' rr r li• s' • g ,'i' ! , know t:' it t'". ins s � i ifse"c r , t, pr -,;re. �"', fast:- Srkr v..,, tl:rfr',tF ..r, -I with • / :' r. ',f E,rr, ,,,rn' tile'.